Example #1
    def from_steep_pair(steep, path):
        Returns an LAC-tree in bijection with the given steep pair. A check is
        performed for validity.
        - ``steep``: a steep path in the 0,1 format
        - ``path``: a Dyck path in the 0,1 format
        An LAC-tree in bijection with this steep pair
        if len(steep) != len(path):
            raise ValueError('Inconsistent sizes of parameters')
        n = len(path) // 2
        a1 = DyckWord(steep).to_area_sequence()
        a2 = DyckWord(path).to_area_sequence()
        for i in range(len(a1)):
            if a1[i] < a2[i]:
                raise ValueError('Incompatible parameters: not nested')
        Tc = DyckWord(path).to_ordered_tree().left_right_symmetry()
        Tc = Tc.canonical_labelling().left_right_symmetry()

        # extract marks from steep, 2 means marked north step
        marks = [True]
        for i in range(1, len(steep)):
            if steep[i] != 0:
                marks.append(0 != steep[i - 1])
        marked = list(path)
        curptr = 0
        for i in range(len(marked)):
            if marked[i] != 0:
                marked[i] = 2 if marks[curptr] else 1
                curptr += 1

        # coloring
        colorlist = [-1 for i in range(n + 2)]
        colorstack = [-1]
        colorptr = 0
        curcolor = -1
        curlabel = 0
        colorlast = {}
        colorcount = {}
        labellist = [x.label() for x in Tc.pre_order_traversal_iter()]
        for x in marked:
            if 2 == x:
                curcolor += 1
                colorptr += 1
                colorstack.insert(colorptr, curcolor)
                curlabel += 1
                colorlist[curlabel] = curcolor
                colorlast[curcolor] = labellist[curlabel]
                colorcount[curcolor] = 1
            elif 1 == x:
                colorptr += 1
                curlabel += 1
                mycolor = colorstack[colorptr]
                colorlist[curlabel] = mycolor
                colorlast[mycolor] = labellist[curlabel]
                colorcount[mycolor] += 1
                colorptr -= 1

        alpha = sorted(colorlast.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
        alpha = list(map(lambda x: colorcount[x[0]], alpha))
        return LACTree(Tc.shape().left_right_symmetry(), alpha)