def test5(): print('test5') class X1(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: while True: yield self.request(r1, 2, 5, r2, greedy=True, + 6) if not self.request_failed()(): break yield self.hold(1) self.release(r1, r2) yield self.passivate() class X2(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: yield self.request((r1, 3), (r2, 1, 1)) yield self.hold(1) self.release(r1) yield self.passivate() class X3(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: yield self.request(r1, r2) yield self.hold(1) self.release(r1, r2) yield self.passivate() class Y(sim.Component): # def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): # sim.Component.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) def process(self): yield self.hold(3) x1.cancel() yield self.hold(10) r2.capacity(1) pass de = sim.Environment(trace=True) q = sim.Queue(name='q') r1 = sim.Resource(name='r1', capacity=3) r2 = sim.Resource(name='r2', capacity=0) r3 = sim.Resource(name='r3', capacity=1) x1 = X1() x2 = X2() x3 = X3() y = Y(name='y')
def init_node(self, graph): if self.useful: sim.Component.__init__(self) coordinate = (self.x, self.y) neighbors = list(graph.neighbors(coordinate)) if len(neighbors) != 2: print("Well well well, WE ARE F****D") self.left = neighbors[0] self.right = neighbors[1] self.order = sim.Resource(name="Bridge at " + str(coordinate) + " => order") self.moving = sim.Resource(name="Bridge at " + str(coordinate) + " => moving")
def __init__(self, coordinates_pair): super().__init__(coordinates_pair[0], coordinates_pair[1]) self.intersections = {} self.intersections_list = None self.claim = sim.Resource() self.crossroad_empty = True self.last_queue_tmp = None
def test14(): class X(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(*r) print(self.claimed_resources()) de=sim.Environment() X() r=[sim.Resource() for i in range(10)]
def test39(): class C(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(r,s='y') env=sim.Environment(trace=True) x=sim.Uniform(4) r = sim.Resource() C()
def init_node(self, graph): if self.useful: sim.Component.__init__(self) coordinate = (self.x, self.y) neighbors = list(graph.neighbors(coordinate)) if len(neighbors) != 2: print("Well well well, WE ARE F****D") self.left = neighbors[0] self.right = neighbors[1] self.key_in[left] = sim.Resource( name="Lock at " + str(coordinate) + " => left key in") self.key_in[right] = sim.Resource( name="Lock at " + str(coordinate) + " => right key in") self.wait_in[left] = sim.Queue(name="Lock at " + str(coordinate) + " => left queue in") self.wait_in[right] = sim.Queue(name="Lock at " + str(coordinate) + " => right queue in") self.key_out = sim.Resource(name="Lock at " + str(coordinate) + " => key out")
def run(self): self.of = sys.stdout if self.ofile is None else open(self.ofile, "w") print("# Cpu scheduler: %s" % self.cpu_scheduler, file=self.of) print("# Quantum: %s" % self.quantum, file=self.of) print( "pid arrival_time cpu_bursts_time io_bursts_time bursts_time tat ready_wait_time io_wait_time", file=self.of) self.env = sim.Environment(trace=False) self.cpu = sim.Resource("CPU", capacity=1, preemptive=self.cpu_scheduler == "srtf", env=self.env) = sim.Resource("I/O", capacity=1, env=self.env) ProcessArrival(simulator=self) if self.of is not None and self.of != sys.stdout: self.of.close() self.of = None
def __init__(self, part_seq, random_seed=0, intv=5, trace=False): arrRate, procRate, initQue = 1, 1, 0 self.varList = ['numArr', 'numDep', 'arrRate', 'procRate', 'numBalk', 'queLen'] self.part_seq = part_seq self.random_seed = random_seed self.arrRate = arrRate self.intArrTime = 1/arrRate self.procRate = procRate self.procTime = 1/procRate # environment should not be default # as each model runs independantly in different environment self.env = sim.Environment(name="env of particle %s with seed %s"%(part_seq, random_seed), isdefault_env=False, trace=trace, # random_seed=random_seed, ) self.source = self.CustomerGenerator(name="customergenerator%s."%random_seed, env=self.env) self.source.model = self self.entity = self.Customer self.server = sim.Resource("clerk%s."%random_seed, capacity=1, env=self.env) self.server.model = self self.queue = self.server.requesters() if initQue != 0: self.addQue(initQue) self.timer = self.Timer(suppress_trace=True, env=self.env) self.timer.intv = intv self.timer.model = self self.customerArrList = [] self.customerDepList = [] self.numArr = 0 self.numDep = 0 self.procTimeList = [] self.arrTimeList = [] self.number_balked = 0 self.maxLen = 100 self.trace = {} self.traceDict = {} for var in self.varList: self.traceDict[var] = {}
def test60(): class X(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(r) yield self.hold(sim.Uniform(0,2)()) env = sim.Environment() r = sim.Resource(name='r',capacity=1) for i in range(5): X() env.trace(True) occupancy = r.claimed_quantity.mean() / r.capacity.mean() r.print_statistics()
def test61(): class X(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(r) yield self.hold(1) class Y(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(r) yield self.hold(1) self.cancel() env = sim.Environment(trace=True) r = sim.Resource('r', capacity=2) X() Y() print(r.claimed_quantity())
def test4(): print('test4') class X(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.hold(10) yield self.request(res, 4) yield self.hold(20) res.requesters().print_statistics() res.claimers().print_statistics() for i in range(1): self.release(res, 4) class Y(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.hold(11) yield self.request(res, 1, priority=1 - self.i) if self.request_failed(): pass else: yield self.hold(1) self.release(res) class Z(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.hold(20) y[4].reschedule() res.capacity(2) de = sim.Environment() res = sim.Resource(name='res.', capacity=4) res.x = 0 x = X(name='x') y = [0] for i in range(6): c = Y(name='y.') c.i = i y.append(c) z = Z(name='z')
def test24(): class X1(sim.Component): def process(self): print('**x1 active') yield self.request((r,2)) yield self.hold(100) yield self.passivate() def p1(self): yield self.hold(0.5) yield self.activate(process=self.process()) yield self.hold(100) yield self.passivate() class X2(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.hold(1) x1.activate(at=3,keep_request=True) yield self.hold(5) x1.request(r) yield self.hold(1) x1.passivate() de.main().passivate() yield self.hold(5) x1.activate(at=20) class X3(sim.Component): def process(self): a=1 yield self.hold(1) pass de=sim.Environment(trace=True) x1=X1(process='p1') x1.activate(at=0.5,process='process',urgent=True,mode='blabla') x2=X2() x3=X3() print('***name=',x3.running_process()) x4=sim.Component() x3.activate(process='process') r=sim.Resource('resource')
def test44(): import newqueue import newerqueue import newcomponent class X(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.hold(10,mode='ok') if self == x1: yield self.passivate() yield self.hold(10,urgent=True) class Y(sim.Component): def setup(self, a='a'): print('a=',a) def process(self, text): print('-->',text) yield self.request((res, 4), fail_at=15) x1.activate(mode=5) env=sim.Environment(trace=True) res = sim.Resource() x0=X() x1=X(name='') x2=X(name=',') z=newcomponent.NewComponent() q0=sim.Queue() q1=newqueue.NewQueue() q2=newerqueue.NewerQueue() Y(process='process', text='Hello') q0.add(x1) q1.add(x1) q2.add(x1) env.print_trace_header()
def test7(): print('test7') class X1(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(r1,5,r2,2,greedy=True,fail_at=5) yield self.passivate() class X2(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(r1,8,r2) yield self.passivate() class X3(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(r1,7) yield self.passivate() de=sim.Environment(trace=True) x1=X1() x2=X2() x3=X3() X4=sim.Component() r1=sim.Resource(capacity=10,anonymous=True) r2=sim.Resource() r3=sim.Resource() q={} for i in range(1,5): q[i]=sim.Queue() x1.enter(q[1]) x1.enter(q[2]) x1.enter(q[3]) x2.enter(q[1]) x3.enter(q[1]) r2.capacity(2) print(sim.default_env) print(x1) print(x2) print(x3) print (q[1]) print (q[2]) print (q[3]) print (q[4]) print(r1) print(r2) print(r3) d=sim.Exponential(10) print(d) print(sim.Uniform(1,2)) print(sim.Triangular(40,150,55)) print(sim.Distribution('Constant(5)'))
''' Generate new cars that arrive at the gas station. ''' def process(self): while True: yield self.hold(T_INTER.sample()) Car() # Setup and start the simulation env = sim.Environment(trace=False) print('Gas Station refuelling') # Create environment and start processes gas_station = sim.Resource('gas_station', 2) fuel_pump = sim.Resource( 'fuel_pump', capacity=GAS_STATION_SIZE, anonymous=True) tank_truck = TankTruck() CarGenerator() fuel_pump.capacity.print_histogram() fuel_pump.claimed_quantity.print_histogram() fuel_pump.available_quantity.print_histogram() gas_station.requesters().length.print_histogram() gas_station.requesters().length_of_stay.print_histogram(30, 0, 10)
import salabim as sim class CustomerGenerator(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: Customer() yield self.hold(sim.Uniform(5, 15).sample()) class Customer(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(clerks) yield self.hold(30) self.release() env = sim.Environment(trace=False) CustomerGenerator(name='customergenerator') clerks = sim.Resource('clerk', capacity=3) clerks.requesters().length.print_histogram(30, 0, 1) print() clerks.requesters().length_of_stay.print_histogram(30, 0, 10) clerks.print_statistics() clerks.print_info()
import salabim as sim class CustomerGenerator(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: Customer() yield self.hold(sim.Uniform(5, 15).sample()) class Customer(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(clerks) yield self.hold(30) self.release() env = sim.Environment(trace=False) CustomerGenerator() clerks = sim.Resource('clerk', 3) clerks.requesters().length.print_histogram(30, 0, 1) print() clerks.requesters().length_of_stay.print_histogram(30, 0, 10) clerks.print_statistics() clerks.print_info() print(clerks.claimed_quantity())
"""Customer arrives, is served and leaves.""" def process(self): env.print_trace('',, 'arrrived') patience = sim.Uniform(MIN_PATIENCE, MAX_PATIENCE).sample() yield self.request(counter, fail_delay=patience) wait = - self.creation_time() if self.failed(): # We reneged env.print_trace('',, 'RENEGED after {:6.3f}'.format(wait)) else: # We got to the counter env.print_trace('',, 'waited for {:6.3f}'.format(wait)) yield self.hold(sim.Exponential(TIME_IN_BANK).sample()) env.print_trace('',, 'finished') # auto release counter # Setup and start the simulation env = sim.Environment(trace=True) # Start processes and run counter = sim.Resource(capacity=1) Source()
class Philosopher(sim.Component): def setup(self): self.rightfork = forks[self.sequence_number()] self.leftfork = forks[self.sequence_number() - 1 if self.sequence_number() else nphilosophers - 1] def process(self): while True: yield self.hold(thinkingtime_mean * sim.Uniform(0.5, 1.5)(), mode='thinking') yield self.request(self.leftfork, self.rightfork, mode='waiting') yield self.hold(eatingtime_mean * sim.Uniform(0.5, 1.5)(), mode='eating') self.release() eatingtime_mean = 20 thinkingtime_mean = 20 nphilosophers = 8 sim.random_seed(1234567) while True: env = sim.Environment() forks = [sim.Resource() for _ in range(nphilosophers)] philosophers = [Philosopher() for _ in range(nphilosophers)] do_animation()
cutqueue = sim.Queue("Cutting Queue") finqueue = sim.Queue("Finishing Queue") paintqueue = sim.Queue("Painting Queue") packpranchaqueue = sim.Queue("Packing Prancha Queue") packwheelqueue = sim.Queue("Packing Wheel Queue") assemblyqueue = sim.Queue("Assembly Queue") foundryqueue = sim.Queue("Foundry Queue") machiningqueue = sim.Queue("Machining Queue") printingqueue = sim.Queue("Printing Queue") finish = ["packing", "packingwheel", "assembly", "assembly", "assembly", "packing", "packingwheel", "assembly", "assembly", "assembly"] #Resources prancha = sim.Resource("prancha") roda = sim.Resource("rodas") worker = sim.Resource("Worker", capacity=3) prensa = sim.Resource("prensa", capacity=4) fornalha = sim.Resource("fornalha", capacity=5) torno = sim.Resource("torno", capacity=2) impressora = sim.Resource("impressora", capacity=1) maq_embalagem = sim.Resource("maq_embalagem", capacity=1) #Fila Espera Armazem storage1queue = sim.Queue("storage1") storage2queue = sim.Queue("storage2") storage3queue = sim.Queue("storage3") storage4queue = sim.Queue("storage4") #22 dias
def process(self): yield self.request(washers) duration = sim.Uniform(0, 5)() self.duration_anim = sim.AnimateRectangle( spec=(0, 0, duration * 10, 20), x=100, y=lambda arg, t: arg.index(list(self.queues())[0]) * 30 + 50, fillcolor="", linecolor="yellow", arg=self, parent=self, ) self.wait_anim.fillcolor = "yellow" self.wait_anim.x = 100 yield self.hold(duration) env = sim.Environment(trace=False) env.animate(True) env.modelname("Demo animation dynamic lambda") env.background_color("20%gray") sim.AnimateText("Wash", x=100, y=25, text_anchor="sw") sim.AnimateText("Wait", x=200, y=25, text_anchor="sw") washers = sim.Resource(name="washers", capacity=2) CarGenerator()
import salabim as sim class ClientGenerator(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: yield self.hold(inter_arrival_time_dis.sample()) Client() class Client(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(clerks) yield self.hold(service_duration_dis.sample()) env = sim.Environment(trace=True) number_of_clerks = 5 inter_arrival_time_dis = sim.Exponential(1) service_duration_dis = sim.Exponential(4) clerks = sim.Resource(name="clerks", capacity=number_of_clerks) ClientGenerator()
# Bank, 3 clerks (resources).py import salabim as sim class CustomerGenerator(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: Customer() yield self.hold(sim.Uniform(5, 15).sample()) class Customer(sim.Component): def process(self): yield self.request(clerks) yield self.hold(30) self.release() # not really required env = sim.Environment(trace=False) CustomerGenerator() clerks = sim.Resource("clerks", capacity=3) clerks.print_statistics() clerks.print_info()
class Client(sim.Component): def process(self): self.enter(system) yield self.request(servers) yield self.hold(sim.Exponential(server_time).sample()) self.leave() class ClientGenerator(sim.Component): def process(self): while True: yield self.hold(sim.Exponential(iat).sample()) Client() env = sim.Environment() nservers = 5 iat = 1 server_time = 4 system = sim.Queue("system") servers = sim.Resource(name="servers", capacity=nservers) ClientGenerator() do_animation()
def process(self): while True: yield self.hold(sim.Uniform(1, 5)()) res = sim.Pdf(resources, 1)() yield self.request(res) yield self.hold(res.sequence_number() * 1 + ( % 24) * 0.01) self.release() env = sim.Environment(time_unit="hours", trace=False) for _ in range(20): X() resources = [sim.Resource() for _ in range(13)] for res in resources: print(f"{}total {res.occupancy.mean():10.3f}") for hour in range(24): print( f"{}{hour:2d}-{hour+1:2d} {res.occupancy[hour: hour+1: 24].mean():10.3f}" ) print() occupancy_aggregated = sum(res.occupancy for res in resources) print( f"Total total {occupancy_aggregated.mean() / len(resources):10.3f}")
def process(self): while True: yield self.request(res) yield self.hold(5) self.release(res) class Part(sim.Component): def setup(self, machine): self.machine = machine def process(self): while True: yield self.hold(ttf()) self.machine.interrupt() yield self.hold(ttr()) self.machine.resume() env = sim.Environment(trace=True) ttf = sim.Uniform(10, 20) # time to failure distribution ttr = sim.Uniform(3, 6) # time to repair distribution res = sim.Resource() for _ in range(2): Machine()
class CarGenerator(sim.Component): """ Generate new cars that arrive at the gas station. """ def process(self): while True: yield self.hold(T_INTER.sample()) Car() # Setup and start the simulation env = sim.Environment(trace=False) print("Gas Station refuelling") # Create environment and start processes gas_station = sim.Resource("gas_station", 2) fuel_pump = sim.Resource("fuel_pump", capacity=GAS_STATION_SIZE, anonymous=True) tank_truck = TankTruck() CarGenerator() fuel_pump.capacity.print_histogram() fuel_pump.claimed_quantity.print_histogram() fuel_pump.available_quantity.print_histogram() gas_station.requesters().length.print_histogram() gas_station.requesters().length_of_stay.print_histogram(30, 0, 10)
self.release(key_out) yield self.request((key_out, 1, 1000), mode=None) env = sim.Environment() locklength = 60 switchtime = 10 intime = 2 outtime = 2 meanlength = 30 iat = 30 lockmeters = {} key_in = {} lockqueue = sim.Queue('lockqueue') key_out = sim.Resource(name=' key_out') for side in (left, right): lockmeters[side] = sim.Resource(capacity=locklength, name=sidename( side) + ' lock meters', anonymous=True) key_in[side] = sim.Resource(name=sidename(side) + ' key in') shipgenerator = Shipgenerator(name=sidename(side) + 'Shipgenerator') shipgenerator.side = side lock = Lock('Lock') lock.side = left do_animation()
while True: self.job_time = JOB_DURATION self.remaining_time = self.job_time while self.remaining_time > 1e-8: yield self.request((repairman, 1, 1), mode='wait') yield self.hold(self.remaining_time, mode='work') self.remaining_time -= ( - self.mode_time()) other.release() self.parts_made += 1 # Setup and start the simulation print('Machine shop') env = sim.Environment() random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) # This helps reproducing the results repairman = sim.Resource('repairman') machines = [Machine(n=i) for i in range(NUM_MACHINES)] other = Other(name='other') # Execute! do_animation() # Analyis/results print('Machine shop results after %s weeks' % WEEKS) for machine in machines: print('%s made %d parts.' % (, machine.parts_made)) repairman.print_statistics()
# HOUSEKEEPING STATEMENTS env = sim.Environment() TruckGenerator() # Assignment of input data to variables # General sim.random_seed(RND_NUM_STREAM) warmup_time = WARMUP_TIME simulation_time = SIMULATION_TIME # Facilities (Resources) shovels_number = SHOVELS_NUMBER crushers_number = CRUSHERS_NUMBER # Trucks trucks_number = TRUCKS_NUMBER trucks_interarrival_time = TRUCKS_INTERARRIVAL_TIME # Trucks Times truck_loading_time = TRUCK_LOADING_TIME truck_travel_to_crusher_time = TRUCK_TRAVEL_TO_CRUSHER_TIME truck_unload_into_crusher_time = TRUCK_UNLOAD_INTO_CRUSHER_TIME truck_return_from_crusher_to_shovel_time = TRUCK_RETURN_FROM_CRUSHER_TO_SHOVEL_TIME # Failure & Repair Times truck_mttf = TRUCK_MTTF truck_mttr = TRUCK_MTTR # Declarations shovels = sim.Resource(name="SHOVEL", capacity=shovels_number) crushers = sim.Resource(name='CRUSHER', capacity=crushers_number) queue_loading = sim.Queue('Queue_for_Loading') queue_crusher = sim.Queue('Queue_for_Crusher') if __name__ == '__main__': main()