Example #1
 def index_exe(self):
     """ Which source file to use for index page
     if len(self.index_exes) == 1:
         return self.index_exes[0]
         return os.path.join(get_sk_exe_dir(), "workflow", "notebook_rules",
Example #2
def detect_snakemake_progress(line, quiet=False):
    ntbd_match = re.match(".*Nothing to be done..*", line)
    job_match = re.match("^Job .*: (.*)$",line)
    if ntbd_match:
        warn("sk: Nothing to be done")
    elif job_match:
        # sanitize system index.Rmd path
        job_msg = job_match.groups()[0].replace(get_sk_exe_dir(),"system's ")
        if job_msg[0] ==' ' and quiet:
        warn("sk: " + job_msg)
def main():
    yaml = YAML(typ="rt")
    skconfig = ScikickConfig()

    # get tab strucutre
    tabs = get_tabs(skconfig)
    site_yaml_files = skconfig.get_site_yaml_files()

    giturl = git_repo_url()
    if giturl != '.':
        # get git repo url
        nav_more = {"text": "More", \
            "menu": [{"text" : "Git Repository", "href" : giturl}]}
        nav_more = {}

    # translating the desired layout (get_tabs) to _site.yml format
    for site_yaml_file in site_yaml_files:
        nav_left = list()
        # path from the site yaml to the output root
        path_to_root = relpath(join(skconfig.report_dir,'out_md'),start=dirname(site_yaml_file))
        for tab, items in tabs.items():
            human_text = clean_name(tab)
            # if first value is the key, this is a file
            tabisfile = basename(items[0]) == tab
            if tabisfile:
                path_from_site_to_html = join(path_to_root,items[0])
                this_item = {"text": human_text, "href": "%s.html" % path_from_site_to_html}
                this_item = {"text": human_text, "menu":[]} 
                for item in items:
                    path_from_site_to_html = join(path_to_root,item)
                    sub_item = {"text": clean_name(basename(item)), "href": "%s.html" % path_from_site_to_html}

        site_yaml= { "navbar": {"title": clean_name(basename(getcwd())), \
                "left": nav_left}} 

        if nav_more != {}:
            site_yaml["navbar"]["right"] = [nav_more]

        if 'output' in skconfig.config.keys():
            output_yaml = skconfig.config
            # TODO merge with scikick.yml
            output_yaml = yaml.load(open(join(get_sk_exe_dir(),"workflow/site_rules/default_output.yml"),"r")) 
            output_yaml['output']['rmarkdown::html_document']['pandoc_args'] = '--resource-path=.:' + path_to_root + '/../../'

        yaml.indent(sequence=4, mapping=4, offset=0)
        yaml.dump(site_yaml, open(site_yaml_file, "w"))
Example #4
def rm(files, deps):
    """ Delete files and dependencies from them
    files - page file list
    deps - dependency file list
    if deps is None:
        deps = list()
    ymli = yaml_in(need_pages=True)
    for fname in files:
        # check if rmd included
        if fname not in ymli['analysis'].keys():
            warn(f"sk: Warning: File {fname} not included")
        # delete script entry if no dependencies specified
        if len(deps) == 0:
            del ymli['analysis'][fname]
            warn(f"sk: {fname} removed")
            # Check if fname was a dependency for other scripts
            for val in ymli['analysis'].values():
                if val is not None:
                    if fname in val:
                            f"sk: Warning: {fname} is still a dependency of other scripts"
                            f"sk:   Use sk del -d {fname} <script> to change this"
        # delete only deps if deps specified
            if ymli['analysis'][fname] is None:
                warn(f"sk: Warning: File {fname} has no dependencies")
            for dep in deps:
                if dep in ymli['analysis'][fname]:
                    warn(f"sk: dependency {dep} removed from {fname}")
                    warn(f"sk: no dependency {dep} found for {fname}")
                if len((ymli['analysis'][fname])) == 0:
                    ymli['analysis'][fname] = None
        if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] == "index":
            index_list = get_indexes(ymli)
            if len(index_list) == 0:
                warn(f"sk: Using system template index.Rmd as homepage")
                    os.path.join(get_sk_exe_dir(), "workflow",
                                 "notebook_rules", "index.Rmd"), None)
            elif len(index_list) == 1:
                os.utime(index_list[0], None)
Example #5
def init_yaml():
    """Create an initial scikick.yml config file and update the project scikick
    template_yaml_path = os.path.join(get_sk_exe_dir(), 'usr/scikick.yml')
    project_dir = os.getcwd()
    proj_yaml_path = os.path.join(project_dir, "scikick.yml")
    yml_loader = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
    if os.path.exists(proj_yaml_path): 
        warn("sk: File scikick.yml already exists, adding current scikick version")
        yml_out = yml_loader.load(open(proj_yaml_path, "r"))
        warn("sk: Importing template analysis configuration file")
        yml_out = yml_loader.load(open(template_yaml_path, "r"))
    yml_out = add_version_info(yml_out)
    warn("sk: Writing to scikick.yml") 
    yml_loader.dump(yml_out, open(proj_yaml_path,"w"))
Example #6
def run_demo_stage1():
    print_demo("A demo project will be used to demonstrate some features of scikick.")
    print_demo("----------  Starting a New Project  ----------")
    print_demo("A new scikick project can be initialized with sk init which will:")
    print_demo("check some software dependencies,")
    print_demo("add the scikick.yml config file (-y),")
    print_demo("and make some useful directories (-d).")

    print_exec("sk init -yd")
    # copy the files
    demo_templatedir = os.path.join(get_sk_exe_dir(), "demo")
    for f in ["generate.Rmd", "PCA.Rmd", "analysis_config.txt", \
        "PC_score_statistics.Rmd", "index.Rmd"]:
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(demo_templatedir, f), os.path.join("code", f))
    print_demo("Demo project has been initialized.")
    print_demo("Run sk init --demo again to continue.")
Example #7
def init_git():
    """Add certain entries to .gitignore"""
    usr_dir = os.path.join(get_sk_exe_dir(), 'usr')
    gitignore = ".gitignore"
    anything_appended = False
    if copy_file(os.path.join(usr_dir, gitignore), \
        warn("sk: File .gitignore created")
        existing_gitignore = open(gitignore, 'r').readlines()
        template_gitignore = open(os.path.join(usr_dir, \
            gitignore), 'r').readlines()
        append_existing = open(gitignore, "a")
        for ignore_entry in template_gitignore:
            if ignore_entry.strip() not in map(str.strip, \
                warn("sk: Added \'%s\' to .gitignore" % \
                anything_appended = True
        if not anything_appended:
            warn("sk: .gitignore already has all the required entries")
Example #8
def add_check(fname, ymli, force, deps):
    """Performs a check if fname can be added to scikick.yml as a key"""
    pages = ymli["analysis"].keys()
    if fname in pages:
        warn(f"sk: Found existing entry for {fname}")
        return False
    # filenames cannot currently have wildcard symbols
    if True in [i in fname for i in wildcard_symbols]:
            f"sk: Error: Filename ({fname}) cannot have wildcard symbols ({' '.join(wildcard_symbols)})"
        return False
        # check if the file extension is supported
    fext = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1]
    if fext.lower() == ".ipynb":
            "sk: Warning: .ipynb use in Scikick is experimental and requires installation of jupyter"
    f_exe_support = fext.lower() in [x.lower() for x in supported_extensions]
    if not f_exe_support:
        extension_list_str = ', '.join(supported_extensions)
        warn("sk: Error: Only %s files can be added as pages (%s)" % \
            (extension_list_str, fname))
        return False
    # error if the directory doesn't exist
    dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
    if dirname != "":
        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
            reterr(f"sk: Error: Directory {dirname} does not exist.")
    # create the file if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.isfile(fname):
        warn(f"sk: Warning: File {fname} doesn't exist")
        warn(f"sk: Creating new file {fname}")
        open(fname, "a").close()
    if fname not in pages:
        # Check for other files with same basename (and therefore same md output file)
        fname_base = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
        page_basenames = map(lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[0], pages)
        page_basename_exists = fname_base in page_basenames
        if page_basename_exists:
                f"sk: Error: Page {fname_base} is already to be compiled from another file."
            return False
        # check for "index.Rmd"s
        index_list = get_indexes(ymli)
        if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] == "index":
            if len(index_list) == 0:
                    f"sk: An index file {fname} has been added and will be used as the homepage"
                # touch the added index file to ensure execution
                os.utime(fname, None)
            elif len(index_list) == 1:
                if not force:
                    reterr(f"sk: Error: An index file {index_list[0]} already exists\n" + \
                        "sk: Error: An additional one can be added, but neither will be used as a homepage\n" + \
                        f"sk: Error: To persist, use 'sk add --force {fname}'")
                        f"sk: Warning: A redundant index file has been added\n"
                        "sk: Warning: Neither of the added index files will be used as a homepage"
                        os.path.join(get_sk_exe_dir(), "workflow",
                                     "notebook_rules", "index.Rmd"), None)
            elif len(index_list) > 1:
                    f"sk: Warning: A redundant index file has been added\n" +
                    "sk: Warning: Neither of the added index files will be used as a homepage"
    return True
Example #9
def run_snakemake(snakefile=get_sk_snakefile(), workdir=os.getcwd(), \
    verbose=False, dryrun=False, snakeargs=None, rmds=[], quiet=False):
    """Run snakemake with specified arguments
    snakefile -- string (path to the main snakefile)
    workdir -- string
    verbose -- bool
    dryrun -- bool
    snakeargs -- list (list of additional arguments to snakemake)
    rmds -- string rmd who's output should be targetted
    exe_dir = get_sk_exe_dir()
    loghandler = os.path.join(exe_dir, 'workflow/loghandler.py')

    skconf = ScikickConfig()
    yml = skconf.config

    # logfile created by snakemake

    ### Construct call to snakemake
    # before 'snakemake'
    env_vars = f'SINGULARITY_BINDPATH="{exe_dir}"'
    # after 'snakemake'
    snakemake_args = ""
    snakemake_args += f" --snakefile {snakefile}"
    snakemake_args += f" --directory '{workdir}'"
    snakemake_args += " --cores 1"
    snakemake_args += f" --log-handler-script {loghandler}"

    # Translate Rmd script to HTML target 
    # TODO - factor out
    # TODO - move this to sk_run as an additional snake_arg
    # to reduce skconfig read ins
    target_arg = ""
    if len(rmds) > 0:
        for rmd in rmds:

            # Try to add rmd if it is not in scikick.yml
            if yml['analysis'] is None:
                rmd_found = False
            elif rmd not in yml["analysis"].keys():
                rmd_found = False
                rmd_found = True
            if not rmd_found:
                warn(f"sk: Warning: {rmd} was not found in scikick.yml")
                if os.path.exists(rmd):
                    # Must reload or modify the yml since it changed
                    skconf = ScikickConfig()
                    yml = skconf.config
                    warn(f"sk: Warning: Will not try to add non-existing file {rmd}")
                    return 0

            # Set target. Index file is treated differently
            index_rmds = get_indexes(yml)
            if (len(index_rmds) == 1) and (index_rmds[0] == rmd):
                target_arg += " " + os.path.join(yml["reportdir"], \
                    "out_html", "index.html")
                target_arg += " " + os.path.join(yml["reportdir"], \
                    "out_html", os.path.splitext(rmd)[0] + ".html")

    # set more snakemake arguments
    if dryrun:
        snakemake_args += " --dry-run"
    # Add user defined snakemake arguments
    if snakeargs is not None:
        snakemake_args += f" {snakeargs}"
    if 'snakemake_args' in yml.keys() and yml['snakemake_args'] is not None:
        warn("sk: Warning: snakemake_args is deprecated")
        snakemake_args += f" {' '.join(yml['snakemake_args'])}"
    # add the implied targets (html of Rmd)
    snakemake_args += f" {target_arg}"
    # Check for a user defined snakefile (imported by scikick Snakefile)
    user_snakefile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Snakefile")
    if os.path.isfile(user_snakefile):
        warn("sk: Including Snakefile found in project directory")
    ### Execution
    if verbose:
        warn("sk: Starting snakemake")
        cmd = f"{env_vars} snakemake {snakemake_args}"
        sys.exit(subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True))
        snake_p = subprocess.Popen(f"snakemake {snakemake_args}", \
            shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        sm_err = 0
        page_err = 0
        while True:
            line = snake_p.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8')
            if not line:
            # Capture logs

            # Report progress
            page_err = detect_page_error(line) or page_err

            # In case of snakemake error start writing stderr
            sm_err += detect_snakemake_error(line)
            if sm_err:

            logfile_name_match = re.match("^SK INTERNAL: logfile (.*)$", line)
            if logfile_name_match is not None:
                # Use the first found match
                if snake_logfile == "":
                    snake_logfile = logfile_name_match.groups()[0]
        if snake_p.returncode != 0:
            if not page_err:
                warn("sk: Error: Snakemake returned a non-zero return code")
                if not sm_err:
                    warn("sk: Warning: scikick was unable to find snakemake error in logs, dumping stderr...")
                    for line in logs:
                    return snake_p.returncode
            if not os.path.exists(skconf.homepage):
                warn(f"sk: Warning: Expected homepage {skconf.homepage} is missing")
        if snake_logfile != "":
            if snake_p.returncode!=0:
                warn(f"sk: Complete log: {rellog}")
        return snake_p.returncode
Example #10
import sys
import glob

# Workflow variables

# import the scikick.yml config file
skconfig = ScikickConfig(need_pages=False)  # no pages means empty site

# Getting properties
report_dir = skconfig.report_dir  # directories
data_parent = "output"

# scikick system files
exe_dir = get_sk_exe_dir()
workflow_dir = os.path.join(exe_dir, "workflow")
snake_src = get_sk_snakefile()
generate_html_exe = os.path.join(workflow_dir, "site_rules",

# Add on experimental workflows for explicit usage only
snake_includes = glob.glob(
    os.path.join(workflow_dir, "experimental_rules") + "/*.smk")

# Converting scikick config to I/O deps
# for the snakemake rules

# Depending on upstream exes' resulting 'md'