Example #1
    def _from_matrix(cls, data, coxeter_type, index_set, coxeter_type_check):
        Initiate the Coxeter matrix from a matrix.


            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,2],[2,1]]); CM
            [1 2]
            [2 1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1],[-1,1]]); CM
            [ 1 -1]
            [-1  1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1.5],[-1.5,1]]); CM
            [ 1.00000000000000 -1.50000000000000]
            [-1.50000000000000  1.00000000000000]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2],[-3/2,1]]); CM
            [   1 -3/2]
            [-3/2    1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2,5],[-3/2,1,-1],[5,-1,1]]); CM
            [   1 -3/2    5]
            [-3/2    1   -1]
            [   5   -1    1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2,5],[-3/2,1,oo],[5,oo,1]]); CM
            [   1 -3/2    5]
            [-3/2    1   -1]
            [   5   -1    1]
        # Check that the data is valid

        M = matrix(data)
        n = M.ncols()

        base_ring = M.base_ring()

        if not coxeter_type:
            if n == 1:
                coxeter_type = CoxeterType(['A', 1])
            elif coxeter_type_check:
                coxeter_type = recognize_coxeter_type_from_matrix(M, index_set)
                coxeter_type = None

        raw_data = M.list()

        mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(base_ring, n, sparse=False), raw_data,
                       coxeter_type, index_set)
        mat._subdivisions = M._subdivisions

        return mat
Example #2
    def _from_matrix(cls, data, coxeter_type, index_set, coxeter_type_check):
        Initiate the Coxeter matrix from a matrix.


            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,2],[2,1]]); CM
            [1 2]
            [2 1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1],[-1,1]]); CM
            [ 1 -1]
            [-1  1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1.5],[-1.5,1]]); CM
            [ 1.00000000000000 -1.50000000000000]
            [-1.50000000000000  1.00000000000000]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2],[-3/2,1]]); CM
            [   1 -3/2]
            [-3/2    1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2,5],[-3/2,1,-1],[5,-1,1]]); CM
            [   1 -3/2    5]
            [-3/2    1   -1]
            [   5   -1    1]
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2,5],[-3/2,1,oo],[5,oo,1]]); CM
            [   1 -3/2    5]
            [-3/2    1   -1]
            [   5   -1    1]
        # Check that the data is valid

        M = matrix(data)
        n = M.ncols()

        base_ring = M.base_ring()

        if not coxeter_type:
            if n == 1:
                coxeter_type = CoxeterType(['A', 1])
            elif coxeter_type_check:
                coxeter_type = recognize_coxeter_type_from_matrix(M, index_set)
                coxeter_type = None

        raw_data = M.list()

        mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(base_ring, n, sparse=False), raw_data,
                       coxeter_type, index_set)
        mat._subdivisions = M._subdivisions

        return mat
Example #3
    def __classcall__(cls, *args, **options):
        Constructs a new object of this class or reuse an existing one.

        See also :class:`UniqueRepresentation` for a discussion.


            sage: x = UniqueRepresentation()
            sage: y = UniqueRepresentation()
            sage: x is y
        instance = typecall(cls, *args, **options)
        assert isinstance( instance, cls )
        if instance.__class__.__reduce__ == UniqueRepresentation.__reduce__:
            instance._reduction = (cls, args, options)
        return instance
Example #4
    def __classcall_private__(cls, dynamical_system, domain=None):
        Return the approapriate dynamical system on projective Berkovich space over ``Cp``.


            sage: P1.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(Qp(3), 1)
            sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.berkovich_ds import DynamicalSystem_Berkovich_projective
            sage: DynamicalSystem_Berkovich_projective([y, x])
            Dynamical system of Projective Berkovich line over Cp(3) of precision 20
            induced by the map
                Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                    (y : x)
        if not isinstance(dynamical_system, DynamicalSystem):
            if not isinstance(dynamical_system, DynamicalSystem_projective):
                dynamical_system = DynamicalSystem_projective(dynamical_system)
                raise TypeError(
                    'affine dynamical system passed to projective constructor')
        R = dynamical_system.base_ring()
        morphism_domain = dynamical_system.domain()
        if not is_ProjectiveSpace(morphism_domain):
            raise TypeError(
                'the domain of dynamical_system must be projective space, not %s'
                % morphism_domain)
        if morphism_domain.dimension_relative() != 1:
            raise ValueError('domain was not relative dimension 1')
        if not isinstance(R, pAdicBaseGeneric):
            if domain is None:
                raise TypeError('dynamical system defined over %s, not p-adic, ' %morphism_domain.base_ring() + \
                    'and domain is None')
            if not isinstance(domain, Berkovich_Cp_Projective):
                raise TypeError(
                    'domain was %s, not a projective Berkovich space over Cp' %
            if domain.base() != morphism_domain:
                raise ValueError('base of domain was %s, with coordinate ring %s ' %(domain.base(), \
                    domain.base().coordinate_ring())+ 'while dynamical_system acts on %s, ' %morphism_domain + \
                        'with coordinate ring %s' %morphism_domain.coordinate_ring())
            domain = Berkovich_Cp_Projective(morphism_domain)
        return typecall(cls, dynamical_system, domain)
Example #5
    def factory(self, module, grading):

        if module._yacop_grading is grading:
            return module

        # this code is modelled on the unpickling of unique representation objects:
        # we create a clone of the module which we can modify, and we also
        # refine the class to SuspendedObjects if that has been requested
        cls, args, options = module._reduction
        if not hasattr(cls, self._functor_category):
            # create a dummy SuspendedObjects class - is this a good idea?
            # setattr(cls, self._functor_category,cls)
            cls = getattr(cls, self._functor_category)

        from copy import copy

        dct = copy(options)
        dct["category"] = module.category().SuspendedObjects()
        N = typecall(cls, *args, **dct)

        # set the grading and the new name
        N._yacop_grading = grading
        N._yacop_ref = module

        # a couple of hacks follow:

        #  - fix variable injection
        if hasattr(N, "gens"):

            def gens():
                return module.gens()

            setattr(N, "gens", gens)
        if hasattr(N, "variables"):

            def variables():
                return module.variables()

            setattr(N, "variables", variables)
        return N
Example #6
    def __classcall_private__(cls, dynamical_system, domain=None):
        Return the appropriate dynamical system on affine Berkovich space over ``Cp``.


            sage: A.<x> = AffineSpace(Qp(3), 1)
            sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.berkovich_ds import DynamicalSystem_Berkovich_affine
            sage: DynamicalSystem_Berkovich_affine(DynamicalSystem_affine(x^2))
            Dynamical system of Affine Berkovich line over Cp(3) of precision 20 induced by the map
              Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x) to
        if not isinstance(dynamical_system, DynamicalSystem):
            if not isinstance(dynamical_system, DynamicalSystem_affine):
                dynamical_system = DynamicalSystem_projective(dynamical_system)
                raise TypeError(
                    'projective dynamical system passed to affine constructor')
        R = dynamical_system.base_ring()
        morphism_domain = dynamical_system.domain()
        if not is_AffineSpace(morphism_domain):
            raise TypeError(
                'the domain of dynamical_system must be affine space, not %s' %
        if morphism_domain.dimension_relative() != 1:
            raise ValueError('domain not relative dimension 1')
        if not isinstance(R, pAdicBaseGeneric):
            if domain is None:
                raise TypeError('dynamical system defined over %s, not padic, ' %morphism_domain.base_ring() + \
                    'and domain was not specified')
            if not isinstance(domain, Berkovich_Cp_Affine):
                raise TypeError(
                    'domain was %s, not an affine Berkovich space over Cp' %
            domain = Berkovich_Cp_Affine(morphism_domain.base_ring())
        return typecall(cls, dynamical_system, domain)
Example #7
    def __classcall_private__(cls,
        A Coxeter matrix can we created via a graph, a Coxeter type, or
        a matrix.

        .. NOTE::

            To disable the Coxeter type check, use the optional argument
            ``coxeter_type_check = False``.


            sage: C = CoxeterMatrix(['A',1,1],['a','b'])
            sage: C2 = CoxeterMatrix([[1, -1], [-1, 1]])
            sage: C3 = CoxeterMatrix(matrix([[1, -1], [-1, 1]]), [0, 1])
            sage: C == C2 and C == C3

        Check with `\infty` because of the hack of using `-1` to represent
        `\infty` in the Coxeter matrix::

            sage: G = Graph([(0, 1, 3), (1, 2, oo)])
            sage: W1 = CoxeterMatrix([[1, 3, 2], [3, 1, -1], [2, -1, 1]])
            sage: W2 = CoxeterMatrix(G)
            sage: W1 == W2
            sage: CoxeterMatrix(W1.coxeter_graph()) == W1

        The base ring of the matrix depends on the entries given::

            sage: CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1],[-1,1]])._matrix.base_ring()
            Integer Ring
            sage: CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2],[-3/2,1]])._matrix.base_ring()
            Rational Field
            sage: CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1.5],[-1.5,1]])._matrix.base_ring()
            Real Field with 53 bits of precision
        if not data:
            if coxeter_type:
                data = CoxeterType(coxeter_type)
            elif cartan_type:
                data = CoxeterType(CartanType(cartan_type))

        # Special cases with no arguments passed
        if not data:
            data = []
            n = 0
            index_set = tuple()
            coxeter_type = None
            base_ring = ZZ
            mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(base_ring, n, sparse=False), data,
                           coxeter_type, index_set)
            mat._subdivisions = None

            return mat

        if isinstance(data, CoxeterMatrix):  # Initiate from itself
            return data

        # Initiate from a graph:
        # TODO: Check if a CoxeterDiagram once implemented
        if isinstance(data, Graph):
            return cls._from_graph(data, coxeter_type_check)

        # Get the Coxeter type
        coxeter_type = None
        from sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_type import CartanType_abstract
        if isinstance(data, CartanType_abstract):
            coxeter_type = data.coxeter_type()
                coxeter_type = CoxeterType(data)
            except (TypeError, ValueError, NotImplementedError):

        # Initiate from a Coxeter type
        if coxeter_type:
            return cls._from_coxetertype(coxeter_type)

        # TODO:: remove when oo is possible in matrices.
        n = len(data[0])
        data = [x if x != infinity else -1 for r in data for x in r]
        data = matrix(n, n, data)
        # until here

        # Get the index set
        if index_set:
            index_set = tuple(index_set)
            index_set = tuple(range(1, n + 1))
        if len(set(index_set)) != n:
            raise ValueError("the given index set is not valid")

        return cls._from_matrix(data, coxeter_type, index_set,
Example #8
    def __classcall_private__(cls, *args, **kwds):
        Normalize input so we can inherit from spare integer matrix.

        .. NOTE::

            To disable the Cartan type check, use the optional argument
            ``cartan_type_check = False``.


            sage: C = CartanMatrix(['A',1,1])
            sage: C2 = CartanMatrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]])
            sage: C3 = CartanMatrix(matrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]]), [0, 1])
            sage: C == C2 and C == C3


        Check that :trac:`15740` is fixed::

            sage: d = DynkinDiagram()
            sage: d.add_edge('a', 'b', 2)
            sage: d.index_set()
            ('a', 'b')
            sage: cm = CartanMatrix(d)
            sage: cm.index_set()
            ('a', 'b')
        # Special case with 0 args and kwds has Cartan type
        if "cartan_type" in kwds and len(args) == 0:
            args = (CartanType(kwds["cartan_type"]),)
        if len(args) == 0:
            data = []
            n = 0
            index_set = tuple()
            cartan_type = None
            subdivisions = None
        elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[0], MatrixSpace): # For pickling
            return typecall(cls, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])
        elif isinstance(args[0], CartanMatrix):
            return args[0]
            cartan_type = None
            dynkin_diagram = None
            subdivisions = None

            from sage.combinat.root_system.dynkin_diagram import DynkinDiagram_class
            if isinstance(args[0], DynkinDiagram_class):
                dynkin_diagram = args[0]
                cartan_type = args[0]._cartan_type
                    cartan_type = CartanType(args[0])
                    dynkin_diagram = cartan_type.dynkin_diagram()
                except (TypeError, ValueError):

            if dynkin_diagram is not None:
                n = dynkin_diagram.rank()
                index_set = dynkin_diagram.index_set()
                reverse = dict((index_set[i], i) for i in range(len(index_set)))
                data = {(i, i): 2 for i in range(n)}
                for (i,j,l) in dynkin_diagram.edge_iterator():
                    data[(reverse[j], reverse[i])] = -l
                M = matrix(args[0])
                if not is_generalized_cartan_matrix(M):
                    raise ValueError("the input matrix is not a generalized Cartan matrix")
                n = M.ncols()
                if "cartan_type" in kwds:
                    cartan_type = CartanType(kwds["cartan_type"])
                elif n == 1:
                    cartan_type = CartanType(['A', 1])
                elif kwds.get("cartan_type_check", True):
                    cartan_type = find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
                data = M.dict()
                subdivisions = M._subdivisions

            if len(args) == 1:
                if cartan_type is not None:
                    index_set = tuple(cartan_type.index_set())
                elif dynkin_diagram is None:
                    index_set = tuple(range(n))
            elif len(args) == 2:
                index_set = tuple(args[1])
                if len(index_set) != n and len(set(index_set)) != n:
                    raise ValueError("the given index set is not valid")
                raise ValueError("too many arguments")

        mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(ZZ, n, sparse=True), data, cartan_type, index_set)
        mat._subdivisions = subdivisions
        return mat
Example #9
    def __classcall_private__(
        cls, data=None, index_set=None, coxeter_type=None, cartan_type=None, coxeter_type_check=True
        A Coxeter matrix can we created via a graph, a Coxeter type, or
        a matrix.

        .. NOTE::

            To disable the Coxeter type check, use the optional argument
            ``coxeter_type_check = False``.


            sage: C = CoxeterMatrix(['A',1,1],['a','b'])
            sage: C2 = CoxeterMatrix([[1, -1], [-1, 1]])
            sage: C3 = CoxeterMatrix(matrix([[1, -1], [-1, 1]]), [0, 1])
            sage: C == C2 and C == C3

        Check with `\infty` because of the hack of using `-1` to represent
        `\infty` in the Coxeter matrix::

            sage: G = Graph([(0, 1, 3), (1, 2, oo)])
            sage: W1 = CoxeterMatrix([[1, 3, 2], [3, 1, -1], [2, -1, 1]])
            sage: W2 = CoxeterMatrix(G)
            sage: W1 == W2
            sage: CoxeterMatrix(W1.coxeter_graph()) == W1

        The base ring of the matrix depends on the entries given::

            sage: CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1],[-1,1]])._matrix.base_ring()
            Integer Ring
            sage: CoxeterMatrix([[1,-3/2],[-3/2,1]])._matrix.base_ring()
            Rational Field
            sage: CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1.5],[-1.5,1]])._matrix.base_ring()
            Real Field with 53 bits of precision
        if not data:
            if coxeter_type:
                data = CoxeterType(coxeter_type)
            elif cartan_type:
                data = CoxeterType(CartanType(cartan_type))

        # Special cases with no arguments passed
        if not data:
            data = []
            n = 0
            index_set = tuple()
            coxeter_type = None
            base_ring = ZZ
            mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(base_ring, n, sparse=False), data, coxeter_type, index_set)
            mat._subdivisions = None

            return mat

        if isinstance(data, CoxeterMatrix):  # Initiate from itself
            return data

        # Initiate from a graph:
        # TODO: Check if a CoxeterDiagram once implemented
        if isinstance(data, Graph):
            return cls._from_graph(data, coxeter_type_check)

        # Get the Coxeter type
        coxeter_type = None
        from sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_type import CartanType_abstract

        if isinstance(data, CartanType_abstract):
            coxeter_type = data.coxeter_type()
                coxeter_type = CoxeterType(data)
            except (TypeError, ValueError, NotImplementedError):

        # Initiate from a Coxeter type
        if coxeter_type:
            return cls._from_coxetertype(coxeter_type)

        # TODO:: remove when oo is possible in matrices.
        n = len(data[0])
        data = [x if x != infinity else -1 for r in data for x in r]
        data = matrix(n, n, data)
        # until here

        # Get the index set
        if index_set:
            index_set = tuple(index_set)
            index_set = tuple(range(1, n + 1))
        if len(set(index_set)) != n:
            raise ValueError("the given index set is not valid")

        return cls._from_matrix(data, coxeter_type, index_set, coxeter_type_check)
Example #10
    def __classcall_private__(cls,
        Return the correct object based on input.

        The main purpose of this method is to decide which
        subclass the object will belong to based on the
        ``inverse`` and ``is_finite`` arguments.


            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(NN, lambda x: x + 1)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.DiscreteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: f1 = lambda x: (x + 2 if x % 6 < 4 else x - 4)

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(NN, f1, inverse=False)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.DiscreteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(NN, f1, inverse=None)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.DiscreteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(NN, f1, inverse=True)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.InvertibleDiscreteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(NN, lambda x: x + 1, is_finite=False)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.DiscreteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: f2 = lambda x: (x + 1 if x < 3 else 1)
            sage: f3 = lambda x: (x - 1 if x > 3 else 3)

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem([1, 2, 3], f2)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.FiniteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem([1, 2, 3], f2, inverse=True)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.InvertibleFiniteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem([1, 2, 3], f2, inverse=f3)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.InvertibleFiniteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem([1, 2, 3], f2, inverse=False)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.FiniteDynamicalSystem'>

            sage: D = DiscreteDynamicalSystem([1, 2, 3], f2, inverse=None)
            sage: parent(D)
            <class 'sage.dynamics.finite_dynamical_system.FiniteDynamicalSystem'>
        if is_finite is None:
            is_finite = (X in Sets().Finite()
                         or isinstance(X, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)))
        if inverse:
            if inverse is True:  # invertibility claimed, but inverse not provided
                # This is how the input for these subclasses work
                inverse = None
            ret_cls = (InvertibleFiniteDynamicalSystem
                       if is_finite else InvertibleDiscreteDynamicalSystem)
            return ret_cls(X,
        if is_finite:
            return FiniteDynamicalSystem(X,
        return typecall(cls,
Example #11
    def __classcall__(cls, id=None, **kwds):
        Construct a new texture by id.


        - ``id`` - a texture (optional, default: None), a dict, a color, a
          str, a tuple, None or any other type acting as an ID. If ``id`` is
          None and keyword ``texture`` is empty, then it returns a unique texture object.
        - ``texture`` - a texture
        - ``color`` - tuple or str, (optional, default: (.4, .4, 1))
        - ``opacity`` - number between 0 and 1 (optional, default: 1)
        - ``ambient`` - number (optional, default: 0.5)
        - ``diffuse`` - number (optional, default: 1)
        - ``specular`` - number (optional, default: 0)
        - ``shininess`` - number (optional, default: 1)
        - ``name`` - str (optional, default: None)
        - ``**kwds`` - other valid keywords


        A texture object.


        Texture from integer ``id``::

            sage: from sage.plot.plot3d.texture import Texture
            sage: Texture(17)
            Texture(17, 6666ff)

        Texture from rational ``id``::

            sage: Texture(3/4)
            Texture(3/4, 6666ff)

        Texture from a dict::

            sage: Texture({'color':'orange','opacity':0.5})
            Texture(texture..., orange, ffa500)

        Texture from a color::

            sage: c = Color('red')
            sage: Texture(c)
            Texture(texture..., ff0000)

        Texture from a valid string color::

            sage: Texture('red')
            Texture(texture..., red, ff0000)

        Texture from a non valid string color::

            sage: Texture('redd')
            Texture(redd, 6666ff)

        Texture from a tuple::

            sage: Texture((.2,.3,.4))
            Texture(texture..., 334c66)

        Now accepting negative arguments, reduced modulo 1::

            sage: Texture((-3/8, 1/2, 3/8))
            Texture(texture..., 9f7f5f)

        Textures using other keywords::

            sage: Texture(specular=0.4)
            Texture(texture..., 6666ff)
            sage: Texture(diffuse=0.4)
            Texture(texture..., 6666ff)
            sage: Texture(shininess=0.3)
            Texture(texture..., 6666ff)
            sage: Texture(ambient=0.7)
            Texture(texture..., 6666ff)
        if isinstance(id, Texture):
            return id
        if 'texture' in kwds:
            t = kwds['texture']
            if isinstance(t, Texture):
                return t
                raise TypeError("texture keyword must be a texture object")
        if isinstance(id, dict):
            kwds = id
            if 'rgbcolor' in kwds:
                kwds['color'] = kwds['rgbcolor']
            id = None
        elif isinstance(id, Color):
            kwds['color'] = id.rgb()
            id = None
        elif isinstance(id, str) and id in colors:
            kwds['color'] = id
            id = None
        elif isinstance(id, tuple):
            kwds['color'] = id
            id = None
        if id is None:
            id = _new_global_texture_id()
        return typecall(cls, id, **kwds)
Example #12
    def __classcall_private__(cls, *args, **kwds):
        Normalize input so we can inherit from spare integer matrix.

        .. NOTE::

            To disable the Cartan type check, use the optional argument
            ``cartan_type_check = False``.


            sage: C = CartanMatrix(['A',1,1])
            sage: C2 = CartanMatrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]])
            sage: C3 = CartanMatrix(matrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]]), [0, 1])
            sage: C == C2 and C == C3
        # Special case with 0 args and kwds has cartan type
        if "cartan_type" in kwds and len(args) == 0:
            args = (CartanType(kwds["cartan_type"]),)
        if len(args) == 0:
            data = []
            n = 0
            index_set = tuple()
            cartan_type = None
            subdivisions = None
        elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[0], MatrixSpace): # For pickling
            return typecall(cls, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])
        elif isinstance(args[0], CartanMatrix):
            return args[0]
            cartan_type = None
            dynkin_diagram = None
            subdivisions = None
                cartan_type = CartanType(args[0])
                dynkin_diagram = cartan_type.dynkin_diagram()
            except (TypeError, ValueError):

            if dynkin_diagram is not None:
                n = cartan_type.rank()
                index_set = dynkin_diagram.index_set()
                reverse = dict((index_set[i], i) for i in range(len(index_set)))
                data = {(i, i): 2 for i in range(n)}
                for (i,j,l) in dynkin_diagram.edge_iterator():
                    data[(reverse[j], reverse[i])] = -l
                M = matrix(args[0])
                if not is_generalized_cartan_matrix(M):
                    raise ValueError("The input matrix is not a generalized Cartan matrix.")
                n = M.ncols()
                if "cartan_type" in kwds:
                    cartan_type = CartanType(kwds["cartan_type"])
                elif n == 1:
                    cartan_type = CartanType(['A', 1])
                elif kwds.get("cartan_type_check", True):
                    cartan_type = find_cartan_type_from_matrix(M)
                data = M.dict()
                subdivisions = M._subdivisions

            if len(args) == 1:
                if cartan_type is not None:
                    index_set = tuple(cartan_type.index_set())
                    index_set = tuple(range(M.ncols()))
            elif len(args) == 2:
                index_set = tuple(args[1])
                if len(index_set) != n and len(set(index_set)) != n:
                    raise ValueError("The given index set is not valid.")
                raise ValueError("Too many arguments.")

        mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(ZZ, n, sparse=True), data, cartan_type, index_set)
        mat._subdivisions = subdivisions
        return mat
Example #13
    def __classcall_private__(cls, morphism_or_polys, domain=None):
        Return the appropriate dynamical system on an affine scheme.


            sage: A.<x> = AffineSpace(ZZ,1)
            sage: A1.<z> = AffineSpace(CC,1)
            sage: H = End(A1)
            sage: f2 = H([z^2+1])
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine(f2, A)
            sage: f.domain() is A


            sage: P1.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine([y, 2*x], domain=P1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme
            sage: H = End(P1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine(H([y, 2*x]))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme
        if isinstance(morphism_or_polys, SchemeMorphism_polynomial):
            morphism = morphism_or_polys
            R = morphism.base_ring()
            polys = list(morphism)
            domain = morphism.domain()
            if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(
                    domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
                raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')
            if domain != morphism_or_polys.codomain():
                raise ValueError('domain and codomain do not agree')
            if R not in Fields():
                return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
            if is_FiniteField(R):
                return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
            return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)
        elif isinstance(morphism_or_polys, (list, tuple)):
            polys = list(morphism_or_polys)
            polys = [morphism_or_polys]

        # We now arrange for all of our list entries to lie in the same ring
        # Fraction field case first
        fraction_field = False
        for poly in polys:
            P = poly.parent()
            if is_FractionField(P):
                fraction_field = True
        if fraction_field:
            K = P.base_ring().fraction_field()
            # Replace base ring with its fraction field
            P = P.ring().change_ring(K).fraction_field()
            polys = [P(poly) for poly in polys]
            # If any of the list entries lies in a quotient ring, we try
            # to lift all entries to a common polynomial ring.
            quotient_ring = False
            for poly in polys:
                P = poly.parent()
                if is_QuotientRing(P):
                    quotient_ring = True
            if quotient_ring:
                polys = [P(poly).lift() for poly in polys]
                poly_ring = False
                for poly in polys:
                    P = poly.parent()
                    if is_PolynomialRing(P) or is_MPolynomialRing(P):
                        poly_ring = True
                if poly_ring:
                    polys = [P(poly) for poly in polys]

        if domain is None:
            f = polys[0]
            CR = f.parent()
            if CR is SR:
                raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
            if fraction_field:
                CR = CR.ring()
            domain = AffineSpace(CR)

        R = domain.base_ring()
        if R is SR:
            raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
        if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(
                domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
            raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')

        if R not in Fields():
            return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
        if is_FiniteField(R):
            return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
        return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)
Example #14
    def __classcall_private__(cls, data=None, index_set=None,
                              cartan_type=None, cartan_type_check=True,
        Normalize input so we can inherit from sparse integer matrix.

        .. NOTE::

            To disable the Cartan type check, use the optional argument
            ``cartan_type_check = False``.


            sage: C = CartanMatrix(['A',1,1])
            sage: C2 = CartanMatrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]])
            sage: C3 = CartanMatrix(matrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]]), [0, 1])
            sage: C == C2 and C == C3


        Check that :trac:`15740` is fixed::

            sage: d = DynkinDiagram()
            sage: d.add_edge('a', 'b', 2)
            sage: d.index_set()
            ('a', 'b')
            sage: cm = CartanMatrix(d)
            sage: cm.index_set()
            ('a', 'b')
        # Special case with 0 args and kwds has Cartan type
        if cartan_type is not None and data is None:
            data = CartanType(cartan_type)

        if data is None:
            data = []
            n = 0
            index_set = tuple()
            cartan_type = None
            subdivisions = None
        elif isinstance(data, CartanMatrix):
            if index_set is not None:
                d = {a: index_set[i] for i,a in enumerate(data.index_set())}
                return data.relabel(d)
            return data
            dynkin_diagram = None
            subdivisions = None

            from sage.combinat.root_system.dynkin_diagram import DynkinDiagram_class
            if isinstance(data, DynkinDiagram_class):
                dynkin_diagram = data
                cartan_type = data._cartan_type
                    cartan_type = CartanType(data)
                    dynkin_diagram = cartan_type.dynkin_diagram()
                except (TypeError, ValueError):

            if dynkin_diagram is not None:
                n = dynkin_diagram.rank()
                index_set = dynkin_diagram.index_set()
                oir = dynkin_diagram.odd_isotropic_roots()
                reverse = {a: i for i,a in enumerate(index_set)}
                if isinstance(borcherds, (list, tuple)):
                    if (len(borcherds) != len(index_set)
                        and not all(val in ZZ
                                    and (val == 2 or (val % 2 == 0 and val < 0))
                                    for val in borcherds)):
                        raise ValueError("the input data is not a Borcherds-Cartan matrix")
                    data = {(i, i): val if index_set[i] not in oir else 0
                            for i,val in enumerate(borcherds)}
                    data = {(i, i): 2 if index_set[i] not in oir else 0
                            for i in range(n)}
                for (i,j,l) in dynkin_diagram.edge_iterator():
                    data[(reverse[j], reverse[i])] = -l
                M = matrix(data)
                if borcherds:
                    if not is_borcherds_cartan_matrix(M):
                        raise ValueError("the input matrix is not a Borcherds-Cartan matrix")
                    if not is_generalized_cartan_matrix(M):
                        raise ValueError("the input matrix is not a generalized Cartan matrix")
                n = M.ncols()
                data = M.dict()
                subdivisions = M._subdivisions

            if index_set is None:
                index_set = tuple(range(n))
                index_set = tuple(index_set)

        if len(index_set) != n and len(set(index_set)) != n:
            raise ValueError("the given index set is not valid")

        # We can do the Cartan type initialization later as this is not
        #   a unique representation
        mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(ZZ, n, sparse=True), data, False, True)
        # FIXME: We have to initialize the CartanMatrix part separately because
        #   of the __cinit__ of the matrix. We should get rid of this workaround
        mat._CM_init(cartan_type, index_set, cartan_type_check)
        mat._subdivisions = subdivisions
        return mat
Example #15
    def __classcall_private__(cls, morphism_or_polys, domain=None):
        Return the appropriate dynamical system on an affine scheme.


            sage: A.<x> = AffineSpace(ZZ,1)
            sage: A1.<z> = AffineSpace(CC,1)
            sage: H = End(A1)
            sage: f2 = H([z^2+1])
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine(f2, A)
            sage: f.domain() is A


            sage: P1.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine([y, 2*x], domain=P1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme
            sage: H = End(P1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine(H([y, 2*x]))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine([x+y+z, y*z])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Number of polys does not match dimension of Affine Space of dimension 3 over Rational Field

            sage: A.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ,2)
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine([CC.0*x^2, y^2], domain=A)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: coefficients of polynomial not in Rational Field
        if isinstance(morphism_or_polys, SchemeMorphism_polynomial):
            morphism = morphism_or_polys
            R = morphism.base_ring()
            polys = list(morphism)
            domain = morphism.domain()
            if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
                raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')
            if domain != morphism_or_polys.codomain():
                raise ValueError('domain and codomain do not agree')
            if R not in Fields():
                return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
            if is_FiniteField(R):
                return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
            return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)
        elif isinstance(morphism_or_polys,(list, tuple)):
            polys = list(morphism_or_polys)
            polys = [morphism_or_polys]

        PR = get_coercion_model().common_parent(*polys)         
        fraction_field = any(is_FractionField(poly.parent()) for poly in polys)
        if fraction_field:
            K = PR.base_ring().fraction_field()
            # Replace base ring with its fraction field
            PR = PR.ring().change_ring(K).fraction_field()
            polys = [PR(poly) for poly in polys]
            quotient_ring = any(is_QuotientRing(poly.parent()) for poly in polys)
            # If any of the list entries lies in a quotient ring, we try
            # to lift all entries to a common polynomial ring.
            if quotient_ring:
                polys = [PR(poly).lift() for poly in polys]
                polys = [PR(poly) for poly in polys]
        if domain is None:
            if PR is SR:
                raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
            if fraction_field:
                PR = PR.ring()
            domain = AffineSpace(PR)
            # Check if we can coerce the given polynomials over the given domain 
            PR = domain.ambient_space().coordinate_ring()
                if fraction_field:
                    PR = PR.fraction_field()
                polys = [PR(poly) for poly in polys]
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coefficients of polynomial not in {}'.format(domain.base_ring()))
        if len(polys) != domain.ambient_space().coordinate_ring().ngens():
            raise ValueError('Number of polys does not match dimension of {}'.format(domain))
        R = domain.base_ring()
        if R is SR:
            raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
        if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
            raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')

        if R not in Fields():
            return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
        if is_FiniteField(R):
                return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
        return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)
Example #16
    def __classcall_private__(cls, morphism_or_polys, domain=None):
        Return the appropriate dynamical system on an affine scheme.


            sage: A.<x> = AffineSpace(ZZ,1)
            sage: A1.<z> = AffineSpace(CC,1)
            sage: H = End(A1)
            sage: f2 = H([z^2+1])
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine(f2, A)
            sage: f.domain() is A


            sage: P1.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine([y, 2*x], domain=P1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme
            sage: H = End(P1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine(H([y, 2*x]))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = QQ[]
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine([x+y+z, y*z])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Number of polys does not match dimension of Affine Space of dimension 3 over Rational Field

            sage: A.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ,2)
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine([CC.0*x^2, y^2], domain=A)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: coefficients of polynomial not in Rational Field
        if isinstance(morphism_or_polys, SchemeMorphism_polynomial):
            morphism = morphism_or_polys
            R = morphism.base_ring()
            polys = list(morphism)
            domain = morphism.domain()
            if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(
                    domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
                raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')
            if domain != morphism_or_polys.codomain():
                raise ValueError('domain and codomain do not agree')
            if R not in Fields():
                return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
            if is_FiniteField(R):
                return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
            return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)
        elif isinstance(morphism_or_polys, (list, tuple)):
            polys = list(morphism_or_polys)
            polys = [morphism_or_polys]

        PR = get_coercion_model().common_parent(*polys)
        fraction_field = any(is_FractionField(poly.parent()) for poly in polys)
        if fraction_field:
            K = PR.base_ring().fraction_field()
            # Replace base ring with its fraction field
            PR = PR.ring().change_ring(K).fraction_field()
            polys = [PR(poly) for poly in polys]
            quotient_ring = any(
                is_QuotientRing(poly.parent()) for poly in polys)
            # If any of the list entries lies in a quotient ring, we try
            # to lift all entries to a common polynomial ring.
            if quotient_ring:
                polys = [PR(poly).lift() for poly in polys]
                polys = [PR(poly) for poly in polys]
        if domain is None:
            if PR is SR:
                raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
            if fraction_field:
                PR = PR.ring()
            domain = AffineSpace(PR)
            # Check if we can coerce the given polynomials over the given domain
            PR = domain.ambient_space().coordinate_ring()
                if fraction_field:
                    PR = PR.fraction_field()
                polys = [PR(poly) for poly in polys]
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('coefficients of polynomial not in {}'.format(
        if len(polys) != domain.ambient_space().coordinate_ring().ngens():
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of polys does not match dimension of {}'.format(
        R = domain.base_ring()
        if R is SR:
            raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
        if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(
                domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
            raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')

        if R not in Fields():
            return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
        if is_FiniteField(R):
            return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
        return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)
 def __classcall__(cls, *args, **options):
     instance = typecall(cls, *args, **options)
     assert isinstance(instance, cls)
     instance._init_args = (cls, args, options)
     return instance
Example #18
    def __classcall_private__(cls,
        Normalize input so we can inherit from sparse integer matrix.

        .. NOTE::

            To disable the Cartan type check, use the optional argument
            ``cartan_type_check = False``.


            sage: C = CartanMatrix(['A',1,1])
            sage: C2 = CartanMatrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]])
            sage: C3 = CartanMatrix(matrix([[2, -2], [-2, 2]]), [0, 1])
            sage: C == C2 and C == C3


        Check that :trac:`15740` is fixed::

            sage: d = DynkinDiagram()
            sage: d.add_edge('a', 'b', 2)
            sage: d.index_set()
            ('a', 'b')
            sage: cm = CartanMatrix(d)
            sage: cm.index_set()
            ('a', 'b')
        # Special case with 0 args and kwds has Cartan type
        if cartan_type is not None and data is None:
            data = CartanType(cartan_type)

        if data is None:
            data = []
            n = 0
            index_set = tuple()
            cartan_type = None
            subdivisions = None
        elif isinstance(data, CartanMatrix):
            if index_set is not None:
                d = {a: index_set[i] for i, a in enumerate(data.index_set())}
                return data.relabel(d)
            return data
            dynkin_diagram = None
            subdivisions = None

            from sage.combinat.root_system.dynkin_diagram import DynkinDiagram_class
            if isinstance(data, DynkinDiagram_class):
                dynkin_diagram = data
                cartan_type = data._cartan_type
                    cartan_type = CartanType(data)
                    dynkin_diagram = cartan_type.dynkin_diagram()
                except (TypeError, ValueError):

            if dynkin_diagram is not None:
                n = dynkin_diagram.rank()
                index_set = dynkin_diagram.index_set()
                oir = dynkin_diagram.odd_isotropic_roots()
                reverse = {a: i for i, a in enumerate(index_set)}
                data = {(i, i): 2 if index_set[i] not in oir else 0
                        for i in range(n)}
                for (i, j, l) in dynkin_diagram.edge_iterator():
                    data[(reverse[j], reverse[i])] = -l
                M = matrix(data)
                if not is_generalized_cartan_matrix(M):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "the input matrix is not a generalized Cartan matrix")
                n = M.ncols()
                data = M.dict()
                subdivisions = M._subdivisions

            if index_set is None:
                index_set = tuple(range(n))
                index_set = tuple(index_set)

        if len(index_set) != n and len(set(index_set)) != n:
            raise ValueError("the given index set is not valid")

        # We can do the Cartan type initialization later as this is not
        #   a unique representation
        mat = typecall(cls, MatrixSpace(ZZ, n, sparse=True), data, False, True)
        # FIXME: We have to initialize the CartanMatrix part separately because
        #   of the __cinit__ of the matrix. We should get rid of this workaround
        mat._CM_init(cartan_type, index_set, cartan_type_check)
        mat._subdivisions = subdivisions
        return mat
Example #19
    def __classcall_private__(cls, morphism_or_polys, domain=None):
        Return the appropriate dynamical system on an affine scheme.


            sage: A.<x> = AffineSpace(ZZ,1)
            sage: A1.<z> = AffineSpace(CC,1)
            sage: H = End(A1)
            sage: f2 = H([z^2+1])
            sage: f = DynamicalSystem_affine(f2, A)
            sage: f.domain() is A


            sage: P1.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine([y, 2*x], domain=P1)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme
            sage: H = End(P1)
            sage: DynamicalSystem_affine(H([y, 2*x]))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: "domain" must be an affine scheme
        if isinstance(morphism_or_polys, SchemeMorphism_polynomial):
            morphism = morphism_or_polys
            R = morphism.base_ring()
            polys = list(morphism)
            domain = morphism.domain()
            if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
                raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')
            if domain != morphism_or_polys.codomain():
                raise ValueError('domain and codomain do not agree')
            if R not in Fields():
                return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
            if is_FiniteField(R):
                return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
            return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)
        elif isinstance(morphism_or_polys,(list, tuple)):
            polys = list(morphism_or_polys)
            polys = [morphism_or_polys]

        # We now arrange for all of our list entries to lie in the same ring
        # Fraction field case first
        fraction_field = False
        for poly in polys:
            P = poly.parent()
            if is_FractionField(P):
                fraction_field = True
        if fraction_field:
            K = P.base_ring().fraction_field()
            # Replace base ring with its fraction field
            P = P.ring().change_ring(K).fraction_field()
            polys = [P(poly) for poly in polys]
            # If any of the list entries lies in a quotient ring, we try
            # to lift all entries to a common polynomial ring.
            quotient_ring = False
            for poly in polys:
                P = poly.parent()
                if is_QuotientRing(P):
                    quotient_ring = True
            if quotient_ring:
                polys = [P(poly).lift() for poly in polys]
                poly_ring = False
                for poly in polys:
                    P = poly.parent()
                    if is_PolynomialRing(P) or is_MPolynomialRing(P):
                        poly_ring = True
                if poly_ring:
                    polys = [P(poly) for poly in polys]

        if domain is None:
            f = polys[0]
            CR = f.parent()
            if CR is SR:
                raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
            if fraction_field:
                CR = CR.ring()
            domain = AffineSpace(CR)

        R = domain.base_ring()
        if R is SR:
            raise TypeError("Symbolic Ring cannot be the base ring")
        if not is_AffineSpace(domain) and not isinstance(domain, AlgebraicScheme_subscheme_affine):
            raise ValueError('"domain" must be an affine scheme')

        if R not in Fields():
            return typecall(cls, polys, domain)
        if is_FiniteField(R):
                return DynamicalSystem_affine_finite_field(polys, domain)
        return DynamicalSystem_affine_field(polys, domain)