Example #1
File: phc.py Project: drupel/sage
    def plot_paths_2d(self, start_sys, end_sys, input_ring, c_skew = .001, endpoints = True, saved_start = None, rand_colors = False):
        This returns a graphics object of solution paths in the complex plane.


        - start_sys -- a square polynomial system, given as a list of polynomials
        - end_sys -- same type as start_sys
        - input_ring -- for coercion of the variables into the desired ring.
        - c_skew -- optional. the imaginary part of homotopy multiplier; nonzero values
          are often necessary to avoid intermediate path collisions
        - endpoints -- optional.  Whether to draw in the ends of paths as points.
        - saved_start -- optional.  A phc output file.  If not given, start system solutions
          are computed via the phc.blackbox function.


        - lines and points of solution paths


            sage: from sage.interfaces.phc import *
            sage: from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
            sage: R2.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ,2)
            sage: start_sys = [x^5-y^2,y^5-1]
            sage: sol = phc.blackbox(start_sys, R2)    # optional -- phc
            sage: start_save = sol.save_as_start()     # optional -- phc
            sage: end_sys = [x^5-25,y^5-x^2]           # optional -- phc
            sage: testing = phc.plot_paths_2d(start_sys, end_sys, R2)  # optional -- phc
            sage: type(testing)                        # optional -- phc (normally use plot here)
            <class 'sage.plot.graphics.Graphics'>
        paths = phc.path_track(start_sys, end_sys, input_ring, c_skew = c_skew, saved_start = saved_start)
        path_lines = []
        sol_pts = []
        if rand_colors:
            r_color = {}
            for a_var in input_ring.gens():
                var_name = str(a_var)
                r_color[var_name] = (random(),random(),random())
        for a_sol in paths:
            for a_var in input_ring.gens():
                var_name = str(a_var)
                temp_line = []
                for data in a_sol:
                    temp_line.append([data[var_name].real(), data[var_name].imag()])
                if rand_colors:
                    path_lines.append(line(temp_line, rgbcolor = r_color[var_name]))
        if endpoints:
            sol_pts = []
            for a_sol in paths:
                for a_var in input_ring.gens():
                    var_name = str(a_var)
                    sol_pts.append(point([a_sol[0][var_name].real(), a_sol[0][var_name].imag()]))
                    sol_pts.append(point([a_sol[-1][var_name].real(), a_sol[-1][var_name].imag()]))
            return sum(sol_pts) + sum(path_lines)
            return  sum(path_lines)
Example #2
    def _plot2d_single_y(self, Xcol, Ycol, *args, **keywords):
A simple plotting function for a single Y variable 

        #set default plot parameters
        #if 'plotjoined' not in keywords:
        #   keywords['plotjoined']=True;
        if 'frame' not in keywords:
            keywords['frame'] = True
        if 'axes' not in keywords:
            keywords['axes'] = False
        if 'axes_pad' not in keywords:
            keywords['axes_pad'] = 0
        if 'axes_labels_size' not in keywords:
            keywords['axes_labels_size'] = 1

        #from sage.plot.plot import list_plot
        # list_plot does not accept any args - it only treat the second arg as a plotjoined value
        # so we skip passing *args into..
        pj = keywords.pop('plotjoined', True)
        #print(pj) # DEBUG
        if (pj):
            from sage.plot.plot import line
            return line(zip(Xcol, Ycol), **keywords)
            from sage.plot.point import points
            return points(zip(Xcol, Ycol), **keywords)
Example #3
    def plot(self, color='rainbow', orientation='bottom-top', gap=0.05, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False, **kwds):
        Plot the braid

        The following options are available:

        - ``color`` -- (default: ``'rainbow'``) the color of the
          strands. Possible values are:

            * ``'rainbow'``, uses :meth:`~sage.plot.colors.rainbow`
              according to the number of strands.

            * a valid color name for :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path`
              and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`. Used for all strands.

            * a list or a tuple of colors for each individual strand.

        - ``orientation`` -- (default: ``'bottom-top'``) determines how
          the braid is printed. The possible values are:

            * ``'bottom-top'``, the braid is printed from bottom to top

            * ``'top-bottom'``, the braid is printed from top to bottom

            * ``'left-right'``, the braid is printed from left to right

        - ``gap`` -- floating point number (default: 0.05). determines
          the size of the gap left when a strand goes under another.

        - ``aspect_ratio`` -- floating point number (default:
          ``1``). The aspect ratio.

        - ``**kwds`` -- other keyword options that are passed to
          :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path` and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot()
            sage: b.plot(color=["red", "blue", "red", "blue"])

            sage: B.<s,t> = BraidGroup(3)
            sage: b = t^-1*s^2
            sage: b.plot(orientation="left-right", color="red")
        from sage.plot.bezier_path import bezier_path
        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics, line
        from sage.plot.colors import rainbow
        if orientation=='top-bottom':
            orx = 0
            ory = -1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
        elif orientation=='left-right':
            orx = 1
            ory = 0
            nx = 0
            ny = -1
        elif orientation=='bottom-top':
            orx = 0
            ory = 1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
            raise ValueError('unknown value for "orientation"')
        n = self.strands()
        if isinstance(color, (list, tuple)):
            if len(color) != n:
                raise TypeError("color (=%s) must contain exactly %d colors" % (color, n))
            col = list(color)
        elif color == "rainbow":
            col = rainbow(n)
            col = [color]*n
        braid = self.Tietze()
        a = Graphics()
        op = gap
        for i, m in enumerate(braid):
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(j*nx+i*orx, i*ory+j*ny), (j*nx+orx*(i+0.25), j*ny+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j+0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                elif m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j-0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j-0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col[j], **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j-0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j-0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j-0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                    col[j], col[j-1] = col[j-1], col[j]
                elif -m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j+0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j+0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col[j], **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j+0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j+0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j+0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                elif -m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j-0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col[j], **kwds)
                    col[j], col[j-1] = col[j-1], col[j]
                    a += line([(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+1), ny*j+ory*(i+1))], color=col[j], **kwds)
        return a
Example #4
File: braid.py Project: chos9/sage
    def plot(self, color='blue', orientation='bottom-top', gap=0.05, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False, **kwds):
        Plot the braid

        The following options are available:

        - ``orientation`` - (default: ``'bottom-top'``) determines how
          the braid is printed. The possible values are:

            * ``'bottom-top'``, the braid is printed from bottom to top

            * ``'top-bottom'``, the braid is printed from top to bottom

            * ``'left-right'``, the braid is printed from left to right

        - ``gap`` -- floating point number (default: 0.05). determines
          the size of the gap left when a strand goes under another.

        - ``aspect_ratio`` -- floating point number (default:
          ``1``). The aspect ratio.

        - ``**kwds`` -- other keyword options that are passed to
          :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path` and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot()
        from sage.plot.bezier_path import bezier_path
        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics, line
        if orientation=='top-bottom':
            orx = 0
            ory = -1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
        elif orientation=='left-right':
            orx = 1
            ory = 0
            nx = 0
            ny = -1
        elif orientation=='bottom-top':
            orx = 0
            ory = 1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
            raise ValueError('unknown value for "orientation"')
        col = color
        br = self.Tietze()
        n = self.strands()
        a = Graphics()
        op = gap
        for i in range(len(br)):
            m = br[i]
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(j*nx+i*orx, i*ory+j*ny), (j*nx+orx*(i+0.25), j*ny+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j+0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j-0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j-0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j-0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j-0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j-0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j+0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j+0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j+0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j+0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j+0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j-0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                    a += line([(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+1), ny*j+ory*(i+1))], color=col, **kwds)
        return a
Example #5
    def plot(self, color='blue', orientation='bottom-top', gap=0.05, aspect_ratio=1, axes=False, **kwds):
        Plot the braid

        The following options are available:

        - ``orientation`` - (default: ``'bottom-top'``) determines how
          the braid is printed. The possible values are:

            * ``'bottom-top'``, the braid is printed from bottom to top

            * ``'top-bottom'``, the braid is printed from top to bottom

            * ``'left-right'``, the braid is printed from left to right

        - ``gap`` -- floating point number (default: 0.05). determines
          the size of the gap left when a strand goes under another.

        - ``aspect_ratio`` -- floating point number (default:
          ``1``). The aspect ratio.

        - ``**kwds`` -- other keyword options that are passed to
          :meth:`~sage.plot.bezier_path` and :meth:`~sage.plot.line`.


            sage: B = BraidGroup(4, 's')
            sage: b = B([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1])
            sage: b.plot()
        from sage.plot.bezier_path import bezier_path
        from sage.plot.plot import Graphics, line
        if orientation=='top-bottom':
            orx = 0
            ory = -1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
        elif orientation=='left-right':
            orx = 1
            ory = 0
            nx = 0
            ny = -1
        elif orientation=='bottom-top':
            orx = 0
            ory = 1
            nx = 1
            ny = 0
            raise ValueError('unknown value for "orientation"')
        col = color
        br = self.Tietze()
        n = self.strands()
        a = Graphics()
        op = gap
        for i in range(len(br)):
            m = br[i]
            for j in range(n):
                if m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(j*nx+i*orx, i*ory+j*ny), (j*nx+orx*(i+0.25), j*ny+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j+0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j-0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j-0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j-0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j-0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j-0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j+1:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-4*op)+orx*(i+0.5-2*op), ny*(j+0.5-4*op)+ory*(i+0.5-2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5-2*op)+orx*(i+0.5-op), ny*(j+0.5-2*op)+ory*(i+0.5-op))]],
                                     color=col, **kwds)
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*(j+0.5+2*op)+orx*(i+0.5+op), ny*(j+0.5+2*op)+ory*(i+0.5+op)),
                                       (nx*(j+0.5+4*op)+orx*(i+0.5+2*op), ny*(j+0.5+4*op)+ory*(i+0.5+2*op)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j+1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j+1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                elif -m==j:
                    a += bezier_path([[(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+0.25), ny*j+ory*(i+0.25)),
                                       (nx*(j-0.5)+orx*(i+0.5), ny*(j-0.5)+ory*(i+0.5))],
                                      [(nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+0.75), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+0.75)),
                                       (nx*(j-1)+orx*(i+1), ny*(j-1)+ory*(i+1))]], color=col, **kwds)
                    a += line([(nx*j+orx*i, ny*j+ory*i), (nx*j+orx*(i+1), ny*j+ory*(i+1))], color=col, **kwds)
        return a
Example #6
    def plot_paths_2d(self,
        This returns a graphics object of solution paths in the complex plane.


        - start_sys -- a square polynomial system, given as a list of polynomials
        - end_sys -- same type as start_sys
        - input_ring -- for coercion of the variables into the desired ring.
        - c_skew -- optional. the imaginary part of homotopy multiplier; nonzero values
          are often necessary to avoid intermediate path collisions
        - endpoints -- optional.  Whether to draw in the ends of paths as points.
        - saved_start -- optional.  A phc output file.  If not given, start system solutions
          are computed via the phc.blackbox function.


        - lines and points of solution paths


            sage: from sage.interfaces.phc import *
            sage: from sage.structure.sage_object import SageObject
            sage: R2.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ,2)
            sage: start_sys = [x^5-y^2,y^5-1]
            sage: sol = phc.blackbox(start_sys, R2)    # optional -- phc
            sage: start_save = sol.save_as_start()     # optional -- phc
            sage: end_sys = [x^5-25,y^5-x^2]           # optional -- phc
            sage: testing = phc.plot_paths_2d(start_sys, end_sys, R2)  # optional -- phc
            sage: type(testing)                        # optional -- phc (normally use plot here)
            <class 'sage.plot.graphics.Graphics'>
        paths = phc.path_track(start_sys,
        path_lines = []
        sol_pts = []
        if rand_colors:
            r_color = {}
            for a_var in input_ring.gens():
                var_name = str(a_var)
                r_color[var_name] = (random(), random(), random())
        for a_sol in paths:
            for a_var in input_ring.gens():
                var_name = str(a_var)
                temp_line = []
                for data in a_sol:
                        [data[var_name].real(), data[var_name].imag()])
                if rand_colors:
                        line(temp_line, rgbcolor=r_color[var_name]))
        if endpoints:
            sol_pts = []
            for a_sol in paths:
                for a_var in input_ring.gens():
                    var_name = str(a_var)
            return sum(sol_pts) + sum(path_lines)
            return sum(path_lines)