Example #1
    'has_antenna': 'has_antenna.cphd',
    'bistatic': 'bistatic.cphd',

TEST_FILE_ROOT = os.environ.get('SARPY_TEST_PATH', None)
if TEST_FILE_ROOT is not None:
    for name_key, path_value in TEST_FILE_NAMES.items():
        the_file = os.path.join(TEST_FILE_ROOT, 'cphd', path_value)
        if os.path.isfile(the_file):
            TEST_FILE_PATHS[name_key] = the_file

GOOD_CPHD = TEST_FILE_PATHS.get('simple', None)
BISTATIC_CPHD = TEST_FILE_PATHS.get('bistatic', None)
ANTENNA_CPHD = TEST_FILE_PATHS.get('has_antenna', None)
DEFAULT_SCHEMA = get_schema_path(version='1.0.1')

def make_elem(tag, text=None, children=None, namespace=None, attributes=None, **attrib):
    Creates described element.

    Creates the Element with tag name, text, and attributes given. Attributes
    can be specified as either a dictionary or keyword arguments.

    tag : str
        A string that will become the tag name.
    text : None|str|float|int
        A string that will become the text in the element. (Default: ``None``)
    children : lxml.etree.ElementTree
Example #2
import logging
import os
import json
import tempfile
import unittest

import numpy.testing
from sarpy.io.phase_history.cphd import CPHDReader, CPHDReader0_3, CPHDReader1_0, CPHDWriter1_0
from sarpy.io.phase_history.converter import open_phase_history
import sarpy.consistency.cphd_consistency
from sarpy.io.phase_history.cphd_schema import get_schema_path

from tests import parse_file_entry

DEFAULT_SCHEMA = get_schema_path('1.0.1')

cphd_file_types = {}

this_loc = os.path.abspath(__file__)
file_reference = os.path.join(
    'cphd_file_types.json')  # specifies file locations
if os.path.isfile(file_reference):
    with open(file_reference, 'r') as fi:
        the_files = json.load(fi)
        for the_type in the_files:
            valid_entries = []
            for entry in the_files[the_type]:
                the_file = parse_file_entry(entry)
                if the_file is not None: