Example #1
def list_derivarives(ex, list_d, exponent=0):
    Function to find the occurences of FDerivativeOperator in the expression;
    inspired by http://ask.sagemath.org/question/10256/how-can-extract-different-terms-from-a-symbolic-expression/?answer=26136#post-id-26136


    - ``ex`` -- symbolic expression to be analyzed
    - ``exponent`` -- (optional) exponent of FDerivativeOperator, passed to a next level in the expression tree


    - ``list_d`` -- tuple containing the details of FDerivativeOperator found, in a following order:

    1. operator
    2. function name 
    3. LaTeX function name 
    4. parameter set
    5. operands
    6. exponent (if found, else 0)


        sage: f = function('f_x', x, latex_name=r"{\cal F}")
        sage: df = f.diff(x)^2
        sage: from sage.geometry.manifolds.utilities import list_derivarives
        sage: list_d = []
        sage: list_derivarives(df, list_d)
        sage: list_d
        [(D[0](f_x)(x), 'f_x', {\cal F}, [0], [x], 2)]


    op = ex.operator()
    operands = ex.operands()

    import operator 
    from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name 
    from sage.symbolic.operators import FDerivativeOperator

    if op:

        if op is operator.pow:
            if isinstance(operands[0].operator(), FDerivativeOperator):
                exponent = operands[1]

        if isinstance(op, FDerivativeOperator):

            parameter_set = op.parameter_set()
            function = repr(op.function())
            latex_function = latex(op.function()) 

            # case when no latex_name given 
            if function == latex_function: 
                latex_function = latex_variable_name(str(op.function()))

            list_d.append((ex, function, latex_function, parameter_set, operands, exponent))

        for operand in operands:
            list_derivarives(operand, list_d, exponent)
Example #2
 def _latex_(self):
     if self._name:
         l_name = latex_variable_name(self._name) + ': \\left('
         l_name = '\\left('
     return l_name + latex(self._red_edges) + '\\mapsto red; ' + latex(
         self._blue_edges) + '\\mapsto blue\\right)'
Example #3
def list_functions(ex, list_f):
    Function to find the occurences of symbolic functions in the expression. 


    - ``ex`` -- symbolic expression to be analyzed


    - ``list_f`` -- tuple containing the details of a symbolic function found, in a following order:

    1. operator
    2. function name 
    3. arguments 
    4. LaTeX version of function name 
    5. LaTeX version of arguments  


        sage: var('x y z')
        (x, y, z)
        sage: f = function('f', x, y, latex_name=r"{\cal F}")
        sage: g = function('g_x', x, y)
        sage: d = sin(x)*g.diff(x)*x*f - x^2*f.diff(x,y)/g 
        sage: from sage.geometry.manifolds.utilities import list_functions
        sage: list_f = [] 
        sage: list_functions(d, list_f)
        sage: list_f
        [(f, 'f', '(x, y)', {\cal F}, \left(x, y\right)), (g_x, 'g_x', '(x, y)', 'g_{x}', \left(x, y\right))]
    op = ex.operator()
    operands = ex.operands()

    from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name  

    if op: 

        if str(type(op)) == "<class 'sage.symbolic.function_factory.NewSymbolicFunction'>": 
            repr_function = repr(op) 
            latex_function = latex(op)

            # case when no latex_name given 
            if repr_function == latex_function:
                latex_function = latex_variable_name(str(op))

            repr_args = repr(ex.arguments())
            # remove comma in case of singleton 
            if len(ex.arguments())==1: 
                repr_args = repr_args.replace(",","")

            latex_args = latex(ex.arguments())
            list_f.append((op, repr_function, repr_args, latex_function, latex_args))
        for operand in operands:    
            list_functions(operand, list_f)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, field, prec, log_radii, names, order, integral=False):
        Initialize the Tate algebra


            sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(Zp(2), log_radii=1)
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()

        We check that univariate Tate algebras work correctly::

            sage: B.<t> = TateAlgebra(Zp(3))

        from sage.misc.latex import latex_variable_name
        from sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring_constructor import _multi_variate
        self.element_class = TateAlgebraElement
        self._field = field
        self._cap = prec
        self._log_radii = ETuple(log_radii)  # TODO: allow log_radii in QQ
        self._names = names
        self._latex_names = [latex_variable_name(var) for var in names]
        uniformizer = field.change(print_mode='terse',
        self._uniformizer_repr = uniformizer._repr_()
        self._uniformizer_latex = uniformizer._latex_()
        self._ngens = len(names)
        self._order = order
        self._integral = integral
        if integral:
            base = field.integer_ring()
            base = field
        self._polynomial_ring = _multi_variate(field, names, order=order)
        one = field(1)
        self._parent_terms = TateTermMonoid(self)
        self._oneterm = self._parent_terms(one, ETuple([0] * self._ngens))
        if integral:
            # This needs to be update if log_radii are allowed to be non-integral
            self._gens = [
                self((one << log_radii[i]) * self._polynomial_ring.gen(i))
                for i in range(self._ngens)
            self._integer_ring = self
            self._gens = [self(g) for g in self._polynomial_ring.gens()]
            self._integer_ring = TateAlgebra_generic(field,
            self._integer_ring._rational_ring = self._rational_ring = self
Example #5
def expression_tree(s, list_derivs, exponent=0):
    Function to find the occurences of FDerivativeOperator in the expression;
    inspired by http://ask.sagemath.org/question/10256/how-can-extract-different-terms-from-a-symbolic-expression/?answer=26136#post-id-26136


    - ``s`` -- symbolic expression to be analyzed
    - ``exponent`` -- (optional) exponent of FDerivativeOperator, passed to a next level in the expression tree


    - ``list_derivs`` -- tuple containing the details of FDerivativeOperator found, in a following order:

    1. operator
    2. function
    3. LaTeX function name string
    4. parameter set
    5. operands
    6. exponent (if found, else 0)


        sage: f = function('f_x', x)
        sage: df = f.diff(x)^2
        sage: from sage.geometry.manifolds.utilities import expression_tree
        sage: list_derivs = []
        sage: expression_tree(df, list_derivs)
        sage: list_derivs
        [(D[0](f_x)(x), f_x, 'f_{x}', [0], [x], 2)]


    from sage.symbolic.operators import FDerivativeOperator
    from sage.misc.latex import latex_variable_name
    import operator

    op = s.operator()
    operands = s.operands()

    if op:

        if op is operator.pow:
            if isinstance(operands[0].operator(), FDerivativeOperator):
                exponent = operands[1]

        if isinstance(op, FDerivativeOperator):

            parameter_set = op.parameter_set()
            function = op.function()
            latex_function = latex_variable_name(str(function))

            list_derivs.append((s, function, latex_function, parameter_set, operands, exponent))

        for operand in operands:
            expression_tree(operand, list_derivs, exponent)
Example #6
def _list_functions(ex, list_f):
    Function to find the occurrences of symbolic functions in a symbolic


    - ``ex`` -- symbolic expression to be analyzed


    - ``list_f`` -- tuple containing the details of a symbolic function found,
      in the following order:

      1. operator
      2. function name
      3. arguments
      4. LaTeX version of function name
      5. LaTeX version of arguments


        sage: var('x y z')
        (x, y, z)
        sage: f = function('f', latex_name=r"{\cal F}")(x, y)
        sage: g = function('g_x')(x, y)
        sage: d = sin(x)*g.diff(x)*x*f - x^2*f.diff(x,y)/g
        sage: from sage.manifolds.utilities import _list_functions
        sage: list_f = []
        sage: _list_functions(d, list_f)
        sage: list_f
        [(f, 'f', '(x, y)', {\cal F}, \left(x, y\right)),
         (g_x, 'g_x', '(x, y)', 'g_{x}', \left(x, y\right))]

    op = ex.operator()
    operands = ex.operands()

    from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name

    if op:
        # FIXME: This hack is needed because the NewSymbolicFunction is
        #   a class defined inside of the *function* function_factory().
        if str(
        ) == "<class 'sage.symbolic.function_factory.NewSymbolicFunction'>":
            repr_function = repr(op)
            latex_function = latex(op)

            # case when no latex_name given
            if repr_function == latex_function:
                latex_function = latex_variable_name(str(op))

            repr_args = repr(ex.arguments())
            # remove comma in case of singleton
            if len(ex.arguments()) == 1:
                repr_args = repr_args.replace(",", "")

            latex_args = latex(ex.arguments())

                (op, repr_function, repr_args, latex_function, latex_args))

        for operand in operands:
            _list_functions(operand, list_f)
Example #7
def _list_derivatives(ex, list_d, exponent=0):
    Function to find the occurrences of ``FDerivativeOperator`` in a symbolic
    expression; inspired by


    - ``ex`` -- symbolic expression to be analyzed
    - ``exponent`` -- (optional) exponent of ``FDerivativeOperator``,
      passed to a next level in the expression tree


    - ``list_d`` -- tuple containing the details of ``FDerivativeOperator``
      found, in the following order:

      1. operator
      2. function name
      3. LaTeX function name
      4. parameter set
      5. operands
      6. exponent (if found, else 0)


        sage: f = function('f_x', latex_name=r"{\cal F}")(x)
        sage: df = f.diff(x)^2
        sage: from sage.manifolds.utilities import _list_derivatives
        sage: list_d = []
        sage: _list_derivatives(df, list_d)
        sage: list_d
        [(diff(f_x(x), x), 'f_x', {\cal F}, [0], [x], 2)]

    op = ex.operator()
    operands = ex.operands()

    import operator
    from sage.misc.latex import latex, latex_variable_name
    from sage.symbolic.operators import FDerivativeOperator

    if op:
        if op is operator.pow:
            if isinstance(operands[0].operator(), FDerivativeOperator):
                exponent = operands[1]

        if isinstance(op, FDerivativeOperator):
            parameter_set = op.parameter_set()
            function = repr(op.function())
            latex_function = latex(op.function())

            # case when no latex_name given
            if function == latex_function:
                latex_function = latex_variable_name(str(op.function()))

            list_d.append((ex, function, latex_function, parameter_set,
                           operands, exponent))

        for operand in operands:
            _list_derivatives(operand, list_d, exponent)
Example #8
    def plot(self, grid_pos=False, zigzag=False):
        Return a plot of the NAC-coloring.


            sage: from flexrilog import FlexRiGraph
            sage: G = FlexRiGraph(graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(3,3))
            sage: delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0]
            sage: delta.plot()
            Graphics object consisting of 16 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            from flexrilog import FlexRiGraph
            G = FlexRiGraph(graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(3,3))


            sage: from flexrilog import GraphGenerator
            sage: G = GraphGenerator.ThreePrismGraph()
            sage: delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0].conjugated()
            sage: delta.plot(grid_pos=True)
            Graphics object consisting of 16 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            from flexrilog import GraphGenerator
            G = GraphGenerator.ThreePrismGraph()
            delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0].conjugated()


            sage: from flexrilog import GraphGenerator
            sage: G = GraphGenerator.ThreePrismGraph()
            sage: delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0].conjugated()
            sage: delta.plot(grid_pos=True, zigzag=True)
            Graphics object consisting of 16 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            from flexrilog import GraphGenerator
            G = GraphGenerator.ThreePrismGraph()
            delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0].conjugated()
            sphinx_plot(delta.plot(grid_pos=True, zigzag=True))


            sage: from flexrilog import GraphGenerator
            sage: G = GraphGenerator.ThreePrismGraph()
            sage: delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0].conjugated()
            sage: delta.plot(grid_pos=True, zigzag=[[[0,0], [0,1]], [[0,0], [1,1/2], [2,0]]])
            Graphics object consisting of 16 graphics primitives

        .. PLOT::

            from flexrilog import GraphGenerator
            G = GraphGenerator.ThreePrismGraph()
            delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0].conjugated()
            sphinx_plot(delta.plot(grid_pos=True, zigzag=[[[0,0], [0,1]], [[0,0], [1,1/2], [2,0]]]))


        args_kwd = {}
        if self.name():
            args_kwd['title'] = '$' + latex_variable_name(self.name()) + '$'
        if grid_pos:
            from graph_motion import GraphMotion
            args_kwd['pos'] = GraphMotion.GridConstruction(
                self._graph, self, zigzag).realization(0, numeric=True)

#            grid_coor = self.grid_coordinates()
#            if zigzag:
#                if type(zigzag) == list and len(zigzag) == 2:
#                    a = [vector(c) for c in zigzag[0]]
#                    b = [vector(c) for c in zigzag[1]]
#                else:
#                    m = max([k for _, k in grid_coor.values()])
#                    n = max([k for k, _ in grid_coor.values()])
#                    a = [vector([0.3*((-1)^i-1)+0.3*sin(i), i]) for i in range(0,m+1)]
#                    b = [vector([j, 0.3*((-1)^j-1)+0.3*sin(j)]) for j in range(0,n+1)]
#            else:
#                positions = {}
#                m = max([k for _, k in grid_coor.values()])
#                n = max([k for k, _ in grid_coor.values()])
#                a = [vector([0, i]) for i in range(0,m+1)]
#                b = [vector([j, 0]) for j in range(0,n+1)]
#            alpha = 0
#            rotation = matrix([[cos(alpha), sin(alpha)], [-sin(alpha), cos(alpha)]])
#            positions = {}
#            for v in self._graph.vertices():
#                positions[v] = rotation * a[grid_coor[v][1]] + b[grid_coor[v][0]]
#            return self._graph.plot(NAC_coloring=self, pos=positions)
        return self._graph.plot(NAC_coloring=self,