Example #1
def list_snapshots(name, snap_name=None, tree=False, names=False, runas=None):
    List the snapshots

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshots will be listed

    :param str snap_id:
        Name/ID of snapshot to display information about.  If ``tree=True`` is
        also specified, display the snapshot subtree having this snapshot as
        the root snapshot

    :param bool tree:
        List snapshots in tree format rather than tabular format

    :param bool names:
        List snapshots as ID, name pairs

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm tree=True runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm snap_name=original runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm names=True runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    if snap_name:
        snap_name = _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, runas=runas)

    # Construct argument list
    args = [name]
    if tree:
    if snap_name:
        args.extend(['--id', snap_name])

    # Execute command
    res = prlctl('snapshot-list', args, runas=runas)

    # Construct ID, name pairs
    if names:
        # Find all GUIDs in the result
        snap_ids = _find_guids(res)

        # Try to find the snapshot names
        ret = '{0:<38}  {1}\n'.format('Snapshot ID', 'Snapshot Name')
        for snap_id in snap_ids:
            snap_name = snapshot_id_to_name(name, snap_id, runas=runas)
            ret += (u'{{{0}}}  {1}\n'.format(snap_id, _sdecode(snap_name)))
        return ret

    # Return information directly from parallels desktop
        return res
Example #2
def chfullname(name, fullname):
    Change the user's Full Name

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' user.chfullname foo 'Foo Bar'
    if isinstance(fullname, string_types):
        fullname = _sdecode(fullname)
    pre_info = info(name)
    if not pre_info:
        raise CommandExecutionError('User \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(name))
    if isinstance(pre_info['fullname'], string_types):
        pre_info['fullname'] = _sdecode(pre_info['fullname'])
    if fullname == pre_info['fullname']:
        return True
        ['/Users/{0}'.format(name), 'RealName', fullname],
        # use a 'create' command, because a 'change' command would fail if
        # current fullname is an empty string. The 'create' will just overwrite
        # this field.
    # dscl buffers changes, sleep 1 second before checking if new value
    # matches desired value

    current = info(name).get('fullname')
    if isinstance(current, string_types):
        current = _sdecode(current)
    return current == fullname
Example #3
def clone(name, new_name, linked=False, template=False, runas=None):
    Clone a VM

    .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to clone

    :param str new_name:
        Name of the new VM

    :param bool linked:
        Create a linked virtual machine.

    :param bool template:
        Create a virtual machine template instead of a real virtual machine.

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.clone macvm macvm_new runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.clone macvm macvm_templ template=True runas=macdev
    args = [_sdecode(name), '--name', _sdecode(new_name)]
    if linked:
    if template:
    return prlctl('clone', args, runas=runas)
Example #4
def clone(name, new_name, linked=False, template=False, runas=None):
    Clone a VM

    .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to clone

    :param str new_name:
        Name of the new VM

    :param bool linked:
        Create a linked virtual machine.

    :param bool template:
        Create a virtual machine template instead of a real virtual machine.

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.clone macvm macvm_new runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.clone macvm macvm_templ template=True runas=macdev
    args = [_sdecode(name), '--name', _sdecode(new_name)]
    if linked:
    if template:
    return prlctl('clone', args, runas=runas)
Example #5
def list_snapshots(name, snap_name=None, tree=False, names=False, runas=None):
    List the snapshots

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshots will be listed

    :param str snap_id:
        Name/ID of snapshot to display information about.  If ``tree=True`` is
        also specified, display the snapshot subtree having this snapshot as
        the root snapshot

    :param bool tree:
        List snapshots in tree format rather than tabular format

    :param bool names:
        List snapshots as ID, name pairs

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm tree=True runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm snap_name=original runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.list_snapshots macvm names=True runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    if snap_name:
        snap_name = _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, runas=runas)

    # Construct argument list
    args = [name]
    if tree:
    if snap_name:
        args.extend(['--id', snap_name])

    # Execute command
    res = prlctl('snapshot-list', args, runas=runas)

    # Construct ID, name pairs
    if names:
        # Find all GUIDs in the result
        snap_ids = _find_guids(res)

        # Try to find the snapshot names
        ret = '{0:<38}  {1}\n'.format('Snapshot ID', 'Snapshot Name')
        for snap_id in snap_ids:
            snap_name = snapshot_id_to_name(name, snap_id, runas=runas)
            ret += (u'{{{0}}}  {1}\n'.format(snap_id, _sdecode(snap_name)))
        return ret

    # Return information directly from parallels desktop
        return res
Example #6
def chfullname(name, fullname):
    Change the user's Full Name

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' user.chfullname foo 'Foo Bar'
    if isinstance(fullname, string_types):
        fullname = _sdecode(fullname)
    pre_info = info(name)
    if not pre_info:
        raise CommandExecutionError('User \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(name))
    if isinstance(pre_info['fullname'], string_types):
        pre_info['fullname'] = _sdecode(pre_info['fullname'])
    if fullname == pre_info['fullname']:
        return True
        ['/Users/{0}'.format(name), 'RealName', fullname],
        # use a 'create' command, because a 'change' command would fail if
        # current fullname is an empty string. The 'create' will just overwrite
        # this field.
    # dscl buffers changes, sleep 1 second before checking if new value
    # matches desired value

    current = info(name).get('fullname')
    if isinstance(current, string_types):
        current = _sdecode(current)
    return current == fullname
Example #7
def snapshot_name_to_id(name, snap_name, strict=False, runas=None):
    Attempt to convert a snapshot name to a snapshot ID.  If the name is not
    found an empty string is returned.  If multiple snapshots share the same
    name, a list will be returned

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshots are inspected

    :param str snap_name:
        Name of the snapshot

    :param bool strict:
        Raise an exception if multiple snapshot IDs are found

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.snapshot_id_to_name macvm original runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    snap_name = _sdecode(snap_name)

    # Get a multiline string containing all the snapshot GUIDs
    info = prlctl('snapshot-list', name, runas=runas)

    # Get a set of all snapshot GUIDs in the string
    snap_ids = _find_guids(info)

    # Try to match the snapshot name to an ID
    named_ids = []
    for snap_id in snap_ids:
        if snapshot_id_to_name(name, snap_id, runas=runas) == snap_name:

    # Return one or more IDs having snap_name or raise an error upon
    # non-singular names
    if len(named_ids) == 0:
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            u'No snapshots for VM "{0}" have name "{1}"'.format(
                name, snap_name))
    elif len(named_ids) == 1:
        return named_ids[0]
        multi_msg = (u'Multiple snapshots for VM "{0}" have name '
                     u'"{1}"'.format(name, snap_name))
        if strict:
            raise SaltInvocationError(multi_msg)
        return named_ids
Example #8
def snapshot_name_to_id(name, snap_name, strict=False, runas=None):
    Attempt to convert a snapshot name to a snapshot ID.  If the name is not
    found an empty string is returned.  If multiple snapshots share the same
    name, a list will be returned

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshots are inspected

    :param str snap_name:
        Name of the snapshot

    :param bool strict:
        Raise an exception if multiple snapshot IDs are found

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.snapshot_id_to_name macvm original runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    snap_name = _sdecode(snap_name)

    # Get a multiline string containing all the snapshot GUIDs
    info = prlctl('snapshot-list', name, runas=runas)

    # Get a set of all snapshot GUIDs in the string
    snap_ids = _find_guids(info)

    # Try to match the snapshot name to an ID
    named_ids = []
    for snap_id in snap_ids:
        if snapshot_id_to_name(name, snap_id, runas=runas) == snap_name:

    # Return one or more IDs having snap_name or raise an error upon
    # non-singular names
    if len(named_ids) == 0:
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            u'No snapshots for VM "{0}" have name "{1}"'.format(name, snap_name)
    elif len(named_ids) == 1:
        return named_ids[0]
        multi_msg = (u'Multiple snapshots for VM "{0}" have name '
                     u'"{1}"'.format(name, snap_name))
        if strict:
            raise SaltInvocationError(multi_msg)
        return named_ids
Example #9
def exec_(name, command, runas=None):
    Run a command on a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose exec will be returned

    :param str command:
        Command to run on the VM

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.exec macvm 'find /etc/paths.d' runas=macdev
    # Construct argument list
    args = [_sdecode(name)]

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('exec', args, runas=runas)
Example #10
def stop(name, kill=False, runas=None):
    Stop a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to stop

    :param bool kill:
        Perform a hard shutdown

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.stop macvm runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.stop macvm kill=True runas=macdev
    # Construct argument list
    args = [_sdecode(name)]
    if kill:

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('stop', args, runas=runas)
Example #11
def revert_snapshot(name, snap_name, runas=None):
    Revert a VM to a snapshot

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to revert to a snapshot

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot to revert to

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.revert_snapshot macvm base-with-updates runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    snap_name = _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, runas=runas)

    # Construct argument list
    args = [name, '--id', snap_name]

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('snapshot-switch', args, runas=runas)
Example #12
def delete_snapshot(name, snap_name, runas=None):
    Delete a snapshot

    .. note::

        Deleting a snapshot from which other snapshots are dervied will not
        delete the derived snapshots

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshot will be deleted

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot to delete

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.delete_snapshot macvm 'unneeded snapshot' runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    snap_name = _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, runas=runas)

    # Construct argument list
    args = [name, '--id', snap_name]

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('snapshot-delete', args, runas=runas)
Example #13
def revert_snapshot(name, snap_name, runas=None):
    Revert a VM to a snapshot

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to revert to a snapshot

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot to revert to

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.revert_snapshot macvm base-with-updates runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    snap_name = _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, runas=runas)

    # Construct argument list
    args = [name, '--id', snap_name]

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('snapshot-switch', args, runas=runas)
Example #14
def exec_(name, command, runas=None):
    Run a command on a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose exec will be returned

    :param str command:
        Command to run on the VM

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.exec macvm 'find /etc/paths.d' runas=macdev
    # Construct argument list
    args = [_sdecode(name)]

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('exec', args, runas=runas)
Example #15
def stop(name, kill=False, runas=None):
    Stop a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to stop

    :param bool kill:
        Perform a hard shutdown

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.stop macvm runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.stop macvm kill=True runas=macdev
    # Construct argument list
    args = [_sdecode(name)]
    if kill:

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('stop', args, runas=runas)
Example #16
def delete_snapshot(name, snap_name, runas=None, all=False):
    Delete a snapshot

    .. note::

        Deleting a snapshot from which other snapshots are dervied will not
        delete the derived snapshots

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshot will be deleted

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot to delete

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as

    :param bool all:
        Delete all snapshots having the name given

        .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.delete_snapshot macvm 'unneeded snapshot' runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.delete_snapshot macvm 'Snapshot for linked clone' all=True runas=macdev
    # strict means raise an error if multiple snapshot IDs found for the name given
    strict = not all

    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    snap_ids = _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, strict=strict, runas=runas)
    if isinstance(snap_ids, six.string_types):
        snap_ids = [snap_ids]

    # Delete snapshot(s)
    ret = {}
    for snap_id in snap_ids:
        snap_id = snap_id.strip('{}')
        # Construct argument list
        args = [name, '--id', snap_id]

        # Execute command
        ret[snap_id] = prlctl('snapshot-delete', args, runas=runas)

    # Return results
    ret_keys = list(ret.keys())
    if len(ret_keys) == 1:
        return ret[ret_keys[0]]
        return ret
Example #17
def delete_snapshot(name, snap_name, runas=None, all=False):
    Delete a snapshot

    .. note::

        Deleting a snapshot from which other snapshots are dervied will not
        delete the derived snapshots

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshot will be deleted

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot to delete

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as

    :param bool all:
        Delete all snapshots having the name given

        .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.delete_snapshot macvm 'unneeded snapshot' runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.delete_snapshot macvm 'Snapshot for linked clone' all=True runas=macdev
    # strict means raise an error if multiple snapshot IDs found for the name given
    strict = not all

    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    snap_ids = _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, strict=strict, runas=runas)
    if isinstance(snap_ids, six.string_types):
        snap_ids = [snap_ids]

    # Delete snapshot(s)
    ret = {}
    for snap_id in snap_ids:
        snap_id = snap_id.strip('{}')
        # Construct argument list
        args = [name, '--id', snap_id]

        # Execute command
        ret[snap_id] = prlctl('snapshot-delete', args, runas=runas)

    # Return results
    ret_keys = list(ret.keys())
    if len(ret_keys) == 1:
        return ret[ret_keys[0]]
        return ret
Example #18
def snapshot(name, snap_name=None, desc=None, runas=None):
    Create a snapshot

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to take a snapshot of

    :param str snap_name:
        Name of snapshot

    :param str desc:
        Description of snapshot

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.create_snapshot macvm snap_name=macvm-original runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.create_snapshot macvm snap_name=macvm-updates desc='clean install with updates' runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    if snap_name:
        snap_name = _sdecode(snap_name)

    # Construct argument list
    args = [name]
    if snap_name:
        args.extend(['--name', snap_name])
    if desc:
        args.extend(['--description', desc])

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('snapshot', args, runas=runas)
Example #19
def snapshot(name, snap_name=None, desc=None, runas=None):
    Create a snapshot

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to take a snapshot of

    :param str snap_name:
        Name of snapshot

    :param str desc:
        Description of snapshot

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.create_snapshot macvm snap_name=macvm-original runas=macdev
        salt '*' parallels.create_snapshot macvm snap_name=macvm-updates desc='clean install with updates' runas=macdev
    # Validate VM and snapshot names
    name = _sdecode(name)
    if snap_name:
        snap_name = _sdecode(snap_name)

    # Construct argument list
    args = [name]
    if snap_name:
        args.extend(['--name', snap_name])
    if desc:
        args.extend(['--description', desc])

    # Execute command and return output
    return prlctl('snapshot', args, runas=runas)
Example #20
def start(name, runas=None):
    Start a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to start

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.start macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('start', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #21
def reset(name, runas=None):
    Reset a VM by performing a hard shutdown and then a restart

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to reset

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.reset macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('reset', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #22
def status(name, runas=None):
    Status of a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose status will be returned

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.status macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('status', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #23
def _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, runas=None):
    Validate snapshot name and convert to snapshot ID

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as
    snap_name = _sdecode(snap_name)

    # Try to convert snapshot name to an ID without {}
    if re.match(GUID_REGEX, snap_name):
        return snap_name.strip('{}')
        return snapshot_name_to_id(name, snap_name, strict=True, runas=runas)
Example #24
def start(name, runas=None):
    Start a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to start

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.start macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('start', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #25
def status(name, runas=None):
    Status of a VM

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose status will be returned

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.status macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('status', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #26
def reset(name, runas=None):
    Reset a VM by performing a hard shutdown and then a restart

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to reset

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.reset macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('reset', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #27
def restart(name, runas=None):
    Restart a VM by gracefully shutting it down and then restarting

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to restart

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.restart macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('restart', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #28
def restart(name, runas=None):
    Restart a VM by gracefully shutting it down and then restarting

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to restart

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.restart macvm runas=macdev
    return prlctl('restart', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #29
def delete(name, runas=None):
    Delete a VM

    .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to clone

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.exec macvm 'find /etc/paths.d' runas=macdev
    return prlctl('delete', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #30
def delete(name, runas=None):
    Delete a VM

    .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM to clone

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as


    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.exec macvm 'find /etc/paths.d' runas=macdev
    return prlctl('delete', _sdecode(name), runas=runas)
Example #31
def _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, strict=True, runas=None):
    Validate snapshot name and convert to snapshot ID

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshot name is being validated

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot

    :param bool strict:
        Raise an exception if multiple snapshot IDs are found

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as
    snap_name = _sdecode(snap_name)

    # Try to convert snapshot name to an ID without {}
    if re.match(GUID_REGEX, snap_name):
        return snap_name.strip('{}')
        return snapshot_name_to_id(name, snap_name, strict=strict, runas=runas)
Example #32
def _validate_snap_name(name, snap_name, strict=True, runas=None):
    Validate snapshot name and convert to snapshot ID

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshot name is being validated

    :param str snap_name:
        Name/ID of snapshot

    :param bool strict:
        Raise an exception if multiple snapshot IDs are found

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as
    snap_name = _sdecode(snap_name)

    # Try to convert snapshot name to an ID without {}
    if re.match(GUID_REGEX, snap_name):
        return snap_name.strip('{}')
        return snapshot_name_to_id(name, snap_name, strict=strict, runas=runas)
Example #33
def snapshot_id_to_name(name, snap_id, strict=False, runas=None):
    Attempt to convert a snapshot ID to a snapshot name.  If the snapshot has
    no name or if the ID is not found or invalid, an empty string will be returned

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshots are inspected

    :param str snap_id:
        ID of the snapshot

    :param bool strict:
        Raise an exception if a name cannot be found for the given ``snap_id``

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as

    Example data

    .. code-block:: yaml

        ID: {a5b8999f-5d95-4aff-82de-e515b0101b66}
        Name: original
        Date: 2016-03-04 10:50:34
        Current: yes
        State: poweroff
        Description: original state

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.snapshot_id_to_name macvm a5b8999f-5d95-4aff-82de-e515b0101b66 runas=macdev
    # Validate VM name and snapshot ID
    name = _sdecode(name)
    if not re.match(GUID_REGEX, snap_id):
        raise SaltInvocationError(u'Snapshot ID "{0}" is not a GUID'.format(

    # Get the snapshot information of the snapshot having the requested ID
    info = prlctl('snapshot-list', [name, '--id', snap_id], runas=runas)

    # Parallels desktop returned no information for snap_id
    if not len(info):
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            u'No snapshots for VM "{0}" have ID "{1}"'.format(name, snap_id))

    # Try to interpret the information
        data = yaml.safe_load(info)
    except yaml.YAMLError as err:
        log.warning('Could not interpret snapshot data returned from prlctl: '
        data = {}

    # Find the snapshot name
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        snap_name = data.get('Name', '')
        # If snapshot name is of type NoneType, then the snapshot is unnamed
        if snap_name is None:
            snap_name = ''
        log.warning(u'Could not interpret snapshot data returned from prlctl: '
                    u'data is not formed as a dictionary: {0}'.format(data))
        snap_name = ''

    # Raise or return the result
    if not snap_name and strict:
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            u'Could not find a snapshot name for snapshot ID "{0}" of VM '
            u'"{1}"'.format(snap_id, name))
    return _sdecode(snap_name)
Example #34
def snapshot_id_to_name(name, snap_id, strict=False, runas=None):
    Attempt to convert a snapshot ID to a snapshot name.  If the snapshot has
    no name or if the ID is not found or invalid, an empty string will be returned

    :param str name:
        Name/ID of VM whose snapshots are inspected

    :param str snap_id:
        ID of the snapshot

    :param bool strict:
        Raise an exception if a name cannot be found for the given ``snap_id``

    :param str runas:
        The user that the prlctl command will be run as

    Example data

    .. code-block:: yaml

        ID: {a5b8999f-5d95-4aff-82de-e515b0101b66}
        Name: original
        Date: 2016-03-04 10:50:34
        Current: yes
        State: poweroff
        Description: original state

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' parallels.snapshot_id_to_name macvm a5b8999f-5d95-4aff-82de-e515b0101b66 runas=macdev
    # Validate VM name and snapshot ID
    name = _sdecode(name)
    if not re.match(GUID_REGEX, snap_id):
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            u'Snapshot ID "{0}" is not a GUID'.format(_sdecode(snap_id))

    # Get the snapshot information of the snapshot having the requested ID
    info = prlctl('snapshot-list', [name, '--id', snap_id], runas=runas)

    # Parallels desktop returned no information for snap_id
    if not len(info):
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            u'No snapshots for VM "{0}" have ID "{1}"'.format(name, snap_id)

    # Try to interpret the information
        data = yaml.safe_load(info)
    except yaml.YAMLError as err:
            'Could not interpret snapshot data returned from prlctl: '
        data = {}

    # Find the snapshot name
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        snap_name = data.get('Name', '')
        # If snapshot name is of type NoneType, then the snapshot is unnamed
        if snap_name is None:
            snap_name = ''
            u'Could not interpret snapshot data returned from prlctl: '
            u'data is not formed as a dictionary: {0}'.format(data)
        snap_name = ''

    # Raise or return the result
    if not snap_name and strict:
        raise SaltInvocationError(
            u'Could not find a snapshot name for snapshot ID "{0}" of VM '
            u'"{1}"'.format(snap_id, name)
    return _sdecode(snap_name)