Example #1
    def test_pinv(self):
        """test pinv"""

        # construct non-operator tensor train
        cores = [self.cores[i][:, :, 0:1, :] for i in range(self.order)]
        t = TT(cores)

        # compute pseudoinverse
        t_pinv = TT.pinv(t, self.order - 1)

        # matricize tensor trains
        t = t.full().reshape([np.prod(self.row_dims[:-1]), self.row_dims[-1]])
        t_pinv = t_pinv.full().reshape(
            [np.prod(self.row_dims[:-1]), self.row_dims[-1]]).transpose()

        # compute relative errors
        rel_err_1 = np.linalg.norm(t.dot(t_pinv).dot(t) -
                                   t) / np.linalg.norm(t)
        rel_err_2 = np.linalg.norm(t_pinv.dot(t).dot(t_pinv) -
                                   t_pinv) / np.linalg.norm(t_pinv)
        rel_err_3 = np.linalg.norm((t.dot(t_pinv)).transpose() -
                                   t.dot(t_pinv)) / np.linalg.norm(
        rel_err_4 = np.linalg.norm((t_pinv.dot(t)).transpose() -
                                   t_pinv.dot(t)) / np.linalg.norm(

        # check if relative errors are smaller than tolerance
        self.assertLess(rel_err_1, self.tol)
        self.assertLess(rel_err_2, self.tol)
        self.assertLess(rel_err_3, self.tol)
        self.assertLess(rel_err_4, self.tol)
Example #2
def mandy_fm(x, y, psi, threshold=0, add_one=True):
    """Multidimensional Approximation of Nonlinear Dynamics (MANDy)

    Function-major approach for construction of the tensor train xi. See [1]_ for details.

    x: ndarray
        snapshot matrix of size d x m (e.g., coordinates)
    y: ndarray
        corresponding snapshot matrix of size d x m (e.g., derivatives)
    psi: list of lambda functions
        list of basis functions
    threshold: float, optional
        threshold for SVDs, default is 0
    add_one: bool, optional
        whether to add the basis function 1 to the cores or not, default is True

    xi: instance of TT class
        tensor train of coefficients for chosen basis functions

    .. [1] P. Gelß, S. Klus, J. Eisert, C. Schütte, "Multidimensional Approximation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems",
           arXiv:1809.02448, 2018

    # parameters
    d = x.shape[0]
    m = x.shape[1]
    p = len(psi)

    # define cores as empty arrays
    cores = [np.zeros([1, d + add_one, 1, m])
             ] + [np.zeros([m, d + add_one, 1, m]) for _ in range(1, p)]

    # insert elements of first core
    if add_one is True:
        for j in range(m):
            cores[0][0, 0, 0, j] = 1
            cores[0][0, 1:, 0,
                     j] = np.array([psi[0](x[k, j]) for k in range(d)])
        for j in range(m):
            cores[0][0, :, 0,
                     j] = np.array([psi[0](x[k, j]) for k in range(d)])

    # insert elements of subsequent cores
    for i in range(1, p):
        if add_one is True:
            for j in range(m):
                cores[i][j, 0, 0, j] = 1
                cores[i][j, 1:, 0,
                         j] = np.array([psi[i](x[k, j]) for k in range(d)])
            for j in range(m):
                cores[0][0, :, 0,
                         j] = np.array([psi[0](x[k, j]) for k in range(d)])

    # append core containing unit vectors
    cores.append(np.eye(m).reshape(m, m, 1, 1))

    # construct tensor train
    xi = TT(cores)

    # compute pseudoinverse of xi
    xi = xi.pinv(p, threshold=threshold, ortho_r=False)

    # multiply last core with y
    xi.cores[p] = (
        xi.cores[p].reshape([xi.ranks[p], m]) @ y.transpose()).reshape(
            xi.ranks[p], d, 1, 1)

    # set new row dimension
    xi.row_dims[p] = d

    return xi