Example #1
def test_list_constructor():
    regular_list = ['a', 'b']
    ll = sanest.list(regular_list)
    assert len(ll) == 2
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        sanest.list([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7])
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected at most 1 argument, got 3"
Example #2
def test_list_comparison_ordering():
    l1 = sanest.list([1, 2])
    l2 = sanest.list([2, 3, 4])
    normal_list = [1, 2]
    assert l1 < l2
    assert l1 <= l2
    assert l2 > l1
    assert l2 >= l1
    assert not l1 < normal_list
    assert not l1 > normal_list
    assert l1 <= normal_list
    assert l1 >= normal_list
    assert l2 > normal_list
    assert normal_list < l2
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
        pattern = r" not supported between instances "
        pattern = r"^unorderable types: "
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        l1 < object()
    assert excinfo.match(pattern)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        l1 <= object()
    assert excinfo.match(pattern)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        l1 > object()
    assert excinfo.match(pattern)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        l1 >= object()
    assert excinfo.match(pattern)
Example #3
def test_list_validate():
    ll = sanest.list([1, 2, 3])
    ll = sanest.list([{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}, {'a': 3}])
    ll.check_types(type={str: int})
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got dict at path [0]: {'a': 1}"
Example #4
def test_list_setitem():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'b'])
    ll[0] = 'b'
    ll[1] = sanest.list()
    assert ll == ['b', []]
    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as excinfo:
        ll[5] = 'a'
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "[5]"
    assert ll == ['b', []]
Example #5
def test_list_iteration_with_type():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'a'])
    assert list(ll.iter()) == ['a', 'a']
    assert list(ll.iter(type=str)) == ['a', 'a']
    ll = sanest.list([1, 2, 'oops'])
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.iter(type=int)  # eager validation, not during yielding
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected int, got str at path [2]: 'oops'"
    ll = sanest.list([{}])
    assert isinstance(next(ll.iter(type=dict)), sanest.dict)
Example #6
def test_list_comparison_equality():
    l1 = sanest.list([1, 2])
    l2 = sanest.list([1, 2])
    normal_list = [1, 2]
    assert l1 == normal_list
    assert l1 == l1
    assert l1 == l2
    assert l1 != [2, 1]
    assert l1 != [3]
    assert l1 != object()
Example #7
def test_list_append():
    ll = sanest.list()
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.append('a', type=int)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected int, got str: 'a'"
    assert ll == [1]
    ll.append([3, 4])
    ll.append(sanest.list([5, 6]))
    assert len(ll) == 4
    assert ll == [1, 2, [3, 4], [5, 6]]
Example #8
def test_list_extend_nested_unwrapping():
    ll = sanest.list([
        [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
            sanest.list([5, 6]),
            sanest.list([7, 8]),
    assert ll == [
        [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
        [[5, 6], [7, 8]],
Example #9
def test_list_extend():
    ll = sanest.list([1, 2])
    ll.extend(sanest.list([3, 4]))
    ll.extend([5, 6], type=int)
    assert ll == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.extend(['a', 'b'], type=int)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected int, got str: 'a'"
    assert ll == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "invalid value of type MyClass: <MyClass>"
    ll.extend(n for n in [7, 8])
    assert ll == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
Example #10
def test_list_delitem_with_path():
    ll = sanest.list([['a', 'aa'], ['b', 'bb']])
    del ll[0, 1]
    assert ll == [['a'], ['b', 'bb']]
    path = [1, 0]
    del ll[path]
    assert ll == [['a'], ['bb']]
Example #11
def test_list_index():
    ll = sanest.list([
        'a',  # 0
            'b': 'c'
        },  # 1
        None,  # 2
        None,  # 3
        'a',  # 4
        None,  # 5
        None,  # 6
    assert ll.index('a') == 0
    assert ll.index('a', type=str) == 0
    assert ll.index('a', 2) == 4
    assert ll.index('a', 2, type=str) == 4
    assert ll.index('a', 2, 6) == 4
    assert ll.index(None, 2) == 2
    assert ll.index(None, 4) == 5
    assert ll.index({'b': 'c'}) == 1
    assert ll.index(sanest.dict({'b': 'c'})) == 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.index('a', 5)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "'a' is not in list"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.index('a', 2, 3)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "'a' is not in list"
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.index(2, type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int: 2"
Example #12
def test_list_set_slice():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
    ll[::2] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    assert ll == ['x', 'b', 'y', 'd', 'z']
    ll[:] = ['p', 'q', 'r']
    assert ll == ['p', 'q', 'r']
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll[:3] = [MyClass()]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "invalid value of type MyClass: <MyClass>"
    assert ll == ['p', 'q', 'r']
    ll[:2] = sanest.list([{}, []])
    assert ll == [{}, [], 'r']
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        ll[0::2] = ['this', 'one', 'is', 'too', 'long']
    assert str(excinfo.value) == (
        "attempt to assign sequence of size 5 to extended slice of size 2")
Example #13
def test_slots():
    d = sanest.dict()
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        d.foo = 123
    ll = sanest.list()
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        ll.foo = 123
Example #14
def test_list_getitem_with_type():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', {}])
    assert ll[0:str] == 'a'
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        assert ll[0:bool] == 'a'
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected bool, got str at path [0]: 'a'"
    assert isinstance(ll[1], sanest.dict)
Example #15
def test_list_getitem():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'b'])
    assert ll[0] == 'a'
    assert ll[1] == 'b'
    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "[2]"
Example #16
def test_list_getitem_with_path_and_type():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', ['b1', 'b2']])
    assert ll[1, 0:str] == "b1"
    path = [1, 0]
    assert ll[path:str] == "b1"
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll[1, 1:bool]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected bool, got str at path [1, 1]: 'b2'"
Example #17
def test_list_basics():
    d = sanest.list()
    assert d[0] == 'a'
    assert d[1] == 'b'
    assert d[2] == 'c'
Example #18
def test_list_del_slice():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
    del ll[:2]
    assert ll == ['c', 'd', 'e']
    del ll[-1:]
    assert ll == ['c', 'd']
    del ll[:]
    assert ll == []
Example #19
def test_list_delitem_with_type():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    del ll[0:str]
    assert ll == ['b', 'c']
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        del ll[-1:int]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected int, got str at path [-1]: 'c'"
    assert ll == ['b', 'c']
Example #20
def test_list_delitem():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    del ll[1]
    assert ll == ['a', 'c']
    del ll[-1]
    assert ll == ['a']
    del ll[0]
    assert ll == []
Example #21
def test_wrong_path_for_container_type():
    d = sanest.dict()
    ll = sanest.list()
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidPathError) as excinfo:
        d[2, 'a']
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "dict path must start with str: [2, 'a']"
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidPathError) as excinfo:
        ll['a', 2]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "list path must start with int: ['a', 2]"
Example #22
def test_list_contains_with_type():
    ll = sanest.list([1, 'a', {'c': 'd'}])
    assert ll.contains(1, type=int)
    assert ll.contains('a', type=str)
    assert ll.contains({'c': 'd'}, type=dict)
    assert not ll.contains(1, type=str)
    assert not ll.contains(2, type=str)
    assert not ll.contains({'x': 'y'}, type=dict)
    assert not ll.contains({'x': 'y'}, type=int)
Example #23
def test_list_count():
    ll = sanest.list([1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, {'a': 'b'}])
    assert ll.count(1) == 3
    assert ll.count(1, type=int) == 3
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll.count(1, type=str)
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected str, got int: 1"
    assert ll.count({'a': 'b'}) == 1
    assert ll.count(sanest.dict({'a': 'b'})) == 1
Example #24
def test_list_repeat():
    ll = sanest.list([1, 2])
    assert ll * 2 == [1, 2, 1, 2]
    assert 2 * ll == [1, 2, 1, 2]
    assert ll == [1, 2]
    assert isinstance(ll, sanest.list)
    ll *= 2
    assert ll == [1, 2, 1, 2]
    assert isinstance(ll, sanest.list)
Example #25
def test_dict_values_view_contains():
    d = sanest.dict({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': [3, 4, 5]})
    values_view = d.values()
    assert len(values_view) == len(d) == 3
    assert 1 in values_view
    assert [3, 4, 5] in values_view
    assert sanest.list([3, 4, 5]) in values_view
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        MyClass() in values_view
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "invalid value of type MyClass: <MyClass>"
Example #26
def test_list_setitem_with_path_and_type():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', ['b', 'c']])
    ll[1, 0:str] = "d"
    path = [1, 1]
    ll[path:str] = "e"
    assert ll == ['a', ['d', 'e']]
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        ll[1, 1:bool] = 'x'
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected bool, got str: 'x'"
    assert ll == ['a', ['d', 'e']]
Example #27
def test_list_get_slice():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    assert ll[0:] == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert ll[2:] == ['c']
    assert ll[:0] == []
    assert ll[:-2] == ['a']
    assert ll[0:20] == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert ll[:] == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert ll[::2] == ['a', 'c']
    assert isinstance(ll[1:2], sanest.list)
Example #28
def test_list_delitem_with_path_and_type():
    ll = sanest.list([['a', 'aa'], ['b', 'bb']])
    del ll[0, 0:str]
    with pytest.raises(sanest.InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        del ll[0, 0:int]
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "expected int, got str at path [0, 0]: 'aa'"
    assert ll == [['aa'], ['b', 'bb']]
    path = [1, 1]
    del ll[path:str]
    assert ll == [['aa'], ['b']]
Example #29
def test_list_reversing():
    ll = sanest.list(['a', {}])
    rev = reversed(ll)
    first, second = rev
    assert first == {}
    assert isinstance(first, sanest.dict)
    assert second == 'a'
    assert ll == ['a', {}]
    assert ll == [{}, 'a']
Example #30
def test_list_concat():
    x = sanest.list(['a', 'b'])
    y = sanest.list(['c'])
    z = ['d']
    xy = x + y
    assert xy == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert isinstance(xy, sanest.list)
    xz = x + z
    assert xz == ['a', 'b', 'd']
    assert isinstance(xz, sanest.list)
    assert x == ['a', 'b']
    zx = z + x
    assert zx == ['d', 'a', 'b']
    assert isinstance(zx, builtins.list)
    x += z
    assert isinstance(x, sanest.list)
    assert x == xz
    xy += z
    assert isinstance(xy, sanest.list)
    assert xy == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']