def post(self): """Return the JSON representation of a new resource created through an HTTP POST call. :returns: ``HTTP 201`` if a resource is properly created :returns: ``HTTP 204`` if the resource already exists: an object with identical primary keys already exists. :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed or missing data """ primary_keys = [ for key in inspect(self.__model__).primary_key ] key_obj = {} for key in primary_keys: if key in request.json: key_obj[key] = request.json[key] if key_obj != {}: resource = self.__model__.query.filter_by(**key_obj).first() if resource: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) return self._no_content_response() resource = self.__model__(**request.json) # pylint: disable=not-callable error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().add(resource) db.session().commit() return self._created_response(resource)
def delete(self, resource_id): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from a HTTP DELETE call. :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().delete(resource) db.session().commit() return self._no_content_response()
def put(self, resource_id): """Return the JSON representation of a new resource created or updated through an HTTP PUT call. If resource_id is not provided, it is assumed the primary key field is included and a totally new resource is created. Otherwise, the existing resource referred to by *resource_id* is updated with the provided JSON data. This method is idempotent. :returns: ``HTTP 201`` if a new resource is created :returns: ``HTTP 200`` if a resource is updated :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed or missing data """ resource = self.__model__.query.get(resource_id) if resource: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) resource.update(request.json) db.session().merge(resource) db.session().commit() return jsonify(resource) resource = self.__model__(**request.json) # pylint: disable=not-callable error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().add(resource) db.session().commit() return self._created_response(resource)
def patch(self, resource_id): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from an HTTP PATCH call. :returns: ``HTTP 200`` if the resource already exists :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed :returns: ``HTTP 404`` if the resource is not found :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) resource.update(request.json) db.session().merge(resource) db.session().commit() return jsonify(resource)
def post(self): """Return the JSON representation of a new resource created through an HTTP POST call. :returns: ``HTTP 201`` if a resource is properly created :returns: ``HTTP 204`` if the resource already exists :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed or missing data """ resource = self.__model__.query.filter_by(**request.json).first() if resource: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) return self._no_content_response() resource = self.__model__(**request.json) # pylint: disable=not-callable error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().add(resource) db.session().commit() return self._created_response(resource)