def test_available_datasets_miss_3a(self): """Test that channel 3a is missing from available datasets.""" with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfile: self._header.tofile(tmpfile), 0) self._data.tofile(tmpfile) fh = AVHRRAAPPL1BFile(tmpfile, self.filename_info, self.filetype_info) configured_datasets = [ [None, { 'name': '1' }], [None, { 'name': '2' }], [None, { 'name': '3a' }], [None, { 'name': '3b' }], [None, { 'name': '4' }], [None, { 'name': '5' }], ] available_datasets = fh.available_datasets(configured_datasets) for status, mda in available_datasets: if mda['name'] == '3a': assert status is False else: assert status is True
def test_read(self): """Test the reading.""" with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfile: self._header.tofile(tmpfile), 0) self._data.tofile(tmpfile) fh = AVHRRAAPPL1BFile(tmpfile, self.filename_info, self.filetype_info) info = {} mins = [] maxs = [] for name in ['1', '2', '3a']: key = make_dataid(name=name, calibration='reflectance') res = fh.get_dataset(key, info) assert(res.min() == 0) assert(res.max() >= 100) mins.append(res.min().values) maxs.append(res.max().values) if name == '3a': assert(np.all(np.isnan(res[:2, :]))) for name in ['3b', '4', '5']: key = make_dataid(name=name, calibration='reflectance') res = fh.get_dataset(key, info) mins.append(res.min().values) maxs.append(res.max().values) if name == '3b': assert(np.all(np.isnan(res[2:, :]))) np.testing.assert_allclose(mins, [0., 0., 0., 204.10106939, 103.23477235, 106.42609758]) np.testing.assert_allclose(maxs, [108.40391775, 107.68545158, 106.80061233, 337.71416096, 355.15898219, 350.87182166])
def test_bright_channel2_has_reflectance_greater_than_100(self): """Test that a bright channel 2 has reflectances greater that 100.""" from satpy.readers.aapp_l1b import AVHRRAAPPL1BFile from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid file_handler = AVHRRAAPPL1BFile(self.filename, dict(), None) data = file_handler.get_dataset(make_dataid(name='2', calibration='reflectance'), dict()) np.testing.assert_array_less(100, data.values)
def test_loading_missing_channels_returns_none(self): """Test that loading a missing channel raises a keyerror.""" with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfile: self._header.tofile(tmpfile), 0) self._data.tofile(tmpfile) fh = AVHRRAAPPL1BFile(tmpfile, self.filename_info, self.filetype_info) info = {} key = make_dataid(name='3a', calibration='reflectance') assert fh.get_dataset(key, info) is None
def test_angles(self): """Test reading the angles.""" with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfile: self._header.tofile(tmpfile), 0) self._data.tofile(tmpfile) fh = AVHRRAAPPL1BFile(tmpfile, self.filename_info, self.filetype_info) info = {} key = make_dataid(name='solar_zenith_angle') res = fh.get_dataset(key, info) assert(np.all(res == 0))
def test_navigation(self): """Test reading the lon and lats.""" with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfile: self._header.tofile(tmpfile), 0) self._data.tofile(tmpfile) fh = AVHRRAAPPL1BFile(tmpfile, self.filename_info, self.filetype_info) info = {} key = make_dataid(name='longitude') res = fh.get_dataset(key, info) assert(np.all(res == 0)) key = make_dataid(name='latitude') res = fh.get_dataset(key, info) assert(np.all(res == 0))