Example #1
def find_cartan_type_from_matrix(CM):
    Find a Cartan type by direct comparison of matrices given from the
    generalized Cartan matrix ``CM`` and return ``None`` if not found.


    - ``CM`` -- A generalized Cartan matrix


        sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_matrix import find_cartan_type_from_matrix
        sage: M = matrix([[2,-1,-1], [-1,2,-1], [-1,-1,2]])
        sage: find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
        ['A', 2, 1]
        sage: M = matrix([[2,-1,0], [-1,2,-2], [0,-1,2]])
        sage: find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
        ['C', 3]
        sage: M = matrix([[2,-1,-2], [-1,2,-1], [-2,-1,2]])
        sage: find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
    n = CM.ncols()
    # Build the list to test based upon rank
    if n == 1:
        return CartanType(['A', 1])

    test = [['A', n]]
    if n >= 2:
        if n == 2:
            test += [['G',2], ['A',2,2]]
        test += [['B',n], ['A',n-1,1]]
    if n >= 3:
        if n == 3:
            test += [['G',2,1], ['D',4,3]]
        test += [['C',n], ['BC',n-1,2], ['C',n-1,1]]
    if n >= 4:
        if n == 4:
            test += [['F',4], ['G',2,1], ['D',4,3]]
        test += [['D',n], ['B',n-1,1]]
    if n == 5:
        test += [['F',4,1], ['D',n-1,1]]
    elif n == 6:
    elif n == 7:
        test += [['E',7], ['E',6,1]]
    elif n == 8:
        test += [['E',8], ['E',7,1]]
    elif n == 9:

    # Test every possible Cartan type and its dual
    for x in test:
        ct = CartanType(x)
        if ct.cartan_matrix() == CM:
            return ct
        if ct == ct.dual():
        ct = ct.dual()
        if ct.cartan_matrix() == CM:
            return ct
    return None
    def cartan_type(self):
        Returns the Cartan type of the Cartan companion of self.b_matrix()

        Only crystallographic types are implemented

        Warning: this function is redundant but the corresonding method in
        CartanType does not recognize all the types
        A = self.cartan_companion()
        n = self.rk
        degrees_dict = dict(zip(range(n),map(sum,2-A)))
        degrees_set = Set(degrees_dict.values())

        types_to_check = [ ["A",n] ]
        if n > 1:
        if n > 2:
        if n > 3:
        if n >=6 and n <= 8:
        if n == 4:
        if n == 2:
        if n >1:
            types_to_check.append(["A", n-1,1])
            types_to_check.append(["B", n-1,1])
            types_to_check.append(["A", 2*n-2,2])
            types_to_check.append(["A", 2*n-3,2])
        if n>2:
            types_to_check.append(["C", n-1,1])
            types_to_check.append(["D", n,2])
        if n>3:
            types_to_check.append(["D", n-1,1])
        if n >=7 and n <= 9:
        if n == 5:
        if n == 3:
        if n == 5:

        for ct_name in types_to_check:
            ct = CartanType(ct_name)
            if 0 not in ct.index_set():
                ct = ct.relabel(dict(zip(range(1,n+1),range(n))))
            ct_matrix = ct.cartan_matrix()
            ct_degrees_dict = dict(zip(range(n),map(sum,2-ct_matrix)))
            if Set(ct_degrees_dict.values()) != degrees_set:
            for p in Permutations(range(n)):
                relabeling = dict(zip(range(n),p))
                ct_new = ct.relabel(relabeling)
                if ct_new.cartan_matrix() == A:
                    return copy(ct_new)
        raise ValueError("Type not recognized")
Example #3
def find_cartan_type_from_matrix(CM):
    Find a Cartan type by direct comparison of matrices given from the
    generalized Cartan matrix ``CM`` and return ``None`` if not found.


    - ``CM`` -- A generalized Cartan matrix


        sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_matrix import find_cartan_type_from_matrix
        sage: M = matrix([[2,-1,-1], [-1,2,-1], [-1,-1,2]])
        sage: find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
        ['A', 2, 1]
        sage: M = matrix([[2,-1,0], [-1,2,-2], [0,-1,2]])
        sage: find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
        ['C', 3]
        sage: M = matrix([[2,-1,-2], [-1,2,-1], [-2,-1,2]])
        sage: find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
    n = CM.ncols()
    # Build the list to test based upon rank
    if n == 1:
        return CartanType(['A', 1])

    test = [['A', n]]
    if n >= 2:
        if n == 2:
            test += [['G',2], ['A',2,2]]
        test += [['B',n], ['A',n-1,1]]
    if n >= 3:
        if n == 3:
            test += [['G',2,1], ['D',4,3]]
        test += [['C',n], ['BC',n-1,2], ['C',n-1,1]]
    if n >= 4:
        if n == 4:
            test += [['F',4], ['G',2,1], ['D',4,3]]
        test += [['D',n], ['B',n-1,1]]
    if n == 5:
        test += [['F',4,1], ['D',n-1,1]]
    elif n == 6:
    elif n == 7:
        test += [['E',7], ['E',6,1]]
    elif n == 8:
        test += [['E',8], ['E',7,1]]
    elif n == 9:

    # Test every possible Cartan type and its dual
    for x in test:
        ct = CartanType(x)
        if ct.cartan_matrix() == CM:
            return ct
        if ct == ct.dual():
        ct = ct.dual()
        if ct.cartan_matrix() == CM:
            return ct
    return None
    def cartan_type(self):
        Returns the Cartan type of the Cartan companion of self.b_matrix()

        Only crystallographic types are implemented

        Warning: this function is redundant but the corresonding method in
        CartanType does not recognize all the types
        A = self.cartan_companion()
        n = self.rk
        degrees_dict = dict(zip(range(n), map(sum, 2 - A)))
        degrees_set = Set(degrees_dict.values())

        types_to_check = [["A", n]]
        if n > 1:
            types_to_check.append(["B", n])
        if n > 2:
            types_to_check.append(["C", n])
        if n > 3:
            types_to_check.append(["D", n])
        if n >= 6 and n <= 8:
            types_to_check.append(["E", n])
        if n == 4:
            types_to_check.append(["F", n])
        if n == 2:
            types_to_check.append(["G", n])
        if n > 1:
            types_to_check.append(["A", n - 1, 1])
            types_to_check.append(["B", n - 1, 1])
            types_to_check.append(["BC", n - 1, 2])
            types_to_check.append(["A", 2 * n - 2, 2])
            types_to_check.append(["A", 2 * n - 3, 2])
        if n > 2:
            types_to_check.append(["C", n - 1, 1])
            types_to_check.append(["D", n, 2])
        if n > 3:
            types_to_check.append(["D", n - 1, 1])
        if n >= 7 and n <= 9:
            types_to_check.append(["E", n - 1, 1])
        if n == 5:
            types_to_check.append(["F", 4, 1])
        if n == 3:
            types_to_check.append(["G", n - 1, 1])
            types_to_check.append(["D", 4, 3])
        if n == 5:
            types_to_check.append(["E", 6, 2])

        for ct_name in types_to_check:
            ct = CartanType(ct_name)
            if 0 not in ct.index_set():
                ct = ct.relabel(dict(zip(range(1, n + 1), range(n))))
            ct_matrix = ct.cartan_matrix()
            ct_degrees_dict = dict(zip(range(n), map(sum, 2 - ct_matrix)))
            if Set(ct_degrees_dict.values()) != degrees_set:
            for p in Permutations(range(n)):
                relabeling = dict(zip(range(n), p))
                ct_new = ct.relabel(relabeling)
                if ct_new.cartan_matrix() == A:
                    return copy(ct_new)
        raise ValueError("Type not recognized")