Example #1
 def setUp(self):
     super(GitPillarTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=integration.SYS_TMP_DIR)
     cachedir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'cachedir')
     os.makedirs(os.path.join(cachedir, 'pillar_gitfs'))
     self.repo_path = self._create_repo()
     git_pillar.__opts__ = {
         'cachedir': cachedir,
         'pillar_roots': {},
         'file_roots': {},
         'state_top': 'top.sls',
         'extension_modules': '',
         'renderer': 'yaml_jinja',
         'pillar_opts': False
     git_pillar.__grains__ = {}
     git_pillar._update('master', 'file://{0}'.format(self.repo_path))
Example #2
 def setUp(self):
     super(GitPillarTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=integration.SYS_TMP_DIR)
     cachedir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'cachedir')
     os.makedirs(os.path.join(cachedir, 'pillar_gitfs'))
     self.repo_path = self._create_repo()
     git_pillar.__opts__ = {
             'cachedir': cachedir,
             'pillar_roots': {},
             'file_roots': {},
             'state_top': 'top.sls',
             'extension_modules': '',
             'renderer': 'yaml_jinja',
             'pillar_opts': False
     git_pillar.__grains__ = {}
     git_pillar._update('master', 'file://{0}'.format(self.repo_path))
Example #3
    def test_no_loop(self):
        '''Check that the reinstantiation of a pillar object does recurse.

        This test goes in great details of patching that the dedicated
        utilities might do in a simpler way.
        Namely, we replace the main ``ext_pillar`` entry function by one
        that keeps count of its calls.

        Otherwise, the fact that the :class:`MaximumRecursion` error is caught
        can go in the way on the testing.

        On the current code base, this test fails if the two first lines of

            if pillar_dirs is None:

        are replaced by::

            if pillar_dirs is None:
                pillar_dirs = {}

        .. note:: the explicit anti-recursion protection does not prevent
                  looping between two different Git pillars.

        This test will help subsequent refactors, and also as a base for other
        external pillars of the same kind.
        repo2 = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'repo_pillar2')
        conf_line2 = 'master file://{0}'.format(repo2)
        subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', self.repo_path, repo2])
        git_pillar.__opts__['ext_pillar'] = [
        git_pillar._update(*conf_line2.split(None, 1))

        pil = Pillar(git_pillar.__opts__,
                     'myminion', 'base')

        orig_ext_pillar = pil.ext_pillars['git']
        orig_ext_pillar.count = 0

        def ext_pillar_count_calls(minion_id, repo_string, pillar_dirs):
            orig_ext_pillar.count += 1
            if orig_ext_pillar.count > 6:
                # going all the way to an infinite loop is harsh on the
                # test machine
                raise RuntimeError("Infinite loop detected")
            return orig_ext_pillar(minion_id, repo_string, pillar_dirs)

        from salt.loader import LazyLoader
        orig_getitem = LazyLoader.__getitem__

        def __getitem__(self, key):
            if key == 'git.ext_pillar':
                return ext_pillar_count_calls
            return orig_getitem(self, key)

            LazyLoader.__getitem__ = __getitem__
            self.assertEqual(PILLAR_CONTENT, pil.compile_pillar(pillar_dirs={}))
            self.assertTrue(orig_ext_pillar.count < 7)
            LazyLoader.__getitem__ = orig_getitem
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     super(GitPillarTestCase, self).setUp()
     git_pillar._update('master', 'file://{0}'.format(self.repo_path))