Example #1
    def test_update(self):
        Test if can set multiple keys in etcd
        with patch.dict(etcd_mod.__utils__,
                        {"etcd_util.get_conn": self.EtcdClientMock}):
            args = {
                "x": {
                    "y": {
                        "a": "1",
                        "b": "2"
                "z": "4",
                "d": {},

            result = {
                "/some/path/x/y/a": "1",
                "/some/path/x/y/b": "2",
                "/some/path/z": "4",
                "/some/path/d": {},
            self.instance.update.return_value = result
            self.assertDictEqual(etcd_mod.update(args, path="/some/path"),
            self.instance.update.assert_called_with(args, "/some/path")
            self.assertDictEqual(etcd_mod.update(args), result)
            self.instance.update.assert_called_with(args, "")
Example #2
def test_update(etcd_client_mock, instance):
    Test if can set multiple keys in etcd
    with patch.dict(etcd_mod.__utils__,
                    {"etcd_util.get_conn": etcd_client_mock}):
        args = {
            "x": {
                "y": {
                    "a": "1",
                    "b": "2"
            "z": "4",
            "d": {},

        result = {
            "/some/path/x/y/a": "1",
            "/some/path/x/y/b": "2",
            "/some/path/z": "4",
            "/some/path/d": {},
        instance.update.return_value = result
        assert etcd_mod.update(args, path="/some/path") == result
        instance.update.assert_called_with(args, "/some/path")
        assert etcd_mod.update(args) == result
        instance.update.assert_called_with(args, "")
Example #3
    def test_update(self):
        Test if can set multiple keys in etcd
        with patch.dict(etcd_mod.__utils__,
                        {'etcd_util.get_conn': self.EtcdClientMock}):
            args = {
                'x': {
                    'y': {
                        'a': '1',
                        'b': '2',
                'z': '4',
                'd': {},

            result = {
                '/some/path/x/y/a': '1',
                '/some/path/x/y/b': '2',
                '/some/path/z': '4',
                '/some/path/d': {},
            self.instance.update.return_value = result
            self.assertDictEqual(etcd_mod.update(args, path='/some/path'),
            self.instance.update.assert_called_with(args, '/some/path')
            self.assertDictEqual(etcd_mod.update(args), result)
            self.instance.update.assert_called_with(args, '')
Example #4
def test_basic_operations(subtests, profile_name, prefix):
    Make sure we can do the basics
    with subtests.test("There should be no entries at the start with our prefix."):
        assert etcd_mod.get_(prefix, recurse=True, profile=profile_name) is None

    with subtests.test("We should be able to set and retrieve simple values"):
        etcd_mod.set_("{}/1".format(prefix), "one", profile=profile_name)
        assert (
            etcd_mod.get_("{}/1".format(prefix), recurse=False, profile=profile_name)
            == "one"

    with subtests.test("We should be able to update and retrieve those values"):
        updated = {
            "1": "not one",
            "2": {
                "3": "two-three",
                "4": "two-four",
        etcd_mod.update(updated, path=prefix, profile=profile_name)
        assert etcd_mod.get_(prefix, recurse=True, profile=profile_name) == updated

    with subtests.test("We should be list all top level values at a directory"):
        expected = {
            prefix: {
                "{}/1".format(prefix): "not one",
                "{}/2/".format(prefix): {},
        assert etcd_mod.ls_(path=prefix, profile=profile_name) == expected

    with subtests.test("We should be able to remove values and get a tree hierarchy"):
        updated = {
            "2": {
                "3": "two-three",
                "4": "two-four",
        etcd_mod.rm_("{}/1".format(prefix), profile=profile_name)
        assert etcd_mod.tree(path=prefix, profile=profile_name) == updated

    with subtests.test("updates should be able to be caught by waiting in read"):
        return_list = []

        def wait_func(return_list):
                etcd_mod.watch("{}/1".format(prefix), timeout=30, profile=profile_name)

        wait_thread = threading.Thread(target=wait_func, args=(return_list,))
        etcd_mod.set_("{}/1".format(prefix), "one", profile=profile_name)
        modified = return_list.pop()
        assert modified["key"] == "{}/1".format(prefix)
        assert modified["value"] == "one"
Example #5
    def test_update(self):
        Test if can set multiple keys in etcd
        with patch.dict(etcd_mod.__utils__, {'etcd_util.get_conn': self.EtcdClientMock}):
            args = {
                'x': {
                    'y': {
                        'a': '1',
                        'b': '2',
                'z': '4',
                'd': {},

            result = {
                '/some/path/x/y/a': '1',
                '/some/path/x/y/b': '2',
                '/some/path/z': '4',
                '/some/path/d': {},
            self.instance.update.return_value = result
            self.assertDictEqual(etcd_mod.update(args, path='/some/path'), result)
            self.instance.update.assert_called_with(args, '/some/path')
            self.assertDictEqual(etcd_mod.update(args), result)
            self.instance.update.assert_called_with(args, '')
Example #6
def test_with_missing_profile(subtests, prefix, etcd_version, etcd_port):
    Test the correct response when the profile is missing and we can't connect
    if etcd_version in (EtcdVersion.v2, EtcdVersion.v3_v2_mode) and etcd_port != 2379:
        # Only need to run this once
        with subtests.test("Test no profile and bad connection in get_"):
            assert etcd_mod.get_("{}/1".format(prefix)) is None

        with subtests.test("Test no profile and bad connection in set_"):
            assert etcd_mod.set_("{}/1".format(prefix), "lol") is None

        with subtests.test("Test no profile and bad connection in update"):
            assert etcd_mod.update({"{}/1".format(prefix): "SIUUU"}) is None

        with subtests.test("Test no profile and bad connection in watch"):
            assert etcd_mod.watch("{}/1".format(prefix)) is None

        with subtests.test("Test no profile and bad connection in ls_"):
            assert etcd_mod.ls_() is None

        with subtests.test("Test no profile and bad connection in rm"):
            assert etcd_mod.rm_("{}/1".format(prefix)) is None

        with subtests.test("Test no profile and bad connection in tree"):
            assert etcd_mod.tree() is None