Example #1
 def display3d(self):
     import laser_camera_segmentation.processor as processor
     import laser_camera_segmentation.configuration as configuration       
     print 'display in 3d...'
     cfg = configuration.configuration('/home/martin/robot1_data/usr/martin/laser_camera_segmentation/labeling')
     cfg.cam_vec = np.array(self.vals)
     import scanr_transforms as trs
     cfg.camTlaser = trs.camTlaser(cfg.cam_vec)
     pc = processor.processor(cfg)
     pc.display_3d('labels', False)        
Example #2
    def display3d(self):
        import laser_camera_segmentation.processor as processor
        import laser_camera_segmentation.configuration as configuration
        print 'display in 3d...'
        cfg = configuration.configuration(
        cfg.cam_vec = np.array(self.vals)
        import scanr_transforms as trs
        cfg.camTlaser = trs.camTlaser(cfg.cam_vec)

        pc = processor.processor(cfg)
        pc.display_3d('labels', False)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, path = '../data/', device = 'desktopScanner'):
        set default values
        self.path = path
        self.pointcloud_max_dist = 5.0
        self.pointcloud_min_dist = 0.1    
        self.device = device
        if device == 'desktopScanner':
            import webcam_config as cc
            self.webcam_id = 1
            #most code from travis scanr-class:
            # Initialize webcam
            self.cam_name = 'DesktopWebcam'
            cp = cc.webcam_parameters[self.cam_name]
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']
            self.cam_proj_mat =  np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0,   0],
                                            [0, fy, 0,   0],
                                            [0,  0, 1,   0]])
            self.cam_centers = ( cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'], cp['optical_center_y_in_pixels'] )
            # cam_vec came from a previous laser_cam_callibration
            #self.cam_vec = np.array([0.8, 0.9, -1.7, 3.1, 0.061, 0.032, -0.035 ])
            #self.cam_vec = np.array([1.2000,    1.2000 ,  -1.4000  ,  3.6000  ,  0.0600   , 0.0330   ,-0.0200])
            #self.cam_vec = np.array([0.9000  ,  0.8000 ,  -2.2000 ,   3.1000 ,   0.0620 ,   0.0320,   -0.0270 ])
            self.cam_vec = np.array([  1.8000  ,  1.7000  , -2.6000 ,   4.7500 ,   0.0620  ,  0.0320  , -0.0270  ])             
            #self.cam_vec = np.array([ 0.0  , 0.0  , 0.0 ,   0.0 ,   0.0 ,  0.0  , 0.0  ])                        
            self.cam_deltas = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001 ])
            self.cam_names = ['Ry_0', 'Rz_0', 'Rx_-90', 'Rz_-90', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz']
            import scanr_transforms as trs
            self.camTlaser = trs.camTlaser(self.cam_vec)
            self.scanner_metal_plate_offset = 0.05 #TODO
            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = 0.035
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0),math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/desktopServos'
            self.thok_servonum = 19
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(5.0)
        elif device == 'codyRobot':
            import hrl_camera.camera_config as cc
            self.webcam_id = 0
            #values from equilibrium_point_control/lpi.py
            self.cam_name = 'mekabotUTM'
            cp = cc.camera_parameters[self.cam_name]
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']
            self.cam_proj_mat =  np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0,   0],
                                            [0, fy, 0,   0],
                                            [0,  0, 1,   0]])
            self.cam_centers = ( cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'], cp['optical_center_y_in_pixels'] )

            #self.camTlaser = mcf.utmcam0Tglobal(mcf.globalTthok0(m),self.image_angle)
            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = -0.055
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0),math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/servo0'
            self.thok_servonum = 5
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(10.0) #speed=10 in lpi
        elif device == 'dummyScanner': #just for testing/demonstration without dependencies outside of gt-ros-pkgk
            self.webcam_id = 0
            #values from equilibrium_point_control/lpi.py
            self.cam_name = 'dummyUTM'
            import opencv as cv
            #values copied from Cody
            cp =     {'calibration_image_width' : 640.0,
            'calibration_image_height' : 480.0, 
            'focal_length_x_in_pixels' : 362.381,
            'focal_length_y_in_pixels' : 362.260,
            'optical_center_x_in_pixels' : 275.630,
            'optical_center_y_in_pixels' : 267.914,
            'lens_distortion_radial_1' :    -0.270544,
            'lens_distortion_radial_2' :    0.0530850,
            'lens_distortion_tangential_1' : 0,
            'lens_distortion_tangential_2' : 0,
            'opencv_bayer_pattern' :  cv.CV_BayerBG2BGR,
            'color': True,
            'uid': 8520228
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']
            self.cam_proj_mat =  np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0,   0],
                                            [0, fy, 0,   0],
                                            [0,  0, 1,   0]])
            self.cam_centers = ( cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'], cp['optical_center_y_in_pixels'] )

            #self.camTlaser = mcf.utmcam0Tglobal(mcf.globalTthok0(m),self.image_angle)
            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = -0.055
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0),math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/servo0'
            self.thok_servonum = 5
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(10.0) #speed=10 in lpi

            print 'ERROR: unknown device',device
Example #4
    def __init__(self, path = '../data/', device = 'desktopScanner', tf_msg = None):
        set default values
        self.path = path
        self.pointcloud_max_dist = 5.0
        self.pointcloud_min_dist = 0.1    
        self.device = device
        if device == 'PR2' or device == 'PR2example':
            self.cam_name = 'wide_stereo/right/image_rect_color'
            fx = 428.48 #focal lengths in pixels
            fy = 428.35
            self.cam_proj_mat = np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0,   0],
                                           [0, fy, 0,   0],
                                           [0,  0, 1,   0]])
            cx = 323.4 #in pixels
            cy = 242.9 #in pixels
            self.cam_centers = (cx, cy)
            self.cam_image_height= 480 #px
            self.cam_image_width= 640 #px
            #Transform properties will depend on wide_stereo_optical_frame
            #    -to-base_footprint TF since the PR2
            #can move its head relative to the tilting hokuyo.
            ######### EXAMPLE result from TF on PR2 ##############
            #  header: --
            #  frame_id: /base_footprint
            #    child_frame_id: /wide_stereo_optical_frame 
            #    transform: 
            #      translation: 
            x = 0.111181322026
            y= 0.0201393251186 #-0.09 #Using right camera is shifted over by 9cm.
            z= 1.39969502374 #+0.051 #- 1.32  #****MY data was in BASE_LINK FRAME??
            #      rotation:  (rotation same as optical frame of Gazebo_R and Gazebo_L_ optical)
            rx= -0.625821685412
            ry= 0.66370971141
            rz= -0.30689909515
            rw= 0.271384565597
            #euler_angles = transformations.euler_from_quaternion([rx,ry,rz,rw])
            #In euler: (-132, -1.4, -94) in degrees.
            #kill soon
            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = -0.055
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0),math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/servo0'
            self.thok_servonum = 5
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(10.0) #speed=10 in lpi
            if device == 'PR2' and tf_msg: 
                #requires an appropriate TF message (type=TransformStamped) called tf_msg.
                #Condition: header.frame_id = '/base_footprint', child_frame_id = '/wide_stereo_optical_frame'
                t = tf_msg.transform.translation
                r = tf_msg.transform.rotation
                (x,y,z) = (t.x, t.y, t.z)
                (rx, ry, rz, rw) = (r.x, r.y, r.z, r.w)             
            T = transformations.translation_matrix([x,y,z])
            R = transformations.quaternion_matrix([rx,ry,rz,rw])
            print 'R=',R
            print 'T=',T
            M = np.matrix(R);
            M[:3,3] = np.matrix(T)[:3,3]
            print 'M=',M
            M = np.linalg.inv(M)
            self.camTlaser = M
#   (wrong)  TRmatrix = [[-0.06939527, -0.66415251,  0.74436936,  0.11118132],
#                        [-0.99730322,  0.02832033, -0.06770713, -0.06986067],
#                        [ 0.02388707, -0.74706051, -0.66432673,  1.39969502],
#                        [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  1.        ]]
            #Result is a 4x4 array: [ R | t ]
            #                       [ 0 | 1 ]

#            np.array([[ 0.74436936,  0.06939527,  0.66415251,  0.        ],
#                      [-0.06770713,  0.99730322, -0.02832033,  0.        ],
#                      [-0.66432673, -0.02388707,  0.74706051,  0.        ],
#                      [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  1.        ]])
        elif device == 'desktopScanner':
            import scanr_transforms as trs
            self.webcam_id = 1
            #From webcam_config definition formerly in robot1-->hrl_lib
            #  Parameter definitions for camera used on desktopScanner
            webcam_parameters = {
                    'calibration_image_width' : 960.0,
                    'calibration_image_height' : 720.0, 
                    'focal_length_x_in_pixels' : 794.985,
                    'focal_length_y_in_pixels' : 797.122,
                    'optical_center_x_in_pixels' : 491.555,
                    'optical_center_y_in_pixels' : 344.289,
                    'lens_distortion_radial_1' :    0.0487641,
                    'lens_distortion_radial_2' :    -0.128722,
                    'lens_distortion_tangential_1' : 0,
                    'lens_distortion_tangential_2' : 0,
                    'opencv_bayer_pattern' : None,
                    'color': True,
            #most code from travis scanr-class:
            # Initialize webcam
            self.cam_name = 'DesktopWebcam'
            cp = webcam_parameters[self.cam_name]
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']
            self.cam_proj_mat =  np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0,   0],
                                            [0, fy, 0,   0],
                                            [0,  0, 1,   0]])
            self.cam_centers = ( cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'], cp['optical_center_y_in_pixels'] )
            self.cam_deltas = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001 ])
            self.cam_names = ['Ry_0', 'Rz_0', 'Rx_-90', 'Rz_-90', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz']
            self.cam_vec = np.array([  1.8000  ,  1.7000  , -2.6000 ,   4.7500 ,   0.0620  ,  0.0320  , -0.0270  ])             

            self.camTlaser = trs.camTlaser(self.cam_vec)

            self.scanner_metal_plate_offset = 0.05 #TODO
            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = 0.035
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0),math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/desktopServos'
            self.thok_servonum = 19
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(5.0)
        elif device == 'codyRobot' or device == 'dummyScanner': 
            #just for testing/demonstration without dependencies outside of gt-ros-pkg            
            self.webcam_id = 0
            #values from equilibrium_point_control/lpi.py
            self.cam_name = 'mekabotUTM' #also: 'dummyUTM'

            #Values copied from Cody
            #Please update with current values if they are expected to have changed.
            cp =     {'calibration_image_width' : 640.0,
                      'calibration_image_height' : 480.0, 
                      'focal_length_x_in_pixels' : 362.381,
                      'focal_length_y_in_pixels' : 362.260,
                      'optical_center_x_in_pixels' : 275.630,
                      'optical_center_y_in_pixels' : 267.914,
                      'lens_distortion_radial_1' :    -0.270544,
                      'lens_distortion_radial_2' :    0.0530850,
                      'lens_distortion_tangential_1' : 0,
                      'lens_distortion_tangential_2' : 0,
                      'opencv_bayer_pattern' :  48, #same as cv.CV_BayerBG2BGR
                      'color': True,
                      'uid': 8520228
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']
            self.cam_proj_mat =  np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0,   0],
                                            [0, fy, 0,   0],
                                            [0,  0, 1,   0]])
            self.cam_centers = ( cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'], cp['optical_center_y_in_pixels'] )
            #self.camTlaser = mcf.utmcam0Tglobal(mcf.globalTthok0(m),self.image_angle)
            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = -0.055
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0),math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/servo0'
            self.thok_servonum = 5
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(10.0) #speed=10 in lpi

            print '[configuration] ERROR: configuration.py: Device "%s" not recognized:' %( device )
            print 'Exiting.  Cannot fetch transformation and camera properties for this device.'
Example #5
    def __init__(self, path='../data/', device='desktopScanner'):
        set default values
        self.path = path
        self.pointcloud_max_dist = 5.0
        self.pointcloud_min_dist = 0.1

        self.device = device

        if device == 'desktopScanner':
            import webcam_config as cc
            self.webcam_id = 1

            #most code from travis scanr-class:
            # Initialize webcam
            self.cam_name = 'DesktopWebcam'
            cp = cc.webcam_parameters[self.cam_name]
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']
            self.cam_proj_mat = np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0, 0], [0, fy, 0, 0],
                                           [0, 0, 1, 0]])

            self.cam_centers = (cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'],

            # cam_vec came from a previous laser_cam_callibration
            #self.cam_vec = np.array([0.8, 0.9, -1.7, 3.1, 0.061, 0.032, -0.035 ])
            #self.cam_vec = np.array([1.2000,    1.2000 ,  -1.4000  ,  3.6000  ,  0.0600   , 0.0330   ,-0.0200])
            #self.cam_vec = np.array([0.9000  ,  0.8000 ,  -2.2000 ,   3.1000 ,   0.0620 ,   0.0320,   -0.0270 ])
            self.cam_vec = np.array(
                [1.8000, 1.7000, -2.6000, 4.7500, 0.0620, 0.0320, -0.0270])

            #self.cam_vec = np.array([ 0.0  , 0.0  , 0.0 ,   0.0 ,   0.0 ,  0.0  , 0.0  ])

            self.cam_deltas = np.array(
                [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001])
            self.cam_names = [
                'Ry_0', 'Rz_0', 'Rx_-90', 'Rz_-90', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz'
            import scanr_transforms as trs
            self.camTlaser = trs.camTlaser(self.cam_vec)

            self.scanner_metal_plate_offset = 0.05  #TODO

            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = 0.035
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0), math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/desktopServos'
            self.thok_servonum = 19
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(5.0)

        elif device == 'codyRobot':
            import hrl_camera.camera_config as cc

            self.webcam_id = 0

            #values from equilibrium_point_control/lpi.py
            self.cam_name = 'mekabotUTM'
            cp = cc.camera_parameters[self.cam_name]
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']

            self.cam_proj_mat = np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0, 0], [0, fy, 0, 0],
                                           [0, 0, 1, 0]])
            self.cam_centers = (cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'],

            #self.camTlaser = mcf.utmcam0Tglobal(mcf.globalTthok0(m),self.image_angle)

            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = -0.055
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0), math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/servo0'
            self.thok_servonum = 5
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(10.0)  #speed=10 in lpi

        elif device == 'dummyScanner':  #just for testing/demonstration without dependencies outside of gt-ros-pkgk
            self.webcam_id = 0

            #values from equilibrium_point_control/lpi.py
            self.cam_name = 'dummyUTM'
            import opencv as cv
            #values copied from Cody
            cp = {
                'calibration_image_width': 640.0,
                'calibration_image_height': 480.0,
                'focal_length_x_in_pixels': 362.381,
                'focal_length_y_in_pixels': 362.260,
                'optical_center_x_in_pixels': 275.630,
                'optical_center_y_in_pixels': 267.914,
                'lens_distortion_radial_1': -0.270544,
                'lens_distortion_radial_2': 0.0530850,
                'lens_distortion_tangential_1': 0,
                'lens_distortion_tangential_2': 0,
                'opencv_bayer_pattern': cv.CV_BayerBG2BGR,
                'color': True,
                'uid': 8520228
            fx = cp['focal_length_x_in_pixels']
            fy = cp['focal_length_y_in_pixels']

            self.cam_proj_mat = np.matrix([[fx, 0, 0, 0], [0, fy, 0, 0],
                                           [0, 0, 1, 0]])
            self.cam_centers = (cp['optical_center_x_in_pixels'],

            #self.camTlaser = mcf.utmcam0Tglobal(mcf.globalTthok0(m),self.image_angle)

            # Initialize THOK
            self.thok_l1 = 0
            self.thok_l2 = -0.055
            self.thok_tilt_angles = (math.radians(40.0), math.radians(-40.0))
            self.thok_devname = '/dev/robot/servo0'
            self.thok_servonum = 5
            self.thok_hoknum = 0
            self.thok_scan_speed = math.radians(10.0)  #speed=10 in lpi

            print 'ERROR: unknown device', device