Example #1
def insert_beta_plot(fig, ax, prefix, cax):
    hn = hr(prefix, 'np')
    para = hn.para
    n = hn.get_timestep(-1)[-1]
        T = hr(prefix, 'temp_tot').get_timestep(-1)[-1]
    except NoSuchVariable:
        T = hr(prefix, 'temp_p').get_timestep(-1)[-1]

    B = hr(prefix, 'bt').get_timestep(-1)[-1]

    # Convert units
    n = n / (1000.0**3)  # 1/km^3 -> 1/m^3
    T = 1.60218e-19 * T  # eV -> J
    B = 1.6726219e-27 / 1.60217662e-19 * B  # proton gyrofrequency -> T

    # Compute B \cdot B
    B2 = np.sum(B**2, axis=-1)

    # Compute plasma beta
    mu_0 = value('mag. constant')
    assert unit('mag. constant') == 'N A^-2'
    data = n * T / (B2 / (2 * mu_0))

    m, x, y, s = beta_plot2(ax, data, para, 'xy', mccomas=True)

    if cax != 'None':
        fig.colorbar(m, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal')
Example #2
def test_scenario_2():
    # TEST SCENARIO no. 1
    #   ^
    #   *                                   *
    #   |(0,10 anchor1                       (10,10) anchor2
    #   |
    #   |
    #   |                   *
    #   |                    (5, 5) mobile
    #   |
    #   |
    #   |                                     (10,0) anchor3
    #   |------------------------------------*--->
    assert (scc.unit('speed of light in vacuum') == 'm s^-1')
    c = scc.value('speed of light in vacuum')

    mobile_position = np.asarray((5, 5))

    coordinates = np.asarray((
        (0, 0),  # Anchor 1
        (10, 10),  # Anchor 2
        (10, 0)))  # Anchor 3

    distances = np.asarray(
        (np.abs(np.linalg.norm(mobile_position - coordinates[0, :])),
         np.abs(np.linalg.norm(mobile_position - coordinates[1, :])),
         np.abs(np.linalg.norm(mobile_position - coordinates[2, :]))))

    tdoas = distances / c

    return coordinates, tdoas, mobile_position
def find_constant(name=None) -> dict:
    returns a dictionary of the constant name and it's value:
    for example:
    :param name:
    :type name: str
    :return: dictionary of name and value
    :rtype: dict
    res = fnd(name)
    if res is None:
        print("constant not found")
        ret = {}
        for key in res:
            ret.update({key: [con.value(key), con.unit(key)]})
        return ret
Example #4
def doan_vesely(coordinates, distances):
    S. Van Doan and J. Vesely, "The effectivity comparison of TDOA analytical solution methods,"
    2015 16th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Dresden, 2015, pp. 800-805.
    # TODO propose better way for arguments checking
    assert (coordinates.shape == (3, 2))
    assert (distances.shape == (3,))

    assert (scc.unit('speed of light in vacuum') == 'm s^-1')
    c = scc.value('speed of light in vacuum')
    c = c * 1e-12  # m/s -> m/ps

    distances = distances * c

    L = distances[1]
    R = distances[2]
    Xl = coordinates[1, 0] - coordinates[0, 0]
    Yl = coordinates[1, 1] - coordinates[0, 1]
    Xr = coordinates[2, 0] - coordinates[0, 0]
    Yr = coordinates[2, 1] - coordinates[0, 1]

    A = -2 * np.asanyarray(((Xl, Yl),
                            (Xr, Yr)))

    B = np.asanyarray(((-2 * L, L ** 2 - Xl ** 2 - Yl ** 2),
                       (2 * R, R ** 2 - Xr ** 2 - Yr ** 2)))

    tmp, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(A, B, rcond=None)
    a = tmp[0, 0] ** 2 + tmp[1, 0] ** 2 - 1
    b = 2 * (tmp[0, 0] * tmp[0, 1] + tmp[1, 0] * tmp[1, 1])
    c = tmp[0, 1] ** 2 + tmp[1, 1] ** 2

    K = np.max(np.real(np.roots((a, b, c))))

    X = tmp[0, 0] * K + tmp[0, 1] + coordinates[0, 0]
    Y = tmp[1, 0] * K + tmp[1, 1] + coordinates[0, 1]

    return np.asarray((X, Y))
Example #5
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
from progress import printProgressBar
import FortranFile as ff
import HybridParticleReader as hpr
from HybridParams import HybridParams
from scipy.constants import value, unit
kg_per_amu = value('atomic mass constant')
assert unit('atomic mass constant') == 'kg'

def marginal_outflow(p):
    part_out = np.zeros(2 * p.para['nt'])
    mass_out = np.zeros(2 * p.para['nt'])
    # for each processor
    for n in range(p.para['num_proc']):
        f = ff.FortranFile(
            join(p.particle, "c.outflowing_" + str(n + 1) + ".dat"))

        # for each half timestep
        for i in range(2 * p.para['nt']):
                mrat = f.readReals()
            except ff.NoMoreRecords:
            beta_p = f.readReals()
            tags = f.readReals()

            # Each of the arrays must have the same length
Example #6
"""Derivation of variable `toz`."""

import cf_units
import iris
from scipy import constants

from ._baseclass import DerivedVariableBase
from ._shared import pressure_level_widths

# Constants
AVOGADRO_CONST = constants.value('Avogadro constant')
AVOGADRO_CONST_UNIT = constants.unit('Avogadro constant')
STANDARD_GRAVITY = constants.value('standard acceleration of gravity')
STANDARD_GRAVITY_UNIT = constants.unit('standard acceleration of gravity')
MW_AIR = 29
MW_AIR_UNIT = cf_units.Unit('g mol^-1')
MW_O3 = 48
MW_O3_UNIT = cf_units.Unit('g mol^-1')
DOBSON_UNIT = cf_units.Unit('2.69e20 m^-2')

class DerivedVariable(DerivedVariableBase):
    """Derivation of variable `toz`."""
    def required(project):
        """Declare the variables needed for derivation."""
        if project == 'CMIP6':
            required = [{'short_name': 'o3'}, {'short_name': 'ps'}]
            required = [{'short_name': 'tro3'}, {'short_name': 'ps'}]
        return required
Example #7
"""Derivation of variable ``loadbc``."""

import warnings

import cf_units
import iris
from scipy import constants

from .._regrid import extract_levels, regrid
from ._baseclass import DerivedVariableBase
from ._shared import pressure_level_widths

# Constants
STANDARD_GRAVITY = constants.value('standard acceleration of gravity')
STANDARD_GRAVITY_UNIT = constants.unit('standard acceleration of gravity')

def ensure_correct_lon(mmrbc_cube, ps_cube=None):
    """Ensure that ``mmrbc`` cube contains ``longitude`` and adapt ``ps`` cube."""
    if mmrbc_cube.coords('longitude'):
        return (mmrbc_cube, ps_cube)

    # Get zonal mean ps if necessary
    if ps_cube is not None:
        ps_cube = ps_cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MEAN)

    # Add longitude dimension to mmrbc (and ps if necessary) with length 1
    cubes = (mmrbc_cube, ps_cube)
    new_cubes = []
    lon_coord = iris.coords.DimCoord([180.0],
Example #8
"""Derivation of variable `toz`."""

import cf_units
import iris
import numba
import numpy as np
from scipy import constants

from ._baseclass import DerivedVariableBase

# Constants
AVOGADRO_CONST = constants.value('Avogadro constant')
AVOGADRO_CONST_UNIT = constants.unit('Avogadro constant')
STANDARD_GRAVITY_UNIT = cf_units.Unit('m s^-2')
MW_AIR = 29
MW_AIR_UNIT = cf_units.Unit('g mol^-1')
MW_O3 = 48
MW_O3_UNIT = cf_units.Unit('g mol^-1')
DOBSON_UNIT = cf_units.Unit('2.69e20 m^-2')

class DerivedVariable(DerivedVariableBase):
    """Derivation of variable `toz`."""

    # Required variables
    required = [
            'short_name': 'tro3'
Example #9
def pressure_pPa(n, t):
    k = value('Boltzmann constant')
    assert unit('Boltzmann constant') == 'J K^-1'
    return k * n * t * (100**3) * (1e12)
def C(s):
    return Q(constants.value(s), constants.unit(s))
Example #11
plt.plot(freqs[(freqs > -15000) & (freqs < 15000)] * 1e-3,
         np.real(fftdata)[(freqs > -15000) & (freqs < 15000)],
#plt.plot(freqs, np.real(fftdata))
#plt.plot(times, real)
#plt.plot(times, imag)

d_f = 6.578947368420178464e+03 + 8.771929824560238558e+03
gamma = const.value("proton gyromag. ratio")
gamma_u = const.unit("proton gyromag. ratio")
durchmesser = 4.4e-3  # oder 4.2e-3 ?
g = 2 * np.pi * d_f / gamma / durchmesser  # Gradient, damit dann Diffusionskoeffizient bestimmen
Diff = 1 / ufloat(params3[0], err3[0]) * (3 / 2) / gamma**2 / g**2

f = open("plots/results.txt", "w")
    f"T_1 =( {params1[0]} +/- {err1[0]}) s, U_0 = ({params1[1]} +/- {err1[1]}) V\n"
    f"T_2 =( {params2[0]} +/- {err2[0]}) s, U_0 = ({params2[1]} +/- {err2[1]}) V, U_1 = ({params2[2]} +/- {err2[2]}) V\n "
    f"Konstante =( {params3[0]} +/- {err3[0]}) s, U_0 = ({params3[1]} +/- {err3[1]}) V, U_1 = ({params3[2]} +/- {err3[2]}) V \n"
f.write(f"d_f = {d_f*1e-3} kHz\n")
Example #12
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.constants import value, unit
from HybridReader2 import HybridReader2 as hr
from HybridParams import HybridParams
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import figaspect
import NH_tools
import argparse
from argparse import Action

# Constants
eV2J = value('Boltzmann constant in eV/K')
k = value('Boltzmann constant')
assert unit('Boltzmann constant') == 'J K^-1'

# Command line parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--save', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--mccomas', action='store_true')

group = parser.add_argument_group(
    'Select which simulations to include (default --shell)')
group_ex = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group_ex.add_argument('--all', dest='which', action='store_const', const='all')
Example #13
    def _localize_mobile(self, mobile_node, anchors, frames):
        # Assume that all anchors has the same reply delay
        reply_delay = np.unique(anchors["beacon_reply_delay"])
        assert (reply_delay.shape == (1, ))
        reply_delay = reply_delay[0]

        assert (scc.unit('speed of light in vacuum') == 'm s^-1')
        c = scc.value('speed of light in vacuum')
        c = c * 1e-12  # m/s -> m/ps

        mobile_frames = frames[frames.node_mac_address ==
                               mobile_node["mac_address"], :]
        #frame_filer = Filter(frames)
        #frame_filer.equal("node_mac_address", mobile_node["mac_address"])
        #mobile_frames = frame_filer.finish()

        # Filter out all sequence numbers for which mobile node received less than three beacons
        sequence_numbers, sequence_number_counts = np.unique(
            mobile_frames["sequence_number"], return_counts=True)
        sequence_numbers = sequence_numbers[sequence_number_counts >= 3]

        #result = Results.create_array(sequence_numbers.size, position_dimensions=2)
        #result["mac_address"] = mobile_node["mac_address"]
        results = []

        for i in range(sequence_numbers.size):
            sequence_number = sequence_numbers[i]
            current_positions = []

            # Extract beacons with specific sequence number
            current_beacons = mobile_frames[np.where(
                mobile_frames["sequence_number"] == sequence_number)]

            # Set true position
            #true_begin_position =
            #true_end_position =
            result = Result()
            result.position_dimensions = 2
            result.mac_address = mobile_node["mac_address"]
            result.begin_true_position_x = current_beacons[
                0, "begin_true_position_x"]
            result.begin_true_position_y = current_beacons[
                0, "begin_true_position_y"]
            result.begin_true_position_z = current_beacons[
                0, "begin_true_position_z"]
            result.end_true_position_x = current_beacons[0,
            result.end_true_position_y = current_beacons[0,
            result.end_true_position_z = current_beacons[0,

            # Evaluate different anchors sets
            anchor_groups = [(0, 1, 2)]
            for anchor_indices in anchor_groups:
                # Compute distances between consecutive pairs of anchors (first, second), (second, third) etc.
                anchors_gaps = []
                for anchor_index in itertools.islice(anchor_indices,
                                                     len(anchor_indices) - 1):
                    gap = np.linalg.norm(anchors[(anchor_index + 1),
                                                 "position_2d"] -
                                         anchors[anchor_index, "position_2d"])

                # Compute ToF between anchor pairs
                anchors_gaps = np.asarray(anchors_gaps)
                anchors_gaps = (anchors_gaps / c) + reply_delay

                # Follow algorithm steps
                anchor_coordinates = np.zeros((3, 2))
                anchor_coordinates[0] = anchors[anchor_indices[0],
                anchor_coordinates[1] = anchors[anchor_indices[1],
                anchor_coordinates[2] = anchors[anchor_indices[2],

                timestamps = np.zeros(3)
                timestamps[0] = current_beacons[anchor_indices[0],
                timestamps[1] = current_beacons[anchor_indices[1],
                timestamps[2] = current_beacons[anchor_indices[2],

                timestamps[1] -= anchors_gaps[0]
                timestamps[2] -= (anchors_gaps[0] + anchors_gaps[1])

                sorted_anchors_coordinates, sorted_timestamps = common.sort_measurements(
                    anchor_coordinates, timestamps)

                # Compute TDoA values
                sorted_tdoa_distances = (sorted_timestamps -
                                         sorted_timestamps[0]) * c

                # Compute position
                    solver = self._Solver(sorted_anchors_coordinates,
                    positions = solver.localize()

                    # Choose better position
                    positions = [
                        position for position in positions
                        if self._area.contains(position)
                    if positions:
                        current_positions += positions
                        current_positions.append((np.nan, np.nan))
                except ValueError:
                    current_positions.append((np.nan, np.nan))

            result.position_x, result.position_y = current_positions[0]
            result.position_z = 0

        return results
Example #14
import os

import numpy as np
from pint import UnitRegistry
import scipy.constants as const

import parameters as param
ureg = param.ureg
Q_ = param.Q_
n = param.n

# ======================================================================

# Speed of light in vacuum.
c = Q_(const.value('speed of light in vacuum'),
       const.unit('speed of light in vacuum'))

# Metric tensor.
#metric = np.asarray(
#    [[-1., 0., 0., 0.],
#     [ 0., 1., 0., 0.],
#     [ 0., 0., 1., 0.],
#     [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]])

# ======================================================================
# Printing units.
# ======================================================================

printing_units_time = 's'
printing_units_length = 'm'
Example #15
n = int(1e3)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loopped parameters.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Initial time.
t0 = Q_(np.asarray([0.]), 'second')

# Initial position.
r0 = Q_(np.asarray([[0., 0., 0.]]), 'meter')

# Initial velocity unit vector.
vhat0 = np.asarray([[0., 0., 1.]])

# Charge.
q = Q_(np.asarray([1.]), 'e')

# Mass.
m = [Q_(const.value('proton mass'), const.unit('proton mass'))]

# Initial kinetic energy.
T0 = Q_(np.asarray([6.]), 'MeV')

# Y-component of magnetic field.
By = Q_(np.asarray([5.]), 'mT')

# Step size.
h = Q_(np.asarray([1e0, 1e-3, 1e-6, 1e-9, 1e-12, 1e-15, 1e-18, 1e-21]),
Example #16
#!/usr/bin/env python

from scipy import constants as K

print("pi: {0}".format(K.pi))
print("Planck: {0}".format(K.Planck))
print("c (speed of light): {0}".format(K.c))

print("natural unit of energy: {0}".format(K.value('natural unit of energy')))
print("natural unit of energy (Unit): {0}".format(
    K.unit('natural unit of energy')))
Example #17
n = int(1e3)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loopped parameters.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Initial time.
t0 = Q_(np.asarray([0.]), 'second')

# Initial position.
r0 = Q_(np.asarray([[0., 0., 0.]]), 'meter')

# Initial velocity unit vector.
vhat0 = np.asarray([[0., 0., 1.]])

# Charge.
q = Q_(np.asarray([1.]), 'e')

# Mass.
m = [Q_(const.value('proton mass'), const.unit('proton mass'))]

# Initial kinetic energy.
T0 = Q_(np.asarray([6.]), 'MeV')

# Y-component of magnetic field.
By = Q_(np.asarray([5.]), 'mT')

# Step size.
h = Q_(np.asarray([1e0, 1e-3, 1e-6, 1e-9, 1e-12, 1e-15, 1e-18, 1e-21]),
Example #18
#!/usr/bin/env python

from scipy import constants as K # <1>

print("pi: {0}".format(K.pi)) # <2>
print("Planck: {0}".format(K.Planck)) # <2>
print("c (speed of light): {0}".format(K.c)) # <2>

print("natural unit of energy: {0}".format(K.value('natural unit of energy')))
print("natural unit of energy (Unit): {0}".format(K.unit('natural unit of energy')))

Example #19
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import nominal_values as noms
from uncertainties.unumpy import std_devs as stds
from uncertainties import ufloat
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import scipy.constants as const
import imageio
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import pint
from tab2tex import make_table
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(auto_reduce_dimensions=True)
Q_ = ureg.Quantity
tugreen = '#80BA26'

c = Q_(const.value('speed of light in vacuum'),
       const.unit('speed of light in vacuum'))
h = Q_(const.value('Planck constant'), const.unit('Planck constant'))

def linear(x, a, b):
    '''Linear Regression'''
    return a * x + b

def test():
    # Import data from text files with numpy
    # x, y = np.genfromtxt('rohdaten/filename.txt', unpack=True)

    # test data
    U = np.array(range(20))
    I = np.linspace(1, 10, 20) * 2 + np.pi
def localize_mobile(mobile_node, anchors, frames):
    # Assume that all anchors has the same reply delay
    reply_delay = np.unique(anchors["beacon_reply_delay"])
    assert (reply_delay.shape == (1, ))
    reply_delay = reply_delay[0]

    assert (scc.unit('speed of light in vacuum') == 'm s^-1')
    c = scc.value('speed of light in vacuum')
    c = c * 1e-12  # m/s -> m/ps

    frame_filer = Filter()
    frame_filer.equal("node_mac_address", mobile_node["mac_address"])
    mobile_frames = frame_filer.execute(frames)

    # Filter out all sequence numbers for which mobile node received less than three beacons
    sequence_numbers, sequence_number_counts = np.unique(
        mobile_frames["sequence_number"], return_counts=True)
    sequence_numbers = sequence_numbers[sequence_number_counts > 3]

    result = Results.create_array(sequence_numbers.size, position_dimensions=2)
    result["mac_address"] = mobile_node["mac_address"]

    anchor_triples = ((0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3))
    for i in range(sequence_numbers.size):
        sequence_number = sequence_numbers[i]

        # Extract beacons with specific sequence number
        current_beacons = mobile_frames[np.where(
            mobile_frames["sequence_number"] == sequence_number)]
        positions = []

        # Evaluate different anchors sets
        for anchor_triple in anchor_triples:
            # Compute distances between anchor pairs (first, second) and (second, third)
            anchor_distances = np.zeros(2)
            anchor_distances[0] = np.abs(
                np.linalg.norm(anchors[anchor_triple[1], "position_2d"] -
                               anchors[anchor_triple[0], "position_2d"]))
            anchor_distances[1] = np.abs(
                np.linalg.norm(anchors[anchor_triple[2], "position_2d"] -
                               anchors[anchor_triple[1], "position_2d"]))

            # Compute ToF between anchor pairs
            anchor_tx_delays = anchor_distances / c + reply_delay

            # Follow algorithm steps
            anchor_coordinates = np.zeros((3, 2))
            anchor_coordinates[0] = anchors[anchor_triple[1], "position_2d"]
            anchor_coordinates[1] = anchors[anchor_triple[0], "position_2d"]
            anchor_coordinates[2] = anchors[anchor_triple[2], "position_2d"]

            timestamp_differences = np.full(3, float('nan'))
            timestamp_differences[1] = current_beacons[anchor_triple[1], "begin_clock_timestamp"] - \
                                       current_beacons[anchor_triple[0], "begin_clock_timestamp"] - anchor_tx_delays[0]
            timestamp_differences[2] = current_beacons[anchor_triple[2], "begin_clock_timestamp"] - \
                                       current_beacons[anchor_triple[1], "begin_clock_timestamp"] - anchor_tx_delays[1]

            # Compute position
            position = tdoa.doan_vesely(anchor_coordinates,

            result[i, "begin_true_position_3d"] = current_beacons[
                0, "begin_true_position_3d"]
            result[i, "end_true_position_3d"] = current_beacons[
                2, "end_true_position_3d"]

        # Choose better position
        # TODO Propose better solution, for now just choose position being closer to (0, 0)
        if np.abs(np.linalg.norm((0, 0) - positions[0])) < np.abs(
                np.linalg.norm((0, 0) - positions[1])):
            result[i, "position_2d"] = positions[0]
            result[i, "position_2d"] = positions[1]

    return result
Example #21
def get_units(something: str):
    return con.unit(something)
Example #22
import os

import numpy as np
from pint import UnitRegistry
import scipy.constants as const

import parameters as param
ureg = param.ureg
Q_ = param.Q_
n = param.n

# ======================================================================

# Speed of light in vacuum.
c = Q_(const.value('speed of light in vacuum'),
       const.unit('speed of light in vacuum'))

# Metric tensor.
#metric = np.asarray(
#    [[-1., 0., 0., 0.],
#     [ 0., 1., 0., 0.],
#     [ 0., 0., 1., 0.],
#     [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]])

# ======================================================================
# Printing units.
# ======================================================================

printing_units_time = 's'
printing_units_length = 'm'