def __classcall_private__(self, t, max_value=None, parent=None):
        Assign the correct parent for ``t`` and call ``t`` as an element of that parent


            sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.fully_commutative_stable_grothendieck import DecreasingHeckeFactorization
            sage: h1 = DecreasingHeckeFactorization([[3, 1], [], [3, 2]])
            sage: h1.parent()
            Fully commutative stable Grothendieck crystal of type A_2 associated to [1, 3, 2] with excess 1
            sage: h2 = DecreasingHeckeFactorization(h1)
            sage: h1 == h2

            sage: h1 = DecreasingHeckeFactorization([[3, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1]])
            sage: F = h1.parent(); F
            Decreasing Hecke factorizations with 3 factors associated to [1, 3, 2, 1] with excess 2
            sage: h2 = F(h1)
            sage: h1 == h2


            sage: DecreasingHeckeFactorization([[]])
        if isinstance(t, DecreasingHeckeFactorization):
            u = t.value
            if parent is None:
                parent = t.parent()
            u = t
            if parent is None:
                if max_value is None:
                    letters = [x for factor in t for x in factor]
                    max_value = max(letters) if letters else 1
                from sage.monoids.hecke_monoid import HeckeMonoid
                S = SymmetricGroup(max_value + 1)
                H = HeckeMonoid(S)
                word = H.from_reduced_word(x for factor in t
                                           for x in factor).reduced_word()
                factors = len(t)
                excess = sum(len(l) for l in t) - len(word)

                p = permutation.from_reduced_word(word)
                if p.has_pattern([3, 2, 1]):
                    word = S.from_reduced_word(word)
                    parent = DecreasingHeckeFactorizations(
                        word, factors, excess)
                    word = S.from_reduced_word(word)
                    parent = FullyCommutativeStableGrothendieckCrystal(
                        word, factors, excess)
        return parent.element_class(parent, u)
Example #2
def _generate_decreasing_hecke_factorizations(w,
    Generate all decreasing factorizations of word ``w`` in a 0-Hecke monoid
    with fixed excess and number of factors.


    - ``w`` -- a reduced word, expressed as an iterable

    - ``factors`` -- number of factors for each decreasing factorization

    - ``ex`` -- number of extra letters in each decreasing factorizations

    - ``weight`` -- (default: None) if None, returns all possible decreasing
                    factorizations, otherwise return all those with the
                    specified weight


        sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.fully_commutative_stable_grothendieck import _generate_decreasing_hecke_factorizations
        sage: _generate_decreasing_hecke_factorizations([1, 2, 1], 3, 1)
        [()(2, 1)(2, 1),
         (2)(1)(2, 1),
         (1)(2)(2, 1),
         (1)(1)(2, 1),
         (2, 1)()(2, 1),
         (2)(2, 1)(2),
         (1)(2, 1)(2),
         (1)(2, 1)(1),
         (2, 1)(2)(2),
         (2, 1)(2)(1),
         (2, 1)(1)(2),
         (2, 1)(2, 1)()]

        sage: _generate_decreasing_hecke_factorizations([1, 2, 1], 3, 1, weight=[1, 1, 2])
        [(2, 1)(2)(2), (2, 1)(2)(1), (2, 1)(1)(2)]
    if parent is None:
        max_value = max(w) if w else 1
        S = SymmetricGroup(max_value + 1)
        v = S.from_reduced_word(w)
        parent = DecreasingHeckeFactorizations(v, factors, ex)

    _canonical_word = lambda w, ex: [list(w)[0]] * ex + list(w)
    wt = lambda t: [len(factor) for factor in reversed(t)]

    L = _list_equivalent_words(_canonical_word(w, ex))
    Factors = []
    for word in L:
        F = _list_all_decreasing_runs(word, factors)
        for f in F:
            t = [[word[j] for j in range(len(word)) if f[j] == i]
                 for i in range(factors, 0, -1)]
            if weight is None or weight == wt(t):
                Factors.append(parent.element_class(parent, t))
    return sorted(Factors, reverse=True)
Example #3
def _lowest_weights(w, factors, ex, parent=None):
    Generate all decreasing factorizations in the 0-Hecke monoid that correspond
    to some valid semistandard Young tableaux.

    The semistandard Young tableaux should have at most ``factors`` columns and their
    column reading words should be equivalent to ``w`` in a 0-Hecke monoid.


    - ``w`` -- a fully commutative reduced word, expressed as an iterable

    - ``factors`` -- number of factors for each decreasing factorization

    - ``ex`` -- number of extra letters in each decreasing factorizations

    - ``parent`` -- (default: None) parent of the decreasing factorizations, automatically assigned if it is None


        sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.fully_commutative_stable_grothendieck import _lowest_weights
        sage: _lowest_weights([1, 2, 1], 3, 1)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: the word w should be fully commutative

        sage: _lowest_weights([2, 1, 3, 2], 4, 3)
        [(2, 1)(3, 1)(3, 1)(2), (2, 1)(3, 1)(3, 2)(2)]

        sage: _lowest_weights([2, 1, 3, 2], 5, 3)
        [(2, 1)(3, 1)(3, 1)(2)(),
         (2, 1)(3, 1)(3, 2)(2)(),
         (2, 1)(3, 1)(1)(1)(2),
         (2, 1)(3, 1)(1)(2)(2),
         (2, 1)(3, 1)(2)(2)(2),
         (2, 1)(3, 2)(2)(2)(2)]

        sage: _lowest_weights([1, 3], 3, 1)
        [(3, 1)(1)(), (3, 1)(3)(), (1)(1)(3), (1)(3)(3)]

        sage: _lowest_weights([3, 2, 1], 5, 2)
        [(3, 2, 1)(1)(1)()()]
    p = permutation.from_reduced_word(w)
    if p.has_pattern([3, 2, 1]):
        raise ValueError("the word w should be fully commutative")
    if parent is None:
        k = max(w)
        S = SymmetricGroup(k + 1)
        word = S.from_reduced_word(w)
        parent = FullyCommutativeStableGrothendieckCrystal(word, factors, ex)

    _canonical_word = lambda w, ex: [list(w)[0]] * ex + list(w)
    L = _list_equivalent_words(_canonical_word(w, ex))

    M = []
    for v in L:
        if _is_valid_column_word(v, factors):
            J = [0] + _jumps(v) + [len(v)]
            t = [v[J[i]:J[i + 1]] for i in range(len(J) - 1)]
            if len(J) < factors + 1:
                t += [()] * (factors + 1 - len(J))
            M.append(parent.element_class(parent, t))
    return sorted(M)