Example #1
class ENIP_ListIdentity_SocketItem(scapy_all.Packet):
    name = "Socket_Address"

    fields_desc = [
        scapy_all.ShortField("sin_family", 0),
        scapy_all.ShortField("sin_port", 0),
        scapy_all.IPField("sin_address", ""),
        scapy_all.StrFixedLenField("name_of_service", "", 8),

    def extract_padding(self, p):
        # print self.__class__.__name__+": P="+str(p)
        return "", p
class AVTP(s.Packet):
    name = "AVTP"
    fields_desc = [
        s.XByteField("controlData", None),
        s.XByteField("flags", None),
        s.XByteField("sequence", None),
        s.XByteField("timestampUncertain", None),
        s.IntField("streamID0", None),
        s.IntField("streamID1", None),
        s.IntField("ptpTimestamp", None),
        s.IntField("gateway", None),
        s.ShortField("pktDataLength", None),
        s.XByteField("pkt1394format", None),
        s.XByteField("pkt1394tcode", None),
        s.XByteField("sourceId", None),
        s.XByteField("dataBlockSize", None),
        s.XByteField("packing", None),
        s.XByteField("DBC", None),
        s.XByteField("formatId", None),
        s.XByteField("SYT", None),
        s.IntField("ptpUpper", None),
        s.IntField("ptpLower", None),
Example #3
class MDCData(scapy.Packet):
    name = "MulticastDataCenterData "
    fields_desc = [
        scapy.ShortField("addr", 0),
        scapy.XByteField("mode", 0),
        scapy.XByteField("label", 0),
                1: "REQUEST",
                2: "PTCH_REQ",
                3: "DATA_FNSD",
                4: "PTCH_DATA",
                5: "DATA",
                6: "FEEDBACK"
        scapy.XByteField("appID", 2),
        scapy.XByteField("dataID", 0),
        scapy.XByteField("sn", 0),
        scapy.XByteField("dataSize", 11),
Example #4
class Modbus_MBAP(scapy_all.Packet):
    """Modbus TCP base packet layer. This represents the Modbus application protocol header (MBAP)"""
    name = "Modbus_MBAP"

    fields_desc = [
            "transaction_id", 0
        ),  # A simple implementation of this is to use the tcp sequence number, and increment by 1 for each packet
                             0),  # I believe for Modbus TCP this is always 0
            "length", None
        ),  # Is the length inherited from the child layers? If so, it'll need to be calculated. I'm sure there is a function for this!
        scapy_all.ByteField("unit_id", None),

    def generate_unique_id(self):
        # should check that this layer is associated with a tcp sequence number, as when it is instantiated it might not be
        if TCP in self:
            return self[
                TCP].seq  # Just being lazy and using tcp sequence num for this
            return 1  # Boring default value

    def is_request(self):
        """Function to determine if the packet is a request or response
		There is nothing explicit in the protocol to delineate each, so we must
		infer it from other things.

		returns True if 'this' packet is a request, false if a response"""

        if self[TCP].sport != 502 and self[TCP].dport == 502:
            return True
        elif self[TCP].sport == 502 and self[TCP].dport != 502:
            return False
        elif self[TCP].sport == self[TCP].dport == 502:
            return guess_request_response(
                self)  # Define another function to guess
        else:  # None of the ports are 502
            return False  # Default value

        #What do we do if both ports are 502?
        # Can return a default Value
        # Could return exception?
        # Could try and use some other method using sequence numbers
        # Can we use TCP flags?

    def is_response(self):
        # Added for code readability
        return (not is_request(self))

    def extract_padding(
            self, p
    ):  # Will there be any padding? This is supposed to return the length
        return p[:self.length], p[self.length:]

    def default_payload_class(
    ):  # In case we want to overload a default payload class with our own
        return Modbus_PDU  #

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        # Post build is used to calculate the length of fields
        if self.length is None and pay:
            l = len(pay)
            p = p[:4] + struct.pack(
                ">H", l) + p[6:]  # This is due to the structure of the frame
        return p + pay

    def answers(self, other):
        # This needs adjusting!
        # Can base this on whether the packet is a request or response
        return isinstance(other, Modbus_MBAP)