Example #1
def external_ray(theta, **kwds):
    Draws the external ray(s) of a given angle (or list of angles)
    by connecting a finite number of points that were approximated using
    Newton's method. The algorithm used is described in a paper by
    Tomoki Kawahira.




    - ``theta`` -- double or list of doubles, angles between 0 and 1 inclusive.


    - ``image`` -- 24-bit RGB image (optional - default: None) user specified
      image of Mandelbrot set.

    - ``D`` -- long (optional - default: ``25``) depth of the approximation.
      As ``D`` increases, the external ray gets closer to the boundary of the
      Mandelbrot set. If the ray doesn't reach the boundary of the Mandelbrot
      set, increase ``D``.

    - ``S`` -- long (optional - default: ``10``) sharpness of the approximation.
      Adjusts the number of points used to approximate the external ray (number
      of points is equal to ``S*D``). If ray looks jagged, increase ``S``.

    - ``R`` -- long (optional - default: ``100``) radial parameter. If ``R`` is
      large, the external ray reaches sufficiently close to infinity. If ``R`` is
      too small, Newton's method may not converge to the correct ray.

    - ``prec`` -- long (optional - default: ``300``) specifies the bits of
      precision used by the Complex Field when using Newton's method to compute
      points on the external ray.

    - ``ray_color`` -- RGB color (optional - default: ``[255, 255, 255]``) color
      of the external ray(s).


    24-bit RGB image of external ray(s) on the Mandelbrot set.


        sage: external_ray(1/3)
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


        sage: external_ray(0.6, ray_color=[255, 0, 0])
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


        sage: external_ray([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7])
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


        sage: external_ray([i/5 for i in range(1,5)])
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


    If you are passing in an image, make sure you specify
    which parameters to use when drawing the external ray.
    For example, the following is incorrect::

        sage: M = mandelbrot_plot(x_center=0)  # not tested
        sage: external_ray(5/7, image=M)       # not tested
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image

    To get the correct external ray, we adjust our parameters::

        sage: M = mandelbrot_plot(x_center=0)
        sage: external_ray(5/7, x_center=0, image=M)
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image

    .. TODO::

        The ``copy()`` function for bitmap images needs to be implemented
        in Sage.
    x_0 = kwds.get("x_center", -1)
    y_0 = kwds.get("y_center", 0)
    plot_width = kwds.get("image_width", 4)
    pixel_width = kwds.get("pixel_count", 500)
    depth = kwds.get("D", 25)
    sharpness = kwds.get("S", 10)
    radial_parameter = kwds.get("R", 100)
    precision = kwds.get("prec", 300)
    precision = max(precision, -logb(pixel_width * 0.001, 2).round() + 10)
    ray_color = kwds.get("ray_color", [255] * 3)
    image = kwds.get("image", None)
    if image is None:
        image = mandelbrot_plot(x_center=x_0, **kwds)

    # Make a copy of the bitmap image.
    old_pixel = image.pixels()
    M = Image('RGB', (pixel_width, pixel_width))
    pixel = M.pixels()
    for i in range(pixel_width):
        for j in range(pixel_width):
            pixel[i, j] = old_pixel[i, j]

    # Make sure that theta is a list so loop below works
    if type(theta) != list:
        theta = [theta]

    # Check if theta is in the interval [0,1]
    for angle in theta:
        if angle < 0 or angle > 1:
            raise ValueError("values for theta must be in "
                             "the closed interval [0,1].")

    # Loop through each value for theta in list and plot the external ray.
    for angle in theta:
        E = fast_external_ray(angle,

        # Convert points to pixel coordinates.
        pixel_list = convert_to_pixels(E, x_0, y_0, plot_width, pixel_width)

        # Find the pixels between points in pixel_list.
        extra_points = []
        for i in range(len(pixel_list) - 1):
            if min(pixel_list[i + 1]) >= 0 and max(
                    pixel_list[i + 1]) < pixel_width:
                for j in get_line(pixel_list[i], pixel_list[i + 1]):

        # Add these points to pixel_list to fill in gaps in the ray.
        pixel_list += extra_points

        # Remove duplicates from list.
        pixel_list = list(set(pixel_list))

        # Check if point is in window and if it is, plot it on the image to
        # create an external ray.
        for k in pixel_list:
            if max(k) < pixel_width and min(k) >= 0:
                pixel[int(k[0]), int(k[1])] = tuple(ray_color)
    return M
Example #2
newM = M

while(newM>_sage_const_2 **(sizeofN/_sage_const_4 )):
  ord_factors = dict(factor(order))
  fact_reversed = list(reversed(sorted(ord_factors.keys())))
  max_cost = _sage_const_0 ; value_of_i = _sage_const_0 ; actual_max_cost = _sage_const_1 
  for i in fact_reversed:
    for k in range(_sage_const_1 ,_sage_const_2 ):
      ord1 = order/(i**k)
      cost = _sage_const_1  ; actual_cost = _sage_const_1 
      for j in factor(M):
        g1 = Mod(_sage_const_65537 ,j[_sage_const_0 ])
        if((g1.multiplicative_order()%(i**k))==_sage_const_0 ):
          cost *= j[_sage_const_0 ]
          actual_cost *= j[_sage_const_0 ]
      cost = float(RDF(logb(i**k,cost)))
        max_cost = cost
        actual_max_cost = actual_cost
        value_of_i = i**k
  newM = newM/actual_max_cost
  order = order/value_of_i
  if(logb(newM,_sage_const_2 ) < sizeofN/_sage_const_4 ):
    newM = newM*actual_max_cost
    order = order*value_of_i

print 'M : ',M,factor(M)
g = Mod(_sage_const_65537 ,M)
print 'ord : ',g.multiplicative_order(),factor(g.multiplicative_order())
Example #3
def external_ray(theta, **kwds):
    Draws the external ray(s) of a given angle (or list of angles)
    by connecting a finite number of points that were approximated using
    Newton's method. The algorithm used is described in a paper by
    Tomoki Kawahira.




    - ``theta`` -- double or list of doubles, angles between 0 and 1 inclusive.


    - ``image`` -- 24-bit RGB image (optional - default: None) user specified
      image of Mandelbrot set.

    - ``D`` -- long (optional - default: ``25``) depth of the approximation.
      As ``D`` increases, the external ray gets closer to the boundary of
      the Mandelbrot set. If the ray doesn't reach the boundary of
      the Mandelbrot set, increase ``D``.

    - ``S`` -- long (optional - default: ``10``) sharpness of the
      approximation. Adjusts the number of points used to approximate
      the external ray (number of points is equal to ``S*D``). If ray looks
      jagged, increase ``S``.

    - ``R`` -- long (optional - default: ``100``) radial parameter.
      If ``R`` is large, the external ray reaches sufficiently close to
      infinity. If ``R`` is too small, Newton's method may not converge
      to the correct ray.

    - ``prec`` -- long (optional - default: ``300``) specifies the bits
      of precision used by the Complex Field when using Newton's method to
      compute points on the external ray.

    - ``ray_color`` -- RGB color (optional - default: ``[255, 255, 255]``)
      color of the external ray(s).


    24-bit RGB image of external ray(s) on the Mandelbrot set.


        sage: external_ray(1/3)
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


        sage: external_ray(0.6, ray_color=[255, 0, 0])
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


        sage: external_ray([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7])
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


        sage: external_ray([i/5 for i in range(1,5)])
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image


    If you are passing in an image, make sure you specify
    which parameters to use when drawing the external ray.
    For example, the following is incorrect::

        sage: M = mandelbrot_plot(x_center=0)  # not tested
        sage: external_ray(5/7, image=M)       # not tested
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image

    To get the correct external ray, we adjust our parameters::

        sage: M = mandelbrot_plot(x_center=0)
        sage: external_ray(5/7, x_center=0, image=M)
        500x500px 24-bit RGB image

    .. TODO::

        The ``copy()`` function for bitmap images needs to be implemented
        in Sage.
    x_0 = kwds.get("x_center", -1)
    y_0 = kwds.get("y_center", 0)
    plot_width = kwds.get("image_width", 4)
    pixel_width = kwds.get("pixel_count", 500)
    depth = kwds.get("D", 25)
    sharpness = kwds.get("S", 10)
    radial_parameter = kwds.get("R", 100)
    precision = kwds.get("prec", 300)
    ray_color = kwds.get("ray_color", [255] * 3)
    image = kwds.get("image", None)
    if image is None:
        image = mandelbrot_plot(x_center=x_0,

    precision = max(precision, -logb(pixel_width * 0.001, 2).round() + 10)

    # Make a copy of the bitmap image.
    # M = copy(image)
    old_pixel = image.pixels()
    M = Image('RGB', (pixel_width, pixel_width))
    pixel = M.pixels()
    for i in range(pixel_width):
        for j in range(pixel_width):
            pixel[i, j] = old_pixel[i, j]

    # Make sure that theta is a list so loop below works
    if type(theta) != list:
        theta = [theta]

    # Check if theta is in the interval [0,1]
    for angle in theta:
        if angle < 0 or angle > 1:
            raise ValueError("values for theta must be in "
                             "the closed interval [0,1].")

    # Loop through each value for theta in list and plot the external ray.
    for angle in theta:
        E = fast_external_ray(angle, D=depth, S=sharpness, R=radial_parameter,
                              prec=precision, image_width=plot_width,

        # Convert points to pixel coordinates.
        pixel_list = convert_to_pixels(E, x_0, y_0, plot_width, pixel_width)

        # Find the pixels between points in pixel_list.
        extra_points = []
        for i in range(len(pixel_list) - 1):
            if min(pixel_list[i + 1]) >= 0 and max(pixel_list[i + 1]) < pixel_width:
                for j in get_line(pixel_list[i], pixel_list[i + 1]):

        # Add these points to pixel_list to fill in gaps in the ray.
        pixel_list += extra_points

        # Remove duplicates from list.
        pixel_list = list(set(pixel_list))

        # Check if point is in window and if it is, plot it on the image to
        # create an external ray.
        for k in pixel_list:
            if max(k) < pixel_width and min(k) >= 0:
                pixel[int(k[0]), int(k[1])] = tuple(ray_color)
    return M