Example #1
def test_crud_function_doc():
    from sasctl.core import _build_crud_funcs

    for func in _build_crud_funcs('/widgets'):
        t0 = func.__doc__
        assert ' widgets ' in func.__doc__
        assert '{item}' not in func.__doc__
Example #2
def test_get_item_by_dict():
    from sasctl.core import _build_crud_funcs

    _, get_item, _, _ = _build_crud_funcs('/widget')

    # No REST call needed if complete dictionary is passed
    target = {'name': 'Test Widget', 'id': 12345}
    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as request:
        resp = get_item(target)

    assert target == resp
    assert request.call_count == 0
Example #3
def test_list_items():
    from sasctl.core import _build_crud_funcs, RestObj

    list_items, _, _, _ = _build_crud_funcs('/items')

    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as request:
        request.return_value = RestObj()

        resp = list_items()

    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert [RestObj()] == resp
Example #4
def test_get_item_by_name():
    from sasctl.core import _build_crud_funcs

    _, get_item, _, _ = _build_crud_funcs('/widget')

    target = {'name': 'Test Widget', 'id': 12345}
    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as request:
        with mock.patch('sasctl.core.is_uuid') as is_uuid:
            is_uuid.return_value = False
            request.return_value = target
            resp = get_item(target['name'])

    assert target == resp
Example #5
def test_update_item():
    from sasctl.core import _build_crud_funcs, RestObj

    _, _, update_item, _ = _build_crud_funcs('/widget')

    target = RestObj({'name': 'Test Widget', 'id': 12345})

    with mock.patch('sasctl.core.request') as request:
        request.return_value = target

        # ETag should be required
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            resp = update_item(target)

        target._headers = {'etag': 'abcd'}
        resp = update_item(target)
    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert ('put', '/widget/12345') == request.call_args[0]
    assert target == resp
Example #6
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from sasctl.core import post, _build_crud_funcs
from sasctl.utils.cli import sasctl_command

_SERVICE_ROOT = '/folders'

list_folders, get_folder, update_folder, delete_folder = _build_crud_funcs(
    _SERVICE_ROOT + '/folders', 'folder')

@sasctl_command('folders', 'create')
def create_folder(name, parent=None, description=None):

    name : str
        The name of the new folder
    parent : str or dict, optional
        The parent folder for this folder, if any.  Can be a folder name, id, or dict response from get_folder
    description : str, optional
        A description of the folder

Example #7
associated with the file or the actual content can be updated. A single file can be deleted by using a specific ID.
Multiple files can be deleted by specifying a parentUri.  A file can be uploaded via raw request or multipart form

import os

import six

from sasctl.core import get_link, request_link, post, _build_crud_funcs
from sasctl.services.folders import get_folder
from sasctl.utils.cli import sasctl_command

_SERVICE_ROOT = '/files'

list_files, get_file, update_file, delete_file = _build_crud_funcs(
    _SERVICE_ROOT + '/files', 'file')

@sasctl_command('files', 'create')
def create_file(file, folder=None, filename=None, expiration=None):
    """Create a new file on the server by uploading a local file.

    file : str or file_like
        Path to the file to upload or a file-like object.
    folder : str or dict, optional
        Name, or, or folder information as returned by :func:`.get_folder`.
    filename : str, optional
        Name to assign to the uploaded file.  Defaults to the filename if `file` is a path, otherwise required.
    expiration : datetime, optional
Example #8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from sasctl.core import is_uuid, get, post, get_link, _build_crud_funcs, current_session

ROOT_PATH = '/modelRepository'
    'Analytical', 'Classification', 'Clustering', 'Forecasting', 'Prediction',
    'Text categorization', 'Text extraction', 'Text sentiment', 'Text topics',

# TODO:  automatic query string encoding

list_repositories, get_repository, update_repository, delete_repository = _build_crud_funcs(
    ROOT_PATH + '/repositories', 'repository')
list_projects, get_project, update_project, delete_project = _build_crud_funcs(
    ROOT_PATH + '/projects', 'project')
list_models, get_model, update_model, delete_model = _build_crud_funcs(
    ROOT_PATH + '/models', 'model')

def get_model_link(model, rel, refresh=False):
    """Retrieve a link from a model's set of links.

    model : str or dict
        The name or id of the model, or a dictionary representation of the model.
    rel, str
        The name of the link to retrieve
Example #9
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from sasctl.core import _build_crud_funcs, post

ROOT_PATH = '/projects'

list_projects, get_project, update_project, delete_project = _build_crud_funcs(ROOT_PATH + '/projects', 'project')

def create_project(name, description=None, image=None):

    name : str
    description : str
    image : str
        URI of an image to use as the project avatar



    body = {'name': name,
            'description': description,
Example #10
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2019, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from sasctl.core import post, _build_crud_funcs
from sasctl.services.model_publish import _publish_name

SERVICE_ROOT = '/modelManagement'

list_performance_definitions, get_performance_definition, \
update_performance_definition, delete_performance_definition = \
    _build_crud_funcs(SERVICE_ROOT + '/performanceTasks', 'performance task', 'performance tasks')

# TODO:  set ds2MultiType
def publish_model(model, destination, name=None, force=False):
    from .model_repository import get_model, get_model_link

    model_obj = get_model(model)

    if model_obj is None:
        model_name = model.name if hasattr(model, 'name') else str(model)
        raise ValueError("Model '{}' was not found.".format(model_name))

    model_uri = get_model_link(model_obj, 'self')

    # TODO: Verify allowed formats by destination type.
    # As of 19w04 MAS throws HTTP 500 if name is in invalid format.