Example #1
    def attach(self, s):
        Attaches the code contained in the file ``s``. This is
        designed to be used from the command line as
        ``%attach /path/to/file``.

        :param s: file to be attached
        :type s: string


            sage: import os
            sage: from sage.misc.interpreter import get_test_shell
            sage: shell = get_test_shell()
            sage: tmp = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SAGE_TMP, 'run_cell.py'))
            sage: f = open(tmp, 'w'); f.write('a = 2\n'); f.close()
            sage: shell.run_cell('%attach ' + tmp)
            sage: shell.run_cell('a')
            sage: import time; time.sleep(1)
            sage: f = open(tmp, 'w'); f.write('a = 3\n'); f.close()
            sage: shell.run_cell('a')
            sage: shell.run_cell('detach(%r)'%tmp)
            sage: shell.run_cell('attached_files()')
            sage: os.remove(tmp)
        from sage.misc.preparser import load_wrap
        return self.shell.ex(load_wrap(s, attach=True))
Example #2
def reload_attached_files_if_modified():
    Reload attached files that have been modified

    This is the internal implementation of the attach mechanism.


        sage: sage.misc.attached_files.reset()
        sage: from sage.repl.interpreter import get_test_shell
        sage: shell = get_test_shell()
        sage: tmp = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(tmp, 'w').write('a = 2\n')
        sage: shell.run_cell('attach({0})'.format(repr(tmp)))
        sage: shell.run_cell('a')
        sage: sleep(1)   # filesystem mtime granularity
        sage: open(tmp, 'w').write('a = 3\n')

    Note that the doctests are never really at the command prompt
    where the automatic reload is triggered. So we have to do it

        sage: shell.run_cell('from sage.misc.attached_files import reload_attached_files_if_modified')
        sage: shell.run_cell('reload_attached_files_if_modified()')
        ### reloading attached file tmp_....py modified at ... ###

        sage: shell.run_cell('a')
        sage: shell.run_cell('detach({0})'.format(repr(tmp)))
        sage: shell.run_cell('attached_files()')
    for filename, mtime in modified_file_iterator():
        basename = os.path.basename(filename)
        timestr = time.strftime('%T', mtime)
        from sage.libs.readline import interleaved_output
        with interleaved_output():
            print('### reloading attached file {0} modified at {1} ###'.format(
                basename, timestr))
            code = load_wrap(filename, attach=True)
Example #3
def reload_attached_files_if_modified():
    Reload attached files that have been modified

    This is the internal implementation of the attach mechanism.


        sage: sage.misc.attached_files.reset()
        sage: from sage.misc.interpreter import get_test_shell
        sage: shell = get_test_shell()
        sage: tmp = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(tmp, 'w').write('a = 2\n')
        sage: shell.run_cell('attach({0})'.format(repr(tmp)))
        sage: shell.run_cell('a')
        sage: sleep(1)   # filesystem mtime granularity
        sage: open(tmp, 'w').write('a = 3\n')

    Note that the doctests are never really at the command prompt
    where the automatic reload is triggered. So we have to do it

        sage: shell.run_cell('from sage.misc.attached_files import reload_attached_files_if_modified')
        sage: shell.run_cell('reload_attached_files_if_modified()')
        ### reloading attached file tmp_....py modified at ... ###

        sage: shell.run_cell('a')
        sage: shell.run_cell('detach({0})'.format(repr(tmp)))
        sage: shell.run_cell('attached_files()')
    for filename, mtime in modified_file_iterator():
        basename = os.path.basename(filename)
        timestr = time.strftime('%T', mtime)
        from sage.libs.readline import interleaved_output
        with interleaved_output():
            print '### reloading attached file {0} modified at {1} ###'.format(basename, timestr)
            code = load_wrap(filename, attach=True)
Example #4
    def attach(self, s):
        Attaches the code contained in the file ``s``. This is
        designed to be used from the command line as
        ``%attach /path/to/file``.

        :param s: file to be attached
        :type s: string


            sage: import os
            sage: from sage.misc.interpreter import get_test_shell
            sage: shell = get_test_shell()
            sage: tmp = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SAGE_TMP, 'run_cell.py'))
            sage: f = open(tmp, 'w'); f.write('a = 2\n'); f.close()
            sage: shell.run_cell('%attach ' + tmp)
            sage: shell.run_cell('a')
            sage: sleep(1)  # filesystem timestamp granularity
            sage: f = open(tmp, 'w'); f.write('a = 3\n'); f.close()

        Note that the doctests are never really at the command prompt, so
        we call the input hook manually::

            sage: shell.run_cell('from sage.misc.inputhook import sage_inputhook')
            sage: shell.run_cell('sage_inputhook()')
            ### reloading attached file run_cell.py modified at ... ###

            sage: shell.run_cell('a')
            sage: shell.run_cell('detach(%r)'%tmp)
            sage: shell.run_cell('attached_files()')
            sage: os.remove(tmp)
        from sage.misc.preparser import load_wrap
        return self.shell.ex(load_wrap(s, attach=True))
Example #5
    def runfile(self, s):
        Loads the code contained in the file ``s``. This is designed
        to be used from the command line as ``%runfile /path/to/file``.

        :param s: file to be loaded
        :type s: string


            sage: import os
            sage: from sage.misc.interpreter import get_test_shell
            sage: from sage.misc.misc import tmp_dir
            sage: shell = get_test_shell()
            sage: tmp = os.path.join(tmp_dir(), 'run_cell.py')
            sage: f = open(tmp, 'w'); f.write('a = 2\n'); f.close()
            sage: shell.run_cell('%runfile '+tmp)
            sage: shell.run_cell('a')
        from sage.misc.preparser import load_wrap
        return self.shell.ex(load_wrap(s, attach=False))
Example #6
def attach(*files):
    Attach a file or files to a running instance of Sage and also load
    that file.


    ``attach file1 ...`` - space-separated list of ``.py``, ``.pyx``,
    and ``.sage`` files, or ``attach('file1', 'file2')`` - filenames as
    strings, given as arguments to :func:`attach`.

    :meth:`~sage.misc.preparser.load` is the same as :func:`attach`, but
    doesn't automatically reload a file when it changes.

    .. NOTE::

       On the Sage prompt you can also just type ``attach "foo.sage"``
       as a short-hand for ``attach('foo.sage')``. However this
       alternate form is not part of the Python language and does not
       work in Python scripts.


    Each file is read in and added to an internal list of watched files.
    The meaning of reading in a file depends on the file type:

    -  ``.py`` files are read in with no preparsing (so, e.g., ``2^3`` is 2
       bit-xor 3);

    -  ``.sage`` files are preparsed, then the result is read in;

    - ``.pyx`` files are *not* preparsed, but rather are compiled to a
       module ``m`` and then ``from m import *`` is executed.

    The contents of the file are then loaded, which means they are read
    into the running Sage session. For example, if ``foo.sage`` contains
    ``x=5``, after attaching ``foo.sage`` the variable ``x`` will be set
    to 5. Moreover, any time you change ``foo.sage``, before you execute
    a command, the attached file will be re-read automatically (with no
    intervention on your part).


    You attach a file, e.g., ``foo.sage`` or ``foo.py`` or
    ``foo.pyx``, to a running Sage session by typing::

        sage: attach foo.sage   # or foo.py or foo.pyx or even a URL to such a file (not tested)


        sage: attach('foo.sage')  # not tested

    Here we test attaching multiple files at once::

        sage: sage.misc.attached_files.reset()
        sage: t1 = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t1,'w').write("print 'hello world'")
        sage: t2 = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t2,'w').write("print 'hi there xxx'")
        sage: attach(t1, t2)
        hello world
        hi there xxx
        sage: set(attached_files()) == set([t1,t2])

    .. SEEALSO::

        - :meth:`attached_files` returns a list of
          all currently attached files.

        - :meth:`detach` instructs Sage to remove a
          file from the internal list of watched files.

        - :meth:`load_attach_path` allows you to
          get or modify the current search path for loading and attaching
        ipy = get_ipython()
    except NameError:
        ipy = None
    global attached
    for filename in files:
        if ipy:
            code = load_wrap(filename, attach=True)
            load(filename, globals(), attach=True)
Example #7
def attach(*files):
    Attach a file or files to a running instance of Sage and also load
    that file.


    ``attach file1 ...`` - space-separated list of ``.py``, ``.pyx``,
    and ``.sage`` files, or ``attach('file1', 'file2')`` - filenames as
    strings, given as arguments to :func:`attach`.

    :meth:`~sage.misc.preparser.load` is the same as :func:`attach`, but
    doesn't automatically reload a file when it changes.

    .. NOTE::

       On the Sage prompt you can also just type ``attach "foo.sage"``
       as a short-hand for ``attach('foo.sage')``. However this
       alternate form is not part of the Python language and does not
       work in Python scripts.


    Each file is read in and added to an internal list of watched files.
    The meaning of reading in a file depends on the file type:

    -  ``.py`` files are read in with no preparsing (so, e.g., ``2^3`` is 2
       bit-xor 3);

    -  ``.sage`` files are preparsed, then the result is read in;

    - ``.pyx`` files are *not* preparsed, but rather are compiled to a
       module ``m`` and then ``from m import *`` is executed.

    The contents of the file are then loaded, which means they are read
    into the running Sage session. For example, if ``foo.sage`` contains
    ``x=5``, after attaching ``foo.sage`` the variable ``x`` will be set
    to 5. Moreover, any time you change ``foo.sage``, before you execute
    a command, the attached file will be re-read automatically (with no
    intervention on your part).


    You attach a file, e.g., ``foo.sage`` or ``foo.py`` or
    ``foo.pyx``, to a running Sage session by typing::

        sage: attach foo.sage   # or foo.py or foo.pyx or even a URL to such a file (not tested)


        sage: attach('foo.sage')  # not tested

    Here we test attaching multiple files at once::

        sage: sage.misc.attached_files.reset()
        sage: t1 = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t1,'w').write("print 'hello world'")
        sage: t2 = tmp_filename(ext='.py')
        sage: open(t2,'w').write("print 'hi there xxx'")
        sage: attach(t1, t2)
        hello world
        hi there xxx
        sage: set(attached_files()) == set([t1,t2])

    .. SEEALSO::

        - :meth:`attached_files` returns a list of
          all currently attached files.

        - :meth:`detach` instructs Sage to remove a
          file from the internal list of watched files.

        - :meth:`load_attach_path` allows you to
          get or modify the current search path for loading and attaching
        ipy = get_ipython()
    except NameError:
        ipy = None
    global attached
    for filename in files:
        if ipy:
            code = load_wrap(filename, attach=True)
            load(filename, globals(), attach=True)