def fit(self, nlags):
        '''estimate parameters using ols

        nlags : integer
            number of lags to include in regression, same for all variables

        None, but attaches

        arhat : array (nlags, nvar, nvar)
            full lag polynomial array
        arlhs : array (nlags-1, nvar, nvar)
            reduced lag polynomial for left hand side
        other statistics as returned by linalg.lstsq : need to be completed

        This currently assumes all parameters are estimated without restrictions.
        In this case SUR is identical to OLS

        estimation results are attached to the class instance

        self.nlags = nlags # without current period
        nvars = self.nvars
        lmat = lagmat(ar2s,nlags, trim='both')
        self.yred = lmat[:,:nvars]
        self.xred = lmat[:,nvars:]
        res = np.linalg.lstsq(self.xred, self.yred)
        self.estresults = res
        self.arlhs = res[0].reshape(nlags, nvars, nvars)
        self.arhat = ar2full(self.arlhs)
        self.rss = res[1]
        self.xredrank = res[2]
                    [[-0.1,  0. ],
                     [ 0.1, -0.1]]])

    a31 = np.r_[np.eye(3)[None,:,:], 0.8*np.eye(3)[None,:,:]]
    a32 = np.array([[[ 1. ,  0. ,  0. ],
                     [ 0. ,  1. ,  0. ],
                     [ 0. ,  0. ,  1. ]],

                    [[ 0.8,  0. ,  0. ],
                     [ 0.1,  0.6,  0. ],
                     [ 0. ,  0. ,  0.9]]])

    ut = np.random.randn(1000,2)
    ar2s = vargenerate(a22,ut)
    res = np.linalg.lstsq(lagmat(ar2s,1)[:,2:], ar2s)
    bhat = res[0].reshape(1,2,2)
    arhat = ar2full(bhat)
    #print maxabs(arhat - a22)

    v = Var(ar2s)

    ar23 = np.array([[[ 1. ,  0. ],
                     [ 0. ,  1. ]],

                    [[-0.6,  0. ],