def generate_xml_configs(configs, storage_path, nn_hostname, hadoop_port):
    if hadoop_port is None:
        hadoop_port = 8020

    cfg = {
        'fs.defaultFS': 'hdfs://%s:%s' % (nn_hostname, str(hadoop_port)),
        '': extract_hadoop_path(storage_path,
        '': extract_hadoop_path(storage_path,
        'dfs.hosts': '/etc/hadoop/dn.incl',
        'dfs.hosts.exclude': '/etc/hadoop/dn.excl'

    # inserting user-defined configs
    for key, value in extract_hadoop_xml_confs(configs):
        cfg[key] = value

    # Add the swift defaults if they have not been set by the user
    swft_def = []
    if is_swift_enabled(configs):
        swft_def = SWIFT_DEFAULTS
        swift_configs = extract_name_values(swift.get_swift_configs())
        for key, value in six.iteritems(swift_configs):
            if key not in cfg:
                cfg[key] = value

    # invoking applied configs to appropriate xml files
    core_all = CORE_DEFAULT + swft_def

    if CONF.enable_data_locality:
        # applying vm awareness configs
        core_all += topology.vm_awareness_core_config()

    xml_configs = {
        'core-site': utils.create_hadoop_xml(cfg, core_all),
        'hdfs-site': utils.create_hadoop_xml(cfg, HDFS_DEFAULT)

    return xml_configs
 def render(self):
     return utils.create_hadoop_xml(self._config_dict)
def _generate_xml(configs):
    xml_confs = {}
    for service, confs in six.iteritems(configs):
        xml_confs[service] = utils.create_hadoop_xml(confs)

    return xml_confs