Example #1
def test_project(data, dtype):
    # get b indices
    b_idx = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], 10)
    # get remaining indices (for a)
    a_idx = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(data.shape[0]), b_idx)
    # split data
    data_csr = data.tocsr()
    a_data = data_csr[a_idx].tocoo()
    b_data = data_csr[b_idx].tocoo()

    # setup model for a_data
    a_model = scHPF(5, dtype=dtype)
    bp = a_model.bp

    #project b_model
    b_model = a_model.project(b_data)
    # check genes frozen
    assert_equal(b_model.eta, a_model.eta)
    assert_equal(b_model.beta, a_model.beta)
    # check cells different
    assert_equal(a_model.ncells, a_data.shape[0])
    assert_equal(b_model.ncells, b_data.shape[0])
    # check bp unchanged
    assert_equal(b_model.bp, bp)

    # check bp updates when we want
    c_model = a_model.project(b_data, recalc_bp=True)
    assert c_model.bp != bp
Example #2
def test_combine_across_cells(data, dtype):
    # get b indices
    b_ixs = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], 10, replace=False)
    # get a indices (remaining)
    a_ixs = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(data.shape[0]), b_ixs)
    # split data
    data_csr = data.tocsr()
    a_data = data_csr[a_ixs].tocoo()
    b_data = data_csr[b_ixs].tocoo()

    # setup model for a_data
    a = scHPF(5, dtype=dtype)
    # setup model for b_data w/same dp, eta, beta
    b = scHPF(5, dtype=dtype, dp=a.dp, eta=a.eta, beta=a.beta)
    b._initialize(b_data, freeze_genes=True)

    ab = combine_across_cells(a, b, b_ixs)

    # check bp is None since it is different across the two models
    assert_equal(ab.bp, None)
    # check a locals where they should be in xi and eta
    assert_array_equal(ab.xi.vi_shape[a_ixs], a.xi.vi_shape)
    assert_array_equal(ab.xi.vi_rate[a_ixs], a.xi.vi_rate)
    assert_array_equal(ab.theta.vi_shape[a_ixs], a.theta.vi_shape)
    assert_array_equal(ab.theta.vi_rate[a_ixs], a.theta.vi_rate)

    # check b locals where they should be in xi and eta
    assert_array_equal(ab.xi.vi_shape[b_ixs], b.xi.vi_shape)
    assert_array_equal(ab.xi.vi_rate[b_ixs], b.xi.vi_rate)
    assert_array_equal(ab.theta.vi_shape[b_ixs], b.theta.vi_shape)
    assert_array_equal(ab.theta.vi_rate[b_ixs], b.theta.vi_rate)

    # check globals unchanged
    assert_equal(ab.eta, a.eta)
    assert_equal(ab.eta, b.eta)
    assert_equal(ab.beta, a.beta)
    assert_equal(ab.beta, b.beta)
Example #3
def model_uninit(request):
    model = scHPF(N_FACTORS, dtype=request.param)
    return model
Example #4
def projection_loss_function(loss_function, X, nfactors,
        model_kwargs={}, proj_kwargs={}):
    """ Project new data onto an existing model and calculate loss from it

    loss_function : function
        the loss function to use on the projected data
    X : coo_matrix
        Data to project onto the existing model.  Can have an arbitrary number
        of rows (cells) > 0, but must have the same number of columns (genes)
        as the existing model
    nfactors : int
        Number of factors in model
    model_kwargs : dict, optional
        additional keyword arguments for scHPF()
    proj_kwargs : dict, optional
        additional keyword arguments for scHPF.project(). By default,

    projection_loss_function : function
        A function which takes `a`, `ap`, `bp`, `c`, `cp`, `dp`, `eta`, and
        `beta` for an scHPF model, projects a fixed dataset onto it, and takes
        the loss (using a fixed function) with respect to both the model and
        the data's projection.

    # have to do import here to avoid issue with files importing each other
    from schpf import scHPF

    # make the model used for projection
    pmodel = scHPF(nfactors=nfactors, **model_kwargs)

    # actual loss function for data
    def _projection_loss_function(*, a, ap, bp, c, cp, dp, eta, beta, **kwargs):
        assert eta.dims[0] == beta.dims[0]
        assert beta.dims[1] == nfactors

        pmodel.a = a
        pmodel.ap = ap
        pmodel.bp = bp
        pmodel.c = c
        pmodel.cp = cp
        pmodel.dp = dp
        pmodel.eta = eta
        pmodel.beta = beta

        # defaults if not given
        if 'reinit' not in proj_kwargs: prj_kwargs['reinit'] = False
        if 'max_iter' not in proj_kwargs: proj_kwargs['max_iter'] = 10
        if 'min_iter' not in proj_kwargs: proj_kwargs['min_iter'] = 10
        if 'check_freq' not in proj_kwargs:
            proj_kwargs['check_freq'] = proj_kwargs['max_iter'] + 1

        # do the projection
        pmodel.project(X, replace=True, **proj_kwargs)

        # calculate loss
        return loss_function(X, a=pmodel.a, ap=pmodel.ap, bp=pmodel.bp,
                c=pmodel.c, cp=pmodel.cp, dp=pmodel.dp, xi=pmodel.xi,
                eta=pmodel.eta, theta=pmodel.theta, beta=pmodel.beta)

    return _projection_loss_function