Example #1
class Stack(Model):
    name = StringType(required=True)

    class_path = StringType(required=True)

    description = StringType(serialize_when_none=False)

    requires = ListType(StringType, serialize_when_none=False)

    locked = BooleanType(default=False)

    enabled = BooleanType(default=True)

    protected = BooleanType(default=False)

    variables = DictType(AnyType, serialize_when_none=False)

    parameters = DictType(AnyType, serialize_when_none=False)

    tags = DictType(StringType, serialize_when_none=False)

    def validate_parameters(self, data, value):
        if value:
            stack_name = data['name']
            raise ValidationError(
                "DEPRECATION: Stack definition %s contains "
                "deprecated 'parameters', rather than 'variables'. You are"
                " required to update your config. See https://stacker.rea"
                "dthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#variables for "
                "additional information." % stack_name)
        return value
class HTTPHelperModel(Model):
        This is the model for the `HTTPHelper` class.
        When using the `HTTPHelper` class there will be the only acceptable values to create state and kick off the
    mock_enable = BooleanType(required=False, default=False)
    mock_status = IntType(required=False, default=None)
    mock_text = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    endpoint = StringType(required=True, default=None)
    auth_data = DictType(BaseType, required=False, default=None)
    auth_type = StringType(required=False, choices=authentication_choices, default=None)
    session_auth_data = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    session_auth_type = StringType(required=False, choices=authentication_choices, default=None)
    body = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    proxy = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    headers = DictType(StringType, required=False, default=None)
    session_headers = DictType(StringType, required=False, default=None)
    query = DictType(StringType, required=False, default=None)
    timeout = IntType(required=False, default=None)
    ssl_verify = BooleanType(required=False, default=True)
    retry_policy = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    request_schematic_validation = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    request_type_validation = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    response_status_code_validation = IntType(required=False, default=None)
    response_type_validation = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    response_schematic_validation = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
Example #3
class Stack(Model):
    name = StringType(required=True)

    class_path = StringType(required=True)

    requires = ListType(StringType, serialize_when_none=False)

    locked = BooleanType(default=False)

    enabled = BooleanType(default=True)

    variables = DictType(AnyType, serialize_when_none=False)

    parameters = DictType(AnyType, serialize_when_none=False)

    tags = DictType(StringType, serialize_when_none=False)

    def validate_parameters(self, data, value):
        if value:
            stack_name = data['name']
            raise ValidationError(
                "Stack definition %s contains deprecated "
                "'parameters', rather than 'variables'. Please "
                "update your config." % stack_name)
        return value
Example #4
class Manifest(Model):
    """ The manifest description. """
    job_mode = StringType(
        required=True, choices=["batch", "online", "instant_delivery"])
    job_api_key = UUIDType(default=uuid.uuid4)
    job_id = UUIDType(default=uuid.uuid4)
    job_total_tasks = IntType()

    requester_restricted_answer_set = DictType(DictType(StringType))
    requester_description = StringType()
    requester_max_repeats = IntType()
    requester_min_repeats = IntType()
    requester_question = DictType(StringType)
    requester_question_example = URLType()
    unsafe_content = BooleanType(default=False)
    task_bid_price = DecimalType(required=True)
    oracle_stake = DecimalType(required=True)
    expiration_date = IntType()
    requester_accuracy_target = FloatType(default=.1)
    manifest_smart_bounty_addr = StringType()
    minimum_trust_server = FloatType(default=.1)
    minimum_trust_client = FloatType(default=.1)
    recording_oracle_addr = StringType(required=True)
    reputation_oracle_addr = StringType(required=True)
    reputation_agent_addr = StringType(required=True)
    requester_pgp_public_key = StringType()

    # Future TODO: replace with KV lookup on recording_oracle_addr
    # NOTE: URLType fails without TLD (examples: http://localhost/,
    #       http://exchange/, etc), so using StringType instead.
    ro_uri = StringType()
    repo_uri = StringType()

    batch_result_delivery_webhook = URLType()
    online_result_delivery_webhook = URLType()
    instant_result_delivery_webhook = URLType()
    request_type = StringType(
            "image_label_binary", "image_label_multiple_choice_one_option",
            "image_label_multiple_choice_multiple_options", "text_free_entry",
    # if taskdata is directly provided
    taskdata = ListType(ModelType(TaskData))  # ListType(DictType(StringType))

    # if taskdata is separately stored
    taskdata_uri = URLType()

    def validate_taskdata_uri(self, data, value):
        if data.get('taskdata') and len(
                data.get('taskdata')) > 0 and data.get('taskdata_uri'):
            raise ValidationError(
                u'Specify only one of taskdata {} or taskdata_uri {}'.format(
                    data.get('taskdata'), data.get('taskdata_uri')))
        return value

    validate_taskdata = validate_taskdata_uri
Example #5
class CloudServiceResponse(BaseResponse):
    match_rules = DictType(ListType(StringType), default={
        '1': ['reference.resource_id', 'provider', 'cloud_service_type', 'cloud_service_group']
    options = DictType(StringType(), default={
        'update_mode': 'MERGE'
    resource_type = StringType(default='inventory.CloudService')
    resource = PolyModelType(CloudServiceResource)
Example #6
class CityHallBidItem(BaseModel):
    public_agency = StringType()
    month = IntType(min_value=1, max_value=12)
    year = IntType(min_value=1873)  # quando Feira virou cidade :)
    description = StringType()
    history = ListType(DictType(StringType))
    codes = StringType()
    modality = StringType()
    session_at = DateTimeType()
    files = ListType(DictType(StringType))
Example #7
class HooksDataYaml(Model):
        Format of the file in [tool.robotpy-build.wrappers."PACKAGENAME"] 

    strip_prefixes = ListType(StringType, default=lambda: [])
    extra_includes = ListType(StringType, default=lambda: [])
    functions = DictType(ModelType(FunctionData), default=lambda: {})
    classes = DictType(ModelType(ClassData), default=lambda: {})
    enums = DictType(ModelType(EnumData), default=lambda: {})
Example #8
class Stack(BaseStack):
    class_path = StringType(serialize_when_none=False)

    template_path = StringType(serialize_when_none=False)

    description = StringType(serialize_when_none=False)

    requires = ListType(StringType, serialize_when_none=False)

    locked = BooleanType(default=False)

    enabled = BooleanType(default=True)

    protected = BooleanType(default=False)

    variables = DictType(AnyType, serialize_when_none=False)

    parameters = DictType(AnyType, serialize_when_none=False)

    tags = DictType(StringType, serialize_when_none=False)

    stack_policy_path = StringType(serialize_when_none=False)

    def validate_class_path(self, data, value):
        if value and data["template_path"]:
            raise ValidationError("template_path cannot be present when "
                                  "class_path is provided.")

    def validate_template_path(self, data, value):
        if value and data["class_path"]:
            raise ValidationError("class_path cannot be present when "
                                  "template_path is provided.")

    def validate_stack_source(self, data):
        # Locked stacks don't actually need a template, since they're
        # read-only.
        if data["locked"]:

        if not (data["class_path"] or data["template_path"]):
            raise ValidationError("class_path or template_path is required.")

    def validate_parameters(self, data, value):
        if value:
            stack_name = data['name']
            raise ValidationError(
                "DEPRECATION: Stack definition %s contains "
                "deprecated 'parameters', rather than 'variables'. You are"
                " required to update your config. See https://stacker.rea"
                "dthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#variables for "
                "additional information." % stack_name)
Example #9
class ResourceMethodInfo(Model):
    http_method = StringType(deserialize_from="httpMethod")
    authorization_type = StringType(deserialize_from="authorizationType")
    authorizer_id = StringType(deserialize_from="authorizerId")
    api_key_required = BooleanType(deserialize_from="apiKeyRequired")
    request_validator_id = StringType(deserialize_from="requestValidatorId")
    operation_name = StringType(deserialize_from="operationName")
    request_parameters = DictType(BooleanType, deserialize_from="requestParameters")
    request_models = DictType(StringType, deserialize_from="requestModels")
    method_responses = ModelType(MethodResponses, deserialize_from="methodResponses")
    method_integration = ModelType(MethodIntegration, deserialize_from="methodIntegration")
    authorization_scopes = ListType(StringType, deserialize_from="authorizationScopes")
Example #10
class ProjectDTO(Model):
    """ Describes JSON of an Project """

    model_id = IntType(serialized_name="modelId")
    created = DateTimeType()
    access = StringType(required=True)
    name = StringType(required=True)
    tags = ListType(DictType(StringType), required=True)
    source = StringType(required=True)
    archived = BooleanType()
    project_url = StringType(serialized_name="projectUrl")
    users = ListType(DictType(StringType), required=False)
    notes = StringType()
Example #11
class WrapperConfig(Model):
        Wrapper configurations specified in pyproject.toml


    # List of extra headers to export
    extra_headers = ListType(StringType, default=[])

    # List of robotpy-build library dependencies
    # .. would be nice to auto-infer this from the python install dependencies
    depends = ListType(StringType, default=[])

    # Download settings

    # Project name
    name = StringType(required=True)

    # Names of contained shared libraries (in loading order). If empty,
    # set to name
    libs = ListType(StringType)

    # Name of artifact to download, if different than name
    artname = StringType(default="")

    # URL to download
    baseurl = StringType(required=True)

    # Version of artifact to download
    version = StringType(required=True)

    # Library extensions map
    libexts = DictType(StringType, default={})

    # Wrapper generation settings

    # Source files to compile
    sources = ListType(StringType, default=[])

    # List of dictionaries: each dictionary key is the function
    # name for the initialization function, the value is the
    # header that is being wrapped
    generate = ListType(DictType(StringType))

    # Path to a data.yml to use during code generation
    generation_data = StringType()
class HTTPHelperRequestModel(Model):
        This is the model for the `HTTPHelperRequestHandler` class.
        When using the `HTTPHelperRequestHandler` class there will be the only acceptable values to create state, This
        state can in turn be used within the HTTPHelper class
    method = StringType(required=True)
    endpoint = StringType(required=True, default=None)
    query = DictType(StringType, default=dict({}))
    headers = DictType(StringType, default=dict({}))
    body = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    auth_data = DictType(BaseType, required=False, default=None)
    auth_type = StringType(required=False, choices=authentication_choices, default=None)
    request_schematic_validation = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
    request_type_validation = BaseType(required=False, default=None)
Example #13
class MethodIntegration(Model):
    type = StringType(deserialize_from="type", choices=("HTTP", "AWS", "MOCK", "HTTP_PROXY", "AWS_PROXY"))
    http_method = StringType(deserialize_from="httpMethod")
    uri = StringType(deserialize_from="uri")
    connection_type = StringType(deserialize_from="connectionType", choices=("INTERNET", "VPC_LINK"))
    connection_id = StringType(deserialize_from="connectionId")
    credentials = StringType(deserialize_from="credentials")
    request_parameters = DictType(StringType, deserialize_from="requestParameters")
    request_templates = DictType(StringType, deserialize_from="requestTemplates")
    passthrough_behavior = StringType(deserialize_from="passthroughBehavior")
    content_handling = StringType(deserialize_from="contentHandling", choices=("CONVERT_TO_BINARY", "CONVERT_TO_TEXT"))
    timeout_in_millis = IntType(deserialize_from="timeoutInMillis")
    cache_namespace = StringType(deserialize_from="cacheNamespace")
    cache_key_parameters = ListType(StringType, deserialize_from="cacheKeyParameters")
    integration_responses = ModelType(IntegrationResponses, deserialize_from="integrationResponses")
Example #14
class AppConfig(Model):
    headless_browser = ModelType(HeadlessBrowserConfig, required=True)
    twit_embed = DictType(StringType)
    download = ModelType(DownloadConfig, required=True)
    postprocess = ModelType(PostProcessConfig)

    def load_from_file(cls, json_file: str):
            with open(json_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as config_file:
                config = cls(json.loads("".join(config_file.readlines())))
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            raise exceptions.TwitsConfigValidationError(
                f"File {json_file} does not found; original error: {e}")
        except Exception as e:
            raise exceptions.TwitsConfigValidationError(
                f"Unexpected error {e}.")
        except ValidationError as e:
            raise exceptions.TwitsConfigValidationError(
                f"File {json_file} can't validated: errors {e}")
        except Exception as e:
            raise exceptions.TwitsConfigValidationError(
                f"Unexpected error {e}.")
        return config
Example #15
class EnumOptionDyField(FieldViewOption):
    items = DictType(PolyModelType([
        StateItemDyField, BadgeItemDyField, ImageItemDyField,
Example #16
class Resource(Model):
    id = StringType(deserialize_from="id")
    parent_id = StringType(deserialize_from="parentId")
    path_part = StringType(deserialize_from="pathPart")
    path = StringType(deserialize_from="path")
    display_methods = ListType(StringType())
    resource_methods = DictType(ModelType(ResourceMethodInfo), deserialize_from="resourceMethods", default={})
Example #17
class NetworkmetadataModel(MetadataModel):
    """Model that describes the expected structure of the network metadata"""

    computational_metadata = DictType(UnionType(types=(StringType, FloatType)),
    directionality = StringType(regex=r"(undirected|directed)", required=True)
    interaction_type = StringType()
Example #18
File: pl.py Project: mlys/gsapi
class Poly(_Model):
    poly = ListType(GeoPtTyp(
    ))  # array of points/locs # boundary of place if an area is involved
    bBox = DictType()  # contain topLat, rightLng, bottomLat, leftLng
    centerPt = GeoPointType(
    )  # LNG,LAT, if this involves a boundary, loc becomes center pt
    centerPtOk = BooleanType()  # empty = unconfirmed
Example #19
class StatusResponse(Model, ExamplesMixin):
    sheep: Dict[str, SheepModel] = DictType(ModelType(SheepModel),

    def get_examples(cls):
        return [
                    "sheep": {
                        "sheep_a": {
                            "running": True,
                            "model": {
                                "name": "OCR model",
                                "version": "1.0.42"
                            "request": "355d7806-daf2-4249-8581-63b5fcf0d335"
                        "sheep_b": {
                            "running": False,
Example #20
class FunctionData(Model):
    class Options:
        serialize_when_none = False

    # If True, don't wrap this
    ignore = BooleanType()

    # Use this code instead of the generated code
    cpp_code = StringType()

    # Docstring for the function
    doc = StringType()

    # If True, prepends an underscore to the python name
    internal = BooleanType()

    # Set this to rename the function
    rename = StringType()

    # Mechanism to override individual parameters
    param_override = DictType(ModelType(ParamData), default=lambda: {})

    no_release_gil = BooleanType()

    buffers = ListType(ModelType(BufferData))
Example #21
class LegacyGazetteItem(BaseModel):
    title = StringType(required=True)
    published_on = StringType(required=False)
    # important info but not available in years like 2010
    date = DateType(required=False)
    details = StringType(required=True)
    files = ListType(DictType(StringType))
Example #22
class GeneralConfig(Model):
    Layout of full database configuration

    databases = DictType(ModelType(DBConfig), str)
    models = ListType(ModelType(DBModelConfig))
Example #23
class imageScanFindingsSummary(Model):
    image_scan_completed_at = DateTimeType(
    vulnerability_source_updated_at = DateTimeType(
    finding_severity_counts = DictType(
        StringType, deserialize_from="findingSeverityCounts")
class BaseField(Model):
    type = StringType(choices=[
        "text", "state", "badge", "list", "dict", "datetime", "image", "enum"
    options = PolyModelType([Model, DictType(PolyModelType(Model))],
class SearchField(BaseDynamicSearch):
    enums = DictType(ModelType(SearchEnumField), serialize_when_none=False)
    reference = StringType(serialize_when_none=False)

    def set(cls, name='', key='', data_type=None, enums=None, reference=None):
        return_dic = {
            'name': name,
            'key': key

        if data_type is not None:
            return_dic.update({'data_type': data_type})

        if reference is not None:
            return_dic.update({'reference': reference})

        if enums is not None:
            convert_enums = {}
            for enum_key in enums:
                enum_v = enums[enum_key]
                convert_enums[enum_key] = SearchEnumField.set_field(**enum_v)

                'enums': convert_enums

        return cls(return_dic)
Example #26
class GazetteItem(BaseModel):
    date = DateType()
    power = StringType(required=True)
    year_and_edition = StringType(required=True)
    events = ListType(DictType(StringType), required=True)
    file_urls = ListType(StringType, required=True)
    file_content = StringType()
Example #27
class DocumentModel(Model):

    document_hash = StringType()
    template_id = StringType()
    requester_email = StringType()
    title = StringType()
    subject = StringType()
    message = StringType()
    iframe = StringType()
    is_draft = BoolIntType()
    is_template = BoolIntType()
    is_completed = BoolIntType()
    is_archived = BoolIntType()
    is_deleted = BoolIntType()
    is_trashed = BoolIntType()
    is_cancelled = BoolIntType()
    embedded = BoolIntType()
    in_person = BoolIntType()
    permission = RangedIntType(min_value=0, max_value=2)
    use_signer_order = BoolIntType()
    reminders = BoolIntType()
    require_all_signers = BoolIntType()
    redirect = StringType()
    redirect_decline = StringType()
    client = StringType()
    created = TimestampType()
    expires = TimestampType()
    meta = DictType(StringType)
    embedded_signing_enabled = BoolIntType()

    class Options:
        serialize_when_none = False
Example #28
class DistrictsListSchema(Model):
    """Validating schema for districts list."""
    class DistrictSchema(Model):
        """Validating schema for district record config."""
        name = StringType(required=True)
        stations = ListType(StringType, required=True)

    class RegionSchema(Model):
        """Validating schema for region record config."""
        state = StringType()
        county = StringType()
        parish = StringType()

    election = ElectionIdType(required=True)
    districts = DictType(ModelType(DistrictSchema))
    regions = DictType(ModelType(RegionSchema))
Example #29
class TaskDataEntry(Model):
    Taskdata file format:

        "task_key": "407fdd93-687a-46bb-b578-89eb96b4109d",
        "datapoint_uri": "https://domain.com/file1.jpg",
        "datapoint_hash": "f4acbe8562907183a484498ba901bfe5c5503aaa"
        "task_key": "20bd4f3e-4518-4602-b67a-1d8dfabcce0c",
        "datapoint_uri": "https://domain.com/file2.jpg",
        "datapoint_hash": "f4acbe8562907183a484498ba901bfe5c5503aaa"
    task_key = UUIDType()
    datapoint_uri = URLType(required=True, min_length=10)
    datapoint_hash = StringType()
    metadata = DictType(UnionType(
        [StringType(required=False, max_length=256), FloatType, IntType]),

    def validate_metadata(self, data, value):
        if len(str(value)) > 1024:
            raise ValidationError("metadata should be < 1024")
        return value
Example #30
class Error(Model):
    type = ErrorType(required=True)
    sub_type = ErrorSubType()
    message = StringType(required=True)
    data = DictType(StringType(), default=None)

    def unsupported_country():
        return Error({
            'type': ErrorType.INVALID_CHECK_INPUT,
            'sub_type': ErrorSubType.UNSUPPORTED_COUNTRY,
            'message': 'Country not supported.',

    def missing_required_field(field: str):
        return Error({
            'type': ErrorType.MISSING_CHECK_INPUT,
            'data': {
                'field': field,
            'message': f'Missing required field ({field})',

    class Options:
        export_level = NOT_NONE