Example #1
    def list_of_best_indices(traces: np.ndarray,
                             keys: np.ndarray,
                             plain: np.ndarray,
                             points_of_interest: int,
                             subkey: int,
                             aes_round: int = 1,
                             aes_operation: int = 0,
                             hamming_weight: bool = True,
                             normalization: bool = True):
        This method performs the full SOST or SOSD analysis.

        :param traces: the traces used for the tool
        :param keys: the keys used for the tool
        :param plain: the plain used for the tool
        :param points_of_interest: the number of points of interest to extract.
        :param subkey: the subkey to correlate on. Used for hamming weight
            calculation, must be in the range [0-15].
        :param aes_round: the AES round to 'attack'.
        :param hamming_weight: whether to use the hamming_weight leakage model
        :param aes_operation: the AES operation to 'attack', represented as an integer from 0 to 3.
        :param normalization: whether to normalize the coefficients or not. Normalization is part of SOST, without it,
            SOSD is run.
        :return List of best n indices
        hamming_weights = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(
            plain, keys, subkey, aes_round, aes_operation, hamming_weight)
        indices = SOSTD.list_of_indices_per_value(hamming_weights, traces,
        sostd_coefficients = SOSTD.sostd_coefficients(indices, traces,

        return np.argsort(-sostd_coefficients)[:points_of_interest][::-1]
    def solve_subkey(self,
                     subkey: int,
                     debug_mode_enabled: bool = False,
                     round_: int = 1,
                     operation: int = 0,
                     bar: progressbar.ProgressBar = None):
        """ Solve a subkey
        :param subkey: the subkey index to analyze. Must be in the range [0-15]
        :param debug_mode_enabled: whether to enable debug mode
        :param round_: round of aes.
        :param operation: operation of aes.
        :param bar: the progressbar to update
        :return: the calculated subkey corresponding to the subkey index specified

        log_handler = LogHandler("mia", debug_mode_enabled)

        log_handler.log_to_debug_file('RUNNING dpa attack with \n'
                                      'NUM_FEATURES: {} \n'
                                      'ATTACK_TRACES: {} \n'
                                      'SUBKEY: {}.'.format(
                                          self.RANGE, self.NUMBER_OF_TRACES,
        differential = np.zeros(self.KEY_SIZE)
        means = np.zeros((self.RANGE, 2))

        for key in range(self.KEY_SIZE):

            self.keys[:, subkey] = key
            leakage_table = HammingWeight.bitwise_hamming(
                self.plain, self.keys, subkey, round_, operation, self.bit)

            list1 = []
            list0 = []
            for i in range(self.NUMBER_OF_TRACES):
                if leakage_table[i] == 1:
            if self.OFFSET == 0:
                for i in range(self.RANGE):
                    means[i][0] = np.mean(self.traces[list0, i])
                    means[i][1] = np.mean(self.traces[list1, i])
                for i in range(self.RANGE - self.OFFSET):
                    means[i][0] = np.mean(
                        np.abs(self.traces[list0, i] -
                               self.traces[list0, i + self.OFFSET]))
                    means[i][1] = np.mean(
                        np.abs(self.traces[list1, i] -
                               self.traces[list1, i + self.OFFSET]))
            temp = np.zeros(self.RANGE - self.OFFSET)
            for i in range(self.RANGE - self.OFFSET):
                temp[i] = np.abs(means[i][1] - means[i][0])
            differential[key] = np.max(temp)
            if bar is not None and bar.value < bar.max_value:
                bar.update(bar.value + 1)

        return np.argmax(differential)
    def calculate_mean_x_given_y_matrix(plain_texts: np.ndarray,
                                        traces: np.ndarray,
                                        sub_byte_index_to_analyze: int,
                                        keys: np.ndarray,
                                        hamming_weight: bool = True,
                                        aes_round: int = 1,
                                        aes_operation: int = 0) -> np.ndarray:
        """Mean_y_given_x means that we calculate for every possible sub byte x
        and a given timestamp the mean of y at that point
        x specifies a sub_byte in the plain_text, y specifies an output trace

        :param plain_texts: the plaintexts to use
        :param traces: the traces to use
        :param keys: the keys to use
        :param sub_byte_index_to_analyze: the subkey index to analyze. Must be in the range [0-15]
        :param hamming_weight: whether to use the hamming_weight leakage model
        :param aes_round; the round of aes to analyze
        :param aes_operation: the operation of aes to analyze
        :return: a numpy matrix containing means for every sub byte

        length_trace = len(traces[0])
        hamming_weights = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(
            plain_texts, keys, sub_byte_index_to_analyze, aes_round,
            aes_operation, hamming_weight)
        if hamming_weight:
            amount_of_values = 9
            amount_of_values = 256

        mean_y_given_x_matrix = np.empty((amount_of_values, length_trace))

        for i in range(amount_of_values):

            traces_with_x = []

            # Filter out the traces which contain the current sub byte
            for j in range(len(plain_texts)):
                if hamming_weights[j] == i:

            # Now calculate the mean of this specific x for every given timestamp
            for j in range(length_trace):
                list_values = np.empty((len(traces_with_x)))
                for k in range(len(traces_with_x)):
                    list_values[k] = traces[traces_with_x[k]][j]
                if len(list_values) > 0:
                    mean_y_given_x_matrix[i][j] = np.mean(list_values)
                # If there are no traces which contain the following x set the mean at 0, this will not happen
                # if the trace size is much bigger than 255
                # TODO: maybe find a more sophisticated solution to this problem
                    mean_y_given_x_matrix[i][j] = 0

        return mean_y_given_x_matrix
    def solve_subkey(self,
                     subkey: int,
                     hamming_leakage: bool = True,
                     debug_mode_enabled: bool = False,
                     round_: int = 1,
                     operation: int = 0,
                     bar: progressbar.ProgressBar = None,
                     conditional_averaging: bool = False):
        """ Solve a subkey
        :param subkey: the subkey index to analyze. Must be in the range [0-15]
        :param hamming_leakage: whether to use the hamming_weight leakage model
        :param debug_mode_enabled: whether to enable debug mode
        :param round_: round of aes.
        :param operation: operation of aes.
        :param bar: the progressbar to update
        :param conditional_averaging: whether to use conditional averaging or not.
        :return: the calculated subkey corresponding to the subkey index specified

        num_values = 256
        if hamming_leakage:
            num_values = 9

        if conditional_averaging:
            return CPA.conditional_avg(self, subkey, hamming_leakage, round_,
                                       operation, bar)

        log_handler = LogHandler("cpa", debug_mode_enabled)

        log_handler.log_to_debug_file('RUNNING cpa attack with \n'
                                      'NUM_FEATURES: {} \n'
                                      'ATTACK_TRACES: {} \n'
                                      'SUBKEY: {}.'.format(
                                          self.RANGE, self.NUMBER_OF_TRACES,
        correlation = np.zeros(self.KEY_SIZE)

        for key in range(self.KEY_SIZE):

            for i in range(len(self.traces)):
                self.keys[i][subkey] = key
            leakage_table = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(
                self.plain, self.keys, subkey, round_, operation,
                hamming_leakage) / num_values - 1

            if self.online:
                correlation[key] = max(self.online_coeffs(leakage_table))
                correlation[key] = max(
                    Pearson.pearson_cpa(leakage_table, self.traces))
            if bar is not None and bar.value < bar.max_value:
                bar.update(bar.value + 1)
        return np.argmax(correlation)
Example #5
    def test_calculate_hamming_weights(self):
        """Test that the calculated hamming weights are correct."""

        plaintext = np.array([
                253, 175, 146, 139, 39, 24, 40, 196, 38, 225, 26, 31, 238, 15,
                0, 30
                162, 7, 17, 31, 86, 200, 98, 60, 166, 235, 184, 253, 211, 48,
                91, 149
                16, 181, 1, 53, 76, 95, 58, 44, 17, 219, 19, 230, 141, 133, 68,
                48, 0, 86, 35, 156, 15, 97, 135, 201, 46, 209, 49, 238, 12,
                197, 127
                14, 44, 55, 24, 226, 225, 128, 116, 29, 129, 98, 180, 185, 188,
                241, 254
        key = np.array([
                34, 123, 137, 185, 176, 241, 60, 235, 195, 90, 64, 204, 173,
                62, 49, 13
                5, 203, 149, 118, 67, 107, 181, 88, 186, 63, 9, 246, 52, 7,
                144, 59
                243, 98, 136, 17, 128, 170, 12, 18, 143, 62, 83, 49, 244, 204,
                247, 192
                152, 77, 141, 53, 182, 175, 145, 242, 232, 203, 104, 91, 5,
                174, 206, 126
                0, 236, 171, 201, 204, 216, 94, 50, 233, 124, 230, 23, 13, 100,
                65, 150

        hamming_weights = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(plaintext, key, 0)

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(hamming_weights, [5, 4, 2, 3, 5]))
    def calc_traces_hamming_weight(
            subkey: int,
            leakage_model: bool,
            min_points_of_interest: int = 2) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        Method that calculates intermediate sbox and hamming weight traces.

        :param subkey: the subkey index to analyze. Must be in the range [0-15]
        :param leakage_model: the leakage model to use
        :param min_points_of_interest: minimum amount of points required per class.
        :return: list containing matrix per hamming weight

        # Create the right hamming weight structure.
        template_hamming_weight = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(

        if leakage_model:
            hamming_weight_size = 9
            hamming_weight_size = 256

        # Put each trace in the right category and change into NumPy array.
        template_traces_hamming_weight = [[]
                                          for _ in range(hamming_weight_size)]

        for i in range(len(self.template_traces)):
            temp = template_hamming_weight[i]

        template_traces_hamming_weight = [
            for i in range(hamming_weight_size)

        min_length = min_points_of_interest
        for i in range(len(template_traces_hamming_weight)):
            if len(template_traces_hamming_weight[i]) < min_length:
                min_length = len(template_traces_hamming_weight[i])

        if min_length < min_points_of_interest:
                'ERROR: Not enough values of certain class. Maximum amount of points of interest for this '
                'dataset is %d' % min_length)
        return template_traces_hamming_weight
Example #7
    def run(traces: np.ndarray,
            keys: np.ndarray,
            plain: np.ndarray,
            points_of_interest: int,
            save_traces: bool,
            subkey: int,
            aes_round: int = 1,
            aes_operation: int = 0,
            leakage_model: bool = True):
        This method performs the full Pearson correlation analysis.

        :param traces: the traces used for the tool
        :param keys: the keys used for the tool
        :param plain: the plain used for the tool
        :param points_of_interest: the number of points of interest to extract.
        :param save_traces: whether to save the full traces or just their indices.
        :param subkey: the subkey to correlate on. Used for hamming weight
            calculation, must be in the range [0-15].
        :param aes_round: the AES round to 'attack'.
        :param aes_operation: the AES operation to 'attack', represented as an integer from 0 to 3.
        :param leakage_model: the leakage model to use.

        assert 0 <= subkey < 16, "Subkey must be in the range [0-15]"

        hamming_weights = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(
            plain, keys, subkey, aes_round, aes_operation, leakage_model)
        indices = Pearson.pearson_coefficients(hamming_weights,
                                               points_of_interest, traces)

        if save_traces:
            print('Saving interesting traces... ', end='')
            np.save('out/pearson_correlation_selected_traces', traces[:,
            print('Saving indices of interesting traces... ', end='')
            np.save('out/pearson_correlation_selected_indices', indices)

Example #8
    def best_indices(traces: np.ndarray,
                     keys: np.ndarray,
                     plain: np.ndarray,
                     points_of_interest: int,
                     subkey: int,
                     aes_round: int = 1,
                     aes_operation: int = 0,
                     leakage_model: bool = True):
        This method performs the full Pearson correlation analysis.

        :param traces: the traces used for the tool
        :param keys: the keys used for the tool
        :param plain: the plain used for the tool
        :param points_of_interest: the number of points of interest to extract.
        :param subkey: the subkey to correlate on. Used for hamming weight
            calculation, must be in the range [0-15].
        :param aes_round: the AES round to 'attack'.
        :param aes_operation: the AES operation to 'attack', represented as an integer from 0 to 3.
        :param leakage_model: whether to use hamming weight leakage model

        hamming_weights = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(
            plain, keys, subkey, aes_round, aes_operation, leakage_model)
        if leakage_model:
            counts = np.zeros(9)
            counts = np.zeros(256)
        for i in hamming_weights:
            counts[i] += 1

        for i in counts:
            if i < 2:
                    'WARNING: Pearson does not have enough data points of certain value, '
                    'results may not be accurate.')
                return Pearson.pearson_coefficients(hamming_weights,
                                                    points_of_interest, traces)
        return Pearson.pearson_coefficients(hamming_weights,
                                            points_of_interest, traces)
    def calculate_function_matrix(self, subkey: int):
        Applies model functions to the traces and plains per possible subkey hypothesis byte
        current 10 model functions:
            functions m0 till m7: returns the i'th bith of the input
            hamming_weight m8: returns the hamming weights for every subkey hypothesis
            basis function m9: just returns 1 for every leakage

        :param: the subkey index to calculate
        :return: matrix containing model functions applied to each possible subkey and all traces

        functions_per_byte_value_matrix = np.zeros(
            (self.KEY_SIZE, self.number_of_traces, 10))

        for subkey_hypothesis in range(self.KEY_SIZE):
            plain = self.plains

            keys = np.array([[subkey_hypothesis] * 16] * self.number_of_traces)
            hamming_weight_func = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(
                plain, keys, subkey)

            matrix_m = np.ones((10, self.number_of_traces))
            matrix_m[9] = hamming_weight_func

            for i in range(8):
                for j in range(self.number_of_traces):
                    xor = plain[j][subkey] ^ subkey_hypothesis
                    matrix_m[i][j] = xor >> i & 1

            matrix_m = np.swapaxes(matrix_m, 0, 1)

            functions_per_byte_value_matrix[subkey_hypothesis] = matrix_m

            self.bar.update(self.bar.value + 1)

        return functions_per_byte_value_matrix
Example #10
    def test_leakage_func(self):
        result = HammingWeight._hamming_leakage(
            np.array([0xFF, 0x3F, 0x2C, 0xD9]))

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(result, [8, 6, 3, 5]))
    def conditional_avg(self,
                        subkey: int,
                        hamming_leakage: bool,
                        round_: int = 1,
                        operation: int = 0,
                        bar: progressbar.ProgressBar = None):
        Calculates coefficients using conditional averaging.

        :param subkey: the subkey to calculate.
        :param hamming_leakage: signifies which leakage model is used.
        :param round_: round of aes.
        :param operation: operation of aes.
        :param bar: the progressbar to update.
        :return: the coefficients, calculated using conditional averaging.
        num_traces = len(self.traces)

        num_values = 256
        if hamming_leakage:
            num_values = 9

        results = np.zeros(self.KEY_SIZE)

        for key in range(self.KEY_SIZE):
            conditional_avg = np.zeros(num_values)
            count = np.zeros(num_values)
            for i in range(len(self.traces)):
                self.keys[i][subkey] = key
            leakage_table = HammingWeight.hamming_weights(
                self.plain, self.keys, subkey, round_, operation,

            var_range = np.var(leakage_table)
            mean_range = np.mean(leakage_table)
            covariance_index = np.zeros(len(self.traces[0]))

            for x in range(len(self.traces[0])):
                for i in range(num_traces):
                    conditional_avg[leakage_table[i]] = conditional_avg[
                        leakage_table[i]] + self.traces[i][x]
                    count[leakage_table[i]] = count[leakage_table[i]] + 1
                for i in range(np.power(2, num_traces)):
                    conditional_avg[i] = conditional_avg[i] / count[i]

            for x in range(len(self.traces[0])):
                mean = np.mean(conditional_avg)
                variance = np.var(conditional_avg)
                covariance = 0

                for i in range(num_values):
                    covariance = covariance + i * conditional_avg[i]

                covariance_index[x] = np.abs(covariance / num_values -
                                             mean * mean_range) / np.sqrt(
                                                 variance * var_range)

            if bar is not None and bar.value < bar.max_value:
                bar.update(bar.value + 1)

            results[key] = np.max(covariance_index)

        return np.argmax(results)