def reduce(telescope, obskey, tstart, tend, nchan, ngate, ntbin, ntw_min, rfi_filter_raw=None, fref=None, dedisperse=None, rfi_filter_power=None, do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, verbose=True): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if dedisperse == 'None': dedisperse = None if verbose > 3 and comm.rank == 0: print(telescope, obskey, tstart, tend, nchan, ngate, ntbin, ntw_min, rfi_filter_raw, fref, dedisperse, do_waterfall, do_foldspec, verbose) if dedisperse is not None and fref is None: raise ValueError("Need to give reference frequency to dedisperse to") obs = obsdata() if verbose > 3 and comm.rank == 0: print(obs) # find nearest observation to 'date', # warning if > 1s off requested start time of observation if obskey not in obs[telescope]: # assume it is a date, which may be only good to nearest second obskey = obs[telescope].nearest_observation(obskey) # target of this observation psr = obs[telescope][obskey]['src'] assert psr in obs['psrs'].keys() dm = obs['psrs'][psr]['dm'] if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Attempting to open {0}: {1}".format(telescope, obskey)) with obs[telescope].open(obskey, comm=comm) as fh: if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Opened files") # nchan = None means data is channelized already, so we get this # property directly from the file if nchan is None: nchan = fh.nchan # ensure requested number of channels is integer multiple of # existing channels if nchan % getattr(fh, 'nchan', 1) != 0: raise ValueError("Can only channelize data to an integer multiple " "of the number of input channels (={0})." .format(fh.nchan)) time0 = fh.time0 tstart = time0 if tstart is None else Time(tstart, scale='utc') if tend is None: tend = obs[telescope][obskey]['tend'] try: tend = Time(tend, scale='utc') dt = tend - tstart except ValueError: dt = TimeDelta(float(tend), format='sec') tend = tstart + dt if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Requested time span: {0} to {1}".format(tstart.isot, tend.isot)) phasepol = obs[telescope][obskey].get_phasepol(time0) nt = fh.ntimebins(tstart, tend) ntint = fh.ntint(nchan if fh.nchan == 1 else fh.nchan) # number of samples to combine for waterfall ntw = min(ntw_min, nt*ntint) # number of records to skip if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Using start time {0} and phase polynomial {1}" .format(time0.isot, phasepol)) if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Skipped {0} blocks and will fold {1} blocks to cover " "time span {2} to {3}" .format(fh.offset/fh.blocksize, nt, fh.time().isot, fh.time(fh.offset + nt*fh.blocksize).isot)) # set the default parameters to fold # Note, some parameters may be in fh's HDUs, or fh.__getitem__ # but these are overwritten if explicitly sprecified in Folder folder = Folder(fh, nchan=nchan, nt=nt, ntint=ntint, ngate=ngate, ntbin=ntbin, ntw=ntw, dm=dm, fref=fref, phasepol=phasepol, dedisperse=dedisperse, do_waterfall=do_waterfall, do_foldspec=do_foldspec, verbose=verbose, progress_interval=1, rfi_filter_raw=rfi_filter_raw, rfi_filter_power=rfi_filter_power) myfoldspec, myicount, mywaterfall = folder(fh, comm=comm) # end with print("Rank {0} exited with statement".format(comm.rank)) savepref = "{0}{1}_{2}chan{3}ntbin".format(telescope, psr, nchan, ntbin) if do_waterfall: waterfall = np.zeros_like(mywaterfall) comm.Reduce(mywaterfall, waterfall, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: # waterfall = normalize_counts(waterfall)"{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy" .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), waterfall) if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros_like(myfoldspec) if comm.rank == 0 else None print("Rank {0} is entering comm.Reduce".format(comm.rank)) comm.Reduce(myfoldspec, foldspec, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) del myfoldspec # save memory on node 0 icount = np.zeros_like(myicount) if comm.rank == 0 else None comm.Reduce(myicount, icount, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) del myicount # save memory on node 0 if comm.rank == 0: fname = ("{0}foldspec_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy"), tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec) iname = ("{0}icount_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy"), tstart.isot, dt.sec), icount) if comm.rank == 0: if do_foldspec and foldspec.ndim == 3: # sum over time slices -> pulse profile vs channel foldspec1 = normalize_counts(foldspec.sum(0).astype(np.float64), icount.sum(0).astype(np.int64)) # sum over channels -> pulse profile vs time foldspec3 = normalize_counts(foldspec.sum(1).astype(np.float64), icount.sum(1).astype(np.int64)) fluxes = foldspec1.sum(axis=0) with open('{0}flux_{1}+{2:08}sec.dat' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), 'w') as f: for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes): f.write('{0:12d} {1:12.9g}\n'.format(i+1, flux)) # ratio'd flux only if file will not be ridiculously large if ntbin*ngate < 10000: foldspec2 = normalize_counts(foldspec, icount) plots = True if plots and do_waterfall and waterfall.ndim == 2: # no polarizations w = waterfall.copy() pmap('{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), w, 1, verbose=True) if plots and do_foldspec and foldspec.ndim == 3: pmap('{0}folded_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec1, 0, verbose) pmap('{0}folded3_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec3.T, 0, verbose) # ratio'd flux only if file will not be ridiculously large if ntbin*ngate < 10000: pmap('{0}foldedbin_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec2.transpose(1,2,0).reshape(nchan,-1), 1, verbose)
def main_correlate(tel1, date1, tel2, date2, nchan, tstart, tend, dedisperse, do_foldspec, ntbin, ngate, do_waterfall, ntw_min, save_xcorr, verbose=0): """ the main cross-correlation routine """ comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if comm.size > 1 and save_xcorr: if comm.rank == 0: print("Warning, h5py mpio is sometimes slow. Consider disabling save_xcorr") # save_xcorr = False # observing parameters t0 = Time(tstart, scale='utc') t1 = Time(tend, scale='utc') Obs = obsdata() obskey1 = Obs[tel1].nearest_observation(date1) obskey2 = Obs[tel2].nearest_observation(date2) psr1 = Obs[tel1][obskey1]['src'] psr2 = Obs[tel2][obskey2]['src'] files1 = Obs[tel1].file_list(obskey1) files2 = Obs[tel2].file_list(obskey2) assert psr1 == psr2 if comm.rank == 0: print("forming visibilities from (telescope, observation_key) = \n" "\t ({0}, {1}) and ({2}, {3}), source {4}".format(tel1, obskey1, tel2, obskey2, psr1)) dm = Obs['psrs'][psr1]['dm'] with LOFARdata_Pcombined(*files1, comm=comm) as fh1,\ GMRTdata(*files2, comm=comm) as fh2: phasepol1 = Obs['lofar'][obskey1].get_phasepol(fh1.time0, rphase=None) phasepol2 = Obs['gmrt'][obskey2].get_phasepol(fh2.time0, rphase=None) nt = min(fh1.ntimebins(t0, t1), fh2.ntimebins(t0, t1)) # out = (foldspec, icount, waterfall) out = correlate.correlate(fh1, fh2, dm=dm, nchan=nchan, ngate=ngate, ntbin=ntbin, nt=nt, ntw=ntw_min, t0=t0, t1=t1, dedisperse=dedisperse, phasepol=(phasepol1, phasepol2), do_waterfall=do_waterfall, do_foldspec=do_foldspec, save_xcorr=save_xcorr, comm=comm) myfoldspec = out[0] myicount = out[1] mywaterfall = out[2] savepref = "{0}{1}_{2}chan{3}ntbin".format(tel1[0], tel2[0], nchan, ntbin) dt = t1 - t0 if do_waterfall: waterfall = np.zeros_like(mywaterfall) comm.Reduce(mywaterfall, waterfall, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: # waterfall = normalize_counts(waterfall)"{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy" .format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), waterfall) if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros_like(myfoldspec) icount = np.zeros_like(myicount) comm.Reduce(myfoldspec, foldspec, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Reduce(myicount, icount, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: fname = ("{0}foldspec_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy") iname = ("{0}icount_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy"), t0, dt.sec), foldspec), t0, dt.sec), icount) # get normalized flux in each bin (where any were added) f2 = normalize_counts(foldspec, icount) foldspec1 = f2.sum(axis=2) fluxes = foldspec1.sum(axis=0) foldspec3 = f2.sum(axis=0) with open('{0}flux_{1}+{2:08}sec.dat' .format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), 'w') as f: for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes): f.write('{0:12d} {1:12.9g}\n'.format(i + 1, flux)) plots = True if plots and comm.rank == 0: if do_waterfall: w = waterfall.copy() try: pmap('{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), w, 1, verbose=True) except: pass if do_foldspec: pmap('{0}folded_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), foldspec1, 0, verbose) # TODO: Note, I (aaron) don't think this works for LOFAR data # since nchan=20, but we concatenate several subband files # together, so f2.nchan = N_concat * nchan # It should work for my "new" LOFAR_Pconcate file class pmap('{0}foldedbin_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), f2.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape(nchan, -1), 1, verbose) pmap('{0}folded3_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), foldspec3, 0, verbose)
def reduce(telescope, obskey, tstart, tend, nchan, ngate, ntbin, ntw_min, rfi_filter_raw=None, fref=None, dedisperse=None, rfi_filter_power=None, do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, verbose=True): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if dedisperse == 'None': dedisperse = None if verbose > 3 and comm.rank == 0: print(telescope, obskey, tstart, tend, nchan, ngate, ntbin, ntw_min, rfi_filter_raw, fref, dedisperse, do_waterfall, do_foldspec, verbose) if dedisperse is not None and fref is None: raise ValueError("Need to give reference frequency to dedisperse to") obs = obsdata() if verbose > 3 and comm.rank == 0: print(obs) # find nearest observation to 'date', # warning if > 1s off requested start time of observation if obskey not in obs[telescope]: # assume it is a date, which may be only good to nearest second obskey = obs[telescope].nearest_observation(obskey) # target of this observation psr = obs[telescope][obskey]['src'] assert psr in obs['psrs'].keys() dm = obs['psrs'][psr]['dm'] if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Attempting to open {0}: {1}".format(telescope, obskey)) with obs[telescope].open(obskey, comm=comm) as fh: if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Opened files") # nchan = None means data is channelized already, so we get this # property directly from the file if nchan is None: nchan = fh.nchan # ensure requested number of channels is integer multiple of # existing channels if nchan % getattr(fh, 'nchan', 1) != 0: raise ValueError("Can only channelize data to an integer multiple " "of the number of input channels (={0})." .format(fh.nchan)) time0 = fh.time0 tstart = time0 if tstart is None else Time(tstart, scale='utc') if tstart < time0: raise ValueError("Cowardly refusing to analyse with requested " "time {0} before start time {1}." .format(tstart.iso, time0.iso)) if tend is None: tend = obs[telescope][obskey]['tend'] try: tend = Time(tend, scale='utc') dt = tend - tstart except ValueError: dt = TimeDelta(float(tend), format='sec') tend = tstart + dt if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Requested time span: {0} to {1}".format(tstart.isot, tend.isot)) phasepol = obs[telescope][obskey].get_phasepol(time0) nt = fh.ntimebins(tstart, tend) ntint = fh.ntint(nchan if fh.nchan == 1 else fh.nchan) # number of samples to combine for waterfall ntw = min(ntw_min, nt*ntint) # number of records to skip if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Using start time {0} and phase polynomial {1}" .format(time0.isot, phasepol)) if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Skipped {0} blocks and will fold {1} blocks to cover " "time span {2} to {3}" .format(fh.offset/fh.blocksize, nt, fh.time().isot, fh.time(fh.offset + nt*fh.blocksize).isot)) # set the default parameters to fold # Note, some parameters may be in fh's HDUs, or fh.__getitem__ # but these are overwritten if explicitly sprecified in Folder folder = Folder(fh, nchan=nchan, nt=nt, ntint=ntint, ngate=ngate, ntbin=ntbin, ntw=ntw, dm=dm, fref=fref, phasepol=phasepol, dedisperse=dedisperse, do_waterfall=do_waterfall, do_foldspec=do_foldspec, verbose=verbose, progress_interval=1, rfi_filter_raw=rfi_filter_raw, rfi_filter_power=rfi_filter_power) myfoldspec, myicount, mywaterfall = folder(fh, comm=comm) # end with print("Rank {0} exited with statement".format(comm.rank)) savepref = "{0}{1}_{2}chan{3}ntbin".format(telescope, psr, nchan, ntbin) if do_waterfall: waterfall = np.zeros_like(mywaterfall) comm.Reduce(mywaterfall, waterfall, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: # waterfall = normalize_counts(waterfall)"{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy" .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), waterfall) if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros_like(myfoldspec) if comm.rank == 0 else None print("Rank {0} is entering comm.Reduce".format(comm.rank)) comm.Reduce(myfoldspec, foldspec, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) del myfoldspec # save memory on node 0 icount = np.zeros_like(myicount) if comm.rank == 0 else None comm.Reduce(myicount, icount, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) del myicount # save memory on node 0 if comm.rank == 0: fname = ("{0}foldspec_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy"), tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec) iname = ("{0}icount_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy"), tstart.isot, dt.sec), icount) if comm.rank == 0: if do_foldspec and foldspec.ndim == 3: # sum over time slices -> pulse profile vs channel foldspec1 = normalize_counts(foldspec.sum(0).astype(np.float64), icount.sum(0).astype(np.int64)) # sum over channels -> pulse profile vs time foldspec3 = normalize_counts(foldspec.sum(1).astype(np.float64), icount.sum(1).astype(np.int64)) fluxes = foldspec1.sum(axis=0) with open('{0}flux_{1}+{2:08}sec.dat' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), 'w') as f: for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes): f.write('{0:12d} {1:12.9g}\n'.format(i+1, flux)) # ratio'd flux only if file will not be ridiculously large if ntbin*ngate < 10000: foldspec2 = normalize_counts(foldspec, icount) plots = True if plots and do_waterfall and waterfall.ndim == 2: # no polarizations w = waterfall.copy() pmap('{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), w, 1, verbose=True) if plots and do_foldspec and foldspec.ndim == 3: pmap('{0}folded_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec1, 0, verbose) pmap('{0}folded3_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec3.T, 0, verbose) # ratio'd flux only if file will not be ridiculously large if ntbin*ngate < 10000: pmap('{0}foldedbin_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm' .format(savepref, tstart.isot, dt.sec), foldspec2.transpose(1,2,0).reshape(nchan,-1), 1, verbose)
def reduce(telescope, obsdate, tstart, tend, nchan, ngate, ntbin, ntw_min=10200, fref=_fref, rfi_filter_raw=None, do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, dedisperse=None, verbose=True): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD Obs = obsdata() # find nearest observation to 'date', # warning if > 1s off requested start time of observation obskey = Obs[telescope].nearest_observation(obsdate) # target of this observation psr = Obs[telescope][obskey]['src'] assert psr in Obs['psrs'].keys() dm = Obs['psrs'][psr]['dm'] files = Obs[telescope].file_list(obskey) if telescope == 'aro': GenericOpen = AROdata elif telescope == 'lofar': GenericOpen = LOFARdata GenericOpen = LOFARdata_Pcombined elif telescope == 'gmrt': GenericOpen = GMRTdata with GenericOpen(*files, comm=comm) as fh: # nchan = None means data is channelized already, so we get this # property directly from the file if nchan is None or telescope == 'lofar': if comm.rank == 0: print("LOFAR data already channelized: overriding nchan to {0}" "\n\t as configured in observations.conf".format( fh.nchan)) nchan = fh.nchan time0 = fh.time0 phasepol = Obs[telescope][obskey].get_phasepol(time0) nt = fh.ntimebins(tstart, tend) ntint = fh.ntint(nchan) # number of samples to combine for waterfall ntw = min(ntw_min, nt * ntint) # number of records to skip tstart = Time(tstart, scale='utc') tend = Time(tend, scale='utc') dt = tend - tstart if verbose and comm.rank == 0: print("Using start time {0} and phase polynomial {1}".format( time0, phasepol)) print("Skipping {0} blocks and folding {1} blocks to cover " "time span {2} to {3}".format( fh.offset / fh.blocksize, nt, fh.time(), fh.time(fh.offset + nt * fh.blocksize))) # set the default parameters to fold # Note, some parameters may be in fh's HDUs, or fh.__getitem__ # but these are overwritten if explicitly sprecified in Folder folder = Folder(fh, nchan=nchan, nt=nt, ntint=ntint, ngate=ngate, ntbin=ntbin, ntw=ntw, dm=dm, fref=fref, phasepol=phasepol, dedisperse=dedisperse, do_waterfall=do_waterfall, do_foldspec=do_foldspec, verbose=verbose, progress_interval=1, rfi_filter_raw=rfi_filter_raw, rfi_filter_power=None) myfoldspec, myicount, mywaterfall, subint_table = folder(fh, comm=comm) # end with savepref = "{0}{1}_{2}chan{3}ntbin".format(telescope, psr, nchan, ntbin) if do_waterfall: waterfall = np.zeros_like(mywaterfall) comm.Reduce(mywaterfall, waterfall, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: # waterfall = normalize_counts(waterfall) "{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy".format( savepref, tstart, dt.sec), waterfall) if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros_like(myfoldspec) icount = np.zeros_like(myicount) comm.Reduce(myfoldspec, foldspec, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Reduce(myicount, icount, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: fname = ("{0}foldspec_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy") iname = ("{0}icount_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy"), tstart, dt.sec), foldspec), tstart, dt.sec), icount) # get normalized flux in each bin (where any were added) f2 = normalize_counts(foldspec, icount) foldspec1 = f2.sum(axis=2) fluxes = foldspec1.sum(axis=0) foldspec3 = f2.sum(axis=0) with open( '{0}flux_{1}+{2:08}sec.dat'.format(savepref, tstart, dt.sec), 'w') as f: for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes): f.write('{0:12d} {1:12.9g}\n'.format(i + 1, flux)) plots = True if plots and comm.rank == 0: if do_waterfall: w = waterfall.copy() pmap('{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format( savepref, tstart, dt.sec), w, 1, verbose=True) if do_foldspec: pmap( '{0}folded_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format(savepref, tstart, dt.sec), foldspec1, 0, verbose) # TODO: Note, I (aaron) don't think this works for LOFAR data # since nchan=20, but we concatenate several subband files # together, so f2.nchan = N_concat * nchan # It should work for my "new" LOFAR_Pconcate file class pmap( '{0}foldedbin_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format( savepref, tstart, dt.sec), f2.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape(nchan, -1), 1, verbose) pmap( '{0}folded3_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format(savepref, tstart, dt.sec), foldspec3, 0, verbose) savefits = False if savefits and comm.rank == 0: print("Saving FITS files...") # assign the folded data ( [f2] = [nchan, ngate, ntbin] # want [ntbin, npol, nchan, ngate] # TODO: figure out lofar and aro data, which concatenates the channels # so f2 = len(range(P))*nchan if telescope == 'lofar': f2 = f2[-nchan:] elif telescope == 'aro': f2 = f2[0:nchan] nchan, ngate, ntbin = f2.shape f2 = f2.transpose(2, 0, 1) f2 = f2.reshape(ntbin, np.newaxis, nchan, ngate) std = f2.std(axis=0) subint_table[1].data.field('DATA')[:] = (2**16 * f2 / std).astype( np.int16) fout = '{0}folded3_{1}+{2:08}sec.fits'.format(savepref, tstart, dt.sec) # Note: output_verify != 'ignore' resets the cards for some reason try: subint_table.writeto(fout, output_verify='ignore', clobber=True) except ValueError: print("FITS writings is a work in progress: " "need to come to terms with array shapes") print("f2.shape, subint_table[1].data.field('DATA')[:].shape = ", f2.shape, subint_table[1].data.field('DATA')[:].shape)
def main_correlate(tel1, date1, tel2, date2, nchan, tstart, tend, dedisperse, do_foldspec, ntbin, ngate, do_waterfall, ntw_min, save_xcorr, verbose=0): """ the main cross-correlation routine """ comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if comm.size > 1 and save_xcorr: if comm.rank == 0: print( "Warning, h5py mpio is sometimes slow. Consider disabling save_xcorr" ) # save_xcorr = False # observing parameters t0 = Time(tstart, scale='utc') t1 = Time(tend, scale='utc') Obs = obsdata() obskey1 = Obs[tel1].nearest_observation(date1) obskey2 = Obs[tel2].nearest_observation(date2) psr1 = Obs[tel1][obskey1]['src'] psr2 = Obs[tel2][obskey2]['src'] files1 = Obs[tel1].file_list(obskey1) files2 = Obs[tel2].file_list(obskey2) assert psr1 == psr2 if comm.rank == 0: print("forming visibilities from (telescope, observation_key) = \n" "\t ({0}, {1}) and ({2}, {3}), source {4}".format( tel1, obskey1, tel2, obskey2, psr1)) dm = Obs['psrs'][psr1]['dm'] with LOFARdata_Pcombined(*files1, comm=comm) as fh1,\ GMRTdata(*files2, comm=comm) as fh2: phasepol1 = Obs['lofar'][obskey1].get_phasepol(fh1.time0, rphase=None) phasepol2 = Obs['gmrt'][obskey2].get_phasepol(fh2.time0, rphase=None) nt = min(fh1.ntimebins(t0, t1), fh2.ntimebins(t0, t1)) # out = (foldspec, icount, waterfall) out = correlate.correlate(fh1, fh2, dm=dm, nchan=nchan, ngate=ngate, ntbin=ntbin, nt=nt, ntw=ntw_min, t0=t0, t1=t1, dedisperse=dedisperse, phasepol=(phasepol1, phasepol2), do_waterfall=do_waterfall, do_foldspec=do_foldspec, save_xcorr=save_xcorr, comm=comm) myfoldspec = out[0] myicount = out[1] mywaterfall = out[2] savepref = "{0}{1}_{2}chan{3}ntbin".format(tel1[0], tel2[0], nchan, ntbin) dt = t1 - t0 if do_waterfall: waterfall = np.zeros_like(mywaterfall) comm.Reduce(mywaterfall, waterfall, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: # waterfall = normalize_counts(waterfall) "{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy".format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), waterfall) if do_foldspec: foldspec = np.zeros_like(myfoldspec) icount = np.zeros_like(myicount) comm.Reduce(myfoldspec, foldspec, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Reduce(myicount, icount, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: fname = ("{0}foldspec_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy") iname = ("{0}icount_{1}+{2:08}sec.npy"), t0, dt.sec), foldspec), t0, dt.sec), icount) # get normalized flux in each bin (where any were added) f2 = normalize_counts(foldspec, icount) foldspec1 = f2.sum(axis=2) fluxes = foldspec1.sum(axis=0) foldspec3 = f2.sum(axis=0) with open('{0}flux_{1}+{2:08}sec.dat'.format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), 'w') as f: for i, flux in enumerate(fluxes): f.write('{0:12d} {1:12.9g}\n'.format(i + 1, flux)) plots = True if plots and comm.rank == 0: if do_waterfall: w = waterfall.copy() try: pmap('{0}waterfall_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format( savepref, t0, dt.sec), w, 1, verbose=True) except: pass if do_foldspec: pmap('{0}folded_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), foldspec1, 0, verbose) # TODO: Note, I (aaron) don't think this works for LOFAR data # since nchan=20, but we concatenate several subband files # together, so f2.nchan = N_concat * nchan # It should work for my "new" LOFAR_Pconcate file class pmap('{0}foldedbin_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), f2.transpose(0, 2, 1).reshape(nchan, -1), 1, verbose) pmap('{0}folded3_{1}+{2:08}sec.pgm'.format(savepref, t0, dt.sec), foldspec3, 0, verbose)