def stop(self, confirmation=True): """ Arrête le décompte du temps et le réinitialise, demande une confirmation avant de le faire si confirmation=True """ tps = int( CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "work_time") - self.tps[0] - self.tps[1] / 60) self.on = False rep = True if confirmation: rep = askyesno( title=_("Confirmation"), message=_( "Are you sure you want to give up the current session?")) if rep: self.choose_task.state(["!disabled"]) self.b_go.configure(image=self.im_go) if self.activite.get() == _("Work"): self.stats(tps) self.pomodori.set(0) self.nb_cycles = 0 self.tps = [CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "work_time"), 0] self.temps.configure( text="{0:02}:{1:02}".format(self.tps[0], self.tps[1])) act = _("Work") self.activite.set(act)'timer.pomodoro.TLabel', background=self.background[act], foreground=self.foreground[act])'Pomodoro session interrupted.') else: self.on = True self.affiche() return rep
def stats(self, time=None): """Save stats.""" if time is None: time = CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "work_time") today = task = self.task.get().lower().replace(' ', '_') db = sqlite3.connect(PATH_STATS) cursor = db.cursor() try: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM {} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1'.format( scrub(task))) key, date, work = cursor.fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError: cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE {} (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date INTEGER, work INTEGER)'''.format( scrub(task))) cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO {}(date, work) VALUES (?, ?)'.format(scrub(task)), (today, time)) else: if today != date: cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO {}(date, work) VALUES (?, ?)'.format( scrub(task)), (today, time)) else: # update day's value cursor.execute( 'UPDATE {} SET work=? WHERE id=?'.format(scrub(task)), (work + time, key)) finally: db.commit() db.close()
def affiche(self): if self.on: self.tps[1] -= 1 if self.tps[1] == 0: if self.tps[0] == 0: self.ting() if self.activite.get() == _("Work"): self.pomodori.set(self.pomodori.get() + 1) self.nb_cycles += 1 self.choose_task.state(["!disabled"]) 'Pomodoro: completed work session for task ' + self.task.get()) if self.nb_cycles % 4 == 0: # pause longue self.stats() self.activite.set(_("Rest")) self.tps = [ CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "rest_time"), 0 ] else: # pause courte self.stats() self.activite.set(_("Break")) self.tps = [ CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "break_time"), 0 ] else: self.choose_task.state(["disabled"]) self.activite.set(_("Work")) self.tps = [CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "work_time"), 0] act = self.activite.get()'timer.pomodoro.TLabel', background=self.background[act], foreground=self.foreground[act]) elif self.tps[1] == -1: self.tps[0] -= 1 self.tps[1] = 59 self.temps.configure(text="{0:02}:{1:02}".format(*self.tps)) self.after(1000, self.affiche)
def valide(self): """Update config and return whether the pomodor timer should be stopped.""" old_tpsw = CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "work_time") old_tpsp = CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "break_time") old_tpsr = CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "rest_time") try: tpsw = int(self.travail.get()) except ValueError: # empty entry tpsw = 0 if tpsw == 0: tpsw = old_tpsw try: tpsp = int(self.pause.get()) except ValueError: tpsp = 0 if tpsp == 0: tpsp = old_tpsp try: tpsr = int( except ValueError: tpsr = 0 if tpsr == 0: tpsr = old_tpsr sound, mute = self.sound.get() font_prop = self.font.get_font() font = "{} {}".format(font_prop['family'].replace(' ', '\ '), font_prop['size']) try: legend_rows = int(self.legend_row_nb.get()) except ValueError: legend_rows = 0 if legend_rows == 0: legend_rows = CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "legend_max_height") if not os.path.exists(sound): showerror( _("Error"), _("The file {filepath} does not exists, the old file will be used." ).format(filepath=sound)) sound = CONFIG.get("Pomodoro", "beep") CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "alpha", str(self.opacity.get_opacity())) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "font", font) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "background", CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "foreground", self.fg.get_color()) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "work_time", str(tpsw)) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "work_bg", self.work_bg.get_color()) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "work_fg", self.work_fg.get_color()) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "break_time", str(tpsp)) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "break_bg", self.break_bg.get_color()) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "break_fg", self.break_fg.get_color()) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "rest_time", str(tpsr)) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "rest_bg", self.rest_bg.get_color()) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "rest_fg", self.rest_fg.get_color()) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "beep", sound) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "mute", str(mute)) CONFIG.set("Pomodoro", "legend_max_height", str(legend_rows)) for task, widget in self.tasks.items(): CONFIG.set("PomodoroTasks", task, widget.get_color()) return old_tpsw != tpsw or old_tpsp != tpsp or old_tpsr != old_tpsr
def plot_stats(self): tasks = [t.capitalize() for t in CONFIG.options("PomodoroTasks")] tasks.sort() coul = [CONFIG.get("PomodoroTasks", task) for task in tasks] stats_x = [] stats_y = [] demain = + 1 min_x = demain # récupération des données no_data = True db = sqlite3.connect(PATH_STATS) cursor = db.cursor() for i, task in enumerate(tasks): name = task.lower().replace(' ', '_') try: cursor.execute('SELECT date, work FROM {}'.format(scrub(name))) data = cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.OperationalError: # task was never worked stats_x.append([demain - 1]) stats_y.append(np.array([0])) else: no_data = False x = [] y = [] for date, work in data: x.append(date) y.append(work / 60) min_x = min(x[0], min_x) stats_x.append(x) stats_y.append(y) db.close() # plots xx = np.arange(min_x, demain, dtype=float) yy0 = np.zeros_like(xx) # pour empiler les stats if not no_data: for (i, task), x, y in zip(enumerate(tasks), stats_x, stats_y): yy = np.array([], dtype=int) # comble les trous par des 0 # ainsi, les jours où une tâche n'a pas été travaillée correspondent # à des 0 sur le graph xxx = np.arange(min_x, x[0]) yy = np.concatenate((yy, np.zeros_like(xxx, dtype=int))) for j in range(len(x) - 1): xxx = np.arange(x[j], x[j + 1]) yy = np.concatenate( (yy, [y[j]], np.zeros(len(xxx) - 1, dtype=int))) xxx = np.arange(x[-1], demain) yy = np.concatenate( (yy, [y[-1]], np.zeros(len(xxx) - 1, dtype=int))), yy, bottom=yy0, width=0.8, label=task, color=coul[i]) yy0 += yy'%x')) - 0.5, demain - 0.5)"time (h)"))"date")) rows = CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "legend_max_height", fallback=6) ncol = int(np.ceil(len(tasks) / rows)) lgd =, ncol=ncol, columnspacing=0.7, handlelength=0.9, handletextpad=0.5) try: lgd.set_draggable(True) except AttributeError: lgd.draggable(True) max_y = yy0.max(), max_y + 0.1 * max_y)'x', rotation=70) self.update_idletasks() self.fig.tight_layout() self.figAgg.draw() self.toolbar.push_current() - 30, min_x) - 0.5, demain - 0.5) self.toolbar.push_current() self.figAgg.draw()
def create_content(self, **kw): self.minsize(190, 190) self.on = False # is the timer on? if not CONFIG.options("Tasks"): CONFIG.set("Tasks", _("Work"), CMAP[0]) self._stats = None # --- colors self.background = { _("Work"): CONFIG.get("Pomodoro", "work_bg"), _("Break"): CONFIG.get("Pomodoro", "break_bg"), _("Rest"): CONFIG.get("Pomodoro", "rest_bg") } self.foreground = { _("Work"): CONFIG.get("Pomodoro", "work_fg"), _("Break"): CONFIG.get("Pomodoro", "break_fg"), _("Rest"): CONFIG.get("Pomodoro", "rest_fg") } self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # nombre de séquence de travail effectuées d'affilée (pour # faire des pauses plus longues tous les 4 cycles) self.nb_cycles = 0 self.pomodori = IntVar(self, 0) # --- images self.im_go = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_START) self.im_stop = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_STOP) self.im_tomate = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_POMODORO) self.im_graph = PhotoImage(master=self, file=IM_GRAPH) # --- tasks list tasks_frame = Frame(self, style='pomodoro.TFrame') tasks_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky="wnse") tasks = [t.capitalize() for t in CONFIG.options("PomodoroTasks")] tasks.sort() self.task = StringVar(self, tasks[0]) self.menu_tasks = Menu(tasks_frame, relief='sunken', activeborderwidth=0) self.choose_task = Menubutton(tasks_frame, textvariable=self.task, menu=self.menu_tasks, style='pomodoro.TMenubutton') Label(tasks_frame, text=_("Task: "), style='pomodoro.TLabel', font="TkDefaultFont 12", width=6, anchor="e").pack(side="left", padx=4) self.choose_task.pack(side="right", fill="x", pady=4) # --- display self.tps = [CONFIG.getint("Pomodoro", "work_time"), 0] # time: min, sec self.activite = StringVar(self, _("Work")) self.titre = Label(self, textvariable=self.activite, font='TkDefaultFont 14', style='timer.pomodoro.TLabel', anchor="center") self.titre.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="we", pady=(4, 0), padx=4) self.temps = Label(self, text="{0:02}:{1:02}".format(self.tps[0], self.tps[1]), style='timer.pomodoro.TLabel', anchor="center") self.temps.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="nswe", padx=4) self.aff_pomodori = Label(self, textvariable=self.pomodori, anchor='e', padding=(20, 4, 20, 4), image=self.im_tomate, compound="left", style='timer.pomodoro.TLabel', font='TkDefaultFont 14') self.aff_pomodori.grid(row=2, columnspan=2, sticky="ew", padx=4) # --- buttons self.b_go = Button(self, image=self.im_go, command=self.go, style='pomodoro.TButton') self.b_go.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="ew") self.b_stats = Button(self, image=self.im_graph, command=self.display_stats, style='pomodoro.TButton') self.b_stats.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky="ew") self._corner = Sizegrip(self, style="pomodoro.TSizegrip"), rely=1, anchor='se') # --- bindings self.bind('<3>', lambda e:, e.y_root)) tasks_frame.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self._start_move) tasks_frame.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._stop_move) tasks_frame.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._move) self.titre.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self._start_move) self.titre.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._stop_move) self.titre.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._move) self.temps.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self._start_move) self.temps.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._stop_move) self.temps.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._move) self.b_stats.bind('<Enter>', self._on_enter) self.b_stats.bind('<Leave>', self._on_leave)