Example #1
def latte_generating_series(L, M=None):

        sage: from surface_dynamics.misc.multiplicative_multivariate_generating_series import latte_generating_series
        sage: ieqs = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
        sage: eqns = [[0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0]]
        sage: L = Polyhedron(ieqs=ieqs, eqns=eqns)
        sage: latte_generating_series(L)   # optional - latte_int
        (1)/((1 - x2^-1*x4*x5)*(1 - x2*x3)*(1 - x1*x2)*(1 - x0)) + (1)/((1 - x3*x4*x5)*(1 - x2*x4^-1*x5^-1)*(1 - x1*x4*x5)*(1 - x0))
    if M is None:
        M = MultiplicativeMultivariateGeneratingSeriesRing(
            'x', L.ambient_dim())
        from sage.interfaces.latte import count
    except ImportError:
        from sage.version import version
        raise ValueError(
            'your Sage version is too old ({}) to use this function'.format(
    ans = count(L.cdd_Hrepresentation(),
    return parse_latte_generating_series(M, ans)
def latte_generating_series(L, M=None):

        sage: from surface_dynamics.misc.multivariate_generating_series import latte_generating_series
        sage: ieqs = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
        ....:         [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
        sage: eqns = [[0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0]]
        sage: L = Polyhedron(ieqs=ieqs, eqns=eqns)
        sage: latte_generating_series(L)   # optional - latte_int
        (1)/((1 - x2^-1*x4*x5)*(1 - x2*x3)*(1 - x1*x2)*(1 - x0)) + (1)/((1 - x3*x4*x5)*(1 - x2*x4^-1*x5^-1)*(1 - x1*x4*x5)*(1 - x0))
    if M is None:
        M = MultivariateGeneratingSeriesRing('x', L.ambient_dim())
        from sage.interfaces.latte import count
    except ImportError:
        from sage.version import version
        raise ValueError('your Sage version is too old ({}) to use this function'.format(version))
    ans = count(L.cdd_Hrepresentation(), cdd=True, multivariate_generating_function=True, raw_output=True)
    return parse_latte_generating_series(M, ans)
Example #3
    def _ehrhart_polynomial_latte(self,
        Return the Ehrhart polynomial of this polyhedron using LattE integrale.

        Let `P` be a lattice polytope in `\RR^d` and define `L(P,t) = \# (tP
        \cap \ZZ^d)`. Then E. Ehrhart proved in 1962 that `L` coincides with a
        rational polynomial of degree `d` for integer `t`. `L` is called the
        *Ehrhart polynomial* of `P`. For more information see the


        - ``verbose`` - boolean (default: ``False``); if ``True``, print the
          whole output of the LattE command.

        The following options are passed to the LattE command, for details you
        should consult `the LattE documentation

        - ``dual`` - boolean; triangulate and signed-decompose in the dual

        - ``irrational_primal`` - boolean; triangulate in the dual space,
          signed-decompose in the primal space using irrationalization.

        - ``irrational_all_primal`` - boolean; triangulate and signed-decompose
          in the primal space using irrationalization.

        - ``maxdet`` -- integer; decompose down to an index (determinant) of
          ``maxdet`` instead of index 1 (unimodular cones).

        - ``no_decomposition`` -- boolean; do not signed-decompose simplicial cones.

        - ``compute_vertex_cones`` -- string; either 'cdd' or 'lrs' or '4ti2'

        - ``smith_form`` -- string; either 'ilio' or 'lidia'

        - ``dualization`` -- string; either 'cdd' or '4ti2'

        - ``triangulation`` - string; 'cddlib', '4ti2' or 'topcom'

        - ``triangulation_max_height`` - integer; use a uniform distribution of
          height from 1 to this number

        .. NOTE::

            Any additional argument is forwarded to LattE's executable
            ``count``. All occurrences of '_' will be replaced with a '-'.


        This method calls the program ``count`` from LattE integrale, a program
        for lattice point enumeration (see

        .. SEEALSO::

            :mod:`~sage.interfaces.latte` the interface to LattE integrale


            sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,0,0),(3,3,3),(-3,2,1),(1,-1,-2)])
            sage: p = P._ehrhart_polynomial_latte()    # optional - latte_int
            sage: p                                    # optional - latte_int
            7/2*t^3 + 2*t^2 - 1/2*t + 1
            sage: p(1)                                 # optional - latte_int
            sage: len(P.integral_points())             # optional - latte_int
            sage: p(2)                                 # optional - latte_int
            sage: len((2*P).integral_points())         # optional - latte_int

        The unit hypercubes::

            sage: from itertools import product
            sage: def hypercube(d):
            ....:     return Polyhedron(vertices=list(product([0,1],repeat=d)))
            sage: hypercube(3)._ehrhart_polynomial_latte()   # optional - latte_int
            t^3 + 3*t^2 + 3*t + 1
            sage: hypercube(4)._ehrhart_polynomial_latte()   # optional - latte_int
            t^4 + 4*t^3 + 6*t^2 + 4*t + 1
            sage: hypercube(5)._ehrhart_polynomial_latte()   # optional - latte_int
            t^5 + 5*t^4 + 10*t^3 + 10*t^2 + 5*t + 1
            sage: hypercube(6)._ehrhart_polynomial_latte()   # optional - latte_int
            t^6 + 6*t^5 + 15*t^4 + 20*t^3 + 15*t^2 + 6*t + 1


        Test options::

            sage: P = Polyhedron(ieqs=[[1,-1,1,0], [-1,2,-1,0], [1,1,-2,0]], eqns=[[-1,2,-1,-3]], base_ring=ZZ)

            sage: p = P._ehrhart_polynomial_latte(maxdet=5, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--maxdet=5' /dev/stdin
            sage: p    # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

            sage: p = P._ehrhart_polynomial_latte(dual=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --dual /dev/stdin
            sage: p   # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

            sage: p = P._ehrhart_polynomial_latte(irrational_primal=True, verbose=True)   # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-primal /dev/stdin
            sage: p   # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

            sage: p = P._ehrhart_polynomial_latte(irrational_all_primal=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-all-primal /dev/stdin
            sage: p   # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

        Test bad options::

            sage: P._ehrhart_polynomial_latte(bim_bam_boum=19)   # optional - latte_int
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            RuntimeError: LattE integrale program failed (exit code 1):
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--bim-bam-boum=19' /dev/stdin
            Unknown command/option --bim-bam-boum=19
        # note: the options below are explicitly written in the function
        # declaration in order to keep tab completion (see #18211).
            'dual': dual,
            'irrational_primal': irrational_primal,
            'irrational_all_primal': irrational_all_primal,
            'maxdet': maxdet,
            'no_decomposition': no_decomposition,
            'compute_vertex_cones': compute_vertex_cones,
            'smith_form': smith_form,
            'dualization': dualization,
            'triangulation': triangulation,
            'triangulation_max_height': triangulation_max_height

        from sage.interfaces.latte import count
        ine = self.cdd_Hrepresentation()
        return count(ine,
Example #4
    def integral_points_count(self, verbose=False, use_Hrepresentation=False,
                              explicit_enumeration_threshold=1000, preprocess=True, **kwds):
        Return the number of integral points in the polyhedron.

        This method uses the optional package ``latte_int``
        if an estimate for lattice points based on bounding boxes
        exceeds ``explicit_enumeration_threshold``.


        - ``verbose`` (boolean; ``False`` by default) -- whether to display
          verbose output.

        - ``use_Hrepresentation`` - (boolean; ``False`` by default) -- whether
          to send the H or V representation to LattE

        - ``preprocess`` - (boolean; ``True`` by default) -- whether, if the integral hull
          is known to lie in a coordinate hyperplane, to tighten bounds to reduce dimension

        .. SEEALSO::

            :mod:`~sage.interfaces.latte` the interface to LattE interfaces


            sage: P = polytopes.cube()
            sage: P.integral_points_count()
            sage: P.integral_points_count(explicit_enumeration_threshold=0) # optional - latte_int

        We enlarge the polyhedron to force the use of the generating function methods
        implemented in LattE integrale, rather than explicit enumeration.

            sage: (1000000000*P).integral_points_count(verbose=True) # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale...
            Total time:...

        We shrink the polyhedron a little bit::

            sage: Q = P*(8/9)
            sage: Q.integral_points_count()
            sage: Q.integral_points_count(explicit_enumeration_threshold=0) # optional - latte_int

        Unbounded polyhedra (with or without lattice points) are not supported::

            sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=[[1/2, 1/3]], rays=[[1, 1]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: ...
            sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=[[1, 1]], rays=[[1, 1]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: ...

        "Fibonacci" knapsacks (preprocessing helps a lot)::

            sage: def fibonacci_knapsack(d, b, backend=None):
            ....:     lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(base_ring=QQ)
            ....:     x = lp.new_variable(nonnegative=True)
            ....:     lp.add_constraint(lp.sum(fibonacci(i+3)*x[i] for i in range(d)) <= b)
            ....:     return lp.polyhedron(backend=backend)
            sage: fibonacci_knapsack(20, 12).integral_points_count() # does not finish with preprocess=False


        We check that :trac:`21491` is fixed::

            sage: P = Polyhedron(ieqs=[], eqns=[[-10,0,1],[-10,1,0]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count() # optional - latte_int
            sage: P = Polyhedron(ieqs=[], eqns=[[-11,0,2],[-10,1,0]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count() # optional - latte_int
        if self.is_empty():
            return 0
        if self.dimension() == 0:
            return 1 if self.is_lattice_polytope() else 0
        if not self.is_compact():
            # LattE just prints the warning 'readCddExtFile:: Given polyhedron is unbounded!!!'
            # but then returns 0.
            raise NotImplementedError('Unbounded polyhedra are not supported')

        # for small bounding boxes, it is faster to naively iterate over the points of the box
        box_min, box_max = self.bounding_box(integral_hull=True)
        if box_min is None:
            return 0
        box_points = prod(max_coord-min_coord+1 for min_coord, max_coord in zip(box_min, box_max))

        if explicit_enumeration_threshold is None or box_points <= explicit_enumeration_threshold:
            return len(self.integral_points())

        p = self

        if preprocess:
            # If integral hull is known to lie in a coordinate hyperplane,
            # tighten bounds to reduce dimension.
            rat_box_min, rat_box_max = self.bounding_box(integral=False)
            if any(a == b and (ra < a or b < rb)
                   for ra, a, b, rb in zip(rat_box_min, box_min, box_max, rat_box_max)):
                lp, x = self.to_linear_program(return_variable=True)
                for i, a in enumerate(box_min):
                    lp.set_min(x[i], a)
                for i, b in enumerate(box_max):
                    lp.set_max(x[i], b)
                p = lp.polyhedron()  # this recomputes the double description, which is wasteful
                if p.is_empty():
                    return 0
                if p.dimension() == 0:
                    return 1 if p.is_lattice_polytope() else 0

        # LattE does not like V-representation of lower-dimensional polytopes.
        if not p.is_full_dimensional():
            use_Hrepresentation = True

        from sage.interfaces.latte import count
        return count(
                p.cdd_Hrepresentation() if use_Hrepresentation else p.cdd_Vrepresentation(),
Example #5
    def ehrhart_polynomial(self, verbose=False, dual=None,
            irrational_primal=None, irrational_all_primal=None, maxdet=None,
            no_decomposition=None, compute_vertex_cones=None, smith_form=None,
            dualization=None, triangulation=None, triangulation_max_height=None,
        Return the Ehrhart polynomial of this polyhedron.

        Let `P` be a lattice polytope in `\RR^d` and define `L(P,t) = \# (tP
        \cap \ZZ^d)`. Then E. Ehrhart proved in 1962 that `L` coincides with a
        rational polynomial of degree `d` for integer `t`. `L` is called the
        *Ehrhart polynomial* of `P`. For more information see the


        - ``verbose`` - (boolean, default to ``False``) if ``True``, print the
          whole output of the LattE command.

        The following options are passed to the LattE command, for details you
        should consult `the LattE documentation

        - ``dual`` - (boolean) triangulate and signed-decompose in the dual

        - ``irrational_primal`` - (boolean) triangulate in the dual space,
          signed-decompose in the primal space using irrationalization.

        - ``irrational_all_primal`` - (boolean) Triangulate and signed-decompose
          in the primal space using irrationalization.

        - ``maxdet`` -- (integer) decompose down to an index (determinant) of
          ``maxdet`` instead of index 1 (unimodular cones).

        - ``no_decomposition`` -- (boolean) do not signed-decompose simplicial cones.

        - ``compute_vertex_cones`` -- (string) either 'cdd' or 'lrs' or '4ti2'

        - ``smith_form`` -- (string) either 'ilio' or 'lidia'

        - ``dualization`` -- (string) either 'cdd' or '4ti2'

        - ``triangulation`` - (string) 'cddlib', '4ti2' or 'topcom'

        - ``triangulation_max_height`` - (integer) use a uniform distribution of
          height from 1 to this number

        .. NOTE::

            Any additional argument is forwarded to LattE's executable
            ``count``. All occurrences of '_' will be replaced with a '-'.


        This method calls the program ``count`` from LattE integrale, a program
        for lattice point enumeration (see

        .. SEEALSO::

            :mod:`~sage.interfaces.latte` the interface to LattE integrale


            sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,0,0),(3,3,3),(-3,2,1),(1,-1,-2)])
            sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial()    # optional - latte_int
            sage: p                             # optional - latte_int
            7/2*t^3 + 2*t^2 - 1/2*t + 1
            sage: p(1)                          # optional - latte_int
            sage: len(P.integral_points())
            sage: p(2)                          # optional - latte_int
            sage: len((2*P).integral_points())

        The unit hypercubes::

            sage: from itertools import product
            sage: def hypercube(d):
            ....:     return Polyhedron(vertices=list(product([0,1],repeat=d)))
            sage: hypercube(3).ehrhart_polynomial()   # optional - latte_int
            t^3 + 3*t^2 + 3*t + 1
            sage: hypercube(4).ehrhart_polynomial()   # optional - latte_int
            t^4 + 4*t^3 + 6*t^2 + 4*t + 1
            sage: hypercube(5).ehrhart_polynomial()   # optional - latte_int
            t^5 + 5*t^4 + 10*t^3 + 10*t^2 + 5*t + 1
            sage: hypercube(6).ehrhart_polynomial()   # optional - latte_int
            t^6 + 6*t^5 + 15*t^4 + 20*t^3 + 15*t^2 + 6*t + 1

        An empty polyhedron::

            sage: P = Polyhedron(ambient_dim=3, vertices=[])
            sage: P.ehrhart_polynomial()    # optional - latte_int
            sage: parent(_)                 # optional - latte_int
            Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field


        Test options::

            sage: P = Polyhedron(ieqs=[[1,-1,1,0], [-1,2,-1,0], [1,1,-2,0]], eqns=[[-1,2,-1,-3]], base_ring=ZZ)

            sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(maxdet=5, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--maxdet=5' /dev/stdin
            sage: p    # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

            sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(dual=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --dual /dev/stdin
            sage: p   # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

            sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(irrational_primal=True, verbose=True)   # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-primal /dev/stdin
            sage: p   # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

            sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(irrational_all_primal=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale ...
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-all-primal /dev/stdin
            sage: p   # optional - latte_int
            1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1

        Test bad options::

            sage: P.ehrhart_polynomial(bim_bam_boum=19)   # optional - latte_int
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            RuntimeError: LattE integrale program failed (exit code 1):
            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--bim-bam-boum=19' /dev/stdin
            Unknown command/option --bim-bam-boum=19
        if self.is_empty():
            from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import PolynomialRing
            from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
            R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 't')
            return R.zero()

        # note: the options below are explicitely written in the function
        # declaration in order to keep tab completion (see #18211).
            'dual'                    : dual,
            'irrational_primal'       : irrational_primal,
            'irrational_all_primal'   : irrational_all_primal,
            'maxdet'                  : maxdet,
            'no_decomposition'        : no_decomposition,
            'compute_vertex_cones'    : compute_vertex_cones,
            'smith_form'              : smith_form,
            'dualization'             : dualization,
            'triangulation'           : triangulation,
            'triangulation_max_height': triangulation_max_height})

        from sage.interfaces.latte import count
        ine = self.cdd_Hrepresentation()
        return count(ine, cdd=True, ehrhart_polynomial=True, verbose=verbose, **kwds)
Example #6
    def integral_points_count(self, verbose=False, use_Hrepresentation=False,
                              explicit_enumeration_threshold=1000, preprocess=True, **kwds):
        Return the number of integral points in the polyhedron.

        This method uses the optional package ``latte_int``
        if an estimate for lattice points based on bounding boxes
        exceeds ``explicit_enumeration_threshold``.


        - ``verbose`` (boolean; ``False`` by default) -- whether to display
          verbose output.

        - ``use_Hrepresentation`` - (boolean; ``False`` by default) -- whether
          to send the H or V representation to LattE

        - ``preprocess`` - (boolean; ``True`` by default) -- whether, if the integral hull
          is known to lie in a coordinate hyperplane, to tighten bounds to reduce dimension

        .. SEEALSO::

            :mod:`~sage.interfaces.latte` the interface to LattE interfaces


            sage: P = polytopes.cube()
            sage: P.integral_points_count()
            sage: P.integral_points_count(explicit_enumeration_threshold=0) # optional - latte_int

        We enlarge the polyhedron to force the use of the generating function methods
        implemented in LattE integrale, rather than explicit enumeration.

            sage: (1000000000*P).integral_points_count(verbose=True) # optional - latte_int
            This is LattE integrale...
            Total time:...

        We shrink the polyhedron a little bit::

            sage: Q = P*(8/9)
            sage: Q.integral_points_count()
            sage: Q.integral_points_count(explicit_enumeration_threshold=0) # optional - latte_int

        Unbounded polyhedra (with or without lattice points) are not supported::

            sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=[[1/2, 1/3]], rays=[[1, 1]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: ...
            sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=[[1, 1]], rays=[[1, 1]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: ...

        "Fibonacci" knapsacks (preprocessing helps a lot)::

            sage: def fibonacci_knapsack(d, b, backend=None):
            ....:     lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(base_ring=QQ)
            ....:     x = lp.new_variable(nonnegative=True)
            ....:     lp.add_constraint(lp.sum(fibonacci(i+3)*x[i] for i in range(d)) <= b)
            ....:     return lp.polyhedron(backend=backend)
            sage: fibonacci_knapsack(20, 12).integral_points_count() # does not finish with preprocess=False


        We check that :trac:`21491` is fixed::

            sage: P = Polyhedron(ieqs=[], eqns=[[-10,0,1],[-10,1,0]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count() # optional - latte_int
            sage: P = Polyhedron(ieqs=[], eqns=[[-11,0,2],[-10,1,0]])
            sage: P.integral_points_count() # optional - latte_int
        if self.is_empty():
            return 0
        if self.dimension() == 0:
            return 1 if self.is_lattice_polytope() else 0
        if not self.is_compact():
            # LattE just prints the warning 'readCddExtFile:: Given polyhedron is unbounded!!!'
            # but then returns 0.
            raise NotImplementedError('Unbounded polyhedra are not supported')

        # for small bounding boxes, it is faster to naively iterate over the points of the box
        box_min, box_max = self.bounding_box(integral_hull=True)
        if box_min is None:
            return 0
        box_points = prod(max_coord-min_coord+1 for min_coord, max_coord in zip(box_min, box_max))

        if explicit_enumeration_threshold is None or box_points <= explicit_enumeration_threshold:
            return len(self.integral_points())

        p = self

        if preprocess:
            # If integral hull is known to lie in a coordinate hyperplane,
            # tighten bounds to reduce dimension.
            rat_box_min, rat_box_max = self.bounding_box(integral=False)
            if any(a == b and (ra < a or b < rb)
                   for ra, a, b, rb in zip(rat_box_min, box_min, box_max, rat_box_max)):
                lp, x = self.to_linear_program(return_variable=True)
                for i, a in enumerate(box_min):
                    lp.set_min(x[i], a)
                for i, b in enumerate(box_max):
                    lp.set_max(x[i], b)
                p = lp.polyhedron() # this recomputes the double description, which is wasteful
                if p.is_empty():
                    return 0
                if p.dimension() == 0:
                    return 1 if p.is_lattice_polytope() else 0

        # LattE does not like V-representation of lower-dimensional polytopes.
        if not p.is_full_dimensional():
            use_Hrepresentation = True

        from sage.interfaces.latte import count
        return count(
                p.cdd_Hrepresentation() if use_Hrepresentation else p.cdd_Vrepresentation(),