Example #1
class OFPTStatsReplyQueue(_ofp_header):
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
                   ByteEnumField("type", 17, ofp_type),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   IntField("xid", 0),
                   ShortEnumField("stats_type", 5, ofp_stats_types),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, []),
                   ShortEnumField("port_no", "NONE", ofp_port_no),
                   XShortField("pad", 0),
                   IntEnumField("queue_id", "ALL", ofp_queue),
                   LongField("tx_bytes", 0),
                   LongField("tx_packets", 0),
                   LongField("tx_errors", 0)]
    overload_fields = {TCP: {"dport": 6653}}
Example #2
class EAP_TLS(Packet):  # eap type 13
    name = "EAP-TLS"
    fields_desc = [
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, [
            'reserved5', 'reserved4', 'reserved3', 'reserved2', 'reserved1',
            'start', 'fragmented', 'length'
        ConditionalField(IntField("length", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.flags > 127),

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if self.flags > 127:
            return TLSv1RecordLayer
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
Example #3
class OFPTStatsReplyDesc(_ofp_header):
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
        ByteEnumField("type", 17, ofp_type),
        ShortField("len", None),
        IntField("xid", 0),
        ShortEnumField("stats_type", 0, ofp_stats_types),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, []),
        StrFixedLenField("mfr_desc", "", 256),
        StrFixedLenField("hw_desc", "", 256),
        StrFixedLenField("sw_desc", "", 256),
        StrFixedLenField("serial_num", "", 32),
        StrFixedLenField("dp_desc", "", 256)
Example #4
class BTLE_RF(Packet):
    name = "BTLE RF info header"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteField("rf_channel", 0),
        _dbmField("signal", -256),
        _dbmField("noise", -256),
        ByteField("access_address_offenses", 0),
        XLEIntField("reference_access_address", 0),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, -16, [
            "dewhitened", "sig_power_valid", "noise_power_valid", "decrypted",
            "reference_access_address_valid", "access_address_offenses_valid",
            "channel_aliased", "res1", "res2", "res3", "crc_checked",
            "crc_valid", "mic_checked", "mic_valid", "res4", "res5"
Example #5
File: ttls.py Project: j4dk/scapy
class EAP_TTLS(Packet):  # eap type 21
    name = "EAP-TTLS"
    fields_desc = [
            "flags", 0, 5,
            ['reserved2', 'reserved1', 'start', 'fragmented', 'length']),
        BitField("version", 0, 3),
        ConditionalField(IntField("length", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.flags > 15),

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if self.flags >> 2 in [1, 3, 7]:  # if start bit is set
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
            return TLSv1RecordLayer
Example #6
class PPI_Geotag_Vector(HCSIPacket):
    name = "PPI Vector"
    hcsi_fields = [
        VectorFlags_Field("VectorFlags", None),
        FlagsField("VectorChars", None, -32, _hcsi_vector_char_flags),
        Fixed3_6Field("Pitch", None),
        Fixed3_6Field("Roll", None),
        Fixed3_6Field("Heading", None),
        Fixed6_4Field("Off_X", None),
        Fixed6_4Field("Off_Y", None),
        Fixed6_4Field("Off_Z", None),
    ] + _hcsi_null_range(8, 16) + [
        Fixed3_6Field("Err_Rot", None),
        Fixed6_4Field("Err_Off", None),
    ] + _hcsi_null_range(18, 28)
Example #7
    name = "DNS DNSKEY Resource Record"
    fields_desc = [
        DNSStrField("rrname", ""),
        ShortEnumField("type", 48, dnstypes),
        ShortEnumField("rclass", 1, dnsclasses),
        IntField("ttl", 0),
        ShortField("rdlen", None),
        FlagsField("flags", 256, 16, "S???????Z???????"),
        # S: Secure Entry Point
        # Z: Zone Key
        ByteField("protocol", 3),
        ByteEnumField("algorithm", 5, dnssecalgotypes),
        StrField("publickey", "")
Example #8
class OFPTStatsReplyPort(_ofp_header):
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
        ByteEnumField("type", 17, ofp_type),
        ShortField("len", None),
        IntField("xid", 0),
        ShortEnumField("stats_type", 4, ofp_stats_types),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, []),
                        length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len - 12)
    overload_fields = {TCP: {"dport": 6653}}
Example #9
class OFPTStatsReplyAggregate(_ofp_header):
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
        ByteEnumField("type", 17, ofp_type),
        ShortField("len", None),
        IntField("xid", 0),
        ShortEnumField("stats_type", 2, ofp_stats_types),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, []),
        LongField("packet_count", 0),
        LongField("byte_count", 0),
        IntField("flow_count", 0),
        XIntField("pad", 0)
    overload_fields = {TCP: {"dport": 6653}}
Example #10
class OFPTStatsRequestAggregate(_ofp_header):
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("version", 0x01, ofp_version),
        ByteEnumField("type", 16, ofp_type),
        ShortField("len", None),
        IntField("xid", 0),
        ShortEnumField("stats_type", 2, ofp_stats_types),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, []),
        PacketField("match", OFPMatch(), OFPMatch),
        ByteEnumField("table_id", "ALL", ofp_table),
        ByteField("pad", 0),
        ShortEnumField("out_port", "NONE", ofp_port_no)
    overload_fields = {TCP: {"sport": 6653}}
Example #11
class LLTDAttributeCharacteristics(LLTDAttribute):
    name = "LLTD Attribute - Characteristics"
    fields_desc = [
        # According to MS doc, "this field MUST be set to 0x02". But
        # according to MS implementation, that's wrong.
        # ByteField("len", 2),
                      adjust=lambda _, x: x + 2),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 5, "PXFML"),
        BitField("reserved1", 0, 11),
        StrLenField("reserved2", "", length_from=lambda x: x.len - 2)
Example #12
class OSPF_Router_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
    name = "OSPF Router LSA"
    fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
                   ByteField("type", 1),
                   IPField("id", ""),
                   IPField("adrouter", ""),
                   XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["B", "E", "V", "W", "Nt"]),
                   ByteField("reserved", 0),
                   FieldLenField("linkcount", None, count_of="linklist"),
                   PacketListField("linklist", [], OSPF_Link,
                                   count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.linkcount,
                                   length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.linkcount * 12)]
Example #13
class ZigbeeDeviceProfile(Packet):
    name = "Zigbee Device Profile (ZDP) frame"
    fields_desc = [
        # sequence number (8 bits)
        ByteField("sequence_number", 0),
        # Device short address
        dot15d4AddressField("extended_address", 0, adjust=lambda pkt, x: 8),
        # flags 1 octet
        FlagsField("frame_control", 0, 8, [
            'reserved1', 'reserved2', 'reserved3', 'reserved4',
            'remove_children', 'rejoin'

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
Example #14
class OSPFv3_Router_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
    name = "OSPFv3 Router LSA"
    fields_desc = [
        ShortField("age", 1),
        ShortEnumField("type", 0x2001, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
        IPField("id", ""),
        IPField("adrouter", ""),
        XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
        XShortField("chksum", None),
        ShortField("len", None),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["B", "E", "V", "W"]),
        PacketListField("linklist", [],
                        length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len - 24)
Example #15
class SAPMSClient1(PacketNoPadded):
    """SAP Message Server Client packet version 1

    Packet that contains information about a client of the Message Server
    service. This packet is for version 1, which has been seen only on old
    releases (SAP NW 2004s).
    name = "SAP Message Server Client version 1"
    fields_desc = [
        StrFixedLenField("client", None, 20),
        StrFixedLenField("host", None, 20),
        StrFixedLenField("service", None, 20),
        FlagsField("msgtype", 0, 8, ["ICM", "ATP", "UP2", "SPO", "BTC", "ENQ", "UPD", "DIA"]),
        IPField("hostaddrv4", ""),
        ShortField("servno", 0x00),
Example #16
class LL_FEATURE_REQ(Packet):
    name = "LL_FEATURE_REQ"
    fields_desc = [
        FlagsField("feature_set", 0, -16,[# 4.0
                                        # 4.1
                                        # 4.2
                                        # 5.0
                                        'll_2m_phy', 'tx_mod_idx','rx_mod_idx','le_coded_phy',
        BitField("reserved", 0, 48),
Example #17
class DIQ(Packet):
    name = 'QDS'
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField('DPI', 0x00, DPI_ENUM),
        FlagsField('flags', 0x00, 8, DIQ_FLAGS),

    def do_dissect(self, s):
        self.DPI = s[0] & 0x03
        self.flags = s[0] & 0xf0
        return s[1:]

    def do_build(self):
        s = list(range(1))
        s[0] = int(self.DPI) | int(self.flags)
        return bytes(s)
Example #18
class _ISIS_LSP_Base(_ISIS_PduBase):
    fields_desc = [
        ShortField("lifetime", 1199),
        ISIS_LspIdField("lspid", "0102.0304.0506.00-00"),
        XIntField("seqnum", 0x00000001),
        XShortField("checksum", None),
        FlagsField("typeblock", 0x03, 8, ["L1", "L2", "OL", "ADef", "ADel", "AExp", "AErr", "P"]),  # noqa: E501

    def checksum_info(self, hdrlen):
        if self.checksum is not None:
            return None

        return (12, 24)
Example #19
File: peap.py Project: j4dk/scapy
class PEAP(Packet):  # eap type 25
    name = "PEAP"
    fields_desc = [
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 6, [
            'reserved3', 'reserved2', 'reserved1', 'start', 'fragmented',
        BitField("version", 0, 2),
        ConditionalField(IntField("length", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.flags > 31),

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if self.flags > 31:
            return TLSv1RecordLayer
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
Example #20
class OSPF_DBDesc(Packet):
    name = "OSPF Database Description"
    fields_desc = [ShortField("mtu", 1500),
                   FlagsField("dbdescr", 0, 8, ["MS", "M", "I", "R", "4", "3", "2", "1"]),  # noqa: E501
                   IntField("ddseq", 1),
                   PacketListField("lsaheaders", None, OSPF_LSA_Hdr,
                                   count_from=lambda pkt: None,
                                   length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.underlayer.len - 24 - 8)]  # noqa: E501

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        # check presence of LLS data block flag
        if self.options & 0x10 == 0x10:
            return OSPF_LLS_Hdr
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
Example #21
class PerPeerHeader(Packet):
    fields_desc = [
        ByteField("type", 0),
        FlagsField("peer_flags", 0, 8,
                   ["NA0", "NA1", "NA2", "NA3", "NA4", "A", "L", "V"]),
        # How to do a 16 bytes field?
        Field("peer_distinquisher", 0, fmt="Q"),
        IP6Field("peer_address", "::/0"),
        IntField("peer_asn", 0),
        IntField("peer_bgp_id", 0),
        IntField("timestamp_seconds", 0),
        IntField("timestamp_microseconds", 0),

    def extract_padding(self, p):
        return "", p
Example #22
class BOOTP(Packet):
    name = "BOOTP"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("op", 1, {
            1: "BOOTREQUEST",
            2: "BOOTREPLY"
        ByteField("htype", 1),
        ByteField("hlen", 6),
        ByteField("hops", 0),
        IntField("xid", 0),
        ShortField("secs", 0),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 16, "???????????????B"),
        IPField("ciaddr", ""),
        IPField("yiaddr", ""),
        IPField("siaddr", ""),
        IPField("giaddr", ""),
        Field("chaddr", b"", "16s"),
        Field("sname", b"", "64s"),
        Field("file", b"", "128s"),
        StrField("options", b"")

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if self.options[:len(dhcpmagic)] == dhcpmagic:
            return DHCP
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        if self.options[:len(dhcpmagic)] == dhcpmagic:
            # set BOOTP options to DHCP magic cookie and make rest a payload of DHCP options  # noqa: E501
            payload = self.options[len(dhcpmagic):]
            self.options = self.options[:len(dhcpmagic)]
            return payload, None
            return b"", None

    def hashret(self):
        return struct.pack("!I", self.xid)

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, BOOTP):
            return 0
        return self.xid == other.xid
Example #23
class ZigbeeNWK(Packet):
    name = "Zigbee Network Layer"
    fields_desc = [
        BitField("discover_route", 0, 2),
        BitField("proto_version", 2, 4),
        BitEnumField("frametype", 0, 2, {
            0: 'data',
            1: 'command'
        FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, [
            'multicast', 'security', 'source_route', 'extended_dst',
            'extended_src', 'reserved1', 'reserved2', 'reserved3'
        ]),  # noqa: E501
        XLEShortField("destination", 0),
        XLEShortField("source", 0),
        ByteField("radius", 0),
        ByteField("seqnum", 1),

        # ConditionalField(XLongField("ext_dst", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.flags & 8),
            dot15d4AddressField("ext_dst", 0, adjust=lambda pkt, x: 8),
            lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 8),  # noqa: E501
            dot15d4AddressField("ext_src", 0, adjust=lambda pkt, x: 8),
            lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 16),  # noqa: E501
        ConditionalField(ByteField("relay_count", 1),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 0x04),  # noqa: E501
        ConditionalField(ByteField("relay_index", 0),
                         lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 0x04),  # noqa: E501
            FieldListField("relays", [],
                           XLEShortField("", 0x0000),
                           count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.relay_count),
            lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 0x04),  # noqa: E501

    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
        if self.flags & 0x02:
            return ZigbeeSecurityHeader
        elif self.frametype == 0:
            return ZigbeeAppDataPayload
        elif self.frametype == 1:
            return ZigbeeNWKCommandPayload
            return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
Example #24
class OSPFv3_AS_External_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
    name = "OSPFv3 AS External LSA"
    fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
                   ShortEnumField("type", 0x4005, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
                   IPField("id", ""),
                   IPField("adrouter", ""),
                   XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["T", "F", "E"]),
                   X3BytesField("metric", 20),
                   FieldLenField("prefixlen", None, length_of="prefix", fmt="B"),  # noqa: E501
                   ShortEnumField("reflstype", 0, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
                   IP6PrefixField("prefix", "2001:db8:0:42::/64", wordbytes=4, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen),  # noqa: E501
                   ConditionalField(IP6Field("fwaddr", "::"), lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 0x02 == 0x02),  # noqa: E501
                   ConditionalField(IntField("tag", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 0x01 == 0x01),  # noqa: E501
                   ConditionalField(IPField("reflsid", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.reflstype != 0)]  # noqa: E501
Example #25
class ZigbeeSecurityHeader(Packet):
    name = "Zigbee Security Header"
    fields_desc = [
        # Security control (1 octet)
        FlagsField("reserved1", 0, 2, ['reserved1', 'reserved2']),
        BitField("extended_nonce", 1, 1),  # set to 1 if the sender address field is present (source)  # noqa: E501
        # Key identifier
        BitEnumField("key_type", 1, 2, {
            0: 'data_key',
            1: 'network_key',
            2: 'key_transport_key',
            3: 'key_load_key'
        # Security level (3 bits)
        BitEnumField("nwk_seclevel", 0, 3, {
            0: "None",
            1: "MIC-32",
            2: "MIC-64",
            3: "MIC-128",
            4: "ENC",
            5: "ENC-MIC-32",
            6: "ENC-MIC-64",
            7: "ENC-MIC-128"
        # Frame counter (4 octets)
        XLEIntField("fc", 0),  # provide frame freshness and prevent duplicate frames  # noqa: E501
        # Source address (0/8 octets)
        ConditionalField(dot15d4AddressField("source", 0, adjust=lambda pkt, x: 8), lambda pkt: pkt.extended_nonce),  # noqa: E501
        # Key sequence number (0/1 octet): only present when key identifier is 1 (network key)  # noqa: E501
        ConditionalField(ByteField("key_seqnum", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.getfieldval("key_type") == 1),  # noqa: E501
        # Payload
        # the length of the encrypted data is the payload length minus the MIC
        StrField("data", ""),  # noqa: E501
        # Message Integrity Code (0/variable in size), length depends on nwk_seclevel  # noqa: E501
        XStrField("mic", ""),

    def post_dissect(self, s):
        # Get the mic dissected correctly
        mic_length = util_mic_len(self)
        if mic_length > 0:  # Slice "data" into "data + mic"
            _data, _mic = self.data[:-mic_length], self.data[-mic_length:]
            self.data, self.mic = _data, _mic
        return s
Example #26
class BTLE_RF(Packet):
    """Cooked BTLE link-layer pseudoheader.

    name = "BTLE RF info header"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteField("rf_channel", 0),
        SignedByteField("signal", -128),
        SignedByteField("noise", -128),
        ByteField("access_address_offenses", 0),
        XLEIntField("reference_access_address", 0),
        FlagsField("flags", 0, -16, [
            "dewhitened", "sig_power_valid", "noise_power_valid", "decrypted",
            "reference_access_address_valid", "access_address_offenses_valid",
            "channel_aliased", "res1", "res2", "res3", "crc_checked",
            "crc_valid", "mic_checked", "mic_valid", "res4", "res5"
Example #27
class BFD(Packet):
    name = "BFD"
    fields_desc = [
        BitField("version", 1, 3),
        BitField("diag", 0, 5),
        BitField("sta", 3, 2),
        FlagsField("flags", 0x00, 6, ['P', 'F', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'M']),
        XByteField("detect_mult", 0x03),
        XByteField("len", 24),
        BitField("my_discriminator", 0x11111111, 32),
        BitField("your_discriminator", 0x22222222, 32),
        BitField("min_tx_interval", 1000000000, 32),
        BitField("min_rx_interval", 1000000000, 32),
        BitField("echo_rx_interval", 1000000000, 32)

    def mysummary(self):
        return self.sprintf("BFD (my_disc=%BFD.my_discriminator%,"
Example #28
class SAPMSClient3(Packet):
    """SAP Message Server Client packet version 3

    Packet that contains information about a client of the Message Server
    service. This packet is for version 3.
    name = "SAP Message Server Client version 3"
    fields_desc = [
        StrFixedLenField("client", None, 40),
        StrFixedLenField("host", None, 64),
        StrFixedLenField("service", None, 20),
        FlagsField("msgtype", 0, 8, ["ICM", "ATP", "UP2", "SPO", "BTC", "ENQ", "UPD", "DIA"]),
        IP6Field("hostaddrv6", "::1"),
        IPField("hostaddrv4", ""),
        ShortField("servno", 0x00),
        ByteEnumKeysField("status", 0x00, ms_client_status_values),
        ByteField("nitrace", 0x00),
        ByteField("padd", 0),
Example #29
class SAPMSClient2(PacketNoPadded):
    """SAP Message Server Client packet version 2

    Packet that contains information about a client of the Message Server
    service. This packet is for version 2, which has been seen only on old
    releases (SAP NW 2004s).
    name = "SAP Message Server Client version 2"
    fields_desc = [
        StrFixedLenField("client", None, 40),
        StrFixedLenField("host", None, 32),
        StrFixedLenField("service", None, 20),
        FlagsField("msgtype", 0, 8, ["ICM", "ATP", "UP2", "SPO", "BTC", "ENQ", "UPD", "DIA"]),
        IPField("hostaddrv4", ""),
        ShortField("servno", 0x00),
        ByteEnumKeysField("status", 0x00, ms_client_status_values),
        ByteField("nitrace", 0x00),
        StrFixedLenField("padd", None, 14),
Example #30
class OSPF_External_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
    name = "OSPF External LSA (ASBR)"
    fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
                   ByteField("type", 5),
                   IPField("id", ""),
                   IPField("adrouter", ""),
                   XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
                   XShortField("chksum", None),
                   ShortField("len", None),
                   IPField("mask", ""),
                   FlagsField("ebit", 0, 1, ["E"]),
                   BitField("reserved", 0, 7),
                   X3BytesField("metric", 20),
                   IPField("fwdaddr", ""),
                   XIntField("tag", 0),
                   # TODO: Define correct conditions
                   ConditionalField(ByteField("tos", 0), lambda pkt:False),
                   ConditionalField(X3BytesField("tosmetric", 0), lambda pkt:False)]  # noqa: E501
Example #31
 def __init__(self, name="options", default=0, size=8,
     if names is None:
         names = ["MT", "E", "MC", "NP", "L", "DC", "O", "DN"]
     FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)
Example #32
 def __init__(self, name="circuittype", default=2, size=8,
              names=["L1", "L2", "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5"]):
     FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)
Example #33
 def __init__(self, name="prefixoptions", default=0, size=8,
     if names is None:
         names = ["NU", "LA", "MC", "P"]
     FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)
Example #34
 def __init__(self, name="options", default=0, size=24,
     if names is None:
         names = ["V6", "E", "MC", "N", "R", "DC", "AF", "L", "I", "F"]
     FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)