Example #1
def symbol(a=None):
    Return a variable from the symbolic ring with the given name.
    If an expression is given, it is returned unchanged.
    if isinstance(a, Expression):
        return a
    return SR.symbol(a)
Example #2
def _get_predefined_class(arg):
    Return the signature of the predefined class given by the string ``arg``.

    The signature is given by a tuple following the syntax
    (base field, class type, name, LaTeX name, function).

    Modify this method to add new predefined characteristic classes.


        sage: from sage.manifolds.differentiable.characteristic_class import _get_predefined_class
        sage: _get_predefined_class('Chern')
        ('complex', 'multiplicative', 'c', 'c', x + 1)
        sage: _get_predefined_class('Pontryagin')
        ('real', 'multiplicative', 'p', 'p', x + 1)
        sage: _get_predefined_class('Euler')
        ('real', 'Pfaffian', 'e', 'e', x)

    if not isinstance(arg, str):
        raise TypeError("argument 'arg' must be string")
    # Define variable:
    x = SR.symbol('x')
    # Define dictionary. The syntax is as follows:
    # (field_type, class_type, name, latex_name, func)
    if arg == 'ChernChar':
        return ('complex', 'additive', 'ch', r'\mathrm{ch}', x.exp())
    elif arg == 'Todd':
        return ('complex', 'additive', 'Td', r'\mathrm{Td}',
                x / (1 - (-x).exp()))
    elif arg == 'Chern':
        return ('complex', 'multiplicative', 'c', 'c', 1 + x)
    elif arg == 'Pontryagin':
        return ('real', 'multiplicative', 'p', 'p', 1 + x)
    elif arg == 'AHat':
        return ('real', 'multiplicative', 'A^', r'\hat{A}',
                x.sqrt() / (2 * (x.sqrt() / 2).sinh()))
    elif arg == 'Hirzebruch':
        return ('real', 'multiplicative', 'L', 'L',
                x.sqrt() / x.sqrt().tanh())
    elif arg == 'Euler':
        return ('real', 'Pfaffian', 'e', 'e', x)
        raise ValueError("the characteristic class '{}' is ".format(arg) +
                         "not predefined yet.")
Example #3
    def _get_coeff_list(self):
        Return the list of coefficients of the Taylor expansion at zero of the


            sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
            sage: E = M.vector_bundle(1, 'E', field='complex')
            sage: c = E.characteristic_class(1+x)
            sage: c._get_coeff_list()
            [1, 1]

        pow_range = self._base_space._dim // 2
        def_var = self._func.default_variable()
        # Use a complex variable without affecting the old one:
        new_var = SR.symbol('x_char_class_', domain='complex')
        if self._vbundle._field_type == 'real':
            if self._class_type == 'additive':
                func = self._func.subs({def_var: new_var ** 2}) / 2
            elif self._class_type == 'multiplicative':
                # This could case problems in the real domain, where sqrt(x^2)
                # is simplified to |x|. However, the variable must be complex
                # anyway.
                func = self._func.subs({def_var : new_var**2}).sqrt()
            elif self._class_type == 'Pfaffian':
                # There are no canonical Pfaffian classes, however, consider the
                # projection onto the odd part of the function to keep the
                # matrices skew:
                func = (self._func.subs({def_var: new_var}) -
                        self._func.subs({def_var: -new_var})) / 2
            func = self._func.subs({def_var: new_var})

        return func.taylor(new_var, 0, pow_range).coefficients(sparse=False)
Example #4
def airy_bi(alpha, x=None, hold_derivative=True, **kwds):
    The Airy Bi function

    The Airy Bi function `\operatorname{Bi}(x)` is (along with
    `\operatorname{Ai}(x)`) one of the two linearly independent standard
    solutions to the Airy differential equation `f''(x) - x f(x) = 0`. It is
    defined by the initial conditions:

    .. MATH::

        \operatorname{Bi}(0)=\frac{1}{3^{1/6} \Gamma\left(\frac{2}{3}\right)},

        \operatorname{Bi}'(0)=\frac{3^{1/6}}{ \Gamma\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)}.

    Another way to define the Airy Bi function is:

    .. MATH::

        \left[ \exp\left( xt -\frac{t^3}{3} \right)
        +\sin\left(xt + \frac{1}{3}t^3\right) \right ] dt.


    - ``alpha`` -- Return the `\alpha`-th order fractional derivative with
      respect to `z`.
      For `\alpha = n = 1,2,3,\ldots` this gives the derivative
      `\operatorname{Bi}^{(n)}(z)`, and for `\alpha = -n = -1,-2,-3,\ldots`
      this gives the `n`-fold iterated integral.

    .. MATH::

        f_0(z) = \operatorname{Bi}(z)

        f_n(z) = \int_0^z f_{n-1}(t) dt

    - ``x`` -- The argument of the function

    - ``hold_derivative`` -- Whether or not to stop from returning higher
      derivatives in terms of `\operatorname{Bi}(x)` and

    .. SEEALSO:: :func:`airy_ai`


        sage: n, x = var('n x')
        sage: airy_bi(x)

    It can return derivatives or integrals::

        sage: airy_bi(2, x)
        airy_bi(2, x)
        sage: airy_bi(1, x, hold_derivative=False)
        sage: airy_bi(2, x, hold_derivative=False)
        sage: airy_bi(-2, x, hold_derivative=False)
        airy_bi(-2, x)
        sage: airy_bi(n, x)
        airy_bi(n, x)

    It can be evaluated symbolically or numerically for real or complex

        sage: airy_bi(0)
        sage: airy_bi(0.0)
        sage: airy_bi(I)
        sage: airy_bi(1.0*I)
        0.648858208330395 + 0.344958634768048*I

    The functions can be evaluated numerically using mpmath,
    which can compute the values to arbitrary precision, and scipy::

        sage: airy_bi(2).n(prec=100)
        sage: airy_bi(2).n(algorithm='mpmath', prec=100)
        sage: airy_bi(2).n(algorithm='scipy')  # rel tol 1e-10

    And the derivatives can be evaluated::

        sage: airy_bi(1, 0)
        sage: airy_bi(1, 0.0)


        sage: plot(airy_bi(x), (x, -10, 5)) + plot(airy_bi_prime(x),
        ....:  (x, -10, 5), color='red')
        Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives


    - Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A., eds. (1965), "Chapter 10"

    - :wikipedia:`Airy_function`
    # We catch the case with no alpha
    if x is None:
        x = alpha
        return airy_bi_simple(x, **kwds)

    # We take care of all other cases.
    if not alpha in ZZ and not isinstance(alpha, Expression):
        return airy_bi_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
    if hold_derivative:
        return airy_bi_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
    elif alpha == 0:
        return airy_bi_simple(x, **kwds)
    elif alpha == 1:
        return airy_bi_prime(x, **kwds)
    elif alpha > 1:
        # We use a different variable here because if x is a
        # particular value, we would be differentiating a constant
        # which would return 0. What we want is the value of
        # the derivative at the value and not the derivative of
        # a particular value of the function.
        v = SR.symbol()
        return derivative(airy_bi_simple(v, **kwds), v, alpha).subs({v: x})
        return airy_bi_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
Example #5
def airy_bi(alpha, x=None, hold_derivative=True, **kwds):
    The Airy Bi function

    The Airy Bi function `\operatorname{Bi}(x)` is (along with
    `\operatorname{Ai}(x)`) one of the two linearly independent standard
    solutions to the Airy differential equation `f''(x) - x f(x) = 0`. It is
    defined by the initial conditions:

    .. MATH::

        \operatorname{Bi}(0)=\frac{1}{3^{1/6} \Gamma\left(\frac{2}{3}\right)},

        \operatorname{Bi}'(0)=\frac{3^{1/6}}{ \Gamma\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)}.

    Another way to define the Airy Bi function is:

    .. MATH::

        \left[ \exp\left( xt -\frac{t^3}{3} \right)
        +\sin\left(xt + \frac{1}{3}t^3\right) \right ] dt.


    - ``alpha`` -- Return the `\alpha`-th order fractional derivative with
      respect to `z`.
      For `\alpha = n = 1,2,3,\ldots` this gives the derivative
      `\operatorname{Bi}^{(n)}(z)`, and for `\alpha = -n = -1,-2,-3,\ldots`
      this gives the `n`-fold iterated integral.

    .. MATH::

        f_0(z) = \operatorname{Bi}(z)

        f_n(z) = \int_0^z f_{n-1}(t) dt

    - ``x`` -- The argument of the function

    - ``hold_derivative`` -- Whether or not to stop from returning higher
      derivatives in terms of `\operatorname{Bi}(x)` and

    .. SEEALSO:: :func:`airy_ai`


        sage: n, x = var('n x')
        sage: airy_bi(x)

    It can return derivatives or integrals::

        sage: airy_bi(2, x)
        airy_bi(2, x)
        sage: airy_bi(1, x, hold_derivative=False)
        sage: airy_bi(2, x, hold_derivative=False)
        sage: airy_bi(-2, x, hold_derivative=False)
        airy_bi(-2, x)
        sage: airy_bi(n, x)
        airy_bi(n, x)

    It can be evaluated symbolically or numerically for real or complex

        sage: airy_bi(0)
        sage: airy_bi(0.0)
        sage: airy_bi(I)
        sage: airy_bi(1.0*I)
        0.648858208330395 + 0.344958634768048*I

    The functions can be evaluated numerically using mpmath,
    which can compute the values to arbitrary precision, and scipy::

        sage: airy_bi(2).n(prec=100)
        sage: airy_bi(2).n(algorithm='mpmath', prec=100)
        sage: airy_bi(2).n(algorithm='scipy')  # rel tol 1e-10

    And the derivatives can be evaluated::

        sage: airy_bi(1, 0)
        sage: airy_bi(1, 0.0)


        sage: plot(airy_bi(x), (x, -10, 5)) + plot(airy_bi_prime(x),
        ....:  (x, -10, 5), color='red')
        Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives


    - Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A., eds. (1965), "Chapter 10"

    - :wikipedia:`Airy_function`
    # We catch the case with no alpha
    if x is None:
        x = alpha
        return airy_bi_simple(x, **kwds)

    # We take care of all other cases.
    if not alpha in ZZ and not isinstance(alpha, Expression):
        return airy_bi_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
    if hold_derivative:
        return airy_bi_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
    elif alpha == 0:
        return airy_bi_simple(x, **kwds)
    elif alpha == 1:
        return airy_bi_prime(x, **kwds)
    elif alpha > 1:
        # We use a different variable here because if x is a
        # particular value, we would be differentiating a constant
        # which would return 0. What we want is the value of
        # the derivative at the value and not the derivative of
        # a particular value of the function.
        v = SR.symbol()
        return derivative(airy_bi_simple(v, **kwds), v, alpha).subs({v: x})
        return airy_bi_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
Example #6
def airy_ai(alpha, x=None, hold_derivative=True, **kwds):
    The Airy Ai function

    The Airy Ai function `\operatorname{Ai}(x)` is (along with
    `\operatorname{Bi}(x)`) one of the two linearly independent standard
    solutions to the Airy differential equation `f''(x) - x f(x) = 0`. It is
    defined by the initial conditions:

    .. MATH::

        \operatorname{Ai}(0)=\frac{1}{2^{2/3} \Gamma\left(\frac{2}{3}\right)},


    Another way to define the Airy Ai function is:

    .. MATH::

        \cos\left(\frac{1}{3}t^3+xt\right) dt.


    - ``alpha`` -- Return the `\alpha`-th order fractional derivative with
      respect to `z`.
      For `\alpha = n = 1,2,3,\ldots` this gives the derivative
      `\operatorname{Ai}^{(n)}(z)`, and for `\alpha = -n = -1,-2,-3,\ldots`
      this gives the `n`-fold iterated integral.

    .. MATH::

        f_0(z) = \operatorname{Ai}(z)

        f_n(z) = \int_0^z f_{n-1}(t) dt

    - ``x`` -- The argument of the function

    - ``hold_derivative`` -- Whether or not to stop from returning higher
      derivatives in terms of `\operatorname{Ai}(x)` and

    .. SEEALSO:: :func:`airy_bi`


        sage: n, x = var('n x')
        sage: airy_ai(x)

    It can return derivatives or integrals::

        sage: airy_ai(2, x)
        airy_ai(2, x)
        sage: airy_ai(1, x, hold_derivative=False)
        sage: airy_ai(2, x, hold_derivative=False)
        sage: airy_ai(-2, x, hold_derivative=False)
        airy_ai(-2, x)
        sage: airy_ai(n, x)
        airy_ai(n, x)

    It can be evaluated symbolically or numerically for real or complex

        sage: airy_ai(0)
        sage: airy_ai(0.0)
        sage: airy_ai(I)
        sage: airy_ai(1.0*I)
        0.331493305432141 - 0.317449858968444*I

    The functions can be evaluated numerically either using mpmath. which
    can compute the values to arbitrary precision, and scipy::

        sage: airy_ai(2).n(prec=100)
        sage: airy_ai(2).n(algorithm='mpmath', prec=100)
        sage: airy_ai(2).n(algorithm='scipy')  # rel tol 1e-10

    And the derivatives can be evaluated::

        sage: airy_ai(1, 0)
        sage: airy_ai(1, 0.0)


        sage: plot(airy_ai(x), (x, -10, 5)) + plot(airy_ai_prime(x),
        ....:  (x, -10, 5), color='red')
        Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives


    - Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A., eds. (1965), "Chapter 10"

    - :wikipedia:`Airy_function`
    # We catch the case with no alpha
    if x is None:
        x = alpha
        return airy_ai_simple(x, **kwds)

    # We take care of all other cases.
    if alpha not in ZZ and not isinstance(alpha, Expression):
        return airy_ai_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
    if hold_derivative:
        return airy_ai_general(alpha, x, **kwds)
    elif alpha == 0:
        return airy_ai_simple(x, **kwds)
    elif alpha == 1:
        return airy_ai_prime(x, **kwds)
    elif alpha > 1:
        # We use a different variable here because if x is a
        # particular value, we would be differentiating a constant
        # which would return 0. What we want is the value of
        # the derivative at the value and not the derivative of
        # a particular value of the function.
        v = SR.symbol()
        return derivative(airy_ai_simple(v, **kwds), v, alpha).subs({v: x})
        return airy_ai_general(alpha, x, **kwds)