Example #1
    def test_top(self):
        See the following issue:

        # Limiting to one process because the test suite might be running as
        # PID 1 under docker and there may only *be* one process running.
        result = ps.top(num_processes=1, interval=0)
        assert len(result) == 1
Example #2
    def test_top_zombie_process(self):
        # Get 3 pids that are currently running on the system
        pids = psutil.pids()[:3]
        # Get a process instance for each of the pids
        processes = [psutil.Process(pid) for pid in pids]

        # Patch the middle process to raise ZombieProcess when .cpu_times is called
        def raise_exception():
            raise psutil.ZombieProcess(processes[1].pid)

        processes[1].cpu_times = raise_exception

        # Make sure psutil.pids only returns the above 3 pids
        with patch("salt.utils.psutil_compat.pids", return_value=pids):
            # Make sure we use our process list from above
            with patch("salt.utils.psutil_compat.Process",
                result = ps.top(num_processes=1, interval=0)
                assert len(result) == 1