Example #1
    def test_absent(self):
        Test to ensure that a memcached key is not present.
        name = 'foo'

        ret = {'name': name,
               'result': False,
               'comment': '',
               'changes': {}}

        mock_t = MagicMock(side_effect=[CommandExecutionError, 'salt', None,
                                        True, True, True])
        with patch.dict(memcached.__salt__, {'memcached.get': mock_t,
                                             'memcached.delete': mock_t}):
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            comt = ("Value of key 'foo' ('salt') is not 'bar'")
            ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': True})
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name, 'bar'), ret)

            comt = ("Key 'foo' does not exist")
            ret.update({'comment': comt})
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(memcached.__opts__, {'test': True}):
                comt = ("Key 'foo' would be deleted")
                ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': None})
                self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(memcached.__opts__, {'test': False}):
                comt = ("Successfully deleted key 'foo'")
                ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': True,
                            'changes': {'key deleted': 'foo', 'value': True}})
                self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)
Example #2
    def test_absent(self):
        Test to ensure that a memcached key is not present.
        name = 'foo'

        ret = {'name': name, 'result': False, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}

        mock_t = MagicMock(side_effect=[
            CommandExecutionError, 'salt', None, True, True, True
        with patch.dict(memcached.__salt__, {
                'memcached.get': mock_t,
                'memcached.delete': mock_t
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            comt = ("Value of key 'foo' ('salt') is not 'bar'")
            ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': True})
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name, 'bar'), ret)

            comt = ("Key 'foo' does not exist")
            ret.update({'comment': comt})
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(memcached.__opts__, {'test': True}):
                comt = ("Key 'foo' would be deleted")
                ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': None})
                self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(memcached.__opts__, {'test': False}):
                comt = ("Successfully deleted key 'foo'")
                    'comment': comt,
                    'result': True,
                    'changes': {
                        'key deleted': 'foo',
                        'value': True
                self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)
    def test_absent(self):
        Test to ensure that a memcached key is not present.
        name = "foo"

        ret = {"name": name, "result": False, "comment": "", "changes": {}}

        mock_t = MagicMock(side_effect=[
            CommandExecutionError, "salt", None, True, True, True
        with patch.dict(memcached.__salt__, {
                "memcached.get": mock_t,
                "memcached.delete": mock_t
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            comt = "Value of key 'foo' ('salt') is not 'bar'"
            ret.update({"comment": comt, "result": True})
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name, "bar"), ret)

            comt = "Key 'foo' does not exist"
            ret.update({"comment": comt})
            self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(memcached.__opts__, {"test": True}):
                comt = "Key 'foo' would be deleted"
                ret.update({"comment": comt, "result": None})
                self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(memcached.__opts__, {"test": False}):
                comt = "Successfully deleted key 'foo'"
                    "comment": comt,
                    "result": True,
                    "changes": {
                        "key deleted": "foo",
                        "value": True
                self.assertDictEqual(memcached.absent(name), ret)