Example #1
    def __init__(self, M, prefix='T', category=None, **options):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: C = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, ['a','b','c'])
            sage: TA = TensorAlgebra(C)
            sage: TestSuite(TA).run()
            sage: m = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).m()
            sage: Tm = TensorAlgebra(m)
            sage: TestSuite(Tm).run()
        self._base_module = M
        R = M.base_ring()
        category = GradedHopfAlgebrasWithBasis(


        # the following is not the best option, but it's better than nothing.
        self._print_options['tensor_symbol'] = options.get(
            'tensor_symbol', tensor.symbol)
Example #2
    def __classcall_private__(cls, index_set=None, names=None,
                              commutative=False, **kwds):
        Construct a free monoid or a free abelian monoid, depending on the
        input. Also, normalize the input.


            sage: F.<a,b,c,d,e> = FreeMonoid(); F
            Free monoid on 5 generators (a, b, c, d, e)
            sage: FreeMonoid(index_set=ZZ)
            Free monoid indexed by Integer Ring
            sage: F.<x,y,z> = FreeMonoid(abelian=True); F
            Free abelian monoid on 3 generators (x, y, z)
            sage: FreeMonoid(index_set=ZZ, commutative=True)
            Free abelian monoid indexed by Integer Ring
            sage: F = FreeMonoid(index_set=ZZ, names='x,y,z')
            sage: G = FreeMonoid(index_set=ZZ, names=['x', 'y', 'z'])
            sage: F == G
            sage: F is G

            sage: FreeMonoid(2, names='a,b') is FreeMonoid(names=['a','b'])

        Fix a bug when ``index_set`` is ``None`` and ``names`` is a
        string (:trac:`26221`)::

            sage: FreeMonoid(2, names=['a','b']) is FreeMonoid(names='a,b')
        if 'abelian' in kwds:
            commutative = kwds.pop('abelian')

        if commutative:
            from sage.monoids.free_abelian_monoid import FreeAbelianMonoid
            return FreeAbelianMonoid(index_set, names, **kwds)

        # Swap args (this works if names is None as well)
        if isinstance(index_set, str):
            names, index_set = index_set, names

        if index_set is None and names is not None:
            if isinstance(names, str):
                index_set = names.count(',') + 1
                index_set = len(names)

        if index_set not in ZZ:
            if names is not None:
                names = normalize_names(-1, names)
            from sage.monoids.indexed_free_monoid import IndexedFreeMonoid
            return IndexedFreeMonoid(index_set, names=names, **kwds)

        if names is None:
            raise ValueError("names must be specified")
        names = normalize_names(index_set, names)
        return super(FreeMonoid, cls).__classcall__(cls, index_set, names)
Example #3
    def free(index_set=None, names=None, **kwds):
        Return a free monoid on `n` generators or with the generators
        indexed by a set `I`.

        A free monoid is constructed by specifing either:

        - the number of generators and/or the names of the generators
        - the indexing set for the generators


        - ``index_set`` -- (optional) an index set for the generators; if
          an integer, then this represents `\{0, 1, \ldots, n-1\}`

        - ``names`` -- a string or list/tuple/iterable of strings
          (default: ``'x'``); the generator names or name prefix


            sage: Monoids.free(index_set=ZZ)
            Free monoid indexed by Integer Ring
            sage: Monoids().free(ZZ)
            Free monoid indexed by Integer Ring
            sage: F.<x,y,z> = Monoids().free(); F
            Free monoid indexed by {'x', 'y', 'z'}
        if names is not None:
            if isinstance(names, str):
                from sage.rings.all import ZZ
                if ',' not in names and index_set in ZZ:
                    names = [names + repr(i) for i in range(index_set)]
                    names = names.split(',')
            names = tuple(names)
            if index_set is None:
                index_set = names

        from sage.monoids.indexed_free_monoid import IndexedFreeMonoid
        return IndexedFreeMonoid(index_set, names=names, **kwds)
Example #4
def FreeMonoid(index_set=None, names=None, commutative=False, **kwds):
    Return a free monoid on `n` generators or with the generators indexed by
    a set `I`.

    We construct free monoids by specifing either:

    - the number of generators and/or the names of the generators
    - the indexing set for the generators


    - ``index_set`` -- an indexing set for the generators; if an integer,
      than this becomes `\{0, 1, \ldots, n-1\}`

    -  ``names`` -- names of generators

    - ``commutative`` -- (default: ``False``) whether the free monoid is
      commutative or not


    A free monoid.


        sage: F.<a,b,c,d,e> = FreeMonoid(); F
        Free monoid on 5 generators (a, b, c, d, e)
        sage: FreeMonoid(index_set=ZZ)
        Free monoid indexed by Integer Ring

        sage: F.<x,y,z> = FreeMonoid(abelian=True); F
        Free abelian monoid on 3 generators (x, y, z)
        sage: FreeMonoid(index_set=ZZ, commutative=True)
        Free abelian monoid indexed by Integer Ring


        sage: FreeMonoid(index_set=ZZ, names='x,y,z')
        Free monoid indexed by Integer Ring
    if 'abelian' in kwds:
        commutative = kwds.pop('abelian')

    if commutative:
        from sage.monoids.free_abelian_monoid import FreeAbelianMonoid
        return FreeAbelianMonoid(index_set, names, **kwds)

    if isinstance(index_set, str): # Swap args (this works if names is None as well)
        names, index_set = index_set, names

    if index_set is None and names is not None:
        if isinstance(names, str):
            index_set = names.count(',')
            index_set = len(names)

    if index_set not in ZZ:
        if names is not None:
            names = normalize_names(-1, names)
        from sage.monoids.indexed_free_monoid import IndexedFreeMonoid
        return IndexedFreeMonoid(index_set, names=names, **kwds)

    if names is None:
        raise ValueError("names must be specified")
    return FreeMonoid_factory(index_set, names)