Example #1
    def __init__(self, file, grid=None, time=None, monthbegin=False):
        """Open the file and try to understand it.

        file: path to the netcdf file
        grid: a Grid object. This will override the normal behavior of
        GeoNetcdf, which is to try to understand the grid automatically.
        time: a time array. This will override the normal behavior of
        GeoNetcdf, which is to try to understand the time automatically.
        monthbegin: set to true if you are sure that your data is monthly
        and that the data provider decided to tag the date as the center of
        the month (stupid)

        self._nc = netCDF4.Dataset(file)
        self.variables = self._nc.variables
        if grid is None:
            grid = sio.grid_from_dataset(self._nc)
        if time is None:
            time = sio.netcdf_time(self._nc, monthbegin=monthbegin)
        dn = self._nc.dimensions.keys()
        self.x_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])[0]
        self.y_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])[0]
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['t_dim'])
        self.t_dim = dim[0] if dim else None
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['z_dim'])
        self.z_dim = dim[0] if dim else None

        GeoDataset.__init__(self, grid, time=time)
Example #2
    def test_notimevar(self):

        import xarray as xr
        da = xr.DataArray(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4), dims=['lat', 'lon'])
        ds = da.to_dataset(name='var')

        t = sio.netcdf_time(ds)
        assert t is None
Example #3
    def test_notimevar(self):

        import xarray as xr

        da = xr.DataArray(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4), dims=["lat", "lon"])
        ds = da.to_dataset(name="var")

        t = sio.netcdf_time(ds)
        assert t is None