Example #1
    def multiproduce(self, data, version=DEFAULT_VERSION, **kwargs):
        Sends messages to the broker on multiple topics and/or partitions.

        >>> client.produce((
        ...    ('topic-1', 0, ('message',)),
        ...    ('topic-2', 0, ('message', 'message',)),
        ... ))

        :param data: sequence of 3-tuples of the format
                     ``(topic, partition, messages)``
        :type data: list, generator, or other iterable
        :param version: version of message encoding
        :type version: int
        :param \*\*kwargs: extra (version-specific) keyword arguments
                           to pass to message encoder
        payloads = []
        for topic, partition, messages in data:
            payload = StructuredBytesIO()
            write_request_header(payload, topic, partition)
            payload.write(Message.encode(messages, version=version, **kwargs))

        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_MULTIPRODUCE)
        request.pack(2, len(payloads))
        for payload in payloads:
        return self.handler.request(request, has_response=False)
Example #2
    def multiproduce(self, data, version=DEFAULT_VERSION, **kwargs):
        Sends messages to the broker on multiple topics and/or partitions.

        >>> client.produce((
        ...    ('topic-1', 0, ('message',)),
        ...    ('topic-2', 0, ('message', 'message',)),
        ... ))

        :param data: sequence of 3-tuples of the format
                     ``(topic, partition, messages)``
        :type data: list, generator, or other iterable
        :param version: version of message encoding
        :type version: int
        :param \*\*kwargs: extra (version-specific) keyword arguments
                           to pass to message encoder
        payloads = []
        for topic, partition, messages in data:
            payload = StructuredBytesIO()
            write_request_header(payload, topic, partition)
            payload.write(Message.encode(messages, version=version, **kwargs))

        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_MULTIPRODUCE)
        request.pack(2, len(payloads))
        for payload in payloads:
        return self.handler.request(request, has_response=False)
Example #3
    def produce(self,
        Sends messages to the broker on a single topic/partition combination.

        >>> client.produce('topic', 0, ('message',))

        :param topic: topic name
        :param partition: partition ID
        :param messages: the messages to be sent
        :type messages: list, generator, or other iterable of strings
        :param version: version of message encoding
        :type version: int
        :param \*\*kwargs: extra (version-specific) keyword arguments
                           to pass to message encoder
        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_PRODUCE)
        write_request_header(request, topic, partition)
        request.write(Message.encode(messages, version=version, **kwargs))
        return self.handler.request(request, has_response=False)
Example #4
    def produce(self, topic, partition, messages,
                version=DEFAULT_VERSION, **kwargs):
        Sends messages to the broker on a single topic/partition combination.

        >>> client.produce('topic', 0, ('message',))

        :param topic: topic name
        :param partition: partition ID
        :param messages: the messages to be sent
        :type messages: list, generator, or other iterable of strings
        :param version: version of message encoding
        :type version: int
        :param \*\*kwargs: extra (version-specific) keyword arguments
                           to pass to message encoder
        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_PRODUCE)
        write_request_header(request, topic, partition)
        request.write(Message.encode(messages, version=version, **kwargs))
        return self.handler.request(request, has_response=False)
Example #5
    def offsets(self, topic, partition, time, max):
        Returns message offsets before a certain time for the given

        >>> client.offsets('test', 0, OFFSET_EARLIEST, 1)

        :param topic: topic name
        :param partition: partition ID
        :param time: the time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, or either
            ``OFFSET_EARLIEST`` or ``OFFSET_LATEST``.
        :type time: integer
        :param max: the maximum number of offsets to return
        :rtype: list of offsets
        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_OFFSETS)
        write_request_header(request, topic, partition)
        request.pack(8, time)
        request.pack(4, max)
        response = self.handler.request(request)
        (count,) = OffsetsResponseHeader.unpack_from(response.get())
        offsets = []
        for i in xrange(0, count):
                offset=OffsetsResponseHeader.size + (i * Offset.size)).value)
        return offsets
Example #6
    def fetch(self, topic, partition, offset, size):
        Fetches messages from the broker on a single topic/partition.

        >>> for offset, message in client.fetch('test', 0, 0, 1000):
        ...     print offset, message
        0L 'hello world'
        20L 'hello world'

        :param topic: topic name
        :param partition: partition ID
        :param offset: offset to begin read
        :type offset: integer
        :param size: the maximum number of bytes to return
        :rtype: generator of 2-tuples in ``(offset, message)`` format
        # TODO: Document failure modes.
        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_FETCH)
        write_request_header(request, topic, partition)
        request.pack(8, offset)
        request.pack(4, size)

        response = self.handler.request(request)

            # N.B. Using generator here makes dealing with decode errors hard
            return list(decode_messages(response.get(), from_offset=offset))
        except SocketDisconnectedError:
            return []
        except MessageTooLargeError:
            # Try again, but larger!
            return self.fetch(topic, partition, offset, size*1.5)
Example #7
    def fetch(self, topic, partition, offset, size):
        Fetches messages from the broker on a single topic/partition.

        >>> for offset, message in client.fetch('test', 0, 0, 1000):
        ...     print offset, message
        0L 'hello world'
        20L 'hello world'

        :param topic: topic name
        :param partition: partition ID
        :param offset: offset to begin read
        :type offset: integer
        :param size: the maximum number of bytes to return
        :rtype: generator of 2-tuples in ``(offset, message)`` format
        # TODO: Document failure modes.
        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_FETCH)
        write_request_header(request, topic, partition)
        request.pack(8, offset)
        request.pack(4, size)

        response = self.handler.request(request)

            return decode_messages(response.get(), from_offset=offset)
        except SocketDisconnectedError:
            return []
            e = sys.exc_info()[0]
            logger.error('Exception at offset %s: %s' % (offset, e))
Example #8
    def offsets(self, topic, partition, time, max):
        Returns message offsets before a certain time for the given

        >>> client.offsets('test', 0, OFFSET_EARLIEST, 1)

        :param topic: topic name
        :param partition: partition ID
        :param time: the time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, or either
            ``OFFSET_EARLIEST`` or ``OFFSET_LATEST``.
        :type time: integer
        :param max: the maximum number of offsets to return
        :rtype: list of offsets
        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_OFFSETS)
        write_request_header(request, topic, partition)
        request.pack(8, time)
        request.pack(4, max)
        response = self.handler.request(request)
        (count, ) = OffsetsResponseHeader.unpack_from(response.get())
        offsets = []
        for i in xrange(0, count):
                                   offset=OffsetsResponseHeader.size +
                                   (i * Offset.size)).value)
        return offsets
Example #9
    def fetch(self, topic, partition, offset, size):
        Fetches messages from the broker on a single topic/partition.

        >>> for offset, message in client.fetch('test', 0, 0, 1000):
        ...     print offset, message
        0L 'hello world'
        20L 'hello world'

        :param topic: topic name
        :param partition: partition ID
        :param offset: offset to begin read
        :type offset: integer
        :param size: the maximum number of bytes to return
        :rtype: generator of 2-tuples in ``(offset, message)`` format
        # TODO: Document failure modes.
        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_FETCH)
        write_request_header(request, topic, partition)
        request.pack(8, offset)
        request.pack(4, size)

        response = self.handler.request(request)

            # N.B. Using generator here makes dealing with decode errors hard
            return list(decode_messages(response.get(), from_offset=offset))
        except SocketDisconnectedError:
            return []
        except MessageTooLargeError:
            # Try again, but larger!
            return self.fetch(topic, partition, offset, size * 1.5)
Example #10
    def multifetch(self, data):
        Fetches messages from the broker on multiple topics/partitions.

        >>> topics = (
        ...     ('topic-1', 0, 0, 1000),
        ...     ('topic-2', 0, 0, 1000),
        ... )
        >>> for i, response in enumerate(client.fetch(topics)):
        ...     print 'response:', i
        ...     for offset, message in messages:
        ...         print offset, message
        response 0
        0L 'hello world'
        20L 'hello world'
        response 1
        0L 'hello world'
        20L 'hello world'

        :param data: sequence of 4-tuples of the format
                     ``(topic, partition, offset, size)``
                     For more information, see :meth:`Client.fetch`.
        :rtype: generator of fetch responses (message generators).
            For more information, see :meth:`Client.fetch`.
        payloads = []
        from_offsets = []
        for topic, partition, offset, size in data:
            payload = StructuredBytesIO()
            write_request_header(payload, topic, partition)
            payload.pack(8, offset)
            payload.pack(4, size)

        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_MULTIFETCH)
        request.pack(2, len(payloads))
        for payload in payloads:
        response = self.handler.request(request)
        return decode_message_sets(response.get(), from_offsets)
Example #11
    def multifetch(self, data):
        Fetches messages from the broker on multiple topics/partitions.

        >>> topics = (
        ...     ('topic-1', 0, 0, 1000),
        ...     ('topic-2', 0, 0, 1000),
        ... )
        >>> for i, response in enumerate(client.fetch(topics)):
        ...     print 'response:', i
        ...     for offset, message in messages:
        ...         print offset, message
        response 0
        0L 'hello world'
        20L 'hello world'
        response 1
        0L 'hello world'
        20L 'hello world'

        :param data: sequence of 4-tuples of the format
                     ``(topic, partition, offset, size)``
                     For more information, see :meth:`Client.fetch`.
        :rtype: generator of fetch responses (message generators).
            For more information, see :meth:`Client.fetch`.
        payloads = []
        from_offsets = []
        for topic, partition, offset, size in data:
            payload = StructuredBytesIO()
            write_request_header(payload, topic, partition)
            payload.pack(8, offset)
            payload.pack(4, size)

        request = StructuredBytesIO()
        request.pack(2, REQUEST_TYPE_MULTIFETCH)
        request.pack(2, len(payloads))
        for payload in payloads:
        response = self.handler.request(request)
        return decode_message_sets(response.get(), from_offsets)
Example #12
 def test_pack(self):
     buf = StructuredBytesIO()
     buf.pack(2, 1)
     self.assertEqual(str(buf), '\x00\x01')