Example #1
 def nearestSegmentTo(self, point):
     dist = self.lineString.project(shapely.geometry.Point(point))
     # TODO optimize?
     for segment, cumLen in zip(self.segments, self.cumulativeLengths):
         if dist <= cumLen:
     # FYI, could also get here if loop runs to completion due to rounding error
     return (Vector(*segment[0]), Vector(*segment[1]))
Example #2
 def getProperties(self, obj, properties):
     vals = dict(position=obj.position, heading=obj.heading,
                 velocity=Vector(0, 0), speed=0, angularSpeed=0)
     for prop in properties:
         if prop not in vals:
             vals[prop] = None
     return vals
Example #3
	def uniformPointInner(self):
		x, y = self.center
		heading, angle, maxDist = self.heading, self.angle, self.radius
		r = random.triangular(0, maxDist, maxDist)
		ha = angle / 2.0
		t = random.uniform(-ha, ha) + (heading + (math.pi / 2))
		return Vector(x + (r * cos(t)), y + (r * sin(t)))
Example #4
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Get the ith point along this polyline.

		If the region consists of multiple polylines, this order is linear
		along each polyline but arbitrary across different polylines.
        return Vector(*self.points[i])
Example #5
def test_visible_from_point():
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'x = Point at 300@200, with visibleDistance 2\n'
        'ego = Object visible from x'
    for i in range(30):
        scene = sampleScene(scenario, maxIterations=1)
        assert scene.egoObject.position.distanceTo(Vector(300, 200)) <= 2
Example #6
		def sampler(intRegion):
			o = intRegion.regions[1]
			center, radius = o.circumcircle
			possibles = (Vector(*self.kdTree.data[i]) for i in self.kdTree.query_ball_point(center, radius))
			intersection = [p for p in possibles if o.containsPoint(p)]
			if len(intersection) == 0:
				raise RejectionException()
			return self.orient(random.choice(intersection))
Example #7
class Point(Constructible):
    """Implementation of the Scenic class ``Point``.

	The default mutator for `Point` adds Gaussian noise to ``position`` with
	a standard deviation given by the ``positionStdDev`` property.

		position (`Vector`): Position of the point. Default value is the origin.
		visibleDistance (float): Distance for ``can see`` operator. Default value 50.
		width (float): Default value zero (only provided for compatibility with
		  operators that expect an `Object`).
		height (float): Default value zero.
    position: Vector(0, 0)
    width: 0
    height: 0
    visibleDistance: 50

    mutationEnabled: False
    mutator: PropertyDefault({'positionStdDev'}, {'additive'},
                             lambda self: PositionMutator(self.positionStdDev))
    positionStdDev: 1

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.position = toVector(self.position,
                                 f'"position" of {self} not a vector')
        self.corners = (self.position, )
        self.visibleRegion = CircularRegion(self.position,

    def toVector(self):
        return self.position.toVector()

    def canSee(self, other):  # TODO improve approximation?
        for corner in other.corners:
            if self.visibleRegion.containsPoint(corner):
                return True
        return False

    def sampleGiven(self, value):
        sample = super().sampleGiven(value)
        if self.mutationEnabled:
            for mutator in self.mutator:
                if mutator is None:
                sample, proceed = mutator.appliedTo(sample)
                if not proceed:
        return sample

    # Points automatically convert to Vectors when needed
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if hasattr(Vector, attr):
            return getattr(self.toVector(), attr)
            raise AttributeError(
                f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{attr}'")
Example #8
def coerceToVector(thing) -> Vector:
	if isinstance(thing, (tuple, list)):
		l = len(thing)
		if l != 2:
			raise CoercionFailure('expected 2D vector, got '
			                      f'{type(thing).__name__} of length {l}')
		return Vector(*thing)
		return thing.toVector()
Example #9
 def uniformPointInner(self):
     pointA, pointB = random.choices(self.segments,
     interpolation = random.random()
     x, y = averageVectors(pointA, pointB, weight=interpolation)
     if self.orientation is True:
         return OrientedVector(x, y, headingOfSegment(pointA, pointB))
         return self.orient(Vector(x, y))
Example #10
 def uniformPointInner(self):
     triangle, bounds = random.choices(
     minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bounds
     # TODO improve?
     while True:
         x, y = random.uniform(minx, maxx), random.uniform(miny, maxy)
         if triangle.intersects(shapely.geometry.Point(x, y)):
             return self.orient(Vector(x, y))
Example #11
	def __init__(self, position, heading, width, height):
		super().__init__('Rectangle', position, heading, width, height)
		self.position = position.toVector()
		self.heading = heading
		self.width = width
		self.height = height
		self.hw = hw = width / 2
		self.hh = hh = height / 2
		self.radius = hypot(hw, hh)		# circumcircle; for collision detection
		self.corners = tuple(position.offsetRotated(heading, Vector(*offset))
			for offset in ((hw, hh), (-hw, hh), (-hw, -hh), (hw, -hh)))
		self.circumcircle = (self.position, self.radius)
Example #12
def test_visible_from_oriented_point():
    scenario = compileScenic(
        'op = OrientedPoint at 100 @ 200, facing 45 deg,\n'
        '                   with visibleDistance 5, with viewAngle 90 deg\n'
        'ego = Object visible from op')
    base = Vector(100, 200)
    for i in range(30):
        scene, iterations = scenario.generate(maxIterations=1)
        pos = scene.egoObject.position
        assert pos.distanceTo(base) <= 5
        assert pos.x <= base.x
        assert pos.y >= base.y
Example #13
def Beyond(pos, offset, fromPt=None):
	pos = toVector(pos, 'specifier "beyond X by Y" with X not a vector')
	dType = underlyingType(offset)
	if dType is float or dType is int:
		offset = Vector(0, offset)
	elif dType is not Vector:
		raise RuntimeParseError('specifier "beyond X by Y" with Y not a number or vector')
	if fromPt is None:
		fromPt = ego()
	fromPt = toVector(fromPt, 'specifier "beyond X by Y from Z" with Z not a vector')
	lineOfSight = fromPt.angleTo(pos)
	return Specifier('position', pos.offsetRotated(lineOfSight, offset))
Example #14
def Behind(pos, dist=0):
	"""The 'behind X [by Y]' polymorphic specifier.

	Specifies 'position', depending on 'length'. See other dependencies below.

	Allowed forms:
		behind <oriented point> [by <scalar/vector>] -- optionally specifies 'heading';
		behind <vector> [by <scalar/vector>] -- depends on 'heading'.

	If the 'by <scalar/vector>' is omitted, zero is used.
	return leftSpecHelper('behind', pos, dist, 'length', lambda dist: (0, dist),
						  lambda self, dx, dy: Vector(dx, -self.length / 2 - dy))
Example #15
 def __init__(self, position, heading, width, length, name=None):
     super().__init__(name, position, heading, width, length)
     self.position = position.toVector()
     self.heading = heading
     self.width = width
     self.length = length
     self.hw = hw = width / 2
     self.hl = hl = length / 2
     self.radius = hypot(hw, hl)  # circumcircle; for collision detection
     self.corners = tuple(
         position.offsetRotated(heading, Vector(*offset))
         for offset in ((hw, hl), (-hw, hl), (-hw, -hl), (hw, -hl)))
     self.circumcircle = (self.position, self.radius)
Example #16
def RightSpec(pos, dist=0):
	"""The 'right of X [by Y]' polymorphic specifier.

	Specifies 'position', depending on 'width'. See other dependencies below.

	Allowed forms:
		right of <oriented point> [by <scalar/vector>] -- optionally specifies 'heading';
		right of <vector> [by <scalar/vector>] -- depends on 'heading'.

	If the 'by <scalar/vector>' is omitted, zero is used.
	return leftSpecHelper('right of', pos, dist, 'width', lambda dist: (dist, 0),
						  lambda self, dx, dy: Vector(self.width / 2 + dx, dy))
Example #17
def Ahead(pos, dist=0):
	"""The 'ahead of X [by Y]' polymorphic specifier.

	Specifies 'position', depending on 'length'. See other dependencies below.

	Allowed forms:

	* ``ahead of`` <oriented point> [``by`` <scalar/vector>] -- optionally specifies 'heading';
	* ``ahead of`` <vector> [``by`` <scalar/vector>] -- depends on 'heading'.

	If the 'by <scalar/vector>' is omitted, zero is used.
	return leftSpecHelper('ahead of', pos, dist, 'length', lambda dist: (0, dist),
						  lambda self, dx, dy: Vector(dx, self.length / 2 + dy))
Example #18
 def readPropertiesFromWebots(self):
     for obj in self.objects:
         webotsObj = self.webotsObjects[obj]
         # webotsObject
         obj.webotsObject = webotsObj
         # position
         pos = webotsObj.getField('translation').getSFVec3f()
         x, y = utils.webotsToScenicPosition(pos)
         obj.position = Vector(x, y)
         # heading
         rot = webotsObj.getField('rotation').getSFRotation()
         heading = utils.webotsToScenicRotation(rot, tolerance2D=100)
         if heading is None:
             raise RuntimeError(f'{webotsObj} has non-planar orientation!')
         obj.heading = heading
Example #19
class Point(Constructible):
    position: Vector(0, 0)
    width: 0
    height: 0
    visibleDistance: 50

    mutationEnabled: False
    mutator: PropertyDefault({'positionStdDev'}, {'additive'},
                             lambda self: PositionMutator(self.positionStdDev))
    positionStdDev: 1

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.position = toVector(self.position,
                                 f'"position" of {self} not a vector')
        self.corners = (self.position, )
        self.visibleRegion = CircularRegion(self.position,

    def toVector(self):
        return self.position.toVector()

    def canSee(self, other):  # TODO improve approximation?
        for corner in other.corners:
            if self.visibleRegion.containsPoint(corner):
                return True
        return False

    def sampleGiven(self, value):
        sample = super().sampleGiven(value)
        if self.mutationEnabled:
            for mutator in self.mutator:
                if mutator is None:
                sample, proceed = mutator.appliedTo(sample)
                if not proceed:
        return sample

    # Points automatically convert to Vectors when needed
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if hasattr(Vector, attr):
            return getattr(self.toVector(), attr)
            raise AttributeError(
                f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{attr}'")
Example #20
 def segmentsOf(cls, lineString):
     if isinstance(lineString, shapely.geometry.LineString):
         segments = []
         points = list(lineString.coords)
         if len(points) < 2:
             raise RuntimeError('LineString has fewer than 2 points')
         last = Vector(*points[0][:2])
         for point in points[1:]:
             point = point[:2]
             segments.append((last, point))
             last = point
         return segments
     elif isinstance(lineString, shapely.geometry.MultiLineString):
         allSegments = []
         for line in lineString:
         return allSegments
         raise RuntimeError('called segmentsOf on non-linestring')
Example #21
def Beyond(pos, offset, fromPt=None):
	"""The 'beyond X by Y [from Z]' polymorphic specifier.

	Specifies 'position', with no dependencies.

	Allowed forms:
		beyond <vector> by <number> [from <vector>]
		beyond <vector> by <vector> [from <vector>]

	If the 'from <vector>' is omitted, the position of ego is used.
	pos = toVector(pos, 'specifier "beyond X by Y" with X not a vector')
	dType = underlyingType(offset)
	if dType is float or dType is int:
		offset = Vector(0, offset)
	elif dType is not Vector:
		raise RuntimeParseError('specifier "beyond X by Y" with Y not a number or vector')
	if fromPt is None:
		fromPt = ego()
	fromPt = toVector(fromPt, 'specifier "beyond X by Y from Z" with Z not a vector')
	lineOfSight = fromPt.angleTo(pos)
	return Specifier('position', pos.offsetRotated(lineOfSight, offset))
Example #22
 def uniformPointInner(self):
     hw, hh = self.hw, self.hh
     rx = random.uniform(-hw, hw)
     ry = random.uniform(-hh, hh)
     pt = self.position.offsetRotated(self.heading, Vector(rx, ry))
     return self.orient(pt)
Example #23
def Behind(pos, dist=0):
	return leftSpecHelper('behind', pos, dist, 'height', lambda dist: (0, dist),
	                      lambda self, dx, dy: Vector(dx, -self.height / 2 - dy))
Example #24
def Ahead(pos, dist=0):
	return leftSpecHelper('ahead of', pos, dist, 'height', lambda dist: (0, dist),
	                      lambda self, dx, dy: Vector(dx, self.height / 2 + dy))
Example #25
def RightSpec(pos, dist=0):
	return leftSpecHelper('right of', pos, dist, 'width', lambda dist: (dist, 0),
	                      lambda self, dx, dy: Vector(self.width / 2 + dx, dy))
Example #26
def LeftSpec(pos, dist=0):
	return leftSpecHelper('left of', pos, dist, 'width', lambda dist: (dist, 0),
	                      lambda self, dx, dy: Vector(-self.width / 2 - dx, dy))
Example #27
 def applyTo(self, obj, sim):
     vel = Vector(0, self.speed).rotatedBy(obj.heading)
Example #28
 def uniformPointInner(self):
     return self.orient(Vector(*random.choice(self.points)))
Example #29
class Object(OrientedPoint, RotatedRectangle):
    width: 1
    height: 1
    allowCollisions: False
    requireVisible: True
    regionContainedIn: None
    cameraOffset: Vector(0, 0)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer  # TODO improve?
        self.hw = hw = self.width / 2
        self.hh = hh = self.height / 2
        self.radius = hypot(hw, hh)  # circumcircle; for collision detection
        self.inradius = min(hw, hh)  # incircle; for collision detection
        self.left = self.relativePosition(-hw, 0)
        self.right = self.relativePosition(hw, 0)
        self.front = self.relativePosition(0, hh)
        self.back = self.relativePosition(0, -hh)
        self.frontLeft = self.relativePosition(-hw, hh)
        self.frontRight = self.relativePosition(hw, hh)
        self.backLeft = self.relativePosition(-hw, -hh)
        self.backRight = self.relativePosition(hw, -hh)
        self.corners = (self.frontRight.toVector(), self.frontLeft.toVector(),
                        self.backLeft.toVector(), self.backRight.toVector())
        camera = self.position.offsetRotated(self.heading, self.cameraOffset)
        self.visibleRegion = SectorRegion(camera, self.visibleDistance,
                                          self.heading, self.viewAngle)
        self._relations = []

    def show(self, workspace, plt, highlight=False):
        if needsSampling(self):
            raise RuntimeError('tried to show() symbolic Object')
        pos = self.position
        mpos = workspace.langToMapCoords(pos)

        if highlight:
            # Circle around object
            rad = 1.5 * max(self.width, self.height)
            c = plt.Circle(mpos, rad, color='g', fill=False)
            # View cone
            ha = self.viewAngle / 2.0
            camera = self.position.offsetRotated(self.heading,
            cpos = workspace.langToMapCoords(camera)
            for angle in (-ha, ha):
                p = camera.offsetRadially(20, self.heading + angle)
                edge = [cpos, workspace.langToMapCoords(p)]
                x, y = zip(*edge)
                plt.plot(x, y, 'b:')

        corners = [
            workspace.langToMapCoords(corner) for corner in self.corners
        x, y = zip(*corners)
        color = self.color if hasattr(self, 'color') else (1, 0, 0)
        plt.fill(x, y, color=color)
        #plt.plot(x + (x[0],), y + (y[0],), color="g", linewidth=1)

        frontMid = averageVectors(corners[0], corners[1])
        baseTriangle = [frontMid, corners[2], corners[3]]
        triangle = [averageVectors(p, mpos, weight=0.5) for p in baseTriangle]
        x, y = zip(*triangle)
        plt.fill(x, y, "w")
        plt.plot(x + (x[0], ), y + (y[0], ), color="k", linewidth=1)
Example #30
 def uniformPointInner(self):
     x, y = self.center
     r = random.triangular(0, self.radius, self.radius)
     t = random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)
     pt = Vector(x + (r * cos(t)), y + (r * sin(t)))
     return self.orient(pt)