def test_multiple_discriminator_field(self, api): model = api.model('Test', { 'name': fields.String(discriminator=True), 'name2': fields.String(discriminator=True), }) with pytest.raises(ValueError): api.marshal(object(), model)
def test_discriminator_output(self, api): model = api.model('Test', { 'name': fields.String(discriminator=True), }) data = api.marshal({}, model) assert data == {'name': 'Test'}
def test_api_payload(self, app, client): api = Api(app, validate=True) ns = Namespace('apples') api.add_namespace(ns) f = ns.model( 'Person', { 'name': fields.String(required=True), 'age': fields.Integer, 'birthdate': fields.DateTime, }) @ns.route('/validation/') class Payload(Resource): payload = None @ns.expect(f) async def post(self, request): Payload.payload = ns.payload return {} data = { 'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 15, } client.post_json('/apples/validation/', data) assert Payload.payload == data
def test_with_callable_enum(self): enum = lambda: ['A', 'B', 'C'] # noqa field = fields.String(enum=enum) assert not field.required assert field.__schema__ == { 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'example': 'A' }
def test_with_enum(self): enum = ['A', 'B', 'C'] field = fields.String(enum=enum) assert not field.required assert field.__schema__ == { 'type': 'string', 'enum': enum, 'example': enum[0] }
def test_models(self): todo_fields = Model('Todo', { 'task': fields.String(required=True, description='The task details') }) parser = RequestParser() parser.add_argument('todo', type=todo_fields) assert parser.__schema__ == [{ 'name': 'todo', 'type': 'Todo', 'in': 'body', }]
def test_parse_model(self, app): model = Model('Todo', {'task': fields.String(required=True)}) parser = RequestParser() parser.add_argument('todo', type=model, required=True) data = {'todo': {'task': 'aaa'}} with app.test_request_context('/', method='post', data=json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json'): args = parser.parse_args() assert args['todo'] == {'task': 'aaa'}
def test_with_scoped_attribute_on_dict_or_obj(self): class Test(object): def __init__(self, data): = data class Nested(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value nesteds = [Nested(i) for i in ['a', 'b', 'c']] test_obj = Test(nesteds) test_dict = {'data': [{'value': 'a'}, {'value': 'b'}, {'value': 'c'}]} field = fields.List(fields.String(attribute='value'), attribute='data') assert ['a' == 'b', 'c'], field.output('whatever', test_obj) assert ['a' == 'b', 'c'], field.output('whatever', test_dict)
def test_polymorph_with_discriminator(self, api): parent = api.model('Person', { 'name': fields.String, 'model': fields.String(discriminator=True), }) child1 = api.inherit('Child1', parent, { 'extra1': fields.String, }) child2 = api.inherit('Child2', parent, { 'extra2': fields.String, }) class Child1(object): name = 'child1' extra1 = 'extra1' class Child2(object): name = 'child2' extra2 = 'extra2' mapping = {Child1: child1, Child2: child2} thing = api.model('Thing', { 'owner': fields.Polymorph(mapping), }) def data(cls): return api.marshal({'owner': cls()}, thing) assert data(Child1) == { 'owner': { 'name': 'child1', 'model': 'Child1', 'extra1': 'extra1' } } assert data(Child2) == { 'owner': { 'name': 'child2', 'model': 'Child2', 'extra2': 'extra2' } }
def test_model_with_discriminator(self): model = Model('Person', { 'name': fields.String(discriminator=True), 'age': fields.Integer, }) assert model.__schema__ == { 'properties': { 'name': { 'type': 'string' }, 'age': { 'type': 'integer' }, }, 'discriminator': 'name', 'required': ['name'], 'type': 'object' }
def test_model_with_required(self): model = Model( 'Person', { 'name': fields.String(required=True), 'age': fields.Integer, 'birthdate': fields.DateTime(required=True), }) assert model.__schema__ == { 'properties': { 'name': { 'type': 'string' }, 'age': { 'type': 'integer' }, 'birthdate': { 'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time' } }, 'required': ['birthdate', 'name'], 'type': 'object' }
def test_with_default(self): field = fields.String(default='aaa') assert field.__schema__ == {'type': 'string', 'default': 'aaa'}
def test_defaults(self): field = fields.String() assert not field.required assert not field.discriminator assert field.__schema__ == {'type': 'string'}
def test_wildcard(self, api): wild1 = fields.Wildcard(fields.String) wild2 = fields.Wildcard(fields.Integer) wild3 = fields.Wildcard(fields.String) wild4 = fields.Wildcard(fields.String, default='x') wild5 = fields.Wildcard(fields.String) wild6 = fields.Wildcard(fields.Integer) wild7 = fields.Wildcard(fields.String) wild8 = fields.Wildcard(fields.String) mod5 = OrderedDict() mod5['toto'] = fields.Integer mod5['bob'] = fields.Integer mod5['*'] = wild5 wild_fields1 = api.model('WildcardModel1', {'*': wild1}) wild_fields2 = api.model('WildcardModel2', {'j*': wild2}) wild_fields3 = api.model('WildcardModel3', {'*': wild3}) wild_fields4 = api.model('WildcardModel4', {'*': wild4}) wild_fields5 = api.model('WildcardModel5', mod5) wild_fields6 = api.model( 'WildcardModel6', { 'nested': { 'f1': fields.String(default='12'), 'f2': fields.Integer(default=13) }, 'a*': wild6 }) wild_fields7 = api.model('WildcardModel7', {'*': wild7}) wild_fields8 = api.model('WildcardModel8', {'*': wild8}) class Dummy(object): john = 12 bob = '42' alice = None class Dummy2(object): pass class Dummy3(object): a = None b = None data = {'John': 12, 'bob': 42, 'Jane': '68'} data3 = Dummy() data4 = Dummy2() data5 = {'John': 12, 'bob': 42, 'Jane': '68', 'toto': '72'} data6 = {'nested': {'f1': 12, 'f2': 13}, 'alice': '14'} data7 = Dummy3() data8 = None expected1 = {'John': '12', 'bob': '42', 'Jane': '68'} expected2 = {'John': 12, 'Jane': 68} expected3 = {'john': '12', 'bob': '42'} expected4 = {'*': 'x'} expected5 = {'John': '12', 'bob': 42, 'Jane': '68', 'toto': 72} expected6 = {'nested': {'f1': '12', 'f2': 13}, 'alice': 14} expected7 = {} expected8 = {} result1 = api.marshal(data, wild_fields1) result2 = api.marshal(data, wild_fields2) result3 = api.marshal(data3, wild_fields3, skip_none=True) result4 = api.marshal(data4, wild_fields4) result5 = api.marshal(data5, wild_fields5) result6 = api.marshal(data6, wild_fields6) result7 = api.marshal(data7, wild_fields7, skip_none=True) result8 = api.marshal(data8, wild_fields8, skip_none=True) assert expected1 == result1 assert expected2 == result2 assert expected3 == result3 assert expected4 == result4 assert expected5 == result5 assert expected6 == result6 assert expected7 == result7 assert expected8 == result8
spf = SanicPluginsFramework(app) rest_assoc = spf.register_plugin(restplus) api = Api(version='1.0', title='TodoMVC API', description='A simple TodoMVC API') ns = api.namespace('todos', description='TODO operations') todo = api.model( 'Todo', { 'id': fields.Integer(readOnly=True, description='The task unique identifier'), 'task': fields.String(required=True, description='The task details') }) class TodoDAO(object): def __init__(self): self.counter = 0 self.todos = [] def get(self, id): for todo in self.todos: if todo['id'] == id: return todo api.abort(404, "Todo {} doesn't exist".format(id)) def create(self, data):
TODOS = { 'todo1': { 'task': 'build an API' }, 'todo2': { 'task': '?????' }, 'todo3': { 'task': 'profit!' }, } todo = api.model( 'Todo', {'task': fields.String(required=True, description='The task details')}) listed_todo = api.model( 'ListedTodo', { 'id': fields.String(required=True, description='The todo ID'), 'todo': fields.Nested(todo, description='The Todo') }) def abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id): if todo_id not in TODOS: api.abort(404, "Todo {} doesn't exist".format(todo_id)) parser = api.parser() parser.add_argument('task',
def test_with_empty_enum(self): field = fields.String(enum=[]) assert not field.required assert field.__schema__ == {'type': 'string'}
def test_value(self, value, expected): self.assert_field(fields.List(fields.String()), value, expected)
def test_with_empty_callable_enum(self): enum = lambda: [] # noqa field = fields.String(enum=enum) assert not field.required assert field.__schema__ == {'type': 'string'}
from sanic_restplus import Namespace, Resource, fields from sanic.exceptions import SanicException, InvalidUsage api = Namespace('cats', description='Cats related operations') cat = api.model('Cat', { 'id': fields.String(required=True, description='The cat identifier'), 'name': fields.String(required=True, description='The cat name'), }) CATS = [ {'id': 'felix', 'name': 'Felix'}, ] @api.route('/') class CatList(Resource): @api.doc('list_cats') @api.marshal_list_with(cat) def get(self, request): '''List all cats''' return CATS @api.route('/<id>') @api.param('id', 'The cat identifier') @api.response(404, 'Cat not found') class Cat(Resource): @api.doc('get_cat') @api.marshal_with(cat) def get(self, request, id):
def test_string_field_with_discriminator_override_require(self): field = fields.String(discriminator=True, required=False) assert field.discriminator assert field.required assert field.__schema__ == {'type': 'string'}