Example #1
 def _compute_sigma(self, redshifts):
     if not self.cosmology_is_set:
         raise Exception("Must set_cosmology() first.")
     redshifts = np.array(redshifts)
     if redshifts.ndim > 1:
         raise Exception("Redshifts be either a scalar or 1D array.")
     h, Omega_m = self.h, self.Omega_m  #Hubble constant and matter fraction
     k, M = self.k, self.M  #wavenumbers and halo masses
     Nk = len(k)
     NM = len(M)
     kh = k / h  #h/Mpc
     for i, z in enumerate(np.atleast_1d(redshifts)):
         if z in self.computed_sigma2.keys():
         p = np.array([self.cc.pk_lin(ki, z)
                       for ki in k]) * h**3  #[Mpc/h]^3
         sigma2 = np.zeros_like(M)
         dsigma2dM = np.zeros_like(M)
         _lib.sigma2_at_M_arr(_dc(M), NM, _dc(kh), _dc(p), Nk, Omega_m,
         _lib.dsigma2dM_at_M_arr(_dc(M), NM, _dc(kh), _dc(p), Nk, Omega_m,
         self.computed_sigma2[z] = sigma2
         self.computed_dsigma2dM[z] = dsigma2dM
         self.computed_sigma2_splines[z] = IUS(np.log(self.M), sigma2)
         self.computed_dsigma2dM_splines[z] = IUS(np.log(self.M), dsigma2dM)
         self.computed_pk[z] = p
Example #2
    def add_tracer(self, z, b, dNdz, p=1.6):
        print(f'p = {p:.1f}')
        # dz/dr
        dNdr_spl = IUS(self.Dc(z), dNdz * self.h(z), ext=1)
        dNdr_tot = romberg(dNdr_spl,

        # bias
        b_spl = IUS(self.Dc(z), b, ext=1)

        # growth
        d_spl = IUS(self.Dc(z), self.Dlin(z), ext=1)

        # growth rate: f = dlnD/dlna
        f_spl = IUS(self.Dc(z), self.f(z), ext=1)

        # prepare kernels
        self.fr_wk = lambda r: r * b_spl(r) * d_spl(r) * (dNdr_spl(
            r) / dNdr_tot)  # W_ell: r*b*(D(r)/D(0))*dN/dr
        self.fr_wrk = lambda r: r * f_spl(r) * d_spl(r) * (dNdr_spl(
            r) / dNdr_tot)  # Wr_ell:r*f*(D(r)/D(0))*dN/dr
        self.fr_wkfnl = lambda r: r * (b_spl(r) - p) * (dNdr_spl(
            r) / dNdr_tot)  # Wfnl_ell:r*(b-p)*dN/dr
        self.kernels_ready = False
Example #3
 def loop_interpolators(self,
                        trim=[0, 1],
                        full=False):  # outer loop coordinate interpolators
     r, z = self.x['cl']['r'], self.x['cl']['z']
     self.fun = {'in': {}, 'out': {}}
     for side, sign in zip(['in', 'out', 'cl'],
                           [-1, 1, 1]):  # inner/outer loop offset
         r, z = self.x[side]['r'], self.x[side]['z']
         index = self.transition_index(r, z)
         r = r[index['lower'] + 1:index['upper']]
         z = z[index['lower'] + 1:index['upper']]
         r, z = geom.offset(r, z, sign * offset)
         if full:  # full loop (including nose)
             rmid, zmid = np.mean([r[0], r[-1]]), np.mean([z[0], z[-1]])
             r = np.append(rmid, r)
             r = np.append(r, rmid)
             z = np.append(zmid, z)
             z = np.append(z, zmid)
         l = geom.length(r, z)
         lt = np.linspace(trim[0], trim[1], int(np.diff(trim) * len(l)))
         r, z = interp1d(l, r)(lt), interp1d(l, z)(lt)
         l = np.linspace(0, 1, len(r))
         self.fun[side] = {'r': IUS(l, r), 'z': IUS(l, z)}
         self.fun[side]['L'] = geom.length(r, z, norm=False)[-1]
         self.fun[side]['dr'] = self.fun[side]['r'].derivative()
         self.fun[side]['dz'] = self.fun[side]['z'].derivative()
def spline_accelerometer(feature_vec, kk=4):
    Given a 128 segment accelerometer feature vector separated
    as [a_x1, a_y1, a_z1, a_x2, ... , a_z128]

    we fit the data with a univariate spline

    xline = feature_vec[0::3]  #*np.hanning(len(feature_vec)//3)
    #     xline = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.pad(np.fft.fft(xline)[103:-103],103)))

    yline = feature_vec[1::3]  #*np.hanning(len(feature_vec)//3)
    #     yline = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.pad(np.fft.fft(yline)[103:-103],103)))

    zline = feature_vec[2::3]  #*np.hanning(len(feature_vec)//3)
    #     zline = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.pad(np.fft.fft(zline)[103:-103],103)))

    #spline the accleration, aka alpha'
    num = len(feature_vec) / 3
    t = np.arange(0, num)  #define time interval
    a_x_spline = IUS(t, xline, k=kk)
    a_y_spline = IUS(t, yline, k=kk)
    a_z_spline = IUS(t, zline, k=kk)

    return a_x_spline, a_y_spline, a_z_spline
Example #5
 def _unboxHermiteGeneral(self, lam_range, fullg_r, fullg_a, fullg_e):
     #Construct hermite vlaues
     m_herm_r = self._cubic_mono_hermite_spline(lam_range, fullg_r)
     m_herm_a = self._cubic_mono_hermite_spline(lam_range, fullg_a)
     m_herm_e = self._cubic_mono_hermite_spline(lam_range, fullg_e)
     interm_n = 100
     (xout_r, yout_r, dr) = self._buildHermite(lam_range, fullg_r, interm_n)
     (xout_a, yout_a, da) = self._buildHermite(lam_range, fullg_a, interm_n)
     (xout_e, yout_e, de) = self._buildHermite(lam_range, fullg_e, interm_n)
     #Constuct functions, not worying about second derivative for now
     self.h_r = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, lam_range, fullg_r, m_herm_r, 'point')
     self.dh_r = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, lam_range, fullg_r, m_herm_r, 'der')
     self.h_a = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, lam_range, fullg_a, m_herm_a, 'point')
     self.dh_a = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, lam_range, fullg_a, m_herm_a, 'der')
     self.h_e = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, lam_range, fullg_e, m_herm_e, 'point')
     self.dh_e = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, lam_range, fullg_e, m_herm_e, 'der')
     self.h_r_inv = IUS(yout_r, xout_r)
     self.h_a_inv = IUS(yout_a, xout_a)
     self.h_e_inv = IUS(yout_e, xout_e)
Example #6
 def compute_splines(self):
     # To be called after set_model
     self.lag_spline = IUS(self.ins_times, self.lags_t)
     self.Retreat_model_at_t = self.get_Rt_model(self.lags_t,
     self.retreat_model_spline = IUS(self.ins_times,
     self.iretreat_model_spline = self.retreat_model_spline.antiderivative()
 def __init__(self, times: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray):
     dt = np.diff(times)
     assert (dt > 0).all(), "times must be monotonically increasing"
     self._times = times
     self._variable = variable
     self._var_data_spline = IUS(self._times, self._variable)
     self._int_var_data_spline = self._var_data_spline.antiderivative()
     self._var2_data_spline = IUS(self._times, self._variable**2)
     self._int_var2_data_spline = self._var2_data_spline.antiderivative()
 def __init__(self, times: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray):
     self._times = times
     self._variable = variable
     self._var_data_spline = IUS(self._times, self._variable)
     self._int_var_data_spline = self._var_data_spline.antiderivative()
     self._var2_data_spline = IUS(self._times, self._variable ** 2)
     self._int_var2_data_spline = self._var2_data_spline.antiderivative()
     self._var3_data_spline = IUS(self._times, self._variable ** 3)
     self._int_var3_data_spline = self._var3_data_spline.antiderivative()
Example #9
 def build_splines(self):
     """Build the splines needed for integrals over mass bins.
     lM_min, lM_max = self.l10M_bounds
     M_domain = np.logspace(lM_min - 1, lM_max + 1, num=500)
     sigmaM = np.array(
         [cc.sigmaMtophat(M, self.scale_factor) for M in M_domain])
     self.sigmaM_spline = IUS(M_domain, sigmaM)
     ln_sig_inv_spline = IUS(M_domain, -np.log(sigmaM))
     deriv_spline = ln_sig_inv_spline.derivative()
     self.deriv_spline = deriv_spline
Example #10
def dNdz_model(sample='qso', z_low=0.1, kind=1):

    if sample == 'qso':

        dNdz, z = np.loadtxt(
        dNdz_interp = IUS(z, dNdz)

        z_high = 4.0
        nz_low = lambda z: z**kind * dNdz_interp(z_low) / z_low**kind
        nz_high = lambda z: np.exp(-z**1.65) * dNdz_interp(z_high) / np.exp(

        z_g = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 500)
        dNdz_g = dNdz_interp(z_g)
        dNdz_g[(z_g < z_low)] = nz_low(z_g[z_g < z_low])
        dNdz_g[(z_g > z_high)] = nz_high(z_g[z_g > z_high])

        #plt.plot(z, dNdz, 'b--', lw=4, alpha=0.3)
        #plt.plot(z_g, dNdz_g, 'r-')
        # plt.semilogy()
        # plt.ylim(1.0e-8, 1.e3)
        return z_g, dNdz_g

    elif sample == 'lrg':

        zmin, zmax, dNdz = np.loadtxt(
            usecols=(0, 1, 2),
        zmid = 0.5 * (zmin + zmax)
        dNdz_interp = IUS(zmid, dNdz, ext=1)
        z_g = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0, 500)
        dNdz_g = dNdz_interp(z_g)

        return z_g, dNdz_g

    elif sample == 'mock':

        z = np.arange(0.0, 3.0, 0.001)
        i_lim = 26.  # Limiting i-band magnitude
        z0 = 0.0417 * i_lim - 0.744
        Ngal = 46. * 100.31 * (i_lim - 25.)  # Normalisation, galaxies/arcmin^2
        pz = 1. / (2. * z0) * (z / z0)**2. * np.exp(
            -z / z0)  # Redshift distribution, p(z)
        dNdz = Ngal * pz  # Number density distribution

        return z, dNdz
        raise NotImplemented(f'{sample}')
	def get_sf_rm(self, mode, m, capt_params,  ri=0.99):
		Get shock formation location from Eq. 7 of Ro&Matzner 2017
		NB by default, the mode is deposited near the outer layers of the star unlike in Ro&Matzner
		where it is deposited deep inside of the star. xi is the initial radius of the Perturbation

		xs2,vs=self.get_mode_vel(mode, m, capt_params)
		ud=IUS(xs2, vs).derivative(1)(ri)
		Lmaxi=IUS(self.rs, Lmax)(ri)
		return self.rs, [IUS(self.rs, -ud*(g+1.)/2.*(Lmax/Lmaxi)**0.5/self.cs).integral(ri, rr) for rr in self.rs]
Example #12
    def __init__(self,

        # input parameters
        kw_cosmo = locals()
        for kw, val in kw_cosmo.items():
            print(f'{kw:10s}: {val}')

        sigma8 = kw_cosmo.pop('sigma8')
        cosmo = cosmology.Cosmology(**kw_cosmo).match(sigma8=sigma8)

        # --- cosmology calculators
        redshift = 0.0
        delta_crit = 1.686  # critical overdensity for collapse from Press-Schechter
        DH = (
            cosmo.H0 / cosmo.C
        )  # in units of h/Mpc, eq. 4 https://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/9905116.pdf
        Omega0_m = cosmo.Omega0_m

        k_ = np.logspace(-10, 10, 10000)
        Plin_ = cosmology.LinearPower(cosmo, redshift,
                                      transfer='CLASS')  # P(k) in (Mpc/h)^3
        self.Plin = IUS(k_, Plin_(k_), ext=1)
        Tlin_ = cosmology.transfers.CLASS(
            cosmo, redshift)  # T(k), normalized to one at k=0
        tk_ = Tlin_(k_)
        is_good = np.isfinite(tk_)
        self.Tlin = IUS(k_[is_good], tk_[is_good], ext=1)
        self.Dlin = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor  # D(z), normalized to one at z=0
        self.f = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_rate  # dlnD/dlna
        self.Dc = cosmo.comoving_distance
        self.h = cosmo.efunc
        self.inv_pi = 2.0 / np.pi

        # alpha_fnl: equation 2 of Mueller et al 2017
        self.alpha_fnl = 3.0 * delta_crit * Omega0_m * (DH**2)
Example #13
def build_C0_spline(max_log10_sigma=0., npt=100, ret_all=False, beta=4.):
    Generate a spline of C0 vs sigma values for the
    McQuinn formalism

        max_log10_sigma (float, optional):
        npt (int, optional):
        ret_all (bool, optional):
            if True, return more items
        beta (float, optional):

        float or tuple:  If ret_all, return f_C), sigmas, COs else return the spline

    sigmas = 10**np.linspace(-2, max_log10_sigma, npt)
    C0s = np.zeros_like(sigmas)
    # Loop
    for kk, sigma in enumerate(sigmas):
        # Minimize
        res = minimize_scalar(deviate1, args=(sigma, beta))
        C0s[kk] = res.x
    # Spline
    f_C0 = IUS(sigmas, C0s)
    # Return
    if ret_all:
        return f_C0, sigmas, C0s
        return f_C0
Example #14
    def _init_cosmology(self,
        # 0.69
        # 0.26
        # theoretical mu
        self.z_grid = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, nbin)
        #self.z_grid  = np.logspace(np.log10(zmin), np.log10(zmax), nbin) # logarithmic grid
        theory = Cosmology(om_m=om_m, om_L=om_L, h=h)
        self.mu_th = 5 * np.log10(np.vectorize(theory.DL)(self.z_grid)) + 25

        # interpolate the theory on data points
        self.mu_th_spl = IUS(self.z_grid, self.mu_th)

        # guess
        self.mu_g_grid = self.mu_th
        self.mu_g_data = self.mu_th_spl(self.z_data)
        self.mu_g_data_t = self.mu_th_spl(self.z_data_t)

        # chi2
        self.chi2 = [chi2(self.mu_g_data, self.mu_data, self.mu_err)]
        self.err = [chi2(self.mu_g_data_t, self.mu_data_t, self.mu_err_t)]
        self.baseline = [
            chi2(np.mean(self.mu_data), self.mu_data, self.mu_err),
            chi2(np.mean(self.mu_data), self.mu_data_t, self.mu_err_t)
def get_args(i):
    Ms = np.array([])
    bs = np.array([])
    tbs = np.array([])
    pd = np.array([])
    pde = np.array([])
    bes = np.array([])
    icovs = np.array([])
    boxes = np.array([])
    snaps = np.array([])
    cosmo, h, Omega_m = get_cosmo(i)
    hmf = mf_obj(i)
    k = np.logspace(-5, 1, num=1000) #Mpc^-1
    kh = k/h
    nus = [] #sigma^2
    for j in range(0,10): #snap
        z = zs[j]
        M, Mlo, Mhigh, b, be = np.loadtxt("/Users/tmcclintock/Data/linear_bias_test/TestBox%03d-combined_Z%d_DS50_linearbias.txt"%(i,j)).T
        M = np.ascontiguousarray(M)
        Mlo = np.ascontiguousarray(Mlo)
        Mhigh = np.ascontiguousarray(Mhigh)
        inds = Mhigh > 1e99
        Mhigh[inds] = 1e16
        p = np.array([cosmo.pk_lin(ki, z) for ki in k])*h**3
        nu = ph.nu_at_M(M, kh, p, Omega_m)

        #Replace this part with the average bias
        Mbins = np.array([Mlo, Mhigh]).T
        n_bins = hmf.n_in_bins(Mbins, z) #Denominator

        Marr = np.logspace(np.log10(M[0]*0.98), 16, 1000)
        lMarr = np.log(Marr)
        nuarr = ph.nu_at_M(Marr, kh, p, Omega_m)
        dndlm = hmf.dndlM(Marr, z)
        b_n = dndlm * ct.bias.bias_at_nu(nuarr)
        b_n_spl = IUS(lMarr, b_n)
        lMbins = np.log(Mbins)
        tb = np.zeros_like(nu)
        for ind in range(len(tb)):
            tbi = quad(b_n_spl, lMbins[ind,0], lMbins[ind,1])
            tbi2 = b_n_spl.integral(lMbins[ind,0], lMbins[ind,1])
            #print tbi[0]/n_bins[ind], tbi2/n_bins[ind]
            tb[ind] = tbi[0] / n_bins[ind]
        #print b
        #print tb
        #print ct.bias.bias_at_nu(nu) #instantaneous tinker bias
        #tb = ct.bias.bias_at_nu(nu) #instantaneous tinker bias

        tbs = np.concatenate((tbs, tb))

        Ms=np.concatenate((Ms, M))
        bs=np.concatenate((bs, b))
        bes=np.concatenate((bes, be))
        nus = np.concatenate((nus, nu))
        pd = np.concatenate((pd, (b-tb)/tb))
        pde = np.concatenate((pde, be/tb))
        boxes = np.concatenate((boxes, np.ones_like(M)*i))
        snaps = np.concatenate((snaps, np.ones_like(M)*j))
    return nus, bs, bes, Ms, tbs, pd, pde, boxes, snaps
def get_multiplicative_bias_prior(zi):
    #See McClintock et al. (2019) for details
    z, R, Re = np.loadtxt("../data/photoz_calibration/sci_correction.dat",
    delta_plus_1 = 1. / R
    dp1_unc = Re / R**2
    dp1_spline = IUS(z, delta_plus_1)
    dp1e_spline = IUS(z, dp1_unc)
    dp1_z = dp1_spline(zi)
    dp1_var = dp1e_spline(zi)**2
    m = 0.012  #Y1 value! TODO
    m_var = 0.013**2  #Y1 value! TODO
    Am_mean = dp1_z + m
    Am_var = dp1_var + m_var
    return Am_mean, Am_var
def log_integral(x1, x2, xs, ys):
	Compute \int_{u1}^{u2} e^u y(u) du, where u is log(x), u1=log(x1), and u2=log(x2). 
	y(u) is conputed from an interpolating spline constructed from xs and ys
	return IUS(us, ys*np.exp(us)).integral(np.log(x1), np.log(x2))
	def __init__(self):
		dat_poly=np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'poly3.tsv'))
		self.mass=u.Quantity([IUS(self.R, 4.0*np.pi*self.R**2.*self.Rho).integral(self.R[0], rr) for rr in self.R])
Example #19
 def _unboxHermiteOptimal(self):
     #This is a special constructor that was built from an optimization routine
     Npoints = 5
     x_herm = numpy.concatenate(
         (linspace(0, 0.3, Npoints), linspace(.3, 1, Npoints)[1:]))
     y_herm = numpy.array([
         0.0, 0.01950203, 0.0351703, 0.04887419, 0.06248457, 0.11138664,
         0.21265207, 0.46874771, 1.0
     m_herm = self._cubic_mono_hermite_spline(x_herm, y_herm)
     interm_n = 100
     #Construct inverse
     (xout, yout, dr) = self._buildHermite(x_herm, y_herm, interm_n)
     self.h_r = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, x_herm, y_herm, m_herm, 'point')
     self.dh_r = lambda L: self._hermite_spline_point(
         L, x_herm, y_herm, m_herm, 'der')
     self.h_a = lambda L: L
     self.dh_a = lambda L: 1
     self.d2h_a = lambda L: 0
     self.h_e = lambda L: L
     self.dh_e = lambda L: 1
     self.d2h_e = lambda L: 0
     self.h_r_inv = IUS(yout, xout)
     self.h_a_inv = lambda h: h
     self.h_e_inv = lambda h: h
Example #20
def get_data(filename):
    # Make dataframe
    df = pd.read_csv(filename,
                     names=["Wavelength", "Absorbance"],

    # Remove rows where we get NaN as an absorbance
    df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='raise')
    df = df.dropna()

    # We only care about the wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm.
    df = df[(df["Wavelength"] < 700) & (400 < df["Wavelength"])]

    # Smooth the absorbance data
    df["Absorbance"] = ss.savgol_filter(df["Absorbance"],

    # An object which makes splines
    spline_maker = IUS(df["Wavelength"], df["Absorbance"])

    # An object which calculates the derivative of those splines
    deriv_1 = spline_maker.derivative(n=1)
    deriv_2 = spline_maker.derivative(n=2)

    # Calculate the derivative at all of the splines
    df["First_derivative"] = deriv_1(df["Wavelength"])
    df["Second_derivative"] = deriv_2(df["Wavelength"])

    return df
Example #21
File: igm.py Project: starlism/FRB
def average_DMhalos(z,
    Average DM_halos term from halos along the sightline to an FRB

        z (float): Redshift of the FRB
        cosmo (Cosmology): Cosmology in which the calculations
          are to be performed.
        f_hot (float, optional): Fraction of the halo baryons in diffuse phase.
        rmax (float, optional): Size of a halo in units of r200
        logMmin (float, optional): Lowest mass halos to consider
          Cannot be much below 10.3 or the Halo code barfs
          The code deals with h^-1 factors, i.e. do not impose it yourself
        neval (int, optional): Number of redshift values between
          0 and z the function is evaluated at.
        cumul (bool, optional): Return a cumulative evaluation?

        DM_halos (Quantity or Quantity array): One value if cumul=False
          else evaluated at a series of z
        zeval (ndarray): Evaluation redshifts if cumul=True

    zeval, dz = np.linspace(0, z, neval, retstep=True)

    # Electron number density in the universe
    ne_tot = ne_cosmic(zeval, cosmo=cosmo)

    # Diffuse gas mass fraction
    f_diff = f_diffuse(zeval, cosmo=cosmo)

    # Fraction of total mass in halos
    zvals = np.linspace(0, z, 20)
    fhalos = halos.frac_in_halos(zvals,
    fhalos_interp = IUS(zvals, fhalos)(zeval)

    # Electron number density in halos only
    ne_halos = ne_tot * fhalos_interp * f_hot / f_diff

    # Cosmology -- 2nd term is the (1+z) factor for DM
    denom = cosmo.H(zeval) * (1 + zeval) * (1 + zeval)

    # DM halos
    DM_halos = (constants.c * np.cumsum(ne_halos * dz / denom)).to('pc/cm**3')

    # Return
    if cumul:
        return DM_halos, zeval
        return DM_halos[-1]
Example #22
def frac_in_halos(zvals, Mlow, Mhigh, rmax=1.):
    Calculate the fraction of dark matter in collapsed halos
     over a mass range and at a given redshift

    Note that the fraction of DM associated with these halos
    will be scaled down by an additional factor of f_diffuse

    Requires Aemulus HMF to be installed

        zvals: ndarray
        Mlow: float
          In h^-1 units already so this will be applied for the halo mass function
        Mhigh: float
          In h^-1 units already
        rmax: float
          Extent of the halo in units of rvir

        ratios: ndarray
          rho_halo / rho_m
    hmfe = init_hmf()

    M = np.logspace(np.log10(Mlow * cosmo.h),
                    np.log10(Mhigh * cosmo.h),
    lM = np.log(M)

    ratios = []
    for z in zvals:
        a = 1. / (1.0 + z)  # scale factor

        # Setup
        #dndlM = np.array([hmfe.dndlnM(Mi, a)[0] for Mi in M])
        dndlM = hmfe.dndlnM(M, z)
        M_spl = IUS(lM, M * dndlM)

        # Integrate
        rho_tot = M_spl.integral(np.log(Mlow * cosmo.h), np.log(
            Mhigh * cosmo.h)) * units.M_sun / units.Mpc**3
        # Cosmology
        rho_M = cosmo.critical_density(z) * cosmo.Om(z) / (
            1 + z)**3  # Tinker calculations are all mass
        ratio = (rho_tot * cosmo.h**2 / rho_M).decompose()
    ratios = np.array(ratios)
    # Boost halos if extend beyond rvir (homologous in mass, but constant concentration is an approx)
    if rmax != 1.:
        #from pyigm.cgm.models import ModifiedNFW
        c = 7.7
        nfw = ModifiedNFW(c=c)
        M_ratio = nfw.fy_dm(rmax * nfw.c) / nfw.fy_dm(nfw.c)
        ratios *= M_ratio
    # Return
    return np.array(ratios)
Example #23
def average_DMIGM(z, fb=1., rmax=1., neval=1000):
    Estimate DM_IGM in a cumulative fashion

        z (float):
            Redshift for the evaluation
        fb (float, optional):
            Fraction of the cosmic baryons in a given halo
            1 means halos have all of their alloted baryons to r200
        rmax (float, optional):
        neval (int, optional):
            Number of redshift evaluations

        ndarray, Quantity

    # Redshifts
    zvals = np.linspace(0., z, 50)  # Keep it cheap for fhalos
    dz_vals = zvals[1] - zvals[0]
    # Fraction of DM mass in halos
    fhalos = halos.frac_in_halos(zvals, 3e10, 1e16, rmax=rmax)

    # Fraction of mass in IGM
    fIGM = 1. - fhalos * fb

    # DM_cosmic
    DM_cosmic_cumul, zeval = average_DM(z, cumul=True, neval=neval)
    dzeval = zeval[1] - zeval[0]
    dDM_cosmic = DM_cosmic_cumul - np.roll(DM_cosmic_cumul, 1)
    dDM_cosmic[0] = dDM_cosmic[1]
    DM_interp = IUS(zeval, dDM_cosmic)
    dDM_IGM = DM_interp(zvals) * fIGM * dz_vals / dzeval
    dDM_cosm = DM_interp(zvals) * dz_vals / dzeval

    # Interpolate
    sub_DM_IGM = np.cumsum(dDM_IGM)
    f_IGM = IUS(zvals, sub_DM_IGM)

    # Evaluate
    DM_IGM = f_IGM(zeval)

    # Return
    return DM_IGM * units.pc / units.cm**2, zeval
Example #24
 def make_dndlM_spline(self):
     """Creates a spline for dndlM so that the integrals
     over mass bins are faster
     bounds = np.log(10**self.l10M_bounds)
     lM = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], num=100)
     dndlM = np.array([self.dndlM(lMi) for lMi in lM])
     self.dndlM_spline = IUS(lM, dndlM)
     return lM, dndlM
Example #25
    def get_data(self):

        full_y = self.ds.get_data()[:,0]
        full_x = np.arange(full_y.shape[0])
        non_nan_indexes = np.logical_not(np.isnan(full_y))
        non_nan_x = np.copy(full_x[non_nan_indexes])
        non_nan_y = full_y[non_nan_indexes]
        f = IUS(non_nan_x, non_nan_y, k=3)
        interped = f(full_x)[:,np.newaxis]

        return interped
def get_mode_info(mode_file, rs, dens,  ms1, gs1):
	Extract frequency and multipole order of the mode from GYRE output. Second argument is
	intepolation function, which contains the the density profile of the model. 

	Only deals with adiabatic gyre output so far, so assume xis and omegas are real...

	mode_file -- file with info on stellar modes
	rs, dens, ms1, gs1--radii, densities, enclosed mass, gravitational acceleration (G menc(r)/r^2)
	mode_info=ascii.read(mode_file,header_start=1, data_end=3)
	dat_mode=ascii.read(mode_file, data_start=5, header_start=4)
	##Make sure grid for mode file is consistent with that from stellar model.
	##Take second radius in case first one is zero
	rhos=IUS(rs, dens)(xs)
	ms=IUS(rs, ms1)(xs)
	gs=IUS(rs[1:], gs1[1:])(xs)
	aux=IUS(rs[1:], (rs[1:]**4./gs1[1:])).derivative(1)(xs)


	##Normalizing the eigenmodes 
	norm1=IUS(xs, rhos*xs**2.*xi_r**2.).integral(xs[0], xs[-1])
	norm2=(mode_dict['l']+1.)*mode_dict['l']*IUS(xs, rhos*xs**2.*xi_h**2.).integral(xs[0], xs[-1])
	##Standard expression for Mode overlap integral from Press&Teukolsky1977.
	if mode_dict['omega']>0.5:
		mode_dict['Q']=abs(IUS(xs, xs**2*rhos*mode_dict['l']*(xs**(mode_dict['l']-1.))*(xi_r+(mode_dict['l']+1.)*xi_h)).integral(xs[0], xs[-1]))
	##Use eq. 78 from Ivanov, Papalaziou, Chernov 2013 for low frequencies as this is more numerically stable
		mode_dict['Q']=mode_dict['omega']**2.*abs(IUS(xs, xs**4.*rhos*(xi_r/gs+(xi_h/xs**3.)*aux)).integral(xs[0], xs[-1]))	


	return mode_dict
 def test_get_xt(self):
     time = np.linspace(0, 1e6, 1000)
     insolation = np.sin(np.radians(np.linspace(0, 360, 1000)))
     spline = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
     spline = IUS(time, insolation)
     csc_angle = np.radians(np.linspace(0, 360, 1000))
     cot_angle = np.radians(np.linspace(0, 360, 1000))
     constant = 1.0
     slope = 1e-6
     model = LinearInsolation(time, insolation, constant, slope)
     xt = model.get_xt(time, spline, cot_angle, csc_angle)
     assert (xt != np.nan).all()
     assert (xt != np.inf).all()
     assert np.size(xt) == np.size(time)
Example #28
    def deriv(self, degree: int) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
        """Find the n-th derivative"""
        pH, volume = self.trim_values(self.ph, self.volume_titrant)

        # An object which makes splines
        spline_maker = IUS(volume, pH)

        # An object which calculates the derivative of those splines
        deriv_function = spline_maker.derivative(n=degree)

        # Calculate the derivative at all of the splines
        d = deriv_function(volume)

        return volume, d
Example #29
    def blanket_thickness(self, Nt=100, plot=False):
        bl, loop = {}, {}  # read blanket
        for side in ['in', 'out']:
            bl[side], c = {}, {}
            for x in ['r', 'z']:
                c[x] = self.parts['Blanket'][side][x]
            r, z = geom.order(c['r'], c['z'], anti=True)
            r, z, l = geom.unique(r, z)  # remove repeats
            bl[side]['r'], bl[side]['z'] = r, z
            loop[side] = {'r': IUS(l, r), 'z': IUS(l, z)}  # interpolator

        def thickness(L, Lo, loop, norm):
            r = loop['in']['r'](Lo) + L[0] * norm['nr'](Lo)
            z = loop['in']['z'](Lo) + L[0] * norm['nz'](Lo)
            err = (r-loop['out']['r'](L[1]))**2+\
            return err

        r, z = geom.unique(bl['in']['r'], bl['in']['z'])[:2]  # remove repeats
        nr, nz, r, z = geom.normal(r, z)
        l = geom.length(r, z)
        norm = {'nr': IUS(l, nr), 'nz': IUS(l, nz)}  # interpolator

        dt, Lo = np.zeros(Nt), np.linspace(0, 1, Nt)
        for i, lo in enumerate(Lo):
            L = minimize(thickness, [0, lo],
                         bounds=([0, 5], [0, 1]),
                         args=(lo, loop, norm)).x
            dt[i] = np.sqrt((loop['in']['r'](lo) - loop['out']['r'](L[1]))**2 +
                            (loop['in']['z'](lo) - loop['out']['z'](L[1]))**2)
            dt[i] = L[0]
        dt = savgol_filter(dt, 7, 2)  # filter
        if plot:
            pl.plot(Lo, dt)
        return [np.min(dt), np.max(dt)]
Example #30
def plot_bf(i, args, bfpath, savepath=None):
    cosmo, h, Omega_m, hmf = get_cosmo(i)
    params = np.loadtxt(bfpath)
    colors = [plt.get_cmap("seismic")(ci) for ci in np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, len(zs))]
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
    for j in range(len(zs)):
        z = zs[j]
        M = args['Ms'][j]
        b = args['biases'][j]
        be = args['berrs'][j]
        nu = args['nus'][j]
        lMbins = args['lMbins'][j]
        lMarr = args['lMarr']
        nuarr = args['nuarrs'][j]
        dndlM = args['dndlMs'][j]
        nbin = args['n_bins'][j]

        a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2 = model_swap(params, args, args['x'][j])

        b_n = dndlM * bias._bias_at_nu_FREEPARAMS(nuarr,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2)
        b_n_spl = IUS(lMarr, b_n)
        bmodel = np.array([quad(b_n_spl, lMbins[k,0], lMbins[k,1])[0]/nbin[k] for k in range(len(M))])

        #bmodel = bias._bias_at_nu_FREEPARAMS(nu,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2)
        ax[0].errorbar(M, b, be, c=colors[j], marker='.', ls='',label=r"$z=%.2f$"%z)
        ax[0].loglog(M, bmodel, ls='-', c=colors[j])
        pd = (b-bmodel)/bmodel
        pde = be/bmodel
        ax[1].errorbar(M, pd, pde, c=colors[j])
    ax[1].axhline(0, c='k', ls='--', zorder=-1)
    xlim = ax[1].get_xlim()
    ax[1].fill_between(xlim,-.01,.01, color='gray', alpha=0.4, zorder=-2)
    ax[0].legend(frameon=False, loc="upper right", fontsize=8)
    ax[1].set_xlabel(r"$M\ [{\rm M_\odot}/h]$")
    ax[1].set_ylabel(r"$(b_{\rm sim}-b_{\rm Fit})/b_{\rm Fit}$")
    #ax[0].text(1e13, 4, "PRELIMINARY", color='r', fontsize=20, alpha=0.5)
    #ax[1].text(1e13, 0.02, "PRELIMINARY", color='r', fontsize=20, alpha=0.5)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, bottom=0.15, left=0.15)
    if savepath:
        plt.gcf().savefig(savepath, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')