Example #1
 def __init__(
     method_family: str,
     neural_net: nn.Module,
     x_shape: torch.Size,
     mcmc_method: str = "slice_np",
     mcmc_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
     device: str = "cpu",
         method_family: One of snpe, snl, snre_a or snre_b.
         neural_net: A classifier for SNRE, a density estimator for SNPE and SNL.
         prior: Prior distribution with `.log_prob()` and `.sample()`.
         x_shape: Shape of a single simulator output.
         mcmc_method: Method used for MCMC sampling, one of `slice_np`, `slice`,
             `hmc`, `nuts`. Currently defaults to `slice_np` for a custom numpy
             implementation of slice sampling; select `hmc`, `nuts` or `slice` for
             Pyro-based sampling.
         mcmc_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters for MCMC.
             The following parameters are supported: `thin` to set the thinning
             factor for the chain, `warmup_steps` to set the initial number of
             samples to discard, `num_chains` for the number of chains,
             `init_strategy` for the initialisation strategy for chains; `prior`
             will draw init locations from prior, whereas `sir` will use Sequential-
             Importance-Resampling using `init_strategy_num_candidates` to find init
         device: Training device, e.g., cpu or cuda:0.
     kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
Example #2
    def __call__(
        num_rounds: int,
        num_simulations_per_round: OneOrMore[int],
        x_o: Optional[Tensor] = None,
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        discard_prior_samples: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
    ) -> NeuralPosterior:
        r"""Run AALR / SNRE_A.

        Return posterior $p(\theta|x)$ after inference (possibly over several rounds).

            num_rounds: Number of rounds to run. Each round consists of a simulation and
                training phase. `num_rounds=1` leads to a posterior $p(\theta|x)$ valid
                for _any_ $x$ (amortized), but requires many simulations.
                Alternatively, with `num_rounds>1` the inference returns a posterior
                $p(\theta|x_o)$ focused on a specific observation `x_o`, potentially
                requiring less simulations.
            num_simulations_per_round: Number of simulator calls per round.
            x_o: An observation that is only required when doing inference
                over multiple rounds. After the first round, `x_o` is used to guide the
                sampling so that the simulator is run with parameters that are likely
                for that `x_o`, i.e. they are sampled from the posterior obtained in the
                previous round $p(\theta|x_o)$.
            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            discard_prior_samples: Whether to discard samples simulated in round 1, i.e.
                from the prior. Training may be sped up by ignoring such less targeted
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round.

            Posterior $p(\theta|x)$ that can be sampled and evaluated.

        # AALR is defined for `num_atoms=2`.
        # Proxy to `super().__call__` to ensure right parameter.
        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
        return super().__call__(**kwargs, num_atoms=2)
Example #3
    def __init__(
        method_family: str,
        neural_net: nn.Module,
        x_shape: torch.Size,
        rejection_sampling_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        sample_with_mcmc: bool = True,
        mcmc_method: str = "slice_np",
        mcmc_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        device: str = "cpu",
            method_family: One of snpe, snl, snre_a or snre_b.
            neural_net: A classifier for SNRE, a density estimator for SNPE and SNL.
            prior: Prior distribution with `.log_prob()` and `.sample()`.
            x_shape: Shape of a single simulator output.
            rejection_sampling_parameters: Dictonary overriding the default parameters
                for rejection sampling. The following parameters are supported:
                `max_sampling_batch_size` to set the batch size for drawing new
                samples from the candidate distribution, e.g., the posterior. Larger
                batch size speeds up sampling.
            sample_with_mcmc: Whether to sample with MCMC. Will always be `True` for SRE
                and SNL, but can also be set to `True` for SNPE if MCMC is preferred to
                deal with leakage over rejection sampling.
            mcmc_method: Method used for MCMC sampling, one of `slice_np`, `slice`,
                `hmc`, `nuts`. Currently defaults to `slice_np` for a custom numpy
                implementation of slice sampling; select `hmc`, `nuts` or `slice` for
                Pyro-based sampling.
            mcmc_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters for MCMC.
                The following parameters are supported: `thin` to set the thinning
                factor for the chain, `warmup_steps` to set the initial number of
                samples to discard, `num_chains` for the number of chains,
                `init_strategy` for the initialisation strategy for chains; `prior`
                will draw init locations from prior, whereas `sir` will use Sequential-
                Importance-Resampling using `init_strategy_num_candidates` to find init
            device: Training device, e.g., cpu or cuda:0

        kwargs = del_entries(

        self._purpose = (
            "It allows to .sample() and .log_prob() the posterior and wraps the "
            "output of the .net to avoid leakage into regions with 0 prior probability."
Example #4
File: snpe_c.py Project: bkmi/sbi
    def __init__(
        prior: Optional[Distribution] = None,
        density_estimator: Union[str, Callable] = "maf",
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "WARNING",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        r"""SNPE-C / APT [1].

        [1] _Automatic Posterior Transformation for Likelihood-free Inference_,
            Greenberg et al., ICML 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.07488.

        This class implements two loss variants of SNPE-C: the non-atomic and the atomic
        version. The atomic loss of SNPE-C can be used for any density estimator,
        i.e. also for normalizing flows. However, it suffers from leakage issues. On
        the other hand, the non-atomic loss can only be used only if the proposal
        distribution is a mixture of Gaussians, the density estimator is a mixture of
        Gaussians, and the prior is either Gaussian or Uniform. It does not suffer from
        leakage issues. At the beginning of each round, we print whether the non-atomic
        or the atomic version is used.

        In this codebase, we will automatically switch to the non-atomic loss if the
        following criteria are fulfilled:<br/>
        - proposal is a `DirectPosterior` with density_estimator `mdn`, as built
            with `utils.sbi.posterior_nn()`.<br/>
        - the density estimator is a `mdn`, as built with
        - `isinstance(prior, MultivariateNormal)` (from `torch.distributions`) or
            `isinstance(prior, sbi.utils.BoxUniform)`

        Note that custom implementations of any of these densities (or estimators) will
        not trigger the non-atomic loss, and the algorithm will fall back onto using
        the atomic loss.

            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them.
            density_estimator: If it is a string, use a pre-configured network of the
                provided type (one of nsf, maf, mdn, made). Alternatively, a function
                that builds a custom neural network can be provided. The function will
                be called with the first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can
                thus be used for shape inference and potentially for z-scoring. It
                needs to return a PyTorch `nn.Module` implementing the density
                estimator. The density estimator needs to provide the methods
                `.log_prob` and `.sample()`.
            device: Training device, e.g., "cpu", "cuda" or "cuda:{0, 1, ...}".
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during training.

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
Example #5
    def __init__(
        method_family: str,
        neural_net: nn.Module,
        x_shape: torch.Size,
        sample_with: str = "rejection",
        mcmc_method: str = "slice_np",
        mcmc_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        rejection_sampling_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        device: str = "cpu",
            method_family: One of snpe, snl, snre_a or snre_b.
            neural_net: A classifier for SNRE, a density estimator for SNPE and SNL.
            prior: Prior distribution with `.log_prob()` and `.sample()`.
            x_shape: Shape of a single simulator output.
            sample_with: Method to use for sampling from the posterior. Must be one of
                [`mcmc` | `rejection`]. With default parameters, `rejection` samples
                from the posterior estimated by the neural net and rejects only if the
                samples are outside of the prior support.
            mcmc_method: Method used for MCMC sampling, one of `slice_np`, `slice`,
                `hmc`, `nuts`. Currently defaults to `slice_np` for a custom numpy
                implementation of slice sampling; select `hmc`, `nuts` or `slice` for
                Pyro-based sampling.
            mcmc_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters for MCMC.
                The following parameters are supported: `thin` to set the thinning
                factor for the chain, `warmup_steps` to set the initial number of
                samples to discard, `num_chains` for the number of chains,
                `init_strategy` for the initialisation strategy for chains; `prior`
                will draw init locations from prior, whereas `sir` will use Sequential-
                Importance-Resampling using `init_strategy_num_candidates` to find init
            rejection_sampling_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters
                for rejection sampling. The following parameters are supported:
                `proposal` as the proposal distribtution (default is the trained
                neural net). `max_sampling_batch_size` as the batchsize of samples
                being drawn from the proposal at every iteration.
                `num_samples_to_find_max` as the number of samples that are used to
                find the maximum of the `potential_fn / proposal` ratio.
                `num_iter_to_find_max` as the number of gradient ascent iterations to
                find the maximum of that ratio. `m` as multiplier to that ratio.
            device: Training device, e.g., cpu or cuda:0

        kwargs = del_entries(
            entries=("self", "__class__"),

        self._purpose = (
            "It allows to .sample() and .log_prob() the posterior and wraps the "
            "output of the .net to avoid leakage into regions with 0 prior probability."
Example #6
    def __init__(
        method_family: str,
        neural_net: nn.Module,
        x_shape: torch.Size,
        sample_with: str = "mcmc",
        mcmc_method: str = "slice_np",
        mcmc_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        rejection_sampling_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        device: str = "cpu",
            method_family: One of snpe, snl, snre_a or snre_b.
            neural_net: A classifier for SNRE, a density estimator for SNPE and SNL.
            prior: Prior distribution with `.log_prob()` and `.sample()`.
            x_shape: Shape of the simulated data. It can differ from the
                observed data the posterior is conditioned on later in the batch
                dimension. If it differs, the additional entries are interpreted as
                independent and identically distributed data / trials. I.e., the data is
                assumed to be generated based on the same (unknown) model parameters or
                experimental condations.
            sample_with: Method to use for sampling from the posterior. Must be one of
                [`mcmc` | `rejection`].
            mcmc_method: Method used for MCMC sampling, one of `slice_np`, `slice`,
                `hmc`, `nuts`. Currently defaults to `slice_np` for a custom numpy
                implementation of slice sampling; select `hmc`, `nuts` or `slice` for
                Pyro-based sampling.
            mcmc_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters for MCMC.
                The following parameters are supported: `thin` to set the thinning
                factor for the chain, `warmup_steps` to set the initial number of
                samples to discard, `num_chains` for the number of chains,
                `init_strategy` for the initialisation strategy for chains; `prior`
                will draw init locations from prior, whereas `sir` will use Sequential-
                Importance-Resampling using `init_strategy_num_candidates` to find init
            rejection_sampling_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters
                for rejection sampling. The following parameters are supported:
                `proposal` as the proposal distribtution (default is the prior).
                `max_sampling_batch_size` as the batchsize of samples being drawn from
                the proposal at every iteration. `num_samples_to_find_max` as the
                number of samples that are used to find the maximum of the
                `potential_fn / proposal` ratio. `num_iter_to_find_max` as the number
                of gradient ascent iterations to find the maximum of that ratio. `m` as
                multiplier to that ratio.
            device: Training device, e.g., cpu or cuda:0.

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))

        self._purpose = (
            "It provides MCMC to .sample() from the posterior and "
            "can evaluate the _unnormalized_ posterior density with .log_prob()."
Example #7
    def train(
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        resume_training: bool = False,
        discard_prior_samples: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
        show_train_summary: bool = False,
        dataloader_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
    ) -> NeuralPosterior:
        Return classifier that approximates the ratio $p(\theta,x)/p(\theta)p(x)$.

            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            resume_training: Can be used in case training time is limited, e.g. on a
                cluster. If `True`, the split between train and validation set, the
                optimizer, the number of epochs, and the best validation log-prob will
                be restored from the last time `.train()` was called.
            discard_prior_samples: Whether to discard samples simulated in round 1, i.e.
                from the prior. Training may be sped up by ignoring such less targeted
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round.
            show_train_summary: Whether to print the number of epochs and validation
                loss and leakage after the training.
            dataloader_kwargs: Additional or updated kwargs to be passed to the training
                and validation dataloaders (like, e.g., a collate_fn)

            Classifier that approximates the ratio $p(\theta,x)/p(\theta)p(x)$.

        # AALR is defined for `num_atoms=2`.
        # Proxy to `super().__call__` to ensure right parameter.
        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
        return super().train(**kwargs, num_atoms=2)
    def __call__(
        num_simulations: int,
        proposal: Optional[Any] = None,
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        discard_prior_samples: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
    ) -> NeuralPosterior:
        r"""Run AALR / SNRE_A.

        Return posterior $p(\theta|x)$ after inference.

            num_simulations: Number of simulator calls.
            proposal: Distribution that the parameters $\theta$ are drawn from.
                `proposal=None` uses the prior. Setting the proposal to a distribution
                targeted on a specific observation, e.g. a posterior $p(\theta|x_o)$
                obtained previously, can lead to less required simulations.
            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            discard_prior_samples: Whether to discard samples simulated in round 1, i.e.
                from the prior. Training may be sped up by ignoring such less targeted
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round.

            Posterior $p(\theta|x)$ that can be sampled and evaluated.

        # AALR is defined for `num_atoms=2`.
        # Proxy to `super().__call__` to ensure right parameter.
        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
        return super().__call__(**kwargs, num_atoms=2)
Example #9
File: mnle.py Project: bkmi/sbi
    def __init__(
        prior: Optional[Distribution] = None,
        density_estimator: Union[str, Callable] = "mnle",
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "WARNING",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        r"""Mixed Neural Likelihood Estimation (MNLE) [1].

        Like SNLE, but not sequential and designed to be applied to data with mixed
        types, e.g., continuous data and discrete data like they occur in
        decision-making experiments (reation times and choices).

        [1] Flexible and efficient simulation-based inference for models of
        decision-making, Boelts et al. 2021,

            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them. If `None`, the
                prior must be passed to `.build_posterior()`.
            density_estimator: If it is a string, it must be "mnle" to use the
                preconfiugred neural nets for MNLE. Alternatively, a function
                that builds a custom neural network can be provided. The function will
                be called with the first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can
                thus be used for shape inference and potentially for z-scoring. It
                needs to return a PyTorch `nn.Module` implementing the density
                estimator. The density estimator needs to provide the methods
                `.log_prob`, `.log_prob_iid()` and `.sample()`.
            device: Training device, e.g., "cpu", "cuda" or "cuda:{0, 1, ...}".
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during simulation and

        if isinstance(density_estimator, str):
            assert (
                density_estimator == "mnle"
            ), f"""MNLE can be used with preconfigured 'mnle' density estimator only,
                not with {density_estimator}."""
        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
Example #10
    def train(
        num_atoms: int = 10,
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        discard_prior_samples: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
        show_train_summary: bool = False,
    ) -> NeuralPosterior:
        Return classifier that approximates the ratio $p(\theta,x)/p(\theta)p(x)$.

            num_atoms: Number of atoms to use for classification.
            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            discard_prior_samples: Whether to discard samples simulated in round 1, i.e.
                from the prior. Training may be sped up by ignoring such less targeted
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round.
            show_train_summary: Whether to print the number of epochs and validation
                loss and leakage after the training.

            Classifier that approximates the ratio $p(\theta,x)/p(\theta)p(x)$.
        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
        return super().train(**kwargs)
Example #11
    def __init__(
        density_estimator: Union[str, Callable] = "maf",
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "WARNING",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        r"""Sequential Neural Likelihood [1].

        [1] Sequential Neural Likelihood: Fast Likelihood-free Inference with
        Autoregressive Flows_, Papamakarios et al., AISTATS 2019,

            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them. Any
                object with `.log_prob()`and `.sample()` (for example, a PyTorch
                distribution) can be used.
            density_estimator: If it is a string, use a pre-configured network of the
                provided type (one of nsf, maf, mdn, made). Alternatively, a function
                that builds a custom neural network can be provided. The function will
                be called with the first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can
                thus be used for shape inference and potentially for z-scoring. It
                needs to return a PyTorch `nn.Module` implementing the density
                estimator. The density estimator needs to provide the methods
                `.log_prob` and `.sample()`.
            device: torch device on which to compute, e.g. gpu, cpu.
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during simulation and
            unused_args: Absorbs additional arguments. No entries will be used. If it
                is not empty, we warn. In future versions, when the new interface of
                0.14.0 is more mature, we will remove this argument.

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(),
                             entries=("self", "__class__", "unused_args"))
        super().__init__(**kwargs, **unused_args)
Example #12
    def __init__(
        classifier: Union[str, Callable] = "resnet",
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "warning",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        r"""AALR[1], here known as SNRE_A.

        [1] _Likelihood-free MCMC with Amortized Approximate Likelihood Ratios_, Hermans
            et al., ICML 2020, https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.04057

            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them. Any
                object with `.log_prob()`and `.sample()` (for example, a PyTorch
                distribution) can be used.
            classifier: Classifier trained to approximate likelihood ratios. If it is
                a string, use a pre-configured network of the provided type (one of
                linear, mlp, resnet). Alternatively, a function that builds a custom
                neural network can be provided. The function will be called with the
                first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can thus be used for shape
                inference and potentially for z-scoring. It needs to return a PyTorch
                `nn.Module` implementing the classifier.
            device: torch device on which to compute, e.g. gpu, cpu.
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during simulation and
            unused_args: Absorbs additional arguments. No entries will be used. If it
                is not empty, we warn. In future versions, when the new interface of
                0.14.0 is more mature, we will remove this argument.

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__", "unused_args"))
        super().__init__(**kwargs, **unused_args)
Example #13
    def __init__(
        prior: Optional[Distribution] = None,
        density_estimator: Union[str, Callable] = "maf",
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "WARNING",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,

        [1] _Flexible statistical inference for mechanistic models of neural dynamics_,
            Lueckmann, Gonçalves et al., NeurIPS 2017, https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.01861.

        See docstring of `PosteriorEstimator` class for all other arguments.

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "SNPE-B is not yet implemented in the sbi package, see issue #199."

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
Example #14
    def __init__(
        prior: Optional[Distribution] = None,
        classifier: Union[str, Callable] = "resnet",
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "warning",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        r"""AALR[1], here known as SNRE_A.

        [1] _Likelihood-free MCMC with Amortized Approximate Likelihood Ratios_, Hermans
            et al., ICML 2020, https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.04057

            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them. If `None`, the
                prior must be passed to `.build_posterior()`.
            classifier: Classifier trained to approximate likelihood ratios. If it is
                a string, use a pre-configured network of the provided type (one of
                linear, mlp, resnet). Alternatively, a function that builds a custom
                neural network can be provided. The function will be called with the
                first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can thus be used for shape
                inference and potentially for z-scoring. It needs to return a PyTorch
                `nn.Module` implementing the classifier.
            device: Training device, e.g., "cpu", "cuda" or "cuda:{0, 1, ...}".
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during simulation and

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
Example #15
    def __call__(
        num_simulations: int,
        proposal: Optional[Any] = None,
        num_atoms: int = 10,
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        calibration_kernel: Optional[Callable] = None,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        discard_prior_samples: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
    ) -> DirectPosterior:
        r"""Run SNPE.

        Return posterior $p(\theta|x)$ after inference.

            num_simulations: Number of simulator calls.
            proposal: Distribution that the parameters $\theta$ are drawn from.
                `proposal=None` uses the prior. Setting the proposal to a distribution
                targeted on a specific observation, e.g. a posterior $p(\theta|x_o)$
                obtained previously, can lead to less required simulations.
            num_atoms: Number of atoms to use for classification.
            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            calibration_kernel: A function to calibrate the loss with respect to the
                simulations `x`. See Lueckmann, Gonçalves et al., NeurIPS 2017.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            discard_prior_samples: Whether to discard samples simulated in round 1, i.e.
                from the prior. Training may be sped up by ignoring such less targeted
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round.

            Posterior $p(\theta|x)$ that can be sampled and evaluated.

        # WARNING: sneaky trick ahead. We proxy the parent's `__call__` here,
        # requiring the signature to have `num_atoms`, save it for use below, and
        # continue. It's sneaky because we are using the object (self) as a namespace
        # to pass arguments between functions, and that's implicit state management.

        self._num_atoms = num_atoms
        kwargs = del_entries(locals(),
                             entries=("self", "__class__", "num_atoms"))

        if proposal is not None:
            self.use_non_atomic_loss = (
                isinstance(proposal.net._distribution, mdn)
                and isinstance(self._posterior.net._distribution, mdn)
                and (isinstance(self._prior, utils.BoxUniform)
                     or isinstance(self._prior, MultivariateNormal)))

            algorithm = "non-atomic" if self.use_non_atomic_loss else "atomic"
            print(f"Using SNPE-C with {algorithm} loss")

            if self.use_non_atomic_loss:
                # Take care of z-scoring, pre-compute and store prior terms.

        return super().__call__(**kwargs)
Example #16
    def train(
        num_atoms: int = 10,
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        calibration_kernel: Optional[Callable] = None,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        resume_training: bool = False,
        discard_prior_samples: bool = False,
        use_combined_loss: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
        show_train_summary: bool = False,
        dataloader_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
    ) -> DirectPosterior:
        Return density estimator that approximates the distribution $p(\theta|x)$.

            num_atoms: Number of atoms to use for classification.
            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            calibration_kernel: A function to calibrate the loss with respect to the
                simulations `x`. See Lueckmann, Gonçalves et al., NeurIPS 2017.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            resume_training: Can be used in case training time is limited, e.g. on a
                cluster. If `True`, the split between train and validation set, the
                optimizer, the number of epochs, and the best validation log-prob will
                be restored from the last time `.train()` was called.
            discard_prior_samples: Whether to discard samples simulated in round 1, i.e.
                from the prior. Training may be sped up by ignoring such less targeted
            use_combined_loss: Whether to train the neural net also on prior samples
                using maximum likelihood in addition to training it on all samples using
                atomic loss. The extra MLE loss helps prevent density leaking with
                bounded priors.
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round.
            show_train_summary: Whether to print the number of epochs and validation
                loss and leakage after the training.
            dataloader_kwargs: Additional or updated kwargs to be passed to the training
                and validation dataloaders (like, e.g., a collate_fn)

            Density estimator that approximates the distribution $p(\theta|x)$.

        # WARNING: sneaky trick ahead. We proxy the parent's `train` here,
        # requiring the signature to have `num_atoms`, save it for use below, and
        # continue. It's sneaky because we are using the object (self) as a namespace
        # to pass arguments between functions, and that's implicit state management.
        self._num_atoms = num_atoms
        self._use_combined_loss = use_combined_loss
        kwargs = del_entries(
            locals(), entries=("self", "__class__", "num_atoms", "use_combined_loss")

        self._round = max(self._data_round_index)

        if self._round > 0:
            # Set the proposal to the last proposal that was passed by the user. For
            # atomic SNPE, it does not matter what the proposal is. For non-atomic
            # SNPE, we only use the latest data that was passed, i.e. the one from the
            # last proposal.
            proposal = self._proposal_roundwise[-1]
            if hasattr(proposal, "net"):
                self.use_non_atomic_loss = (
                    isinstance(proposal.net._distribution, mdn)
                    and isinstance(self._neural_net._distribution, mdn)
                    and (
                        or isinstance(self._prior, MultivariateNormal)
                self.use_non_atomic_loss = False

            algorithm = "non-atomic" if self.use_non_atomic_loss else "atomic"
            print(f"Using SNPE-C with {algorithm} loss")

            if self.use_non_atomic_loss:
                # Take care of z-scoring, pre-compute and store prior terms.

        return super().train(**kwargs)
    def __init__(
        simulator: Callable,
        num_workers: int = 1,
        simulation_batch_size: int = 1,
        density_estimator: Union[str, Callable] = "maf",
        mcmc_method: str = "slice_np",
        mcmc_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "WARNING",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        show_round_summary: bool = False,
        r"""Sequential Neural Likelihood [1].

        [1] Sequential Neural Likelihood: Fast Likelihood-free Inference with
        Autoregressive Flows_, Papamakarios et al., AISTATS 2019,

            simulator: A function that takes parameters $\theta$ and maps them to
                simulations, or observations, `x`, $\text{sim}(\theta)\to x$. Any
                regular Python callable (i.e. function or class with `__call__` method)
                can be used.
            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them. Any
                object with `.log_prob()`and `.sample()` (for example, a PyTorch
                distribution) can be used.
            num_workers: Number of parallel workers to use for simulations.
            simulation_batch_size: Number of parameter sets that the simulator
                maps to data x at once. If None, we simulate all parameter sets at the
                same time. If >= 1, the simulator has to process data of shape
                (simulation_batch_size, parameter_dimension).
            density_estimator: If it is a string, use a pre-configured network of the
                provided type (one of nsf, maf, mdn, made). Alternatively, a function
                that builds a custom neural network can be provided. The function will
                be called with the first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can
                thus be used for shape inference and potentially for z-scoring. It
                needs to return a PyTorch `nn.Module` implementing the density
                estimator. The density estimator needs to provide the methods
                `.log_prob` and `.sample()`.
            mcmc_method: Method used for MCMC sampling, one of `slice_np`, `slice`, `hmc`, `nuts`.
                Currently defaults to `slice_np` for a custom numpy implementation of
                slice sampling; select `hmc`, `nuts` or `slice` for Pyro-based sampling.
            mcmc_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters for MCMC.
                The following parameters are supported: `thin` to set the thinning
                factor for the chain, `warmup_steps` to set the initial number of
                samples to discard, `num_chains` for the number of chains, `init_strategy`
                for the initialisation strategy for chains; `prior` will draw init
                locations from prior, whereas `sir` will use Sequential-Importance-
                Resampling using `init_strategy_num_candidates` to find init
            device: torch device on which to compute, e.g. gpu, cpu.
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during simulation and
            show_round_summary: Whether to show the validation loss and leakage after
                each round.

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(), entries=("self", "__class__"))
Example #18
    def __init__(
        simulator: Callable,
        num_workers: int = 1,
        simulation_batch_size: int = 1,
        density_estimator: Union[str, Callable] = "maf",
        sample_with_mcmc: bool = False,
        mcmc_method: str = "slice_np",
        mcmc_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        use_combined_loss: bool = False,
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "WARNING",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        show_round_summary: bool = False,
        r"""SNPE-C / APT [1].

        [1] _Automatic Posterior Transformation for Likelihood-free Inference_,
            Greenberg et al., ICML 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.07488.

        This class implements two loss variants of SNPE-C: the non-atomic and the atomic
        version. The atomic loss of SNPE-C can be used for any density estimator,
        i.e. also for normalizing flows. However, it suffers from leakage issues. On
        the other hand, the non-atomic loss can only be used only if the proposal
        distribution is a mixture of Gaussians, the density estimator is a mixture of
        Gaussians, and the prior is either Gaussian or Uniform. It does not suffer from
        leakage issues. At the beginning of each round, we print whether the non-atomic
        or the atomic version is used.

        In this codebase, we will automatically switch to the non-atomic loss if the
        following criteria are fulfilled:
        - proposal has is a `DirectPosterior` with density_estimator `mdn`, as built
            with `utils.sbi.posterior_nn()`.
        - the density estimator is a `mdn`, as built with `utils.sbi.posterior_nn()`.
        - `isinstance(prior, MultivariateNormal)` (from `torch.distributions`) or
            `isinstance(prior, sbi.utils.BoxUniform)`

        Note that custom implementations of any of these densities (or estimators) will
        not trigger the non-atomic loss, and the algorithm will fall back onto using
        the atomic loss.

            simulator: A function that takes parameters $\theta$ and maps them to
                simulations, or observations, `x`, $\mathrm{sim}(\theta)\to x$. Any
                regular Python callable (i.e. function or class with `__call__` method)
                can be used.
            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them. Any
                object with `.log_prob()`and `.sample()` (for example, a PyTorch
                distribution) can be used.
            num_workers: Number of parallel workers to use for simulations.
            simulation_batch_size: Number of parameter sets that the simulator
                maps to data x at once. If None, we simulate all parameter sets at the
                same time. If >= 1, the simulator has to process data of shape
                (simulation_batch_size, parameter_dimension).
            density_estimator: If it is a string, use a pre-configured network of the
                provided type (one of nsf, maf, mdn, made). Alternatively, a function
                that builds a custom neural network can be provided. The function will
                be called with the first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can
                thus be used for shape inference and potentially for z-scoring. It
                needs to return a PyTorch `nn.Module` implementing the density
                estimator. The density estimator needs to provide the methods
                `.log_prob` and `.sample()`.
            sample_with_mcmc: Whether to sample with MCMC. MCMC can be used to deal
                with high leakage.
            mcmc_method: Method used for MCMC sampling, one of `slice_np`, `slice`,
                `hmc`, `nuts`. Currently defaults to `slice_np` for a custom numpy
                implementation of slice sampling; select `hmc`, `nuts` or `slice` for
                Pyro-based sampling.
            mcmc_parameters: Dictionary overriding the default parameters for MCMC.
                The following parameters are supported: `thin` to set the thinning
                factor for the chain, `warmup_steps` to set the initial number of
                samples to discard, `num_chains` for the number of chains,
                `init_strategy` for the initialisation strategy for chains; `prior` will
                draw init locations from prior, whereas `sir` will use
                Sequential-Importance-Resampling using `init_strategy_num_candidates`
                to find init locations.
            use_combined_loss: Whether to train the neural net also on prior samples
                using maximum likelihood in addition to training it on all samples using
                atomic loss. The extra MLE loss helps prevent density leaking with
                bounded priors.
            device: torch device on which to compute, e.g. gpu, cpu.
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during simulation and
            show_round_summary: Whether to show the validation loss and leakage after
                each round.

        self._use_combined_loss = use_combined_loss

        kwargs = del_entries(locals(),
                             entries=("self", "__class__",
Example #19
    def __init__(
        prior: Optional[Any] = None,
        density_estimator: Union[str, Callable] = "mdn_snpe_a",
        num_components: int = 10,
        device: str = "cpu",
        logging_level: Union[int, str] = "WARNING",
        summary_writer: Optional[TensorboardSummaryWriter] = None,
        show_progress_bars: bool = True,
        r"""SNPE-A [1].

        [1] _Fast epsilon-free Inference of Simulation Models with Bayesian Conditional
            Density Estimation_, Papamakarios et al., NeurIPS 2016,

        This class implements SNPE-A. SNPE-A trains across multiple rounds with a
        maximum-likelihood-loss. This will make training converge to the proposal
        posterior instead of the true posterior. To correct for this, SNPE-A applies a
        post-hoc correction after training. This correction has to be performed
        analytically. Thus, SNPE-A is limited to Gaussian distributions for all but the
        last round. In the last round, SNPE-A can use a Mixture of Gaussians.

            prior: A probability distribution that expresses prior knowledge about the
                parameters, e.g. which ranges are meaningful for them. Any
                object with `.log_prob()`and `.sample()` (for example, a PyTorch
                distribution) can be used.
            density_estimator: If it is a string (only "mdn_snpe_a" is valid), use a
                pre-configured mixture of densities network. Alternatively, a function
                that builds a custom neural network can be provided. The function will
                be called with the first batch of simulations (theta, x), which can
                thus be used for shape inference and potentially for z-scoring. It
                needs to return a PyTorch `nn.Module` implementing the density
                estimator. The density estimator needs to provide the methods
                `.log_prob` and `.sample()`. Note that until the last round only a
                single (multivariate) Gaussian component is used for training (see
                Algorithm 1 in [1]). In the last round, this component is replicated
                `num_components` times, its parameters are perturbed with a very small
                noise, and then the last training round is done with the expanded
                Gaussian mixture as estimator for the proposal posterior.
            num_components: Number of components of the mixture of Gaussians in the
                last round. This overrides the `num_components` value passed to
            device: torch device on which to compute, e.g. gpu, cpu.
            logging_level: Minimum severity of messages to log. One of the strings
            summary_writer: A tensorboard `SummaryWriter` to control, among others, log
                file location (default is `<current working directory>/logs`.)
            show_progress_bars: Whether to show a progressbar during training.
            unused_args: Absorbs additional arguments. No entries will be used. If it
                is not empty, we warn. In future versions, when the new interface of
                0.14.0 is more mature, we will remove this argument.

        # Catch invalid inputs.
        if not ((density_estimator == "mdn_snpe_a") or callable(density_estimator)):
            raise TypeError(
                "The `density_estimator` passed to SNPE_A needs to be a "
                "callable or the string 'mdn_snpe_a'!"

        # `num_components` will be used to replicate the Gaussian in the last round.
        self._num_components = num_components
        self._ran_final_round = False

        # WARNING: sneaky trick ahead. We proxy the parent's `train` here,
        # requiring the signature to have `num_atoms`, save it for use below, and
        # continue. It's sneaky because we are using the object (self) as a namespace
        # to pass arguments between functions, and that's implicit state management.
        kwargs = utils.del_entries(
Example #20
    def train(
        final_round: bool = False,
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        calibration_kernel: Optional[Callable] = None,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        resume_training: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
        show_train_summary: bool = False,
        dataloader_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        component_perturbation: float = 5e-3,
    ) -> DirectPosterior:
        Return density estimator that approximates the proposal posterior $\tilde{p}(\theta|x)$.

        [1] _Fast epsilon-free Inference of Simulation Models with Bayesian Conditional
            Density Estimation_, Papamakarios et al., NeurIPS 2016,

        Training is performed with maximum likelihood on samples from the latest round,
        which leads the algorithm to converge to the proposal posterior.

            final_round: Whether we are in the last round of training or not. For all
                but the last round, Algorithm 1 from [1] is executed. In last the
                round, Algorithm 2 from [1] is executed once.
            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            calibration_kernel: A function to calibrate the loss with respect to the
                simulations `x`. See Lueckmann, Gonçalves et al., NeurIPS 2017.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            resume_training: Can be used in case training time is limited, e.g. on a
                cluster. If `True`, the split between train and validation set, the
                optimizer, the number of epochs, and the best validation log-prob will
                be restored from the last time `.train()` was called.
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round. Not supported for
            show_train_summary: Whether to print the number of epochs and validation
                loss and leakage after the training.
            dataloader_kwargs: Additional or updated kwargs to be passed to the training
                and validation dataloaders (like, e.g., a collate_fn)
            component_perturbation: The standard deviation applied to all weights and
                biases when, in the last round, the Mixture of Gaussians is build from
                a single Gaussian. This value can be problem-specific and also depends
                on the number of mixture components.
            Density estimator that approximates the distribution $p(\theta|x)$.

        assert not retrain_from_scratch_each_round, """Retraining from scratch is not supported in SNPE-A yet. The reason for
        this is that, if we reininitialized the density estimator, the z-scoring would
        change, which would break the posthoc correction. This is a pure implementation

        kwargs = utils.del_entries(
            entries=("self", "__class__", "final_round", "component_perturbation"),

        # SNPE-A always discards the prior samples.
        kwargs["discard_prior_samples"] = True

        self._round = max(self._data_round_index)

        if final_round:
            # If there is (will be) only one round, train with Algorithm 2 from [1].
            if self._round == 0:
                self._build_neural_net = partial(
                    self._build_neural_net, num_components=self._num_components
            # Run Algorithm 2 from [1].
            elif not self._ran_final_round:
                # Now switch to the specified number of components. This method will
                # only be used if `retrain_from_scratch_each_round=True`. Otherwise,
                # the MDN will be built from replicating the single-component net for
                # `num_component` times (via `_expand_mog()`).
                self._build_neural_net = partial(
                    self._build_neural_net, num_components=self._num_components

                # Extend the MDN to the originally desired number of components.
                    f"You have already run SNPE-A with `final_round=True`. Running it"
                    f"again with this setting will not allow computing the posthoc"
                    f"correction applied in SNPE-A. Thus, you will get an error when "
                    f"calling `.build_posterior()` after training.",
            # Run Algorithm 1 from [1].
            # Wrap the function that builds the MDN such that we can make
            # sure that there is only one component when running.
            self._build_neural_net = partial(self._build_neural_net, num_components=1)

        if final_round:
            self._ran_final_round = True

        return super().train(**kwargs)
Example #21
    def __call__(
        num_rounds: int,
        num_simulations_per_round: OneOrMore[int],
        x_o: Optional[Tensor] = None,
        num_atoms: int = 10,
        training_batch_size: int = 50,
        learning_rate: float = 5e-4,
        validation_fraction: float = 0.1,
        stop_after_epochs: int = 20,
        max_num_epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        clip_max_norm: Optional[float] = 5.0,
        calibration_kernel: Optional[Callable] = None,
        exclude_invalid_x: bool = True,
        discard_prior_samples: bool = False,
        retrain_from_scratch_each_round: bool = False,
    ) -> NeuralPosterior:
        r"""Run SNPE.

        Return posterior $p(\theta|x)$ after inference (possibly over several rounds).

            num_rounds: Number of rounds to run. Each round consists of a simulation and
                training phase. `num_rounds=1` leads to a posterior $p(\theta|x)$ valid
                for _any_ $x$ (amortized), but requires many simulations.
                Alternatively, with `num_rounds>1` the inference returns a posterior
                $p(\theta|x_o)$ focused on a specific observation `x_o`, potentially
                requiring less simulations.
            num_simulations_per_round: Number of simulator calls per round.
            x_o: An observation that is only required when doing inference
                over multiple rounds. After the first round, `x_o` is used to guide the
                sampling so that the simulator is run with parameters that are likely
                for that `x_o`, i.e. they are sampled from the posterior obtained in the
                previous round $p(\theta|x_o)$.
            num_atoms: Number of atoms to use for classification.
            training_batch_size: Training batch size.
            learning_rate: Learning rate for Adam optimizer.
            validation_fraction: The fraction of data to use for validation.
            stop_after_epochs: The number of epochs to wait for improvement on the
                validation set before terminating training.
            max_num_epochs: Maximum number of epochs to run. If reached, we stop
                training even when the validation loss is still decreasing. If None, we
                train until validation loss increases (see also `stop_after_epochs`).
            clip_max_norm: Value at which to clip the total gradient norm in order to
                prevent exploding gradients. Use None for no clipping.
            calibration_kernel: A function to calibrate the loss with respect to the
                simulations `x`. See Lueckmann, Gonçalves et al., NeurIPS 2017.
            exclude_invalid_x: Whether to exclude simulation outputs `x=NaN` or `x=±∞`
                during training. Expect errors, silent or explicit, when `False`.
            discard_prior_samples: Whether to discard samples simulated in round 1, i.e.
                from the prior. Training may be sped up by ignoring such less targeted
            retrain_from_scratch_each_round: Whether to retrain the conditional density
                estimator for the posterior from scratch each round.

            Posterior $p(\theta|x)$ that can be sampled and evaluated.

        # WARNING: sneaky trick ahead. We proxy the parent's `__call__` here,
        # requiring the signature to have `num_atoms`, save it for use below, and
        # continue. It's sneaky because we are using the object (self) as a namespace
        # to pass arguments between functions, and that's implicit state management.

        self._num_atoms = num_atoms
        kwargs = del_entries(locals(),
                             entries=("self", "__class__", "num_atoms"))

        return super().__call__(**kwargs)