def registered(self, driver, frameworkId, masterInfo): """ Invoked when the scheduler successfully registers with a Mesos master. It is called with the frameworkId, a unique ID generated by the master, and the masterInfo which is information about the master itself. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.registered`. """ self._driver = driver self._framework_id = frameworkId.value self._master_hostname = masterInfo.hostname self._master_port = masterInfo.port'Scale scheduler registered as framework %s with Mesos master at %s:%i', self._framework_id, self._master_hostname, self._master_port) initialize_system() Scheduler.objects.update_master(self._master_hostname, self._master_port) scheduler_mgr.update_from_mesos(self._framework_id, HostAddress(self._master_hostname, self._master_port)) recon_mgr.driver = self._driver # Initial database sync job_type_mgr.sync_with_database() scheduler_mgr.sync_with_database() workspace_mgr.sync_with_database() # Start up background threads self._db_sync_thread = DatabaseSyncThread(self._driver) db_sync_thread = threading.Thread( db_sync_thread.daemon = True db_sync_thread.start() self._recon_thread = ReconciliationThread() recon_thread = threading.Thread( recon_thread.daemon = True recon_thread.start() self._scheduling_thread = SchedulingThread(self._driver, self._framework_id) scheduling_thread = threading.Thread( scheduling_thread.daemon = True scheduling_thread.start() self._task_thread = TaskUpdateThread() task_thread = threading.Thread( task_thread.daemon = True task_thread.start() self._reconcile_running_jobs()
class ScaleScheduler(MesosScheduler): """Mesos scheduler for the Scale framework""" # Warning threshold for normal callbacks (those with no external calls, e.g. database queries) NORMAL_WARN_THRESHOLD = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=5) # Warning threshold for callbacks that include database queries DATABASE_WARN_THRESHOLD = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=100) def __init__(self): """Constructor """ self._driver = None self._framework_id = None self._master_hostname = None self._master_port = None self._db_sync_thread = None self._recon_thread = None self._scheduling_thread = None self._task_thread = None def registered(self, driver, frameworkId, masterInfo): """ Invoked when the scheduler successfully registers with a Mesos master. It is called with the frameworkId, a unique ID generated by the master, and the masterInfo which is information about the master itself. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.registered`. """ self._driver = driver self._framework_id = frameworkId.value self._master_hostname = masterInfo.hostname self._master_port = masterInfo.port'Scale scheduler registered as framework %s with Mesos master at %s:%i', self._framework_id, self._master_hostname, self._master_port) initialize_system() Scheduler.objects.update_master(self._master_hostname, self._master_port) scheduler_mgr.update_from_mesos(self._framework_id, HostAddress(self._master_hostname, self._master_port)) recon_mgr.driver = self._driver # Initial database sync job_type_mgr.sync_with_database() scheduler_mgr.sync_with_database() workspace_mgr.sync_with_database() # Start up background threads self._db_sync_thread = DatabaseSyncThread(self._driver) db_sync_thread = threading.Thread( db_sync_thread.daemon = True db_sync_thread.start() self._recon_thread = ReconciliationThread() recon_thread = threading.Thread( recon_thread.daemon = True recon_thread.start() self._scheduling_thread = SchedulingThread(self._driver, self._framework_id) scheduling_thread = threading.Thread( scheduling_thread.daemon = True scheduling_thread.start() self._task_thread = TaskUpdateThread() task_thread = threading.Thread( task_thread.daemon = True task_thread.start() self._reconcile_running_jobs() def reregistered(self, driver, masterInfo): """ Invoked when the scheduler re-registers with a newly elected Mesos master. This is only called when the scheduler has previously been registered. masterInfo contains information about the newly elected master. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.reregistered`. """ self._driver = driver self._master_hostname = masterInfo.hostname self._master_port = masterInfo.port'Scale scheduler re-registered with Mesos master at %s:%i', self._master_hostname, self._master_port) Scheduler.objects.update_master(self._master_hostname, self._master_port) scheduler_mgr.update_from_mesos(mesos_address=HostAddress(self._master_hostname, self._master_port)) # Update driver for background threads self._db_sync_thread.driver = self._driver recon_mgr.driver = self._driver self._scheduling_thread.driver = self._driver self._reconcile_running_jobs() def disconnected(self, driver): """ Invoked when the scheduler becomes disconnected from the master, e.g. the master fails and another is taking over. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.disconnected`. """ if self._master_hostname: logger.error('Scale scheduler disconnected from the Mesos master at %s:%i', self._master_hostname, self._master_port) else: logger.error('Scale scheduler disconnected from the Mesos master') def resourceOffers(self, driver, offers): """ Invoked when resources have been offered to this framework. A single offer will only contain resources from a single slave. Resources associated with an offer will not be re-offered to _this_ framework until either (a) this framework has rejected those resources (see SchedulerDriver.launchTasks) or (b) those resources have been rescinded (see Scheduler.offerRescinded). Note that resources may be concurrently offered to more than one framework at a time (depending on the allocator being used). In that case, the first framework to launch tasks using those resources will be able to use them while the other frameworks will have those resources rescinded (or if a framework has already launched tasks with those resources then those tasks will fail with a TASK_LOST status and a message saying as much). See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.resourceOffers`. """ started = now() agent_ids = [] resource_offers = [] for offer in offers: offer_id = agent_id = offer.slave_id.value disk = 0 mem = 0 cpus = 0 for resource in offer.resources: if == 'disk': disk = resource.scalar.value elif == 'mem': mem = resource.scalar.value elif == 'cpus': cpus = resource.scalar.value resources = NodeResources(cpus=cpus, mem=mem, disk=disk) agent_ids.append(agent_id) resource_offers.append(ResourceOffer(offer_id, agent_id, resources)) node_mgr.register_agent_ids(agent_ids) offer_mgr.add_new_offers(resource_offers) duration = now() - started msg = 'Scheduler resourceOffers() took %.3f seconds' if duration > ScaleScheduler.NORMAL_WARN_THRESHOLD: logger.warning(msg, duration.total_seconds()) else: logger.debug(msg, duration.total_seconds()) def offerRescinded(self, driver, offerId): """ Invoked when an offer is no longer valid (e.g., the slave was lost or another framework used resources in the offer.) If for whatever reason an offer is never rescinded (e.g., dropped message, failing over framework, etc.), a framwork that attempts to launch tasks using an invalid offer will receive TASK_LOST status updats for those tasks. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.offerRescinded`. """ started = now() offer_id = offerId.value offer_mgr.remove_offers([offer_id]) duration = now() - started msg = 'Scheduler offerRescinded() took %.3f seconds' if duration > ScaleScheduler.NORMAL_WARN_THRESHOLD: logger.warning(msg, duration.total_seconds()) else: logger.debug(msg, duration.total_seconds()) def statusUpdate(self, driver, status): """ Invoked when the status of a task has changed (e.g., a slave is lost and so the task is lost, a task finishes and an executor sends a status update saying so, etc.) Note that returning from this callback acknowledges receipt of this status update. If for whatever reason the scheduler aborts during this callback (or the process exits) another status update will be delivered. Note, however, that this is currently not true if the slave sending the status update is lost or fails during that time. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.statusUpdate`. """ started = now() model = utils.create_task_update_model(status) mesos_status = model.status task_update = TaskStatusUpdate(model, utils.get_status_agent_id(status)) task_id = task_update.task_id if mesos_status == 'TASK_LOST': logger.warning('Status update for task %s: %s', task_id, mesos_status) else:'Status update for task %s: %s', task_id, mesos_status) # Since we have a status update for this task, remove it from reconciliation set recon_mgr.remove_task_id(task_id) # Hand off task update to be saved in the database task_update_mgr.add_task_update(model) if task_id.startswith(CLEANUP_TASK_ID_PREFIX): cleanup_mgr.handle_task_update(task_update) else: job_exe_id = JobExecution.get_job_exe_id(task_id) try: running_job_exe = running_job_mgr.get_job_exe(job_exe_id) if running_job_exe: running_job_exe.task_update(task_update) # Remove finished job execution if running_job_exe.is_finished(): running_job_mgr.remove_job_exe(job_exe_id) cleanup_mgr.add_job_execution(running_job_exe) else: # Scheduler doesn't have any knowledge of this job execution Queue.objects.handle_job_failure(job_exe_id, now(), [], Error.objects.get_builtin_error('scheduler-lost')) except Exception: logger.exception('Error handling status update for job execution: %s', job_exe_id) # Error handling status update, add task so it can be reconciled recon_mgr.add_task_ids([task_id]) duration = now() - started msg = 'Scheduler statusUpdate() took %.3f seconds' if duration > ScaleScheduler.DATABASE_WARN_THRESHOLD: logger.warning(msg, duration.total_seconds()) else: logger.debug(msg, duration.total_seconds()) def frameworkMessage(self, driver, executorId, slaveId, message): """ Invoked when an executor sends a message. These messages are best effort; do not expect a framework message to be retransmitted in any reliable fashion. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.frameworkMessage`. """ started = now() agent_id = slaveId.value node = node_mgr.get_node(agent_id) if node:'Message from %s on host %s: %s', executorId.value, node.hostname, message) else:'Message from %s on agent %s: %s', executorId.value, agent_id, message) duration = now() - started msg = 'Scheduler frameworkMessage() took %.3f seconds' if duration > ScaleScheduler.NORMAL_WARN_THRESHOLD: logger.warning(msg, duration.total_seconds()) else: logger.debug(msg, duration.total_seconds()) def slaveLost(self, driver, slaveId): """ Invoked when a slave has been determined unreachable (e.g., machine failure, network partition.) Most frameworks will need to reschedule any tasks launched on this slave on a new slave. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.slaveLost`. """ started = now() agent_id = slaveId.value node = node_mgr.get_node(agent_id) if node: logger.error('Node lost on host %s', node.hostname) else: logger.error('Node lost on agent %s', agent_id) node_mgr.lost_node(agent_id) offer_mgr.lost_node(agent_id) # Fail job executions that were running on the lost node if node: for running_job_exe in running_job_mgr.get_job_exes_on_node( try: running_job_exe.execution_lost(started) except DatabaseError: logger.exception('Error failing lost job execution: %s', # Error failing execution, add task so it can be reconciled task = running_job_exe.current_task if task: recon_mgr.add_task_ids([]) if running_job_exe.is_finished(): running_job_mgr.remove_job_exe( cleanup_mgr.add_job_execution(running_job_exe) duration = now() - started msg = 'Scheduler slaveLost() took %.3f seconds' if duration > ScaleScheduler.DATABASE_WARN_THRESHOLD: logger.warning(msg, duration.total_seconds()) else: logger.debug(msg, duration.total_seconds()) def executorLost(self, driver, executorId, slaveId, status): """ Invoked when an executor has exited/terminated. Note that any tasks running will have TASK_LOST status updates automatically generated. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.executorLost`. """ started = now() agent_id = slaveId.value node = node_mgr.get_node(agent_id) if node: logger.error('Executor %s lost on host: %s', executorId.value, node.hostname) else: logger.error('Executor %s lost on agent: %s', executorId.value, agent_id) duration = now() - started msg = 'Scheduler executorLost() took %.3f seconds' if duration > ScaleScheduler.NORMAL_WARN_THRESHOLD: logger.warning(msg, duration.total_seconds()) else: logger.debug(msg, duration.total_seconds()) def error(self, driver, message): """ Invoked when there is an unrecoverable error in the scheduler or scheduler driver. The driver will be aborted BEFORE invoking this callback. See documentation for :meth:`mesos_api.mesos.Scheduler.error`. """ logger.error('Unrecoverable error: %s', message) def shutdown(self): """Performs any clean up required by this scheduler implementation. Currently this method just notifies any background threads to break out of their work loops. """'Scheduler shutdown invoked, stopping background threads') self._db_sync_thread.shutdown() self._recon_thread.shutdown() self._scheduling_thread.shutdown() self._task_thread.shutdown() def _reconcile_running_jobs(self): """Looks up all currently running jobs in the database and sets them up to be reconciled with Mesos""" # List of task IDs to reconcile task_ids = [] # Query for job executions that are running job_exes = JobExecution.objects.get_running_job_exes() # Find current task IDs for running executions for job_exe in job_exes: running_job_exe = running_job_mgr.get_job_exe( if running_job_exe: task = running_job_exe.current_task if task: task_ids.append( else: # Fail any executions that the scheduler has lost Queue.objects.handle_job_failure(, now(), [], Error.objects.get_builtin_error('scheduler-lost')) # Send task IDs to reconciliation thread recon_mgr.add_task_ids(task_ids)