def __init__(self,
                 world: scenario.World,
                 name: str = 'object',
                 position: List[float] = (0, 0, 0),
                 orientation: List[float] = (1, 0, 0, 0),
                 model_paths: str = None,
                 owner: str = 'GoogleResearch',
                 collection: str = 'Google Scanned Objects',
                 server: str = '',
                 server_version: str = '1.0',
                 unique_cache: bool = False,
                 reset_collection: bool = False,

        # Get a unique model name
        model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, name)

        # Initial pose
        initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation)

        model_collection_randomizer = ModelCollectionRandomizer(

        # Note: using default arguments here
        modified_sdf_file = model_collection_randomizer.random_model()

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(modified_sdf_file,
                                                  initial_pose, model_name)
        if not ok_model:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to insert ' + model_name)

        # Get the model
        model = world.get_model(model_name)

        # Initialize base class
        model_wrapper.ModelWrapper.__init__(self, model=model)
Example #2
def test_world_physics_plugin(gazebo: scenario.GazeboSimulator):

    assert gazebo.initialize()
    world = gazebo.get_world()

    dt = gazebo.step_size()

    assert world.time() == 0

    # Insert a cube
    cube_urdf = utils.get_cube_urdf()
    cube_name = "my_cube"
    cube_pose = core.Pose([0, 0, 1.0], [1, 0, 0, 0])
    assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf, cube_pose, cube_name)
    assert cube_name in world.model_names()

    cube = world.get_model(cube_name)

    # There's no physics, the cube should not move
    for _ in range(10):
        assert cube.base_position() == cube_pose.position

    assert world.time() == 0

    # Insert the Physics system
    assert world.set_physics_engine(scenario.PhysicsEngine_dart)

    # After the first step, the physics catches up with time
    assert world.time() == pytest.approx(11 * dt)

    # The cube should start falling
    assert cube.base_position()[2] < cube_pose.position[2]
    assert world.time() == pytest.approx(12 * dt)

    # Paused steps do not increase the time
    assert world.time() == pytest.approx(12 * dt)
def insert_bucket(world: scenario_gazebo.World) -> scenario_gazebo.Model:

    # Insert objects from Fuel
    uri = lambda org, name: f"{org}/models/{name}"

    # Download the cube SDF file
    bucket_sdf = scenario_gazebo.get_model_file_from_fuel(uri=uri(

    # Assign a custom name to the model
    model_name = "bucket"

    # Insert the model
    assert world.insert_model(
        bucket_sdf, scenario_core.Pose([0.68, 0, 1.02], [1., 0, 0, 1]),

    # Return the model
    return world.get_model(model_name=model_name)
Example #4
    def insert_model(self,
                     model_template: str,
                     position: Tuple[float, float, float],
                     orientation: Tuple[float, float, float,
                                        float] = (0, 0, 0, 1),
                     velocity: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0),
                     angular_velocity: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0),
        """Spawn the model into the simulation world"""

        if model_template not in self.model_cache:
            with open(model_template, "r") as file:
                self.model_cache[model_template] =

        if isinstance(velocity, np.ndarray):
            velocity = velocity.tolist()

        if isinstance(angular_velocity, np.ndarray):
            angular_velocity = angular_velocity.tolist()

        world =

        model = self.model_cache[model_template].format(**template_parameters)
        model_name = gym_ignition.utils.scenario.get_unique_model_name(
            world=world, model_name=name_prefix)
        pose = scenario_core.Pose(position, orientation)
        assert world.insert_model(model, pose, model_name)

        obj = world.get_model(model_name)

        velocity = scenario_core.Array3d(velocity)
        assert obj.to_gazebo().reset_base_world_linear_velocity(velocity)

        angular_velocity = scenario_core.Array3d(angular_velocity)
        assert obj.to_gazebo().reset_base_world_angular_velocity(velocity)

        return obj
Example #5
def insert_cube_in_operating_area(world: scenario_gazebo.World) -> scenario_gazebo.Model:

    # Insert objects from Fuel
    uri = lambda org, name: f"{org}/models/{name}"

    # Download the cube SDF file
    cube_sdf = scenario_gazebo.get_model_file_from_fuel(
        uri=uri(org="openrobotics", name="wood cube 5cm"), use_cache=False)

    # Sample a random position
    random_position = np.random.uniform(low=[0.2, -0.3, 1.01], high=[0.4, 0.3, 1.01])

    # Get a unique name
    model_name = gym_ignition.utils.scenario.get_unique_model_name(
        world=world, model_name="cube")

    # Insert the model
    assert world.insert_model(
        cube_sdf, scenario_core.Pose(random_position, [1., 0, 0, 0]), model_name)

    # Return the model
    return world.get_model(model_name=model_name)
Example #6
    def __init__(
        world: scenario_core.World,
        position: List[float],
        orientation: List[float],
        model_file: str = None,

        # Get a unique model name
        model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, "icub")

        # Initial pose
        initial_pose = scenario_core.Pose(position, orientation)

        # Get the model file (URDF or SDF) and allow to override it
        if model_file is None:
            model_file = self.get_model_file()

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(model_file, initial_pose,

        if not ok_model:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to insert model")

        # Get the model
        model = world.get_model(model_name)

        # Initialize base class

        # Store the initial positions
        q0 = list(self.initial_positions.values())
        joint_names = list(self.initial_positions.keys())
        assert self.dofs() == len(q0) == len(joint_names)

        ok_q0 = self.to_gazebo().reset_joint_positions(q0, joint_names)
        assert ok_q0, "Failed to set initial position"
Example #7
def test_download_model_from_fuel(gazebo: scenario.GazeboSimulator):

    assert gazebo.initialize()

    # Get the default world
    world = gazebo.get_world()

    # Download a model from Fuel (testing a name with spaces)
    model_name = "Electrical Box"
    model_sdf = scenario.get_model_file_from_fuel(
        f"{model_name}", False
    assert model_sdf

    assert world.insert_model(model_sdf, core.Pose_identity())
    assert model_name in world.model_names()

    # Insert another model changing its name
    other_model_name = "my_box"
    other_model_pose = core.Pose([3.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0, 0, 0])
    assert world.insert_model(model_sdf, other_model_pose, other_model_name)
    assert other_model_name in world.model_names()

Example #8
    def __init__(self,
                 world: scenario.World,
                 name: str = 'plane',
                 position: List[float] = (0, 0, 0),
                 orientation: List[float] = (1, 0, 0, 0),
                 size: List[float] = (1.0, 1.0),
                 direction: List[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                 collision: bool = True,
                 friction: float = 1.0,
                 visual: bool = True):

        # Get a unique model name
        model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, name)

        # Initial pose
        initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation)

        # Create SDF string for the model
        sdf = \
            f'''<sdf version="1.7">
            <model name="{model_name}">
                <link name="{model_name}_link">
                    <collision name="{model_name}_collision">
                                <normal>{direction[0]} {direction[1]} {direction[2]}</normal>
                                <size>{size[0]} {size[1]}</size>
                                    <fdir1>0 0 0</fdir1>
                    """ if collision else ""
                    <visual name="{model_name}_visual">
                                <normal>{direction[0]} {direction[1]} {direction[2]}</normal>
                                <size>{size[0]} {size[1]}</size>
                            <ambient>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</ambient>
                            <diffuse>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</diffuse>
                            <specular>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</specular>
                    """ if visual else ""

        # Convert it into a file
        sdf_file = misc.string_to_file(sdf)

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(sdf_file,
        if not ok_model:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to insert ' + model_name)

        # Get the model
        model = world.get_model(model_name)

        # Initialize base class
        model_wrapper.ModelWrapper.__init__(self, model=model)
Example #9
def test_model_base_velocity(default_world: Tuple[scenario.GazeboSimulator,

    # Get the simulator and the world
    gazebo, world = default_world

    model_urdf = gym_ignition_models.get_model_file("pendulum")

    # Insert the first pendulum
    model1_name = "pendulum1"
    model1_pose = core.Pose([0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0, 0, 0])
    assert world.insert_model(model_urdf, model1_pose, model1_name)
    model1 = world.get_model(model1_name).to_gazebo()
    assert model1.valid()
    assert model1_name in gazebo.get_world().model_names()
    assert model1.base_frame() == "support"

    # Insert the second pendulum
    model2_name = "pendulum2"
    model2_pose = core.Pose([0, -1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0, 0, 0])
    assert world.insert_model(model_urdf, model2_pose, model2_name)
    model2 = world.get_model(model2_name).to_gazebo()
    assert model2.valid()
    assert model2_name in gazebo.get_world().model_names()
    assert model2.base_frame() == "support"

    # Target velocity
    lin_velocity = [0, 0, 5.0]
    ang_velocity = [0.1, 0.5, -3.0]

    # Reset both linear and angular of pendulum1 by calling the combined method
    assert model1.reset_base_world_velocity(lin_velocity, ang_velocity)
    assert model1.base_world_linear_velocity() == pytest.approx([0, 0, 0])
    assert model1.base_world_angular_velocity() == pytest.approx([0, 0, 0])

    # Reset both linear and angular of pendulum2 by calling the individual method
    assert model2.reset_base_world_linear_velocity(lin_velocity)
    assert model2.reset_base_world_angular_velocity(ang_velocity)
    assert model2.base_world_linear_velocity() == pytest.approx([0, 0, 0])
    assert model2.base_world_angular_velocity() == pytest.approx([0, 0, 0])

    # Run the simulation

    # Check model1 velocity
    assert model1.base_world_linear_velocity() == pytest.approx(lin_velocity,
    assert model1.base_world_angular_velocity() == pytest.approx(ang_velocity,

    # Check model2 velocity
    assert model2.base_world_linear_velocity() == pytest.approx(lin_velocity,
    assert model2.base_world_angular_velocity() == pytest.approx(ang_velocity,

    # The velocity of the base link must be the same
    assert model1.get_link("support").world_linear_velocity() == pytest.approx(
        lin_velocity, abs=0.01)
    assert model1.get_link(
        "support").world_angular_velocity() == pytest.approx(ang_velocity,

    # The velocity of the base link must be the same
    assert model2.get_link("support").world_linear_velocity() == pytest.approx(
        lin_velocity, abs=0.01)
    assert model2.get_link(
        "support").world_angular_velocity() == pytest.approx(ang_velocity,
Example #10
def test_world_api(gazebo: scenario.GazeboSimulator):

    assert gazebo.initialize()
    world = gazebo.get_world()

    gravity = [0, 0, 10.0]
    assert world.set_gravity(gravity)
    assert world.gravity() == pytest.approx(gravity)

    assert len(world.model_names()) == 0

    # Insert a model from an non existent file
    assert not world.insert_model("")

    # Insert first cube with default name and pose
    cube_urdf = utils.get_cube_urdf()
    assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf)
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 1

    default_model_name = scenario.get_model_name_from_sdf(cube_urdf)
    assert default_model_name in world.model_names()
    cube1 = world.get_model(default_model_name)
    # TODO: assert cube1

    assert == default_model_name
    assert cube1.base_position() == pytest.approx([0, 0, 0])
    assert cube1.base_orientation() == pytest.approx([1, 0, 0, 0])

    # Inserting a model with the same name should fail
    assert not world.insert_model(cube_urdf)
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 1

    # Insert second cube with custom name and pose
    custom_model_name = "other_cube"
    assert custom_model_name != default_model_name
    custom_model_pose = core.Pose([1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])

    assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf, custom_model_pose, custom_model_name)
    assert custom_model_name in world.model_names()
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 2

    cube2 = world.get_model(custom_model_name)
    assert cube1 != cube2
    # TODO: assert cube2

    assert == custom_model_name
    assert cube2.base_position() == pytest.approx(custom_model_pose.position)
    assert cube2.base_orientation() == pytest.approx(

    # insert a cube from urdf string
    cube_3_pose = core.Pose([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])
    assert world.insert_model_from_string(utils.get_cube_urdf_string(),
                                          cube_3_pose, "cube3")
    assert "cube3" in world.model_names()

    # insert a cube from sdf string
    cube_4_pose = core.Pose([2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])
    assert world.insert_model_from_string(utils.get_cube_sdf_string(),
                                          cube_4_pose, "cube4")
    assert "cube4" in world.model_names()

    # Remove the first model (requires either a paused or unpaused step)
    assert world.remove_model(default_model_name)
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 4
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 3

    # Without the physics system, the time should not increase
    assert world.time() == 0.0
Example #11
def test_cube_multiple_contacts(gazebo: scenario.GazeboSimulator,
                                get_model_str: Callable):

    assert gazebo.initialize()
    world = gazebo.get_world().to_gazebo()

    # Insert the Physics system
    assert world.set_physics_engine(scenario.PhysicsEngine_dart)

    # Insert the ground plane
    assert world.insert_model(gym_ignition_models.get_model_file("ground_plane"))
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 1

    # Insert two cubes side to side with a 10cm gap
    cube_urdf = misc.string_to_file(get_model_str())
    assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf,
                              core.Pose([0, -0.15, 0.101], [1., 0, 0, 0]),
    assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf,
                              core.Pose([0, 0.15, 0.101], [1., 0, 0, 0]),
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 3

    # Get the cubes
    cube1 = world.get_model("cube1")
    cube2 = world.get_model("cube2")

    # Enable contact detection
    assert not cube1.contacts_enabled()
    assert cube1.enable_contacts(enable=True)
    assert cube1.contacts_enabled()

    # Enable contact detection
    assert not cube2.contacts_enabled()
    assert cube2.enable_contacts(enable=True)
    assert cube2.contacts_enabled()

    # The cubes were inserted floating in the air with a 1mm gap wrt to ground.
    # There should be no contacts.
    assert not cube1.get_link("cube").in_contact()
    assert not cube2.get_link("cube").in_contact()
    assert len(cube1.contacts()) == 0
    assert len(cube2.contacts()) == 0

    # Make the cubes fall for 50ms
    for _ in range(50):

    assert cube1.get_link("cube").in_contact()
    assert cube2.get_link("cube").in_contact()
    assert len(cube1.contacts()) == 1
    assert len(cube2.contacts()) == 1

    # Now we make another cube fall above the gap. It will touch both cubes.
    assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf,
                              core.Pose([0, 0, 0.301], [1., 0, 0, 0]),
    assert len(world.model_names()) == 4

    cube3 = world.get_model("cube3")
    assert not cube3.contacts_enabled()
    assert cube3.enable_contacts(enable=True)
    assert cube3.contacts_enabled()
    assert not cube3.get_link("cube").in_contact()
    assert len(cube3.contacts()) == 0

    # Make the cube fall for 50ms
    for _ in range(50):

    # There will be two contacts, respectively with cube1 and cube2.
    # Contacts are related to the link, not the collision elements. In the case of two
    # collisions elements associated to the same link, contacts are merged together.
    assert cube3.get_link("cube").in_contact()
    assert len(cube3.contacts()) == 2

    contact1 = cube3.contacts()[0]
    contact2 = cube3.contacts()[1]

    assert contact1.body_a == "cube3::cube"
    assert contact2.body_a == "cube3::cube"

    assert contact1.body_b == "cube1::cube"
    assert contact2.body_b == "cube2::cube"

    # Calculate the total contact wrench of cube3
    assert cube3.get_link("cube").contact_wrench() == pytest.approx([0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0],

    # Calculate the total contact force of the cubes below.
    # They will have 1.5 their weight from below and -0.5 from above.
    assert cube1.get_link("cube").contact_wrench()[2] == pytest.approx(50, abs=1.1)
    assert cube1.get_link("cube").contact_wrench()[2] == pytest.approx(50, abs=1.1)

    # Check the normals and the sign of the forces
    for contact in cube2.contacts():
        if contact.body_b == "cube3::cube":
            for point in contact.points:
                assert point.force[2] < 0
                assert point.normal == pytest.approx([0, 0, -1], abs=0.001)
        if contact.body_b == "ground_plane::link":
            for point in contact.points:
                assert point.force[2] > 0
                assert point.normal == pytest.approx([0, 0, 1], abs=0.001)
Example #12
    def __init__(self,
                 world: scenario.World,
                 position: List[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                 orientation: List[float] = (1.0, 0, 0, 0),
                 model_file: str = None):

        # Get a unique model name
        model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, "panda")

        # Initial pose
        initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation)

        # Get the default model description (URDF or SDF) allowing to pass a custom model
        if model_file is None:
            model_file = Panda.get_model_file()

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(model_file,

        if not ok_model:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to insert model")

        # Get the model
        model = world.get_model(model_name)

        # Initial joint configuration
            [0, -0.785,0, -2.356, 0, 1.571, 0.785],
            [name for name in model.joint_names() if "panda_joint" in name])

        # From:
        pid_gains_1000hz = {
            'panda_joint1': scenario.PID(50,    0,  20),
            'panda_joint2': scenario.PID(10000, 0, 500),
            'panda_joint3': scenario.PID(100,   0,  10),
            'panda_joint4': scenario.PID(1000,  0,  50),
            'panda_joint5': scenario.PID(100,   0,  10),
            'panda_joint6': scenario.PID(100,   0,  10),
            'panda_joint7': scenario.PID(10,  0.5, 0.1),
            'panda_finger_joint1': scenario.PID(100, 0, 50),
            'panda_finger_joint2': scenario.PID(100, 0, 50),

        # Check that all joints have gains
        if not set(model.joint_names()) == set(pid_gains_1000hz.keys()):
            raise ValueError("The number of PIDs does not match the number of joints")

        # Set the PID gains
        for joint_name, pid in pid_gains_1000hz.items():

            if not model.get_joint(joint_name).set_pid(pid=pid):
                raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to set the PID of joint '{joint_name}'")

        # Set the default PID update period
        assert model.set_controller_period(1000.0)

        # Initialize base class
    def __init__(self,
                 world: scenario.World,
                 name: str = 'ground',
                 position: List[float] = (0, 0, 0),
                 orientation: List[float] = (1, 0, 0, 0),
                 size: List[float] = (1.0, 1.0),
                 collision_thickness: float = 0.05,
                 friction: float = 5.0,
                 texture_dir: str = None,

        if np_random is None:
            np_random = np.random.default_rng()

        # Get a unique model name
        model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, name)

        # Initial pose
        initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation)

        # Find random PBR texture
        albedo_map = None
        normal_map = None
        roughness_map = None
        metalness_map = None
        if texture_dir is not None:
            # Get list of the available textures
            textures = os.listdir(texture_dir)
            # Keep only texture directories if texture_dir is a git repo (ugly fix)

            # Choose a random texture from these
            random_texture_dir = os.path.join(texture_dir,

            # List all files
            texture_files = os.listdir(random_texture_dir)

            # Extract the appropriate files
            for texture in texture_files:
                texture_lower = texture.lower()
                if 'basecolor' in texture_lower or 'albedo' in texture_lower:
                    albedo_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture)
                elif 'normal' in texture_lower:
                    normal_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture)
                elif 'roughness' in texture_lower:
                    roughness_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture)
                elif 'specular' in texture_lower or 'metalness' in texture_lower:
                    metalness_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture)

        # Create SDF string for the model
        sdf = \
            f'''<sdf version="1.7">
            <model name="{model_name}">
                <link name="{model_name}_link">
                    <collision name="{model_name}_collision">
                        <pose>0 0 {-collision_thickness/2} 0 0 0</pose>
                                <size>{size[0]} {size[1]} {collision_thickness}</size>
                                    <fdir1>0 0 0</fdir1>
                    <visual name="{model_name}_visual">
                                <normal>0 0 1</normal>
                                <size>{size[0]} {size[1]}</size>
                            <ambient>1 1 1 1</ambient>
                            <diffuse>1 1 1 1</diffuse>
                            <specular>1 1 1 1</specular>
                                        % albedo_map if albedo_map is not None else ""}
                                        % normal_map if normal_map is not None else ""}
                                        % roughness_map if roughness_map is not None else ""}
                                        % metalness_map if metalness_map is not None else ""}

        # Convert it into a file
        sdf_file = misc.string_to_file(sdf)

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(sdf_file, initial_pose,
        if not ok_model:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to insert ' + model_name)

        # Get the model
        model = world.get_model(model_name)

        # Initialize base class
        model_wrapper.ModelWrapper.__init__(self, model=model)
Example #14
    def __init__(self,
                 world: scenario.World,
                 name: Union[str, None] = None,
                 position: List[float] = (0, 0, 0),
                 orientation: List[float] = (1, 0, 0, 0),
                 camera_type: str = 'rgbd_camera',
                 width: int = 212,
                 height: int = 120,
                 update_rate: int = 15,
                 horizontal_fov: float = 1.567821,
                 vertical_fov: float = 1.022238,
                 clip_color: List[float] = (0.01, 1000.0),
                 clip_depth: List[float] = (0.01, 10.0),
                 noise_mean: float = None,
                 noise_stddev: float = None,
                 ros2_bridge_color: bool = False,
                 ros2_bridge_depth: bool = False,
                 ros2_bridge_points: bool = False,
                 visibility_mask: int = 2):

        # Get a unique model name
        if name is not None:
            model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, name)
            model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, camera_type)
        self._model_name = model_name

        # Initial pose
        initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation)

        # Create SDF string for the model
        sdf = \
            f'''<sdf version="1.7">
            <model name="{model_name}">
                <link name="{model_name}_link">
                    <sensor name="camera" type="{camera_type}">
                        <camera name="{model_name}_camera">
                            </depth_camera>""" if self.is_rgbd() else ""
                            </noise>""" if noise_mean is not None and noise_stddev is not None else ""

        # Convert it into a file
        sdf_file = misc.string_to_file(sdf)

        # Insert the model
        ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(sdf_file, initial_pose,
        if not ok_model:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to insert ' + model_name)

        # Get the model
        model = world.get_model(model_name)

        # Initialize base class
        model_wrapper.ModelWrapper.__init__(self, model=model)

        if ros2_bridge_color or ros2_bridge_depth or ros2_bridge_points:
            from threading import Thread

            # Note: This unfortunately hinders use of SIGINT

            threads = []
            if ros2_bridge_color:
                thread = Thread(target=self.construct_ros2_bridge,

            if ros2_bridge_depth:
                thread = Thread(target=self.construct_ros2_bridge,

            if ros2_bridge_points:
                thread = Thread(target=self.construct_ros2_bridge,

            for thread in threads: