def _cftp(self, start_row):
        Implement coupling from the past.


        The set of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns can partially ordered by
        elementwise domination.  The partial order has unique maximum
        and minimum elements that are computed by the methods
        :meth:`_cftp_upper` and :meth:`_cftp_lower`. We then run the Markov
        chain that randomly toggles each element up or down from the
        past until the state reached from the upper and lower start
        points coalesce as described in [Propp1997]_.


            sage: G = GelfandTsetlinPatterns(3, 5)
            sage: G._cftp(0)  # random
            [[5, 3, 2], [4, 2], [3]]
            sage: G._cftp(0) in G
        from sage.misc.randstate import current_randstate
        from sage.misc.randstate import seed
        from sage.misc.randstate import random

        count = self._n * self._k
        seedlist = [(current_randstate().long_seed(), count)]
        upper = []
        lower = []
        while True:
            upper = self._cftp_upper()
            lower = self._cftp_lower()
            for currseed, count in seedlist:
                with seed(currseed):
                    for _ in range(count):
                        for row in range(start_row, self._n):
                            for col in range(self._n - row):
                                direction = random() % 2
                                    upper, row, col, direction)
                                    lower, row, col, direction)
            if all(
                    all(x == y for x, y in zip(l1, l2))
                    for l1, l2 in zip(upper, lower)):
            count = seedlist[0][1] * 2
            seedlist.insert(0, (current_randstate().long_seed(), count))
        return GelfandTsetlinPattern(upper)
    def _cftp(self, start_row):
        Implement coupling from the past.


        The set of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns can partially ordered by
        elementwise domination.  The partial order has unique maximum
        and minimum elements that are computed by the methods
        :meth:`_cftp_upper` and :meth:`_cftp_lower`. We then run the Markov
        chain that randomly toggles each element up or down from the
        past until the state reached from the upper and lower start
        points coalesce as described in [Propp1997]_.


            sage: G = GelfandTsetlinPatterns(3, 5)
            sage: G._cftp(0)  # random
            [[5, 3, 2], [4, 2], [3]]
            sage: G._cftp(0) in G
        from sage.misc.randstate import current_randstate
        from sage.misc.randstate import seed
        from sage.misc.randstate import random

        count = self._n * self._k
        seedlist = [(current_randstate().long_seed(), count)]
        upper = []
        lower = []
        while True:
            upper = self._cftp_upper()
            lower = self._cftp_lower()
            for currseed, count in seedlist:
                with seed(currseed):
                    for _ in range(count):
                        for row in range(start_row, self._n):
                            for col in range(self._n - row):
                                direction = random() % 2
                                self._toggle_markov_chain(upper, row, col, direction)
                                self._toggle_markov_chain(lower, row, col, direction)
            if all(all(x == y for x,y in zip(l1, l2)) for l1, l2 in zip(upper, lower)):
            count = seedlist[0][1] * 2
            seedlist.insert(0, (current_randstate().long_seed(), count))
        return GelfandTsetlinPattern(upper)