Example #1
def find_peaks(histogram, thrs=5, kernel_radius=30, kernel_sigma=6.0, minima_as_boundries=True):
    Finds peaks within the histogram. 
    This is done by first applying a Gaussian filter with size
    (2*kernel_radius)-1 and sigma kernel_sigma to the histogram.
    Peaks are found by inspecting the gradient at each bin; once
    two minima are located the maximum between them is inspected, if 
    its height (compared to the larger of the two minima) is greater
    than the threshold (thrs) then the bin it corresponds to is 
    added to the returned list of bins. 
    If minima_as_boundries is true then this returns a pair of values:
    [max_peak_bin, current_minima_bin]. This allows the minima to be 
    used as a boundary.
    # TODO re-write this for new histogram
    kernel = gaussian_kernel(kernel_size=kernel_radius, sigma=kernel_sigma)
    hist = convolve(histogram, kernel)
    res = []
    previous_y = 0           # height of previous bin
    previous_gradient = 0    # gradient at previous bin
    previous_max_y = 999999  # maxima's height
    previous_min_y = 0       # minima's height (for thrs)
    previous_max_x = 999999  # maxima's bin
    for current_x, current_y in hist:
        gradient = current_y - previous_y   
        # set the gradient for easy testing
        if gradient > 0: 
            gradient = 1
        elif gradient < 0: 
            gradient = -1
            gradient = 0
        # Check if a minima or maxima has been found and if
        # it's a minima check if it is to one side of a 
        # maxima of suitable height
        if previous_gradient < 0 and gradient >= 0:
            # found minima check the previous maxima
            if (previous_max_y - max(previous_min_y, current_y) > thrs):
                # real peak found between two minima
                if minima_as_boundries:
                    res.append([previous_max_x, current_x])
            # update the minima irrespective of if it is associated with a peak
            previous_min_y = current_y
        elif previous_gradient > 0 and gradient <= 0:
            # maxima; store then check against thrs at next minima
            previous_max_y = current_y
            previous_max_x = current_x
        # set values for next bin
        previous_y = current_y
        previous_gradient = gradient
    return res        
Example #2
def test():
    print 'float_range(6)', float_range(6)    
    print 'float_range(6, 7)', float_range(6, 7)
    print 'float_range(3, 10, 0.6)', float_range(3, 10, 0.2)
    print '*'*40
    h = Histogram(bins = [1,3,5,9,7,])
    print "h = Histogram(bins = [1,3,5,9,7,])"
    print 'h.get_bin_at(0)', h.get_bin_at(0)
    print 'h.get_bin_at(10)', h.get_bin_at(10)    
    print 'h.get_bin_at(1.1)', h.get_bin_at(1.1)
    print 'h.get_bin_at(8.9)', h.get_bin_at(8.9)
    print 'h[-1]', h[-1]
    print '*'*40
    print 'Histogram([1,2,2,4,4,4])'
    print Histogram([1,2,2,4,4,4])
    print 'Histogram(bins=[1,2,3,7,])'
    print Histogram(bins=[1,2,3,7,])
    print 'Histogram([1,1,1,2,2,2,4,4,4], [1,2,3,7,])'
    print Histogram([1,1,1,2,2,2,4,4,4], [1,2,3,7,])
    print '*'*40
    print 'file_to_histogram(test_hist1.txt)' 
    hf = file_to_histogram('test_hist1.txt')
    print '*'*40
    print "iteration test => for i in hf: print i"
    for i in hf: print i
    a = hf[0].copy()
    a[0] += 1
    print '*'*40
    print "copy test: a = b.copy(); a[0] = b[0] + 1"
    print "A", a
    print "B", hf[0]
    print '*'*40
    print '\n file_to_histogram(test_hist1.txt, [1,4])' 
    hf2 = file_to_histogram('test_hist1.txt', [1,4])
    for i in hf2: print "\t", i
    print '\n file_to_histogram(test_hist2.txt, [1,9])'
    hf3 =file_to_histogram('test_hist2.txt', [1,9])
    for i in hf3: print "\t", i
    # h2[2].plot()
    print '\n file_to_histogram(test_hist1.txt, [1,2,3,5])',
    h3 =file_to_histogram('test_hist1.txt', [1,2,3,5])
    for i in hf: print "\t", i
    print '*'*40  
    print h3[1]
    print h3[1]
    print '*'*40
    print "stress test"
    hf4 = file_to_histogram('data/test_223.txt')
    hf5 = file_to_histogram('data/test_209.txt') # pedestal
    # hf5[0].plot()
    # for i in hf4: print "\t", i
    print "produce plots (smoothed and unsmoothed)"
    # f = hf4[0].plot()
    k = gaussian_kernel(30, 6)
    hc = convolve(hf4[1], k)
    hc2 = convolve(hf5[1], k)
    # f2 = hc.plot()
    print '*'*40
    print "find peaks", find_peaks(hc)
    print "find peaks2", find_peaks(hc2)