Example #1
        def generating_series(self):
            Default implementation for generating series.


            A series, indexed by the grading set.


                sage: N = SetsWithGrading().example(); N
                Non negative integers
                sage: N.generating_series()
                1/(-z + 1)
            from sage.combinat.species.series import LazyPowerSeriesRing
            from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
            R = LazyPowerSeriesRing(ZZ)
                for grade in self.grading_set())
        def q_dimension(self, q=None, prec=None, use_product=False):
            Return the `q`-dimension of ``self``.

            Let `B(\lambda)` denote a highest weight crystal. Recall that
            the degree of the `\mu`-weight space of `B(\lambda)` (under
            the principal gradation) is equal to
            `\langle \rho^{\vee}, \lambda - \mu \rangle` where
            `\langle \rho^{\vee}, \alpha_i \rangle = 1` for all `i \in I`
            (in particular, take `\rho^{\vee} = \sum_{i \in I} h_i`).

            The `q`-dimension of a highest weight crystal `B(\lambda)` is
            defined as

            .. MATH::

                \dim_q B(\lambda) := \sum_{j \geq 0} \dim(B_j) q^j,

            where `B_j` denotes the degree `j` portion of `B(\lambda)`. This
            can be expressed as the product

            .. MATH::

                \dim_q B(\lambda) = \prod_{\alpha^{\vee} \in \Delta_+^{\vee}}
                \left( \frac{1 - q^{\langle \lambda + \rho, \alpha^{\vee}
                \rangle}}{1 - q^{\langle \rho, \alpha^{\vee} \rangle}}
                \right)^{\mathrm{mult}\, \alpha},

            where `\Delta_+^{\vee}` denotes the set of positive coroots.
            Taking the limit as `q \to 1` gives the dimension of `B(\lambda)`.
            For more information, see [Kac]_ Section 10.10.


            - ``q`` -- the (generic) parameter `q`

            - ``prec`` -- (default: ``None``) The precision of the power
              series ring to use if the crystal is not known to be finite
              (i.e. the number of terms returned).
              If ``None``, then the result is returned as a lazy power series.

            - ``use_product`` -- (default: ``False``) if we have a finite
              crystal and ``True``, use the product formula


                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
                sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
                q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
                sage: qdim(1)
                sage: len(C) == qdim(1)
                sage: C.q_dimension(use_product=True) == qdim
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=20)
                q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=2)
                2*q + 1

                sage: R.<t> = QQ[]
                sage: C.q_dimension(q=t^2)
                t^8 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^2 + 1

                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[5,2])
                sage: C.q_dimension()
                q^10 + 2*q^9 + 4*q^8 + 5*q^7 + 6*q^6 + 6*q^5
                 + 6*q^4 + 5*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1

                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['B',2], shape=[2,1])
                sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
                q^10 + 2*q^9 + 3*q^8 + 4*q^7 + 5*q^6 + 5*q^5
                 + 5*q^4 + 4*q^3 + 3*q^2 + 2*q + 1
                sage: qdim == C.q_dimension(use_product=True)

                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',4], shape=[2,1])
                sage: C.q_dimension()
                q^16 + 2*q^15 + 4*q^14 + 7*q^13 + 10*q^12 + 13*q^11
                 + 16*q^10 + 18*q^9 + 18*q^8 + 18*q^7 + 16*q^6 + 13*q^5
                 + 10*q^4 + 7*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1

            We check with a finite tensor product::

                sage: TP = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C)
                sage: TP.cardinality()
                sage: qdim = TP.q_dimension(use_product=True); qdim # long time
                q^32 + 2*q^31 + 8*q^30 + 15*q^29 + 34*q^28 + 63*q^27 + 110*q^26
                 + 175*q^25 + 276*q^24 + 389*q^23 + 550*q^22 + 725*q^21
                 + 930*q^20 + 1131*q^19 + 1362*q^18 + 1548*q^17 + 1736*q^16
                 + 1858*q^15 + 1947*q^14 + 1944*q^13 + 1918*q^12 + 1777*q^11
                 + 1628*q^10 + 1407*q^9 + 1186*q^8 + 928*q^7 + 720*q^6
                 + 498*q^5 + 342*q^4 + 201*q^3 + 117*q^2 + 48*q + 26
                sage: qdim(1) # long time
                sage: TP.q_dimension() == qdim # long time

            The `q`-dimensions of infinite crystals are returned
            as formal power series::

                sage: C = crystals.LSPaths(['A',2,1], [1,0,0])
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=5)
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + O(q^5)
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=10)
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
                 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + O(q^10)
                sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
                 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + 22*q^10 + O(x^11)
                sage: qdim.compute_coefficients(15)
                sage: qdim
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
                 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + 22*q^10 + 27*q^11
                 + 36*q^12 + 44*q^13 + 57*q^14 + 70*q^15 + O(x^16)


            .. [Kac] Victor G. Kac. *Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras*.
               Third edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.
            from sage.rings.all import ZZ
            WLR = self.weight_lattice_realization()
            I = self.index_set()
            mg = self.highest_weight_vectors()
            max_deg = float('inf') if prec is None else prec - 1

            def iter_by_deg(gens):
                next = set(gens)
                deg = -1
                while next and deg < max_deg:
                    deg += 1
                    yield len(next)
                    todo = next
                    next = set([])
                    while todo:
                        x = todo.pop()
                        for i in I:
                            y = x.f(i)
                            if y is not None:
                # def iter_by_deg

            from sage.categories.finite_crystals import FiniteCrystals
            if self in FiniteCrystals():
                if q is None:
                    from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
                    q = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'q').gen(0)

                if use_product:
                    # Since we are in the classical case, all roots occur with multiplicity 1
                    pos_coroots = map(lambda x: x.associated_coroot(), WLR.positive_roots())
                    rho = WLR.rho()
                    P = q.parent()
                    ret = P.zero()
                    for v in self.highest_weight_vectors():
                        hw = v.weight()
                        ret += P.prod((1 - q**(rho+hw).scalar(ac)) / (1 - q**rho.scalar(ac))
                                      for ac in pos_coroots)
                    # We do a cast since the result would otherwise live in the fraction field
                    return P(ret)

            elif prec is None:
                # If we're here, we may not be a finite crystal.
                # In fact, we're probably infinite.
                from sage.combinat.species.series import LazyPowerSeriesRing
                if q is None:
                    P = LazyPowerSeriesRing(ZZ, names='q')
                    P = q.parent()
                if not isinstance(P, LazyPowerSeriesRing):
                    raise TypeError("the parent of q must be a lazy power series ring")
                ret = P(iter_by_deg(mg))
                return ret

            from sage.rings.power_series_ring import PowerSeriesRing, PowerSeriesRing_generic
            if q is None:
                q = PowerSeriesRing(ZZ, 'q', default_prec=prec).gen(0)
            P = q.parent()
            ret = P.sum(c * q**deg for deg,c in enumerate(iter_by_deg(mg)))
            if ret.degree() == max_deg and isinstance(P, PowerSeriesRing_generic):
                ret = P(ret, prec)
            return ret
Example #3
        def q_dimension(self, q=None, prec=None, use_product=False):
            Return the `q`-dimension of ``self``.

            Let `B(\lambda)` denote a highest weight crystal. Recall that
            the degree of the `\mu`-weight space of `B(\lambda)` (under
            the principal gradation) is equal to
            `\langle \rho^{\vee}, \lambda - \mu \rangle` where
            `\langle \rho^{\vee}, \alpha_i \rangle = 1` for all `i \in I`
            (in particular, take `\rho^{\vee} = \sum_{i \in I} h_i`).

            The `q`-dimension of a highest weight crystal `B(\lambda)` is
            defined as

            .. MATH::

                \dim_q B(\lambda) := \sum_{j \geq 0} \dim(B_j) q^j,

            where `B_j` denotes the degree `j` portion of `B(\lambda)`. This
            can be expressed as the product

            .. MATH::

                \dim_q B(\lambda) = \prod_{\alpha^{\vee} \in \Delta_+^{\vee}}
                \left( \frac{1 - q^{\langle \lambda + \rho, \alpha^{\vee}
                \rangle}}{1 - q^{\langle \rho, \alpha^{\vee} \rangle}}
                \right)^{\mathrm{mult}\, \alpha},

            where `\Delta_+^{\vee}` denotes the set of positive coroots.
            Taking the limit as `q \to 1` gives the dimension of `B(\lambda)`.
            For more information, see [Ka1990]_ Section 10.10.


            - ``q`` -- the (generic) parameter `q`

            - ``prec`` -- (default: ``None``) The precision of the power
              series ring to use if the crystal is not known to be finite
              (i.e. the number of terms returned).
              If ``None``, then the result is returned as a lazy power series.

            - ``use_product`` -- (default: ``False``) if we have a finite
              crystal and ``True``, use the product formula


                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
                sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
                q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
                sage: qdim(1)
                sage: len(C) == qdim(1)
                sage: C.q_dimension(use_product=True) == qdim
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=20)
                q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=2)
                2*q + 1

                sage: R.<t> = QQ[]
                sage: C.q_dimension(q=t^2)
                t^8 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^2 + 1

                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[5,2])
                sage: C.q_dimension()
                q^10 + 2*q^9 + 4*q^8 + 5*q^7 + 6*q^6 + 6*q^5
                 + 6*q^4 + 5*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1

                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['B',2], shape=[2,1])
                sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
                q^10 + 2*q^9 + 3*q^8 + 4*q^7 + 5*q^6 + 5*q^5
                 + 5*q^4 + 4*q^3 + 3*q^2 + 2*q + 1
                sage: qdim == C.q_dimension(use_product=True)

                sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',4], shape=[2,1])
                sage: C.q_dimension()
                q^16 + 2*q^15 + 4*q^14 + 7*q^13 + 10*q^12 + 13*q^11
                 + 16*q^10 + 18*q^9 + 18*q^8 + 18*q^7 + 16*q^6 + 13*q^5
                 + 10*q^4 + 7*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1

            We check with a finite tensor product::

                sage: TP = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C)
                sage: TP.cardinality()
                sage: qdim = TP.q_dimension(use_product=True); qdim # long time
                q^32 + 2*q^31 + 8*q^30 + 15*q^29 + 34*q^28 + 63*q^27 + 110*q^26
                 + 175*q^25 + 276*q^24 + 389*q^23 + 550*q^22 + 725*q^21
                 + 930*q^20 + 1131*q^19 + 1362*q^18 + 1548*q^17 + 1736*q^16
                 + 1858*q^15 + 1947*q^14 + 1944*q^13 + 1918*q^12 + 1777*q^11
                 + 1628*q^10 + 1407*q^9 + 1186*q^8 + 928*q^7 + 720*q^6
                 + 498*q^5 + 342*q^4 + 201*q^3 + 117*q^2 + 48*q + 26
                sage: qdim(1) # long time
                sage: TP.q_dimension() == qdim # long time

            The `q`-dimensions of infinite crystals are returned
            as formal power series::

                sage: C = crystals.LSPaths(['A',2,1], [1,0,0])
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=5)
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + O(q^5)
                sage: C.q_dimension(prec=10)
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
                 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + O(q^10)
                sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
                 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + 22*q^10 + O(x^11)
                sage: qdim.compute_coefficients(15)
                sage: qdim
                1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
                 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + 22*q^10 + 27*q^11
                 + 36*q^12 + 44*q^13 + 57*q^14 + 70*q^15 + O(x^16)

            from sage.rings.all import ZZ
            WLR = self.weight_lattice_realization()
            I = self.index_set()
            mg = self.highest_weight_vectors()
            max_deg = float('inf') if prec is None else prec - 1

            def iter_by_deg(gens):
                next = set(gens)
                deg = -1
                while next and deg < max_deg:
                    deg += 1
                    yield len(next)
                    todo = next
                    next = set([])
                    while todo:
                        x = todo.pop()
                        for i in I:
                            y = x.f(i)
                            if y is not None:
                # def iter_by_deg

            from sage.categories.finite_crystals import FiniteCrystals
            if self in FiniteCrystals():
                if q is None:
                    from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
                    q = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'q').gen(0)

                if use_product:
                    # Since we are in the classical case, all roots occur with multiplicity 1
                    pos_coroots = [
                        x.associated_coroot() for x in WLR.positive_roots()
                    rho = WLR.rho()
                    P = q.parent()
                    ret = P.zero()
                    for v in self.highest_weight_vectors():
                        hw = v.weight()
                        ret += P.prod((1 - q**(rho + hw).scalar(ac)) /
                                      (1 - q**rho.scalar(ac))
                                      for ac in pos_coroots)
                    # We do a cast since the result would otherwise live in the fraction field
                    return P(ret)

            elif prec is None:
                # If we're here, we may not be a finite crystal.
                # In fact, we're probably infinite.
                from sage.combinat.species.series import LazyPowerSeriesRing
                if q is None:
                    P = LazyPowerSeriesRing(ZZ, names='q')
                    P = q.parent()
                if not isinstance(P, LazyPowerSeriesRing):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "the parent of q must be a lazy power series ring")
                ret = P(iter_by_deg(mg))
                return ret

            from sage.rings.power_series_ring import PowerSeriesRing, PowerSeriesRing_generic
            if q is None:
                q = PowerSeriesRing(ZZ, 'q', default_prec=prec).gen(0)
            P = q.parent()
            ret = P.sum(c * q**deg for deg, c in enumerate(iter_by_deg(mg)))
            if ret.degree() == max_deg and isinstance(P,
                ret = P(ret, prec)
            return ret