Example #1
class IPOption_TELEMETRY(IPOption):
    name = "TELEMETRY"
    option = 31
    fields_desc = [ _IPOption_HDR,
			ByteField("length", 2),
			Emph(SourceIPField("src", "dst")),
                   	Emph(DestIPField("dst", "")),
			ShortEnumField("sport", 20, TCP_SERVICES),
			ShortEnumField("dport", 80, TCP_SERVICES),
			ByteEnumField("proto", 0, IP_PROTOS),
			BitField("ingress_timestamp", 0, 48),
			BitField("egress_timestamp", 0, 48),
			BitField("enqQdepth", 0, 19),
			BitField("deqQdepth", 0, 19),
			BitField("padding", 0, 2) ]
Example #2
class HSRPmd5(Packet):
    name = "HSRP MD5 Authentication"
    fields_desc = [
        ByteEnumField("type", 4, {4: "MD5 authentication"}),
        ByteField("len", None),
        ByteEnumField("algo", 0, {1: "MD5"}),
        ByteField("padding", 0x00),
        XShortField("flags", 0x00),
        SourceIPField("sourceip", None),
        XIntField("keyid", 0x00),
        StrFixedLenField("authdigest", b"\00" * 16, 16)

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        if self.len is None and pay:
            tmp_len = len(pay)
            p = p[:1] + hex(tmp_len)[30:] + p[30:]
        return p
class ARP(Packet):
    name = "ARP"
    fields_desc = [
        XShortField("hwtype", 0x0001),
        XShortEnumField("ptype", 0x0800, ETHER_TYPES),
        FieldLenField("hwlen", None, fmt="B", length_of="hwsrc"),
        FieldLenField("plen", None, fmt="B", length_of="psrc"),
        ShortEnumField("op", 1, {
            "who-has": 1,
            "is-at": 2,
            "RARP-req": 3,
            "RARP-rep": 4,
            "Dyn-RARP-req": 5,
            "Dyn-RAR-rep": 6,
            "Dyn-RARP-err": 7,
            "InARP-req": 8,
            "InARP-rep": 9
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.hwtype == 1 and pkt.hwlen == 6,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.hwtype == 1 and (
                      pkt.hwlen == 6 or (pkt.hwlen is None and
                                         (val is None or len(val) == 6 or
            StrFixedLenField("hwsrc", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.hwlen),
                (SourceIPField("psrc", "pdst"),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and pkt.plen == 4,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and (
                      pkt.plen == 4 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                        (val is None or valid_net(val)))
                (SourceIP6Field("psrc", "pdst"),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and pkt.plen == 16,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and (
                      pkt.plen == 16 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                         (val is None or valid_net6(val)))
            StrFixedLenField("psrc", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.plen),
                (MACField("hwdst", ETHER_ANY),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.hwtype == 1 and pkt.hwlen == 6,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.hwtype == 1 and (
                      pkt.hwlen == 6 or (pkt.hwlen is None and
                                         (val is None or len(val) == 6 or
            StrFixedLenField("hwdst", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.hwlen),
                (IPField("pdst", ""),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and pkt.plen == 4,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x0800 and (
                      pkt.plen == 4 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                        (val is None or valid_net(val)))
                (IP6Field("pdst", "::"),
                 (lambda pkt: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and pkt.plen == 16,
                  lambda pkt, val: pkt.ptype == 0x86dd and (
                      pkt.plen == 16 or (pkt.plen is None and
                                         (val is None or valid_net6(val)))
            StrFixedLenField("pdst", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.plen),

    def hashret(self):
        return struct.pack(">HHH", self.hwtype, self.ptype,
                           ((self.op + 1) // 2)) + self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ARP):
            return False
        if self.op != other.op + 1:
            return False
        # We use a loose comparison on psrc vs pdst to catch answers
        # with ARP leaks
        self_psrc = self.get_field('psrc').i2m(self, self.psrc)
        other_pdst = other.get_field('pdst').i2m(other, other.pdst)
        return self_psrc[:len(other_pdst)] == other_pdst[:len(self_psrc)]

    def route(self):
        fld, dst = self.getfield_and_val("pdst")
        fld, dst = fld._find_fld_pkt_val(self, dst)
        if isinstance(dst, Gen):
            dst = next(iter(dst))
        if isinstance(fld, IP6Field):
            return conf.route6.route(dst)
        elif isinstance(fld, IPField):
            return conf.route.route(dst)
            return None, None, None

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return "", s

    def mysummary(self):
        if self.op == 1:
            return self.sprintf("ARP who has %pdst% says %psrc%")
        if self.op == 2:
            return self.sprintf("ARP is at %hwsrc% says %psrc%")
        return self.sprintf("ARP %op% %psrc% > %pdst%")