def test_run_secure_template(caplog): """ GIVEN a valid template is passed in WHEN the template has no security issues THEN exit with a code of 0 """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) c = CcValidator() with pytest.raises(SystemExit): assert "No offending entries found" in caplog.text
def test_run_insecure_template(caplog, monkeypatch, template_dir): """ GIVEN a valid template is passed in WHEN the template has security issues THEN exit with an error code of 1 and the failing rules """ insecure_file_path = f"{template_dir}/insecure-s3-bucket.json" monkeypatch.setenv("CFN_TEMPLATE_FILE_LOCATION", insecure_file_path) c = CcValidator() with pytest.raises(SystemExit): assert "offending entries found" in caplog.text
def test_run_insecure_template_fail_pipeline_enabled_cfn_disabled( caplog, monkeypatch, template_dir): """ GIVEN a valid template is passed in WHEN the template has security issues and the `FAIL_PIPELINE_CFN` env var is `enabled` but the `FailConformityPipeline` CFN param is `disabled` THEN exit with an error of 1 and the failing rules """ caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) insecure_file_path = f"{template_dir}/insecure-s3-bucket-disable-failure.json" monkeypatch.setenv("FAIL_PIPELINE_CFN", "disabled") monkeypatch.setenv("CFN_TEMPLATE_FILE_LOCATION", insecure_file_path) print(insecure_file_path) c = CcValidator() with pytest.raises(SystemExit): assert "offending entries found" in caplog.text
def test_run_insecure_template_fail_pipeline_disabled(caplog, monkeypatch, template_dir): """ GIVEN a valid template is passed in WHEN the template has security issues but the `FAIL_PIPELINE` environment variable is set to "disabled" THEN exit with a code of 0 and the failing rules """ caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) insecure_file_path = f"{template_dir}/insecure-s3-bucket.json" monkeypatch.setenv("FAIL_PIPELINE", "disabled") monkeypatch.setenv("CFN_TEMPLATE_FILE_LOCATION", insecure_file_path) print(insecure_file_path) c = CcValidator() with pytest.raises(SystemExit): assert "Pipeline failure has been disabled" in caplog.text