def __init__(self, remoteShell, domainAdmin="admin", domain=None): self.remoteShell = remoteShell self.vastoolPath = "/opt/quest/bin/vastool" self.domainAdmin = domainAdmin self.defaultDomain = domain = self.flush = flush.flush( self.create = create.create(, self.defaultDomain) self.delete = delete.delete( self.timesync = timesync.timesync( self.nss = nss.nss( = self.isvas = isvas.isvas( self.list = list.list( self.auth = auth.auth(, self.defaultDomain) self.cache = cache.cache( self.configure = configure.configure( self.configureVas = configureVas.configureVas( self.schema = schema.schema( self.merge = merge.merge( self.unmerge = unmerge.unmerge( self.user = User.user( self.ktutil = ktutil.ktutil( self.load = load.load( self._license = License.License( self.License = self._license.License self.parseLicense = self._license.parseLicense self.compareLicenses = self._license.compareLicenses #self.vasUtilities = vasUtilities.vasUtilities(self.remoteShell) self.unconfigure = unconfigure.unconfigure( self.nssdiag = nssdiag( isinstance(, isinstance(self.flush, flush.flush) isinstance(self.create, create.create) isinstance(self.delete, delete.delete) isinstance(self.timesync, timesync.timesync) isinstance(self.nss, nss.nss) isinstance(, isinstance(self.isvas, isvas.isvas) isinstance(self.list, list.list) isinstance(self.auth, auth.auth) isinstance(self.cache, cache.cache) isinstance(self.configure, configure.configure) isinstance(self.configureVas, configureVas.configureVas) isinstance(self.schema, schema.schema) isinstance(self.merge, merge.merge) isinstance(self.unmerge, unmerge.unmerge) isinstance(self.user, User.user) isinstance(self.ktutil, ktutil.ktutil) isinstance(self.load, load.load) #isinstance(self.vasUtilities, vasUtilities.vasUtilities) isinstance(self.unconfigure, unconfigure.unconfigure) isinstance(self.nssdiag, nssdiag)
def convert_to_schema(rpc_schema): """ Converts an rpc schema to a schema for confluo. Args: rpc_schema: The rpc_schema to convert. Returns: The schema for confluo. """ builder = schema_builder() for column in rpc_schema: builder.add_column(data_type(column.type_id, column.type_size), return schema(
def main(argv): #Pick scaleFactor scaleFactor = 10 #Create Schema (pass type and scale factor) s = schema('TPCH', scaleFactor) #Create query #Test operators : ('select', 'filter', 'join', 'aggregation', 'groupby') #Test mult cols : ('joinc2', 'joinc4') #Test mult joins : ('join2c2', 'join4c2) #Test complex joins : ('join4c8) #Test (un) nest queries : ( 'q2-sub-simple', 'q2-unsub-simple') #Actual queries : ( 'q2-nested', 'q2-unnested') q = query('q2-sub-simple2', scaleFactor) #Create system configuration ('TeslaV100' , 0) # Hardware: ('RI2') # GPU-DB Optimizations: 0 -> No opts, 1 -> mempool, 2 -> cache, 3-> All) c = config('RI2', 0) #Planner p = planner(s, q, c) queryEstimation = p.estimateCost() # Estimate #Print query estimation queryEstimation.printRes() # #Print estimation (For single estimation) # planner.printRes() # Print final estimation # planner.printResVerdose() # Print all estimations # #Forcast query (For multiple estimations with scale factors between 1 and 20) # for i in range (1,20): # #Set new scale factor # schema.setScaleFactor(i) # #Re-estimate # planner.estimateCost() # #Print result # print "Scale factor "+str(i)+" estimation is :"+planner.getEstimation() #Debug msg print "DONE." #Exit normally exit(0)
def boot(self,create_indices=False): self.schema = schema.schema(bootstrap_filenames = self.bootstrap_filenames,in_test_mode=self.in_test_mode) if self.in_test_mode: return # Create a right hand side for literal properties stored in link self.null_node=self.ndb.get_node(0) # Make sure our indices are set up #self.init_indices() self.init_indices(create_indices=create_indices) # Get our bootstrap schema if create_indices: self.schema.load_bootstrap() # First time load self.log.debug(self.schema.errors) else: self.schema.load_from_neodb(self)
def __init__(self, schema_file, directory=""): self.schema = schema(schema_file) self.element_list = self.schema.get_element_list("element","vip_object") self.addresses = self.address_data() if not directory.endswith("/"): #consistency for later file lookups directory += "/" = directory self.dir_list = listdir(directory) self.invalid_files = [] self.missing_files = [] self.valid_files = {} self.invalid_columns = {} self.missing_columns = {} self.valid_columns = {} self.duplicate_columns = {} self.invalid_sections = [] if self.uses_config(): self.validate_with_config() else: self.validate()
def __init__(self, schema_file, directory=""): self.schema = schema(schema_file) self.element_list = self.schema.get_element_list( "element", "vip_object") self.addresses = self.address_data() if not directory.endswith("/"): #consistency for later file lookups directory += "/" = directory self.dir_list = listdir(directory) self.invalid_files = [] self.missing_files = [] self.valid_files = {} self.invalid_columns = {} self.missing_columns = {} self.valid_columns = {} self.duplicate_columns = {} self.invalid_sections = [] if self.uses_config(): self.validate_with_config() else: self.validate()
from schema import schema from seed import seed schema() seed()
def setUpClass(cls): schema(DBPATH) setDB(DBPATH)
import unittest from app.shirt import Shirts import schema from settings import TESTDBPATH import sqlite3 schema.schema(TESTDBPATH) Shirts.dbpath = TESTDBPATH test_shirt = None #python3 -m unittest discover test class TestAccount(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # runs before every test case global test_shirt with sqlite3.connect(Shirts.dbpath) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() SQL = f"DELETE FROM {Shirts.tablename}" cur.execute(SQL) SQL = f"""INSERT INTO {Shirts.tablename}(style, size, color) VALUES ("casual", "L", "green")""" cur.execute(SQL) test_shirt = cur.lastrowid def test_dummy(self): '''if everything is working correctly this will pass''' self.assertTrue(True) def test_all(self): result = Shirts.all() self.assertEqual(len(result), 1, "all func returns list with correct number of elements")
from lxml import etree import MySQLdb as mdb import schema import urllib #This uses individual inserts for each new row for into the database, which is #done due max insert size problems we could run into. Also, I think this will #free up the database for other tasks when doing a large upload fschema = urllib.urlopen("") #fschema = open("schema.xsd") schema = schema.schema(fschema) simpleAddressTypes = schema.get_elements_of_attribute("type", "simpleAddressType") detailAddressTypes = schema.get_elements_of_attribute("type", "detailAddressType") ELEMENT_LIST = schema.get_element_list("element","vip_object") SIMPLECONTENTS = {) for elem in schema.schema["element"][0]["elements"]: for e in elem["elements"]: if "simpleContent" in e: if e["name"] in SIMPLECONTENTS: SIMPLECONTENTS[e["name"]]["parents"].append(elem['name']) else: SIMPLECONTENTS[e["name"]] = {"parents":[elem['name']]} UNBOUNDEDS = {} for elem in schema.schema["element"][0]["elements"]: for e in elem["elements"]: if "maxOccurs" in e and "simpleContent" not in e and e["maxOccurs"] == "unbounded":
def prep_db(self): print("runs 1") counter = 1 while counter < 10: shutil.copyfile( '/home/mbraly/python-for-byte-academy/Final_Project/Website/matapp/my-app/src/output/placeholder.jpg', f'/home/mbraly/python-for-byte-academy/Final_Project/Website/matapp/my-app/src/output/img{counter}.jpg' ) counter += 1 name_counter = 0 counter = 0 schema.schema() name_sim = [] industry_sim = [] while name_counter < len(self.brand_name) - 2: with sqlite3.connect(self.DBPATH) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = """SELECT brand_name FROM logos WHERE brand_name LIKE '%{}%';""".format( self.brand_name[name_counter:name_counter + 2]) cur.execute(sql, ) name_sim = cur.fetchall() name_counter += 1 for i in name_sim: with sqlite3.connect(self.IMG_DBPATH) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = """INSERT INTO brands (brand_name) VALUES (?);""" try: for j in range(1): cur.execute(sql, (i[0], )) counter += 1 except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass if self.industry != "": with sqlite3.connect(self.DBPATH) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = """SELECT brand_name, industry FROM logos WHERE industry LIKE '%{}%';""".format(self.industry) cur.execute(sql, ) industry_sim = cur.fetchall() for i in industry_sim: with sqlite3.connect(self.IMG_DBPATH) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = """INSERT INTO brands (brand_name) VALUES (?)""" try: for j in range(self.MULTIPLIER): cur.execute(sql, (i[0], )) counter += 1 except sqlite3.IntegrityError: pass if counter < self.MAX_FILES: remaining_spots = self.MAX_FILES - counter with sqlite3.connect(self.DBPATH) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() sql = """SELECT brand_name FROM logos ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT {};""".format(remaining_spots) cur.execute(sql, ) rand = cur.fetchall() with sqlite3.connect(self.IMG_DBPATH) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() for i in rand: sql = """INSERT INTO brands (brand_name) VALUES (?);""" cur.execute(sql, (i[0], ))
def setUp(self): """ the setup method must be called setup """ TodoItem.dbpath = DBPATH schema(DBPATH) seed(DBPATH)
except Exception as e: return(str(e)) @app.route('/download', methods=["POST"]) @login_required def download(): """Function which helps to export the bookmarks list.""" if request.method == 'POST': c, conn = connection() c.execute("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE username = (%s)", session['username']) data = c.execute("SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE uid = (%s)", c.fetchone()[0]) # fetching bookmarks for logged in user data = (tuple(a[1:-1] for a in c.fetchall())) # truncating data from list heading = ((('Title', 'URL', 'Timestamp'),)) # adding heading for excel file output = excel.make_response_from_array(heading + data, 'csv') # converting list into csv output.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; \ filename=export.csv" output.headers["Content-type"] = "text/csv" # setting header to download the file return output if __name__ == "__main__": schema() # function for checking databse schema app.secret_key = '12345' # secret key used for hashing # running the instance of the app
def run(): schema() seed()