def __renderScreen(self): """ Display the Game's Main Menu, until a option is selected This is going to need to change the menu needs to be one just for the main screen """ if == True: if self.GameMenu.selection == 0: if self.RunWorld == False: collisionlist = [] self.mainCharacter = Hero("Hero", collisionlist) self.World = WorldScene(self.screen) self.World.addCharacter(self.mainCharacter) self.World.setHero(self.mainCharacter) self.World.setMap("BIG") self.RunWorld = True else: self.World.update()
def __renderScreen(self): """ Display the Game's Main Menu, until a option is selected """ if == True: if self.GameMenu.selection == 0: if self.RunWorld == False: collisionlist = [] # This can be moved out of the render_screen module and to init? self.mainCharacter = Hero("Hero", collisionlist) self.World = WorldScene(self.screen) self.World.addCharacter(self.mainCharacter) self.World.setHero(self.mainCharacter) self.World.setMap("BIG") self.RunWorld = True else: self.World.update()
class Game(object): """Controls Gameplay and main loop""" def __init__(self): self.__initGame() while self.running: self.clock.tick(G["frame_speed"]) pygame.display.set_caption(G["name"] + " FPS: " + str(self.clock.get_fps())) self.__checkEvents() self.__renderScreen() self.__exitGame() def __initGame(self): """ Probably going to be a good idea to move the majority of these configs to a config file ...soon as I create a ini object """ environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.running = True self.fullscreen = False if G["fullscreen"] == True: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((G["screen_width"], G["screen_height"]), pygame.FULLSCREEN, G["color_depth"]) else: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((G["screen_width"], G["screen_height"]), 0, G["color_depth"]) self.fps = self.clock.get_fps() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) self.GameMenu = MainMenu(self.screen) self.RunWorld = False def __checkEvents(self): if self.GameMenu.selection == 0: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.running = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.running = False elif event.key == K_a: self.World.addCharacter(self.mainCharacter) elif event.key == K_c: self.World.removeCharacter(self.mainCharacter) elif event.key == K_LSHIFT: self.mainCharacter.movementspeed += 10 elif event.key in(K_DOWN, K_UP, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT): self.mainCharacter.move_keys.append( self.mainCharacter.direction = (self.mainCharacter.move_keys[-1]) self.mainCharacter.stop = False elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_LSHIFT: self.mainCharacter.movementspeed -= 10 if event.key in(K_DOWN, K_UP, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT): key_id = self.mainCharacter.move_keys.index( del self.mainCharacter.move_keys[key_id] if len(self.mainCharacter.move_keys) != 0: self.mainCharacter.direction = (self.mainCharacter.move_keys[-1]) else: self.mainCharacter.stop = True def __renderScreen(self): """ Display the Game's Main Menu, until a option is selected This is going to need to change the menu needs to be one just for the main screen """ if == True: if self.GameMenu.selection == 0: if self.RunWorld == False: collisionlist = [] self.mainCharacter = Hero("Hero", collisionlist) self.World = WorldScene(self.screen) self.World.addCharacter(self.mainCharacter) self.World.setHero(self.mainCharacter) self.World.setMap("BIG") self.RunWorld = True else: self.World.update() def __exitGame(self): """docstring for __exitGame""" pygame.quit() pass